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Everything posted by MarchMadnes

  1. Force an RV you idiots and use the money wisely now this is part of the reason 1000s of us believe there will be no LOP I really dont think our govt will allow it unless they truely want to see our country fail! We will see the results probably pretty soon and hopefully they do the right thing which not all govt officials have corrupt views so hope they prevail and this RV is part of the plan for our countries survival!
  2. SSO_Scooby Administrator Posts: 7617 Lop Knot Untied Many naysayers are mistakenly convinced that Iraq will LOP 3 zeros off the face value of their currency, in essence causing a 25,000-dinar note to take on the value of a 25-dinar note. The purpose of this web site is to show that this will not be the case. The 25,000-dinar notes and the 25-dinar notes will co-exist. Hence, the 25,000-dinar note will be worth 1000 25-dinar notes. In like manner, the 10,000s & 10s will co-exist as will the 5,000s & the 5s along with the 1,000s and the 1s … as they all should, simply put, straight-forward to our normal way of thinking. 4-5s = a 20, 5-20s = 100, etc. Is it a LOP or an RD, aren’t they the same? Some, again, erroneously, are of the opinion that redenomination (RD) and LOP mean the same thing. In reality, redenomination actually has nothing to do with the value of the currency in question. In redenomination, yes, the numbers in face value of the currency change, but, not necessarily to make them smaller. This method is often used to add zeroes as well. The misundestanding is in the fact that a LOP assumes a decrease in the value of the currency that is reflected in the numbers that appear on the new currency. If not for this fact, then yes, a LOP and RD would be the same thing. But, Iraqi officials announced their plans last year and have specifically called it a redenomination. You see, they have been trying to do this for some time, but, they don’t know how because it’s never been done before in the face of a global economic restructuring project. In a LOP, the upper denominations take on the value of the lower denominations so that they both have the value of the new lower denominations, essentially, dropping zeros out of the face value. This might be done in the case of hyperinflation as a way to catch up with inflation. The old and the new can not co-exist. Holders of the old currency are required to bring their high denominations in to a bank or money changer and have them replaced with the new, lower denominations. Usually, there is a time limit to do so and after that period expires, the high denominations become obsolete and are no longer usable. That is how a LOP works. By the way, Iraq is not experiencing hyperinflation. Conversely, in Redenomination, both upper and lower denominations co-exist with different values. The higher denominations have a value equal to a multiple of the lower denominations. During a Redenomination period, the high denominations are gradually drawn out of circulation and either vaulted, used to facilitate large transactions between banks or destroyed. This is what we did here in the United States. $10,000 notes still exist, they’re collector’s items, but they’re still legal tender for ten-thousand dollars. Read more…..
  3. Lop Knot Untied Many naysayers are mistakenly convinced that Iraq will LOP 3 zeros off the face value of their currency, in essence causing a 25,000-dinar note to take on the value of a 25-dinar note. The purpose of this web site is to show that this will not be the case. The 25,000-dinar notes and the 25-dinar notes will co-exist. Hence, the 25,000-dinar note will be worth 1000 25-dinar notes. In like manner, the 10,000s & 10s will co-exist as will the 5,000s & the 5s along with the 1,000s and the 1s … as they all should, simply put, straight-forward to our normal way of thinking. 4-5s = a 20, 5-20s = 100, etc. Is it a LOP or an RD, aren’t they the same? Some, again, erroneously, are of the opinion that redenomination (RD) and LOP mean the same thing. In reality, redenomination actually has nothing to do with the value of the currency in question. In redenomination, yes, the numbers in face value of the currency change, but, not necessarily to make them smaller. This method is often used to add zeroes as well. The misundestanding is in the fact that a LOP assumes a decrease in the value of the currency that is reflected in the numbers that appear on the new currency. If not for this fact, then yes, a LOP and RD would be the same thing. But, Iraqi officials announced their plans last year and have specifically called it a redenomination. You see, they have been trying to do this for some time, but, they don’t know how because it’s never been done before in the face of a global economic restructuring project. In a LOP, the upper denominations take on the value of the lower denominations so that they both have the value of the new lower denominations, essentially, dropping zeros out of the face value. This might be done in the case of hyperinflation as a way to catch up with inflation. The old and the new can not co-exist. Holders of the old currency are required to bring their high denominations in to a bank or money changer and have them replaced with the new, lower denominations. Usually, there is a time limit to do so and after that period expires, the high denominations become obsolete and are no longer usable. That is how a LOP works. By the way, Iraq is not experiencing hyperinflation. Conversely, in Redenomination, both upper and lower denominations co-exist with different values. The higher denominations have a value equal to a multiple of the lower denominations. During a Redenomination period, the high denominations are gradually drawn out of circulation and either vaulted, used to facilitate large transactions between banks or destroyed. This is what we did here in the United States. $10,000 notes still exist, they’re collector’s items, but they’re still legal tender for ten-thousand dollars. Read more…..
