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Articles 10-08-2014


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Iraq's oil exports rose by 167 thousand b / d in September last mom and Oardth dropped a hundred million dinars
Vice Kurdistan: Do not realistic Baghdad that left a deficit of 80 trillion dinars budget and the region does not mind settling his account with


Author: MK 
Editor: BK, RS twelve twenty 08/10/2014Number of readings: 81 




Long-Presse / Baghdad

He attributed a member of Kurdistan Finance Committee representative, on Wednesday, and a deficit of $ 80 trillion dinars federal budget for 2014, the current, "not realistic" estimate the amount of oil that can be exported, and the deterioration of the security situation and government spending (previous) on projects in some provinces and the neglect of the other, noting that the Kurdistan region "does not mind" making a settlement with the federal government which is put the amount of oil that the chest of the total dues.

The MP said Secretary Baker, in an interview to the (long-Presse), "The deficit in the budget of 2014 the current, reaching 80 trillion dinars," attributing it to "the lack of a realistic assessment of the amount of oil that can be exported, and the deterioration of the security situation in the country and the consequent of displaced persons, as well as government spending on projects in some provinces and the neglect of the other. "

He added the Secretary, that "the government is expected to export three million and 400 thousand barrels per day, while what has been achieved on the ground, much less what the impact on imports," noting that "the Council of Ministers re-budget bill to the Ministry of Finance once again to suit the new conditions ".

It is noteworthy that Iraq issued 2,000,542 thousand barrels during September last, and 2,000,375 thousand barrels during last August, the vast majority of the southern fields, to stop pumping from the Kirkuk oilfields to Turkey, because of the violence since last March, and the lack of agreement with the Kurdistan region on the file of oil.

 The MP from the MDC Kurdish, that "the Kurdistan region does not mind making a settlement with the federal government during which put the amount of oil that the chest of the total dues, including dues oil companies, and the amounts that did not happen to him during the last term," returned to "the oil that chest region not only fill 20 percent of their dues. "

The Iraqi Council of Ministers discussed at its first Tuesday, (the thirtieth of September 2014), the draft budget for fiscal 2014, and decided to return to the Ministry of Finance to complete the figures relating to receivables from the federal budget projected revenues from the export of oil from the Kurdistan region.

The President of the Kurdistan Regional Government, Nechirvan Barzani, revealed in (the 24 of September 2014), the presence of oil sales Kurdistan in the possession of the region, confirming that it is "not enough to meet the needs of the region," and that the province insists that its share of which accounted for 17 percent .

The Turkish Energy Minister Taner Yildiz, announced in a press statement, in the (fourth from last September), exports KRG oil amounted to 10 million barrels since last May, noting that the pumping of the fields in the region has increased in recent times to 180 thousand barrels per day.

It is noteworthy that the file of the oil problems, "Chronic thorny", which has long strained relationship between Baghdad and Erbil, the insistence on first confined her hand and refused to second it.

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Advocacy organization interior: there are military leaders have the same Baath, sectarianism and the excluded Abadi
Wednesday 8 October 2014 11:50
Alsumaria News / Baghdad 
confirmed Dawa organization inside, Wednesday, that there is military leaders in the military have the same Baath and sectarianism, and asked for the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces Haider Abadi, the restructuring of the army and the exclusion of "Baathists" of its leaders, blaming security leaders the reason for the failure of the military in the performance of his duties . said the head of the Dawa Party, MP Ali al-Badri, said in an interview for "Alsumaria News", "security chiefs bore responsibility for the failure of the military in the performance of his duties, especially after the fall of Mosul and exposed him Associates of army massacres in Spyker and Saqlawiyah and Alsger and some areas of Salahuddin and Anbar " .

He said al-Badri, said that "there are leaders possess the same Baath and sectarianism, and bear the responsibility for the failure of the military and being exposed to the crisis," and urged the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces Haider Abadi to "restructure the army and the exclusion of the ousted regime and former Baathists from its leaders." said Badri, "the need to activate the effort intelligence in the army leaders properly and take responsibility for what happens to him from crises and massacres ", blaming security leaders reason," the army's failure in the performance of his duty and the absence of the element of intelligence and the lack of professional national army personnel in the performance of duty. "and called for the elders of the tribes of Anbar province, on Tuesday, (7 October 2014) Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi replace the commander of the province Rashid Flaih, due to large losses in battles with the organization " Daash , "while warned of the seriousness of the security situation, which is passing through Anbar.

