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Everything posted by TR8Man

  1. I wonder what the post would look like if a summary of crimes in the major cities in the US were listed like the one above? Thanks for the update.
  2. Thanks for the update. Maybe they can get the word out that the juice contains pork.
  3. While I appreciate the effort, why not use more current information? Blair, Bush, Annan are not in the picture today. Neither is Negroponte....unless we've taken a ride on a time machine.
  4. Could this be a signal of the "beginning of the end" for the Iraqi stalemate? Thanks for the update
  5. Thank you for this update. Maybe Biden will stay in Iraq, if he is made a citizen.
  6. Thank you for this post. I didn't get to hear this speech. After reading it, I'm glad. This man has no class. He made this about him.... I am very disappointed in his performance. He needed to do three (3) things: 1. Thank the troops and their families for their sacrifices. 2. Thank our partners, including the Iraqi People. 3. Man up and say he opposed the war, the Surge and was wrong; while thanking Mr. Bush and his team. Then, get off the air. There will be adequate time to discuss our economy, jobs, etc. That is later. Now is about Iraq. You can many things about the previous administration, but you can never deny their class and commitment. Iraq will be better for everything this country did for them. God Bless the USA.
  7. I think this is a terrific idea. We could get Dean Martin...oh wait...he's about Foster Brooks....forget that....Johnny Carson...nope.....Don Rickles!!!! Now that is what I call a Roaster..... Let's take Scooter to see Mr. Rickles....
  8. Keep your friends close and your enemies CLOSER. Thank you for this update
  9. I agree. The date. Folks, the date is June. Great Catch!
  10. Wait a mean that Iraq will have a new government, soon? Now, come on, that has to be seen as really good news. I mean....hang on....the mushrooms are wearing off.... sorry....flashbacks come at the most inopportune times......
  11. I wonder if this "turd" has an agenda? ...sorry, I find "writers'" like this to be looking to produce negative stuff. "...the so-called surge strategy"???? Are you kidding? It worked! And by the way, THE IS A WAR GOING ON IN IRAQ!!!! I can't believe this "writer" get paid. Thanks for this update......
  12. When will al-Maliki get the message? Oh, wait....Iran and the US want him so I guess these are mixed messages.... Thank you for this update
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