  4. Good one PVS that was a laugh I needed for the day!
  5. Here is to the Debunking of a lop it just wont happen! Some of us have our own intel! Some of us know bankers and govt in high places! I am not here to convince you but for you to understand some of the facts and make your own decision! Read this post I pulled from a strong source! God Bless! Lop Knot Untied Many naysayers are mistakenly convinced that Iraq will LOP 3 zeros off the face value of their currency, in essence causing a 25,000-dinar note to take on the value of a 25-dinar note. The purpose of this web site is to show that this will not be the case. The 25,000-dinar notes and the 25-dinar notes will co-exist. Hence, the 25,000-dinar note will be worth 1000 25-dinar notes. In like manner, the 10,000s & 10s will co-exist as will the 5,000s & the 5s along with the 1,000s and the 1s … as they all should, simply put, straight-forward to our normal way of thinking. 4-5s = a 20, 5-20s = 100, etc. Is it a LOP or an RD, aren’t they the same? Some, again, erroneously, are of the opinion that redenomination (RD) and LOP mean the same thing. In reality, redenomination actually has nothing to do with the value of the currency in question. In redenomination, yes, the numbers in face value of the currency change, but, not necessarily to make them smaller. This method is often used to add zeroes as well. The misundestanding is in the fact that a LOP assumes a decrease in the value of the currency that is reflected in the numbers that appear on the new currency. If not for this fact, then yes, a LOP and RD would be the same thing. But, Iraqi officials announced their plans last year and have specifically called it a redenomination. You see, they have been trying to do this for some time, but, they don’t know how because it’s never been done before in the face of a global economic restructuring project. In a LOP, the upper denominations take on the value of the lower denominations so that they both have the value of the new lower denominations, essentially, dropping zeros out of the face value. This might be done in the case of hyperinflation as a way to catch up with inflation. The old and the new can not co-exist. Holders of the old currency are required to bring their high denominations in to a bank or money changer and have them replaced with the new, lower denominations. Usually, there is a time limit to do so and after that period expires, the high denominations become obsolete and are no longer usable. That is how a LOP works. By the way, Iraq is not experiencing hyperinflation. Conversely, in Redenomination, both upper and lower denominations co-exist with different values. The higher denominations have a value equal to a multiple of the lower denominations. During a Redenomination period, the high denominations are gradually drawn out of circulation and either vaulted, used to facilitate large transactions between banks or destroyed. This is what we did here in the United States. $10,000 notes still exist, they’re collector’s items, but they’re still legal tender for ten-thousand dollars. Read more…..
  6. Ok LOPPERS show me how this will benefit the world! Not just Iraq but all govts involved and everyone else! My guess is this will crush everyone and especially the govts that have helped them! Not stating it as fact just my opinion with all monies shelled out! As I stated previously you think the govts involved will allow this! I am shaky on this subject due to that considering our country paid there war debt to Kuwait and if true that we hold 3.9 trillion that may equate to half what they owe us back with a LOP! It just doesnt make any sense how this could happen! This will screw up many plans for alot of people including the govt I would think! Please give your input not just how this benefits Iraq but govts and all of us if you can?
