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Everything posted by Synopsis

  1. There has been so many holes shot through her bogus statements that Hillarious could be termed more see through than transparent. Looks like she is taking every opportunity to spin her legacy circumstances especially with the Bern man winning Democratic Primary States.
  2. I suspect the killing and wounding of more than 1,000 Iraqis mentioned in the article is likely the doing of Maliki and those associated with Maliki. Looks like a desperate move on Maliki's part to tarnish Abadi and push to have Abadi removed. Hopefully the Iraqi citizens and Iraqi officials don't buy into any misconstrued charges against Abadi and the plot back fires on the perpetrators.
  3. Maybe the title of the article will be recorded in history as Allak's (current acting CBI Governor) famous last words. Allak is Maliki's stool pigeon. About everything Allak does is the exact opposite of what needs to be done. With Maliki's announced retirement and the full court press to rid the CBI of corruption, I can't imagine Allak will be there much longer. My opinion is we will see a much different scenario when Dr. Shabibi returns as the reinstated and actual CBI Governor. That can't happen soon enough. Hey, all the large denomination notes (except for the 50,000 notes) are all deteriorated and the Iraqi's need new ones - like more 50,000 and 100,000 notes - that'll get the note count down on the Iraqi streets!
  4. I don't know who else of any significant representation not present at the meeting. Looks like about every heavy hitter was represented at the meeting. Maybe soon isn't soon enough anymore for those represented at the meeting.
  5. The article states, "the House of Representatives objected to the issuance of books related to the withdrawal of the role and the homes of a number of officials without being implemented, while orders were issued similar properties occupied by the staff or deputies and began security forces under the guidance of warnings to the occupants." Wonder if Maliki and all his associates will be out of house and home soon. Let's hope. No where to run. No where to hide.
  6. The last article states, "It added that " the Finance Committee plans to host the central bank governor [agency] on the Keywords with Other parties to discuss this matter." Tamimi pointed out that the committee had raised the bank 's governor at a meeting earlier with" a number of questions, including that which buys dollar traders are supposed to enter products for the same amount that he bought from the auction currency, but what are the guarantees for that and he [any merchant] dollar may sell to others or perhaps imported goods is less than the amount bought from the currency." I suspect the SMPs of the IMF (announced arrival at the CBI circa January 2016) are uncovering/producing documented information on the excessive dollars purchased for a reduced amount of products. If this is the case, likely no wonder the currency auctions have trended downward. Looks like the currency auctions may be indicating now a more realistic amount of products purchased. I suspect there is still some corruption but likely the corruption will decrease substantially over time.
  7. The last article states, "The council 's role is important during this period in order to prosecute the corrupt and we we will provide all the support to him , "pointing to" the importance to feel rotten scared of having hand hanging over him and those Stjdonhm weak as We stood together." He called on the prime minister to" disclose all funds and prosecute corrupt " , referring to" the importance of these procedures that are going to build a state on the basis of sound." Maybe the "prosecute the corrupt" is being kicked in to overdrive now that Maliki has announced his retirement from holding public office? The part, "feel rotten scared of having hand hanging over him" is an encouraging statement. Not just indictments but actual prosecuting and incarceration/execution of the guilty will follow. May be interesting to see what Abadi discloses for who swindled the funds and how much.
  8. Thank You both for the accolade! To me, the NDA is like No Due Analysis. Apparently, the NDAs state the person receiving the higher rate can not tell anyone or the agreement is null and void. Apparently, the NDA signer can't even tell themselves and the IQD disappears into the scammer's account! :o
  9. I am with you there. I strongly suspect there will be misinformation out of the Iraqi news media sources around the time of the IQD revaluation especially regarding other major events in Iraq and international relations.
  10. Much Thanks for the clarification, Yota. What I was reading was the National Alliance was not represented by blocs suggesting there was not adequate representation for supporting the meeting. I think it is good news not to have the armed guards surrounding the demonstrators.
