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Everything posted by Flyinfunnyguy16

  1. Its easy where the Marines are, and why people are celebrating..........he's lying. Plain and simple.
  2. you heard this, or just got bored and needed to make something up? Sounds like the latter to me. But thanks for the interesting story, lots of brothers, fathers, and other characters.
  3. whats up? He makes stuff up, it is truly that plain and simple. Tomorrow, when he said it would rv, he will come on and say that this "exchange calculation" was a test, or someone who did something too soon, some BS like that. Truly, he just makes stuff up
  4. 11.63, which is very very close to 1163, which is what is usually around. it is a decimal placement issue.
  5. The forex site has one guy who listed the IQD at the 11 rate. One person, dive deeper into the site and you'll see that basically one person has it at the rate. It means nothing, its a mistake, and we have all been down this road before.
  6. i wish this guy was standing on top of Eyjafjallajokull Volcano when it erupted. just saying, this investment would be more fun not having to see "med chat" twice a day, knowing the thing is jiberish
  7. Standing "pat" huh? You stupid SOB the day this freak show comes out from hiding is the day it Rvs. Tell em one, just one bit of info, he has said, that was not something posted on another website. Theres nothing. None of his dates come true, he lies all over the place, and he has been caught taking info, that was distributed as false, to see if he would, and sharing it as his own. Follow the trail people, every two weeks or so he gives a another date, and another reason. But for some reason people follow him like sheep. The greatest day of this investment for me, was the day I stopped believing this psycho bi-polar freak.
  8. Go to sleep. No reason to effect your health over rumors
  9. sorry, but i think its a flat out lie, on all ends. Countries will not institute a rate for minutes on end, then go back to original rates. Nothing has happened yet, no rates have changed, medic will continue to spread lies, and people will continue to give fake stories, so that people talk about them for the day. Sit back, and when it happens, everyone will know, not just few people who walk into a bank at that exact minute the rate changes. Common sense people, use it
  10. I dont think so Jo-jack, it could be a while for it to see any large increase. But, at this point, it is much less valuable than the dinar, I think its around 18200 dong to dollar. So at this point, you can get a lot of dong, for not a lot of money. So you can get about a million dong for about as much as a full tank of gas.
  11. Do this, add some ghost peppers. Hottest pepper on earth. Did that, and while they were on the stove, the air became unbreathable!! Coughing, eyes watering, but the salsa, had a good toasted flavor, then the heat kicks in. Make sure you have a gallon of milk, and a gallon of ice cream near. Think you can take the heat??? TRY IT!!!|
  12. It's funny because the "I hear......" usually just come from another site. Another BS rumor, so it's really not "I hear" as much as it's "I read on another site". So it means nothing. Like some have already said, same rumor, different spin. Can't wait to see who's screen names change in the next couple of weeks because no rumor from intel/source/bank exec. have come true.
  13. Just introducing myself, i'm matt. I lurk, and yea, hats me in a nutshell
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