  7. Here is a couple theories that makes sense to me! Your opinions welcome! "Lifting the Zero's" or "Raising the Zero's" simply means the CBI will create currency using smaller numbers similar to what we have here in the USA. It is presumed the CBI will ask Iraqi's to cash in their existing large note bills which will be exchanged for smaller currency notes such as a 10, 20, 50 etc. Now..the math... In the USA the US dollar will always be worth $1 however foreign currencies have exchange rates. If the dinar revalues tomorrow at $0.86 up to $4.00 that is the exchange rate either on the 25,000 note you have now..or a new currency note with 25 they may produce or may have already produce but waiting to put into circulation. Currently the exchange rate of the dinar is $0.00086 to the dollar. For example a typical Iraqi worker brings home the 1,755,000 per month in salary which is the equivalent of $1500/mo USD at the current exchange rate. (1,755,000 dinars x $0.00086 = $1,500 USD) Now lets say the CBI dropped the zeros without revaluing the exchange rate (theory behind the dreaded LOP). The 25000 note at the same exchange rate of $0.00086 would mean the 1,755,000 in dinar earnings he brought home yesterday would only be worth $1.50 not $1500. This would send Iraq into a tailspin and an economic collapse. It is anticipated the revalue and the dropping of the zero's will occur simultaneously to avoid the situation described above. If the CBI revalues its currency at an exchange rate of $0.86 upwards to $4.00 USD the Iraqi workers earnings from yesterday now becomes worth $1,500,000 to $7,000,000. Another theory out there believes the removal of the zero's would be from the exchange rate itself. Meaning the currency exchange rate of $0.00086 would then become $0.86. Therefore the 25000 dinar note today would equate to $21.50 but after the zero's are removed the 25000 note would equate to $21,500. In turn the CBI would call in large notes and insert small notes into circulation. There are going to be some negative theories out there as well however I believe the above theories make sense.
  8. Great debate everyone both sides have good points! I know everyone here would be happy with a nice RV, I guess it remains to be seen the final answer! Thanks everyone!
  9. raising the 3 zeros is how a lop? If you think govts will allow this its ludicrous why cause didnt we alone pay there war debt to Kuwait now think about it we paid around 25 billion dollars if this lops our govts 3.9 trillion dinar is only 3.9 billion and lets say its $3 per dinar that is only around 12 billion dollars! Do you think our govt would have paid there war debt knowing this was going to LOP! I have a few people who know there stuff such an economist banker in our family and 2 govt official who both laughed when I asked them if this would lop! They all 3 said there is no way not enough inflation for this to take place so I tend to believe 3 people who I fully trust and have been a part of my life since I was born! I hate to say this but I would bet all the dinar I have that your wrong on a LOP! All the forum leaders are in agreement at the very least that this wont LOP!
  10. Here is a news story out of Iraq from last Saturday. It talks about the raising of the three zeros as new currency being issued, and this new currency does not have the three zeros on them... hence raising the three zeros. It mentions adding Kurdish writing to the English and Arabic writing on the bills, and returning the value of it to where it was in the 80's. It is through google translator so the english is a bit dicey. In the last paragraph it says... "And on the variables of the new currency they will appear new look including the lifting of three zeros from the dinar and at the same time returned to the value in the eighties and also will enter the addition to Arabic and English, ..." To put it simply, raising the three zeros is bringing in new currency without the three zeros. One of the things were also mentioned in the economic file of the 2010 Iraq is the Iraqi currency and delete the three zeroes of them, حيث كشف الخبير الأول في البنك المركزي العراقي الدكتور مظهر محمد صالح إن العملة العراقية الجديدة سيجرى عليها جملة من التغييرات من أهمها رفع ثلاث أصفار منها بهدف تشريقها ورفع قوتها الشرائية ، والثانية هو أنها ستظهر بحلة جديدة بإضافة اللغة الكردية للغات العربية والانكليزية التي كانت تطبع بها . Has revealed the first expert at the CBI appearance of Dr. Mohamed Saleh said that Iraq's new currency will be conducted by a number of changes from the most important of which raise three zeroes of the aim of Tharigaha and raise their purchasing power, and the second is that they'll give new look by adding the Kurdish language of Arabic and English that were printed out. وأضاف مظهر إن مشروع تبديل العملة العراقية يعد من بين أهم المشاريع الإستراتيجية التي يسير عليها البنك لكن ليس على المدى القريب وإنما على الأفقين المتوسط والبعيد ، فتغيير العملة ليست بالأمور السهلة فيجب إن تسبقها الكثير من التحضيرات قبيل الوصول لقرار التبديل .