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Everything posted by Shabibilicious

  1. This is by far the funniest statement you've ever authored. I almost choked on my juice box when I read it. Thank you. GO RV, then BV
  2. I have to hand it to Tucker....he knows his audience, and he knows what flavor chum they can't remains to be seen if the chum's ingredients contains any truth. GO RV, then BV
  3. We'll simply have to agree to disagree on the last part of your statement, though I respect your opinions also. GO RV, then BV
  4. I've stated numerous times that I'm all for long as they are conducted by non biased, credible sources. The audit in Arizona is everything but that, starting with the company's CEO. GO RV, then BV
  5. The return of our hard earned place at the head of the world table for sure, respect for our military, immigration, getting companies restaffed and back to product output levels as seen before the pandemic shutdown, deterring our adversaries, as opposed to coddling them, racial equality/equity, and absolutely rebuilding our broken down infrastructure. GO RV, then BV
  6. Exactly right. And the tragic condo collapse in Florida is a stark reminder of what happens when regulations, industry safety standards, and enforcement of such, is disregarded. GO RV, then BV
  7. Interesting video. I'm eager to see if any of the claims pan out to be true. GO RV, then BV
  8. The last pOTUS talked about an infrastructure plan for his entire tenure and never did a thing about it. One bridge collapse like the one in Minneapolis a few years back is one collapse too many. These things don't last forever, and at some point every structure deteriorates beyond costly maintenance. GO RV, then BV
  9. 81 million voters are quite certain they restored the good last November when they voted DJT out of our White House. GO RV, then BV
  10. This is not a shot at you, but it's interesting that the Right never bats an eye at our bloated national debt when they are in charge. GO RV, then BV
  11. Audits are long as they're not being conducted by biased partisan hacks. As always, just my opinion. GO RV, then BV
  12. When this 2020 election nonsense is finally over (which may never happen for staunch partisans) people will be compelled to reevaluate their chosen side considering, "God never loses". As always, just my opinion. GO RV, then BV
  13. Actually when my wife and I became available for the vaccine, based soley on our ages, I registered us with the county health department, and they in turn gave us a reservation time, date, and venue to receive said standing in line. The whole process took 3 minutes, plus a 15 minute wait and watch, in the rare occurrence an extreme side effect appears....No fear, don't hesitate....vaccinate. The life you save may be somebody you love besides yourself. GO RV, then BV
  14. One of the premier medical facilities in the entire country....There will always be people who talk trash about these places...until they or a loved one is dying and needs the best medical care available. GO RV, then BV
  15. And now, according to some fringe fear folks, the vaxx is nothing more than culling of the herd.....Who was the genius who brought us warp speed again? GO RV, then BV
  16. Well aware of the dramatic drop in flu deaths in Ohio...doesn't take a MIT grad to understand the benefits of mask wearing and social distancing against the spread of the flu. GO RV, then BV
  17. 4 million dead worldwide from Covid-19...600,000 of those dead in this country alone. Stop the fear, don't hesitate...vaccinate. GO RV, then BV
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