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Everything posted by lanc3hck

  1. The Army obviously didn't help you with your spelling or grammar.
  2. Oh i agree that it will happen, make no mistake. I just don't see how it is in the interest of Iraq to make Obama look like some sort of savior. This was a war and a reconstruction that he is not responsible for. I know that the US didnt go over there just for the benefit of the Iraqi's, that would be naive. I just don't think it will happen when it's convinient for Obama.
  3. As much as i want it to happen, i just don't see it. We act as if the US is the main determining factor in all this, when in fact, Iraqs track record proves that they will do what they want. What reason do they have to want to help Obama's image? That's what i'm saying +1
  4. I also like the fact that in the title it says the 26th, when i'm lead to believe that it is still the 25th. Just sayin.
  5. I was starting to wonder why i hadn't seen anything from him. Definitely made my day.
  6. I'm LOL'ing. But thanks for the post, none the less! Go RV!
  7. Thanks for the input guys! =]
  8. There's a lot of this i'm not afraid to admit, that i do not understand. I am relatively new to this investment, and was introduced to it by my father. I listened to the Get Team call with him last night, and with all the rambling and useless information i heard, it was hard for me to always identify who was who. But one thing i did hear was that one of them "confirmed" that they personally knew someone who had cashed in at $3.22.. Now i know from what i have read, that the Get Team are not always widely respected, but do they just have zero care for thier amount of credibility? Or could it really be true? Please don't bash, i'd just like some insight into this rumor i heard. Thank you.
  9. It is possible to record a phone conversation, and in this case when someone is trying to get intel, they may be smart enough to do so. Let the newbie bashing begin..
  10. Thanks for the post! I'm a newbie but i've been on the site watching for awhile and it seems like we get less and less credible info by the day. This seems to be a pretty straighforward and honest post IMO. Go RV!
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