خاصة وان الكتلة تعاني التضخم والدولة تسير نحو الاستقرار وبالتالي أفاق التضخم يتحمله سياسات إصلاح هذا التضخم وإصلاح النظام النقدي والعملة ، والتضخم يعاني من تضخم سابق بمعدل 50% وكتلة نقدية كبيرة وقدرة شرائية محدودة وهنا يجب خلق معادلات فبدلا من كمية كبيرة من النقود مقابل كمية صغيرة من السلع نحاول عكس المعادلة كمية قليلة من النقد مقابل قوة شرائية كبيرة . The appearance of the draft Iraqi Currency Exchange is one of the most important strategic projects, which goes by the bank, but not in the near term, but on the horizons the medium and long term, Changing the currency is not things easy it must be preceded by a lot of preparation, such as access to the decision to switch. Especially since the cluster experiencing inflation and the State is moving towards stability and thus the prospects for inflation endures reform policies that inflation and reforming the monetary system and currency, and inflation is suffering from inflation earlier rate of 50% and the mass of large cash and low purchasing power and here we must create equations instead of a large amount of money for a small amount of goods we are trying to reverse the equation a small amount of cash for purchasing power. وبين إن الكتلة النقدية العراقية حاليا تجاوزت ال29 تريليون دينار وتسمى أوراق تعاملية ولا يمكن إن تبقى بالترليونات بل يجب ترشيقها عبر حذف الاصفار وهنا ستخفض إلى الثلث والترشيق أمر مهم لسحب التضخم وسحب كميات من العملة وهو لا يؤثر على الرواتب ولا القوة الشرائية ولا على إي تعاملات نقدية فقط نحاول تخفيف العبء بسحب هذا الكم الهائل من الأوراق ، وبحالة وجود نظام اقتصادي مستقر فيجب اللجوء لهذه السياسة المهمة بعملة مزدهرة ومتفائلة وتتعلق بمستقبل مزدهر للعراق ، وللأسف هناك من يحاول إرجاعه للوراء لكن العراق رغم كل ذلك مقبل لمستقبل مزدهر ويحتاج لإصلاحات مهمة وسريعة وصناعة السياسة النقدية تتدخل في إي أمر تراه مناسب للاقتصاد العراقي ، ووجدنا إن كلفة العد والفرز حاليا ترهق الموظفين ومع عملة رشيقة لا تتطلب هكذا مجهودات . And between the bloc the Iraqi monetary currently exceeded the 29 trillion dinars and called securities transactional and can not remain trillions, but must Trchigaha through the deletion of zeros and here reduced to one third and Limbering is important for the withdrawal of inflation and the withdrawal of amounts of currency which does not affect the wages and purchasing power, or at any MM just trying to ease the burden withdrawal of this vast amount of paperwork, and the state and a stable economic order must resort to this policy is important in the currency of a prosperous and optimistic about a prosperous future for Iraq, and unfortunately there are who tries to return it back, but Iraq in spite of all the future for a prosperous future and in need of major repairs, fast and industry, monetary policy intervene in any matter it deems appropriate for the Iraqi economy, and we found that the cost of counting and sorting currently weighs staff and with the currency of grace does not require such efforts. وبشان متغيرات العملة الجديدة بين أنها ستظهر بحلة جديدة منها رفع ثلاثة أصفار من الدينار وارجاعة لذات قيمته في الثمانينات وأيضا ستظهر بإدخال اللغة الكردية إضافة للعربية والانكليزية وهذا مقر وفق الدستور فاللغة الكردية لغة رسمية ومقرة بالدستور وتستخدم في كافة المخاطبات الرسمية ، وستكون عملية الطباعة رصينة جدا راقية المستوى ووفق مواصفات خاصة جدا وغير قابلة للتزوير والتحريف والتزييف . And on the variables of the new currency between they will appear new look including the lifting of three zeros from the dinar and returned to the same value in the eighties and also will enter the Kurdish language in addition to Arabic and English, this headquarters according to the constitution language Kurdish language official and sanctioned by the Constitution and is used in all official correspondence, and will be printing process solid very fine level and according to specifications of a very special and not subject to fraud and corruption and forgery. Another thing to like is the currency of the 80s was around $2.80 I believe so this is super good news and if all is true this will debunk the low rates as well!
