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Everything posted by vibo

  1. Refreshing info. I wonder if they want all concerned to be to the point of not believing anything that comes out of Iraq, then WAMMO....RV!!!
  2. vibo


    Tis a shame it has come to this, but that is how it is supposed to be. WHEN, One Day soon, Millions of Christians just EVAPORATE, then you bashers can CELEBRATE your life away! Just imagine, no more Christians to get in anyone's way! Wowie!! That is how I feel. I will be one of the 'Evaporated'. After the Rapture, either your hearts will be more hardened, or they will repent. 2 choices you will have. Bash away, one day that choice will be at your doorsteps. God Bless you anyway.
  3. sladrian, thanks for your confidence! We all need it right now.
  4. This sounds very promising, thanks so much for the posting!!! Go RV!
  5. These guys are amazing and not worthy to win any awards! Hope this is wrapping up in the next few days.
  6. Devil Dog, that is a great idea, thanks for the info!
  7. This was nice to watch, but ya need to press the ff button, this guy is kinda slow getting to The Point!!
  8. mrparrot, I just wanted to tell you how much I LOVE your avatar! I am a bird lover and have had some awesome birds over the last 20 years! I have one cockatiel left, and he turned 18 years old in August. I had a Patagonian Conure that would 'dance' . He was so in tune with me, it was scary! They are so cool.
  9. Maybe B.Hussein O. is going to India to facilitate their Elite Bunkers, and I am not talking about Archie. I wonder IF there are Bunkers here, like the supposed one under Denver Airport......Has anyone watched the Jesse Ventura videos? They peaked my interest at least!
  10. MK1964, Save Your Dinar Purchase Receipts !!!! Best Wishes.
  11. So nice to read your posts, GO RV!! Welcome to DV. I am pretty new here also. I lived in GA in the 90's. Boy it gets hot there! Anyway, keep posting, I enjoy reading them. I have a feeling our payday is right around the corner. Hey, how do you plan on cashing in, your banker? We are not 100% sure yet. We have WF and BOA here, and as far as I know, Dinar Trade is an 8 hour trip. Have a great day everyone, and PLEASE VOTE! We all can be a part of History Twice (Vote + Iraq).
  12. Wow, what an amazing post. It is mind-blowing how much is at stake here, and all that is involved. I am happy to be a part of this. I had a gut feeling about GWB. I want him to get the credit for what he did. When I saw him and his father drive the cart onto the field last night in the World Series, I realized just how much I missed him. He was a much better Leader than what we currently have, that is for sure. When you stated that 'Your House' will be looking for higher ground to be safe and secure, can you please tell me exactly what you meant? I am the kind of person that blends in. If we make millions off this deal, my family REALLY wants to blend in - is that what you meant? Are there people out there that will know people like us made millions and want a piece after the fact? Just curious. Thank you for the post, it was an eye-opener.
  13. Preachintheghetto, you are so blessed to have family that actually cares and loves you! Money cannot buy that, and that is something my husband and I do not have. Wow. Husband and I have to make up (for our boys) for family that is there, but never cared, you know what I mean? On a beautiful note, I saw the Most Amazing Meteor shoot across the sky very early this morning! As a matter of fact, I was thinking about the RV and also how long it had been since I had even seen a shooting star. It was orange and it shot across horizontally, lasting a good 4 seconds! Amazing to say the least!!
  14. This home can me mine if..........the RV is right !!!
  15. Soldier got just what he was needing, some conversation. Some people do things for attention, like children do.
  16. Wow, very informative and kinda scary. I have posted these on my FB and hope my friends watch them. Thank you for this info.
  17. As always, I am thankful for your updates, Viper!!!
  18. The couple of people I told were telling me...GOOD LUCK! Two of them said they do not have the money. My husband's co-workers laugh at him. He Finally got the hint just to STOP saying anything about the Dinar! His 30 year job anniversary is in January, and it would be great if he REALLY could retire. Which of his co-workers would be laughing then?
  19. I think the Dinar is going into hard labor! I have chill bumps. OMG .0017 Going RV Date is 27/10/10
  20. When I heard G Bush will appear on the Today show and Oprah, (Nov 8 & 9) I started feeling that this will be post RV. I can picture Oprah onstage holding a Dinar and telling the world there are many new millionaires b/c of the RV. And of course GB will have that silly smile on his face!!! Go RV, and don't prove me wrong on my gut feeling.
  21. I hope some of you will post at what Banks you have success at post RV. I have WF and BOA close by. Ali is an 8 hour car trip, and that will not work with my autistic son. So, I am hoping some of you are kind enough and have the time to share. I do not want my dinars to be shipped out, that is scary. Hmmm. Sigh.
  22. We plan to cash in at our bank, out of the public's eye as well. With all of the talk of seizing retirement accounts, not sure what we will do from here! Get a safe, some in savings. Buy a home and the rest for children's future.
  23. Thank you for your posts! I love to pick apart info and try to decifer truth from it, but this RV is too tough. I am new to all of this and do not know how the financial and world 'operate'. And you post your investigative summeries....LOVE THEM and keep them coming, please! There is hope. There IS something big gonna happen very soon, I can FEEL it also! Do you think Bush appearing on Today and Oprah have a place in this? I am leaning to yes on that. Thanks and GO RV!!
  24. RichNick123, wow, what a moving post. I had a tear in the eye, also. This money is to make my family's life better. I have been broke and uninsured before. I have 2 boys, one whom is Autistic. This money will allow my husband and I to have a larger home built, and in this home there will be an in-home classroom for my boys. I am so proud of my kids, and they will be provided for when we are gone. This RV goes deep for many of us, and I hope the Iraqi people have a better life as well, they deserve that. You guys are great, thanks for the encouragement and the information well received!!! God Bless.
  25. Thank you so much, I really needed this! Praise God!!!
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