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Everything posted by hardtop

  1. I think we are all getting a Warm and Fuzzy feeling ! Still Smiling GO RI
  2. I`m no GURU but IMHO , I think the Chapter 7 has been done , HCL done as well . IMHO all the ducks have been put in a row behind our backs , now the goons need to play nice and take their positions however upset they are about the position that has been given to them . IMHO Still Smiling GO RI
  3. I am not a GURU but as far as I`m concerned , this means nothing ! GO RI Still Smiling
  4. Thank You , finally a mature response , ++++s for you . Again Thanks Still Smiling GO RI :)Power corrupts even the smallest of minds . Lot of power behind that Keyboard ya know . Still Smiling GO RI
  5. DO NOT put any stock into what he says period . IMHO he knows about as much as you or I. Still Smiling GO RI
  6. If only we could believe eh Rilee ? With so much intel and GURUS spewing it`s hard to believe anyone any more . Still Smiling GO RI No I am not bashing your info it`s my opinion
  7. WHATEVER , poof your a bag of poop buddy . He is today but won`t be tomorrow but tomorrow he will be but the next he won`t ????????????????????????? Like I said " WHATEVER " GO RI Still Smiling Non -Existent in our language means DEAD , not here , they talk that Camel Poop like it`s their first language , awe poop it is . Still Smiling GO RI
  8. I`m not trying to be negative but there isn`t a single Contractor that knows anything about this Date and Rate . GO RI
  9. Well said ! Gets real aggrivating having people getting smart elic eh , like they know anything themselves but have the nerve to critisize others for giving their OPINIONS or sharing a post that happens to have been posted already . GO RI STILL SMILING People saying that they can do things without GOI in place Show us the PROOF then since you are so adament at stating this . These guy`s havn`t got a clue about law like Teeitup said , they`ll do whatever they like until we finally make a stand and say " Enoughs Enough " Feeding frenzy is the best way to describe the way these guys are carrying on . STILL SMILING GO RI :)Oh I have a middle eastern freind that does state it`s a good investment but when the pay out is , well that`s a whole different story . They will do WHEN THEY want to do PERIOD . Again Stll Smiling GO RI
  10. So now the Date is tomorrow , WHATEVER . Getting real sad hearing another Date every week now it seems , I still say not one single GURU knows anything . Connections in the Gov. , freinds of freinds , fathers freinds , Give it up . I have a freind too that is STRAIGHT from the middle east ( YES IT~S TRUE ) he says it is a good investment however , when it comes to fruition , well nobody knows for sure and nobody will know UNTIL it is done PERIOD . These people that keep saying tomorrow then tomorrow becomes tomorrow then tomorrow becomes tomorrow , SOUND familiar ? It will happen but we are dealing with STONEAGED mentaility with these guys , they are feasting at the trough right now and do not want it to stop . GO RI Still Smiling . Let the Bashing and negative signs begin children . GO RI
  11. Thanks for the link , I`m just a little confused with the negatives on my post is all , It`s cool . Still Smiling GO RI
  12. I think it`s best not to read much into this until one of the other so called Info Geniuses clear it . IMO GO RI Can some body explain why it is we can go from one post to the other and feel good about it then feel awefully terrible by the next post . Don`t give me the " Smoke & Mirrors" thing , it`s plain and simply because no one knows anything for sure about Rates Dates Nominees , RVs . We all need to be patient (Myself Included ) and let this play out , eventually we will see something CONCRETE in our news , they can`t hide forever , CAN THEY ? GO RI Still smiling
  13. I think it`s best not to read much into this until one of the other so called Info Geniuses clear it . IMO GO RI
  14. This is a HOOT , -12 on this post of mine lol really and the reasoning would be ? Guess some people don`t like me lol I`m telling my mom now guys lol Wowee entertaining at least . This is almost as bad as Facebook . GO RI Still smiling
  15. Cmon , someone shake that 8ball harder and see what it says lol I`m so confused ( Kidding ) but I gotta tell ya the thing with the nominations seem to be starting all over again . I thought this Maliki guy was gone and the big favorite was Allawi , now this guy comes along ( Mulibi or whatever ) I still say that Maliki is the man you will see in power and THAT is what is holding this up . In all my reading and research Maliki seems to be the man that the Americans want and we know they are not going to let someone in that is not Pro American , do you . IMHO Maliki is the man , now just to get everyone on board with the idea is a different story . IMO this is what they have been arguing about behind closed doors and now Maliki has been told " Poop or get off the pot " now he`s pulling a Freddy Sanford to delay things more IMHO GO RI
  16. It`s another of their plays to delay( or to make us think it`ll be delayed=poof ) or maybe he`s getting some FREE health care b4 he`ll have to pay for it out of pocket . GO RI
  17. Definately good to read something like this after the stuff the last couple of days AWESOME Post ! Now if these guys deal with it and let it ROLLLLL GO RI
  18. Because a person gives his opinion does this classify him as a " Bully " seriously . I`m a great guy just disappointed today by all the false intel . GO RI
  19. Now there are 3 to feed and clothe, celebrities , they absolutely love this photo op crap . Why don`t they just buy themselves a TV station and be done with it . GO RI
  20. Yes , I`m invested but just a little agrivated at all the hype the last few days for what ? I`m not trying to be negative just realistic , people are talking about things they know nothing about . I understand the Iraqi news being all smoke but when people start saying ," pstt this just in " it gets to be a real pain . Seriously positive about this just maybe a little impatient the last couple of days because of all the BS info being fed to everybody . I know I`m not the only one feeling this way but maybe the only one willing to admit it . GO RI
  21. I swear Mahdi has never wore a suit b4 in his life before this comedy act , does he not look so out of place in that monkey suit ? GO RI
  22. Totally agree with you on that , nobody seems to have documentation on anything . You`ll be told it`s in the forums , go look , Have fun . GO RI Excellent POST , beautifully said . GO RI
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