  11. This will explain it no LOP my friend! Here is a news story out of Iraq from last Saturday. It talks about the raising of the three zeros as new currency being issued, and this new currency does not have the three zeros on them... hence raising the three zeros. It mentions adding Kurdish writing to the English and Arabic writing on the bills, and returning the value of it to where it was in the 80's. It is through google translator so the english is a bit dicey. In the last paragraph it says... "And on the variables of the new currency they will appear new look including the lifting of three zeros from the dinar and at the same time returned to the value in the eighties and also will enter the addition to Arabic and English, ..." To put it simply, raising the three zeros is bringing in new currency without the three zeros. One of the things were also mentioned in the economic file of the 2010 Iraq is the Iraqi currency and delete the three zeroes of them, حيث كشف الخبير الأول في البنك المركزي العراقي الدكتور مظهر محمد صالح إن العملة العراقية الجديدة سيجرى عليها جملة من التغييرات من أهمها رفع ثلاث أصفار منها بهدف تشريقها ورفع قوتها الشرائية ، والثانية هو أنها ستظهر بحلة جديدة بإضافة اللغة الكردية للغات العربية والانكليزية التي كانت تطبع بها . Has revealed the first expert at the CBI appearance of Dr. Mohamed Saleh said that Iraq's new currency will be conducted by a number of changes from the most important of which raise three zeroes of the aim of Tharigaha and raise their purchasing power, and the second is that they'll give new look by adding the Kurdish language of Arabic and English that were printed out. وأضاف مظهر إن مشروع تبديل العملة العراقية يعد من بين أهم المشاريع الإستراتيجية التي يسير عليها البنك لكن ليس على المدى القريب وإنما على الأفقين المتوسط والبعيد ، فتغيير العملة ليست بالأمور السهلة فيجب إن تسبقها الكثير من التحضيرات قبيل الوصول لقرار التبديل .خاصة وان الكتلة تعاني التضخم والدولة تسير نحو الاستقرار وبالتالي أفاق التضخم يتحمله سياسات إصلاح هذا التضخم وإصلاح النظام النقدي والعملة ، والتضخم يعاني من تضخم سابق بمعدل 50% وكتلة نقدية كبيرة وقدرة شرائية محدودة وهنا يجب خلق معادلات فبدلا من كمية كبيرة من النقود مقابل كمية صغيرة من السلع نحاول عكس المعادلة كمية قليلة من النقد مقابل قوة شرائية كبيرة . The appearance of the draft Iraqi Currency Exchange is one of the most important strategic projects, which goes by the bank, but not in the near term, but on the horizons the medium and long term, Changing the currency is not things easy it must be preceded by a lot of preparation, such as access to the decision to switch. Especially since the cluster experiencing inflation and the State is moving towards stability and thus the prospects for inflation endures reform policies that inflation and reforming the monetary system and currency, and inflation is suffering from inflation earlier rate of 50% and the mass of large cash and low purchasing power and here we must create equations instead of a large amount of money for a small amount of goods we are trying to reverse the equation a small amount of cash for purchasing power. وبين إن الكتلة النقدية العراقية حاليا تجاوزت ال29 تريليون دينار وتسمى أوراق تعاملية ولا يمكن إن تبقى بالترليونات بل يجب ترشيقها عبر حذف الاصفار وهنا ستخفض إلى الثلث والترشيق أمر مهم لسحب التضخم وسحب كميات من العملة وهو لا يؤثر على الرواتب ولا القوة الشرائية ولا على إي تعاملات نقدية فقط نحاول تخفيف العبء بسحب هذا الكم الهائل من الأوراق ، وبحالة وجود نظام اقتصادي مستقر فيجب اللجوء لهذه السياسة المهمة بعملة مزدهرة ومتفائلة وتتعلق بمستقبل مزدهر للعراق ، وللأسف هناك من يحاول إرجاعه للوراء لكن العراق رغم كل ذلك مقبل لمستقبل مزدهر ويحتاج لإصلاحات مهمة وسريعة وصناعة السياسة النقدية تتدخل في إي أمر تراه مناسب للاقتصاد العراقي ، ووجدنا إن كلفة العد والفرز حاليا ترهق الموظفين ومع عملة رشيقة لا تتطلب هكذا مجهودات . And between the bloc the Iraqi monetary currently exceeded the 29 trillion dinars and called securities transactional and can not remain trillions, but must Trchigaha through the deletion of zeros and here reduced to one third and Limbering is important for the withdrawal of inflation and the withdrawal of amounts of currency which does not affect the wages and purchasing power, or at any MM just trying to ease the burden withdrawal of this vast amount of paperwork, and the state and a stable economic order must resort to this policy is important in the currency of a prosperous and optimistic about a prosperous future for Iraq, and unfortunately there are who tries to return it back, but Iraq in spite of all the future for a prosperous future and in need of major repairs, fast and industry, monetary policy intervene in any matter it deems appropriate for the Iraqi economy, and we found that the