  11. I suggest anyone considering exchanging under any of the pretexts mentioned above to be very, very careful and do due diligence to ensure legitimacy of the exchange prior to exchange site presentation of the IQD (better yet, not even having the IQD there). I suspect fraud will be rampant at the time of the actual go live of the IQD exchange rate. Maybe bring Zimbabwean Dollar, Vietnamese Dong, Indonesian Rupiah, or Iranian Rial instead and see what the exchange folks say. The article states, " 9)I ALSO HAVE SOME PERSONAL TRANSACTIONS THAT ARE SUPPOSED TO GO DOWN . . . AND COME OUT OF SKR TOMORROW [Monday – 03/07] MORNING . . . AS WELL AS SOME OTHER CLIENTS . . . NOT JUST BONDS. . . BUT . . . EACH CURRENCY TRANSACTION IS SUPPOSED TO COME OUT TOMORROW [Monday – 03/07] IN ASIA . . . WHICH IS . . . RIGHT NOW ACTUALLY . . . THESE ARE NOT U.S. TRANSACTIONS . . . THESE ARE CENTRAL AMERICA TO U.S. TRANSACTIONS. SKRs are touted as "Safe Keeping Receipts" but are more like "Seriously Known Ripoffs." I will not exchange for an SKR no matter how high the promised rates are since these are very, very likely only a lure to get the IQD from the IQD holder into the hands of the IQD scammer. If someone else has your IQD under any pretext, you probably kissed that IQD goodbye and will never see it again. Be careful of the "Paymaster." Be careful of the "Notification." Be careful of the "Exchange Location." Be careful of "Everything" - including any paperwork signed at the exchange. The exchange groups like Admirals and General64 groups and Reno SKRs has been going around for a very long time. If nothing else, these folks are likely very rehearsed. Be careful.
  12. The article states, "Wahhabi attack on Najaf and Karbala to that, head of range" Armenian Orthodox "in Iraq sinful Sadourean said during the symposium:" the Wahhabi movement in 1802 attacked the cities of Najaf and Karbala , in order to eliminate the men, women and children pretext eliminating polytheism and disbelief , "noting that" there are groups that can be described as terrorists sought to annihilate the other groups under the pretext of possession of right and uncertainty about the error in worship, pointing out that " intolerance and stick to that the other in a different curriculum and doctrine must be eradicated, and what happened in Karbala came as a result of trying to cancel the other by the Wahhabi movement of satisfaction in that time. " crimes« Daash »similar to the extermination of Turkey's Armenians pointed Sodrian that" this pattern used by Turkey in the Armenian genocide under the pretext of building a state of a component, religion, one sect and thus theresult of what he did to the Turks disappeared Greeks, Armenians and Syriac Christians , but erased all religions at the time of Turkey." Looks like a strong denouncement of genocide in Iraq for whatever reason, including Islamic drives for purist movements. I suspect this will support a basis for indicting, prosecuting, and incarcerating or executing Daash elements and those who exercise extremist practices in Iraq in the future. All in all, I think this is very good news to support Iraq's drive to become a judicious and sustainable state.
  13. Maybe they are trying to weed out all the Ghost Soldiers (and retired Ghost Soldiers) before making the payments. Weeding out the payments to the Ghost Soldier retirees would be very good news in relation to stamping out another form of financial corruption. Maybe this will put a big dent in Maliki and associates' retirement plan? Let's hope so, if that is the case!
  14. The last article seems to imply there is a rift from al-Sadr with the National Alliance due to a lack of a "project" that Abadi did not present. Hopefully this is a small item and will be smoothed out so no festering or escalation occurs.
  15. I am hoping long term that Commercial Banking and Investment Banking are completely separate in Iraq. Depending on the level of investment in Iraq's reconstruction that DV members (and others) want to take, the issues surrounding the Glass Steagall act may be important. Here is a link to an article that may be worth skimming.
  16. Nothing but good news here, Yota! Thank You for posting this article. Maybe promised protection to prosecute Maliki and associates (including the Maliki appointed CBI Governor)? We may see some really interesting articles soon about the folks being indicted and prosecuted as well as the basis for the indictments. Time to pop the popcorn. This should be better than any action thriller movie!
  17. Thank You, Yota, for posting this and all the other great articles! I wonder how long Allak is going to remain CBI Governor now that Maliki has resigned/retired from public offices. With the focus on cleaning up corruption and the IMF SMPs at the CBI, I am hoping it won't be long until Allak is out of there.