cost of counting and sorting currently weighs staff and with the currency of grace does not require such efforts. وبشان متغيرات العملة الجديدة بين أنها ستظهر بحلة جديدة منها رفع ثلاثة أصفار من الدينار وارجاعة لذات قيمته في الثمانينات وأيضا ستظهر بإدخال اللغة الكردية إضافة للعربية والانكليزية وهذا مقر وفق الدستور فاللغة الكردية لغة رسمية ومقرة بالدستور وتستخدم في كافة المخاطبات الرسمية ، وستكون عملية الطباعة رصينة جدا راقية المستوى ووفق مواصفات خاصة جدا وغير قابلة للتزوير والتحريف والتزييف . And on the variables of the new currency between they will appear new look including the lifting of three zeros from the dinar and returned to the same value in the eighties and also will enter the Kurdish language in addition to Arabic and English, this headquarters according to the constitution language Kurdish language official and sanctioned by the Constitution and is used in all official correspondence, and will be printing process solid very fine level and according to specifications of a very special and not subject to fraud and corruption and forgery.
  12. LOP wont happen after all our studies and fractional banking involved! Raising 3 zeros differs for deletion basically means they will remove the currency not devalue it! I will stake all my dinar on it which you dont have to worry! There is no hyperinflation for this to occur so a LOP is way out of the question! See alot of this is to try and get people out of this investment which I have a big wig banker in the family and 2 govt officials for intel! My family (banker) has stated people who believe this will LOP is just ludicrous which will affect there economy in a much worse way then for them to come in with an RI which is $3.22! All I have to say is this LOP business will be debunked at the RV point! As well our family has been correct about all investments we have got into on there studies which I tend to believe him over anything out there to get people in a frenzy! As well both govt official friends said a LOP will not happen due to how fractional banking works which will cost Iraq way less then what the bank will give us! I dont understand economics 101 but these guys I tend to believe and this raising of zeros is a good thing not a LOP! I will post you some info about this that may help you understand be back in a few minutes! Sorry but someone totally explained why a lop wont happen and it made perfect sense but as I get this info I will post it here for you to decide! Keep checking on your post in the next 24 hours I will have it unless i can find it shortly my friend!
  13. me to cause we work online but will thank them definitely for the information they gave us!
  14. These characters are pure idiots just amazing how they fight like children over some of the dumbest stuff! I think its been awhile since some of these little ones had a diaper changed! I never would think these cry babies would fight as much as they do and they think they will survive after our troops leave! The first day we leave I bet someone will over throw Maliki and the parliment itself! I would never trust these cats alone for a day! It will be wise for us to all turn in our dinar before our troops leave as long as the RV is done at that time!
  15. Ok fess up who gave me a negative go ahead state your case why you believe low its alright we all have a right to our own opinions! I tell you whether its your belief system or your studies do not hesitate to state your case! Please educate us I am open to everyone giving us the best info and not rumorville that has drove us all insane or well most of us insane up to this point!
  16. Thank you Fred a good debate from both perspectives is important for us all to meet in the middle at some point! It makes sense this wont come in low I would seriously scratch my head after all the security features they put in the dinar to start off low! Another thing is that I remember if I am correct this will only raise up like 2% every 90 days so in essence it would take a very long time to get back to the $3.22 it was at when Saddam was in power! I know I am not always correct or I do not profess to be a super intellectual person but looking at all the facts presented you can see this being one of those moments people will freak out! Why is there all this misinformation, scam reports, and many things to discredit people to even invest which I believe they want to keep people away because this is going to be that good! I am excited for you all and believe everyone of us made the right decision in this investment! I just feel sorry for those who didnt take the risk who will cry about this after the RV that they did not take our word it would be a life changing experience!
  17. I am sorry but take fractional banking I believe is the correct term, as well many other things this will not come out lower then a few dollars! I know some believe it will be low but consider the debts that were paid off by our country for the war, other countries involved, and many other variables this will come in high! On top of it you wont see a LOP and if its low the big wig billionaires will own Iraq investing in there currency! Also we have a big wig banker in the family who has a huge economic back ground and has stated you wont see a LOP (Not enough Inflation), wont be 5 cents,10 cents, 50 cents, a dollar, much higher above $3+ as the dinar in circulation like 80% are held in Iraq if not higher percent! There is no way unless inflation, or other variables this will be low or a LOP! I stake my families reputation on this as he (bank exec.) has been correct about every investment he has got us into to date so I have to trust in his word! Please look at everything as well this will crush there citizens and hurt them with Kuwait as I was also told they have to be comparable to there rate as well! I know its a good point to look at and I dont discredit you for studying everything but raising the 000s is different from deleting now if they said deletion over raising I would have some concern! I base my opinion somewhat on people I trust that have proven themselves for many years as well the facts and there is no way in hell our country (govt) would have paid there debt if this was going to come in at .01, 10 cents, or a LOP! It just wouldnt make any sense as well the big dawgs will jump on Iraq knowing it will get to $3+ some day which a lot of people are going to be shocked that this is going to be a lot higher then what they believe! I believe a big problem for many of us is the saying "its to good to be true then its not true" which we been programed to believe this way but this is one of those situations its going to happen and I am sure of this! Good post though since we have to look at all angles yet there is to much riding on this to be low as well the affect will hurt more then it will do them good and all involved coming out low! God Bless and best wishes to us all having a big return shortly!
  18. I have a sneaky feeling with Singapore RVing this whole thing is about to take off and by the end of next week we will all be at our respective banks cashing in! I love the breakdown of your numbers it makes sense! I am not sure on the currency deal that it has to be at $1.50 either way there was a formula recently by multiplying the oil production for a year and dividing something into it which would give an idea of what RV rate would be! Randy from another site explained it in his CC the other night a bit and came up with the numbers around $3.50 upto $4.24 with the formula! Who knows which remains to be seen in the very near future!
  19. Well Easyrider time to buy your vineyard or whatever it is your family does that you want to buy in LOL this should be the best lottery ticket we all ever bought and to see miilions win the big pot at the same time will be amazing to all of us! Its time to finally be thankful that our country even with all the corrupt things our govt has done to still give them props for allowing us to be apart of something with such magnitude! Blessings to all our dreams are about to come to fruition!
  20. Good info and I tend to agree we will see at least $3.22 RI or a higher RV to much riding on this and to many govt's involved for this not to RV at the very least $3! Everyone has an opinion but after seeing the oil production numbers, what our govt has done alone for Iraq, the fact it could really create some serious issues if they dont! We even have a big banker in the family that has stated there is no way this will come in low it would make no sense which I tend to believe them when they show us all the issues why it wouldnt come in low! So go ahead everyone beat me up for my opinion cause I know that is coming in next! Maybe some want to believe low so if it is high they will be suprised and maybe some just believe low cause they were taught anything to good to be true wont happen! I was taught that way but as you look at the whole system and how big this is I am convinced this will be much better then alot of people think! Be prepared if your one to think this will be low to be shocked! I am sure some are here just to keep this low key and debunk everything such as a high rate so to many dont buy into this investment! Look at all the misinfo coming out to do you think this will actually LOP or be any less then a few dollars? Some people have great points why this could be low but with how big a deal this is I tend to disagree! Best wishes to all of us and GO RV!!!
  21. Maybe a pumper forex site the women just said! Until confirmation a little excitement going on for us which it was mentioned the closer we are this stuff will get crazy with lose and crazy intel so that is a good sign which I bet we see the RV by next week with all going on!
  22. That shouldnt happen the billioniares will own Iraq if its that low but $9 my god I will have a heart attack and a new Lomborgini tomorrow LOL I hope someone can confirm this soon or debunk it so people arent crushed great find though Aqua has us at least on the edge
  23. Capital One as well I think Wells Fargo does also!
  24. Thanks Dan I agree with you 100% which I have listened to Randy twice now which I have to agree the man really has his ducks in a row! For him to answer those questions without issue was great and if he didnt have an answer he was honest that made everything more believable! If it was his opinion he stated that as well! I really like his style and the information he had without hype is what we all need at this juncture since this road has been insane for many of us!
  25. I thought the date was as of Sunday so its 3 days then Hoosier even better LOL! I hope your correct by Friday my friend which I am sure our budget totally surrounds this RVs completion!
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