  18. Great News Dinar Thug! Thank You for posting! Like many have said, with Maliki declaring his permanent retiring from official positions, Maliki will very likely have some surprises very soon. I suspect Maliki is thinking retirement and the relevant authorities will be pressing Maliki expiration. Maliki may have never accepted this day previously in his way of delusional thinking. Maliki is deluded to think he can now retire and escape indictment, prosecution, and (likely) execution for his Crimes Against Humanity. With the Dawa party support gone, his levers all likely all gone, too, in Iraq. My opinion is Iran will agree to let Maliki hang for the Crimes Against Humanity and all the Iranian militias will leave Iraq to satisfy an agreement to clear the Iranians and have Iraqi autonomy from Iranian influence.
  19. At the bottom of the first posted article, "According to a parliamentary source told all of Iraq [where] that al-Jubouri, "said during today's meeting that he will announce the names of members of the House of Representatives who Gaabathm exceeded the limit and thus will lead to a loss of 14 Aazavithm.anthy" Looks like this is one way to eliminate the Dawa Party affiliates and stack the House of Representative with nonaffiliated Dawa members. There may be more House of Representative members who are nearing the absenteeism limit and there may be periodic purging of these folks. I suspect being a party of the Dawa party will be more and more inconvenient and may accelerate the demise of the Dawa party and their presence in the House of Representatives. Pretty sure Maliki's, and those associated with Maliki's crimes, time is coming. Hopefully very soon.
  20. The last statement in the last article Yota highlighted is interesting, "the agreement between the Ministry of Finance and the international Monetary Fund to monitor the Fund 's staff SMP program (downloadable file) to monitor economic and financial Iraq's performance through a set of real targets and the adoption of a road map for implementing an integrated system of financial information IFIMS (downloadable file) at the end of April 2016 map in cooperation with the World Bank." Maybe the end of April 2016 is when Iraq will have their internal and international financial information systems on line. Could be a nice time to implement the real IQD rate?
  21. The article above states, "The center can not visit by US Vice President Joe Biden to Iraq in spite of the leadership of his country's international coalition against al Daash and the presence of US troops on Iraqi territory is nothing but a clear indication of the discomfort of the United States of the Iraqi political process and sponsored since the year two thousand and three, but veered a lot about the course of American politics today, Iraq has become a subject full of Iranian influence and managed one way or another by the allies of the militias that committed crimes against humanity under the pretext of the fight against Daash in some Sunni areas Ktkirc in Salahuddin province and Muqdadiyah in Diyala province." Looks like militias associated with Iran are being accused of Crimes Against Humanity and Iran is subjecting Iraq to Iran's influence. Hopefully. the evidence for the Iranian influenced militia's Crimes Against Humanity is much clearer and stronger than the Weapons of Mass Destruction Saddam Hussein was accused of having and hiding in Iraq. Seems like a pretty strong pretext for action against the Iranian influenced militias to get out of Iraq. Maybe the B-52s deployed for the fight against Daash may be redeployed to resolve the Iranian influenced militias in Iraq? Maybe a clear sign to Iran of what could happen by the mere deployment of the B-52s if the Iranian associated militias are not taken out of Iraq very soon?
  22. The article above states, "According to the department of Information statement of the Council received «morning» that al - Jubouri praised, in the beginning of the meeting , on the efforts of parliamentary committees of the extraordinary efforts in the legislative and supervisory work, especially the legal Committee that take it upon themselves to submit draft laws, noting that the draft of the amnesty law is ready for presentation to a vote in the Alnwab.alajabura Council , which pointed out that the World Bank pledged during the meetings held with officials to make efforts to support Iraq and help him out of the financial crisis, he pointed to the acceptance of the World Bank president and general secretary of the United Nations for Iraq 's invitation to come to the House and talk about the financial crisis and provide assistance and advice, stressing the importance that the economic reform of the most important aspects that the House of Representatives is looking forward to achieve them." In the same run on sentence, the draft amnesty law is ready for a vote and the World Bank President (Jim Yong Kim) and the UN Secretary General (Ban Ki-Moon) gave the Iraqi House of Representatives a most important priority to the economic reform. Maybe more good articles about the economic reform will come out soon.
  23. The Dawa Party may be going away. Seems like another article is showing a new party forming that will draw parliamentarians from the Dawa Party where Maliki has significant influence. This new party apparently intends to address corruption and I suspect Maliki will in no way, shape, or form fit in there. With things morphing as they are now, I suspect the levers Maliki used to use in Iraq will no longer be there and Maliki's days are numbered. Late April or early May 2016 could be a better indicator of the stability of Iraq as a country. I remain hopeful with all the initiatives taking place in Iraq and the international support.
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