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Maliki describes the nomination to succeed him Abadi plot would threaten the internal and external Dawa

Squares of liberation / newsroom


Posted       08/10/2014 08:28 AM




Efforts   being made ​​by more than one party to end the dispute between the prime minister Haider al-Abadi, and his predecessor, Nouri Maliki, arrived at through after reaching those differences to end bickering statements to the media.


According to information leaked from the corridors of the Dawa Party,  that attempts described as "recent" to heal the rift and end the dispute which resulted from the persistence of a chair-Maliki as prime minister, before they give it up under the pressure of the reference and the Shiite parties, as well as warnings from the international community.

According to the leaks, the al-Maliki said on more than one occasion that a private party from what happened candidacy Abadi, to succeed him at the head of the government, "an internal conspiracy" in the Dawa party, plotted against him with the help of regional and international parties. "

It adds a that Nouri al-Maliki, who is vice-president of the Republic of Iraq, to ​​Enzk occasion or special meeting of his party, "the Dawa Party," but mentions that the United States and Saudi Arabia are the co which Rahta Abadi's position supporting the internal wing within the party, which belongs to him al-Maliki and al-Abadi.

The leader of the National Alliance, "Shiite," Jawad Albzona, revealed earlier in the presence of large splits after commissioning Haider Abadi, to form a government.

Albzona said: "The nomination of the Dawa Party, Haider Abadi, a substitute for al-Maliki as prime minister instructed the party a lot of defections, especially after he announced the National Alliance" unwillingness Shiite Nouri al-Maliki's nomination for a third term. "

A source from within the Dawa party of the pledges made at al-Maliki has stepped down from the presidency of the Iraqi government of non-interference in the formation of the new government or the work of the security agencies the fact that Haider Abadi became Commander in Chief of the armed forces and has the support of international, regional and broad public, but that al-Maliki does not comply those pledges granted on the basis of the position of Vice President of the Republic, according to Matcol private sources.

According to sources close to the presidency of the Iraqi government that the current Vice President Nuri al-Maliki and his loyalists within the Shiite alliance behind the delay in naming the ministers of defense and interior in an effort to thwart the clear approach Abadi "reformist" as sources report.

The head of the Iraqi government, Haider al-Abadi, said in interviews and on various occasions that he does not bear the consequences and the problems of the government of former Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, especially with the regional countries are important, including Saudi Arabia, noting that the current differences over the defense and interior ministries were not substantial.

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Member of the parliamentary Economic: Modify the new salary scale would be after approving the budget and retroactively
Wednesday, Oct. 08 1 / Okrudolf 2014 07:42



Said a member of the parliamentary Economic Committee, said the amendment would be the new salary scale after approving the budget and retroactively.

It showed Nora Albjara told all of Iraq [where] that "the amendment ladder salaries stopped due to a failure to approve the budget for fiscal 2014, noting that" most of the ministries did not act amendment to the salaries of employees due to delay of the budget in 2014, especially the Ministries of Industry and Minerals, Agriculture and Construction and Housing Lama and the ministries of oil and Higher Education did not get in Roatbhma only a slight change. "

"In the case of the adoption of the budget for fiscal 2014 after the Eid al-Adha holiday, there will be a change in salaries and retroactively from the date of the first of January 2014.

The General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers, confirmed on August 15, 2013, that the new salary scale private state employees serving nominal salary increase for lower grades of 100%, while the most likely to see a similar increase in the salaries of retirees, according to the pension law Aljdid.anthy 2

A member of the Parliamentary Health: Committee seeks to draft legislation Health Insurance Law
Wednesday, Oct. 08 1 / Okrudolf 2014 08:50



A member of the parliamentary health committee that the committee is seeking to draft legislation health insurance law.

And choose between Shaways told all of Iraq [where] today that "health insurance for citizens the most important thing in the work of the parliamentary committee so we will work on the legislation of the law to the issue of health insurance."

He said "there are important health bills will be studied for the purpose of promoting the health situation of the citizens."

Observers believe that the health sector in the country which is one of the largest sectors, witnessing a deterioration for various reasons, most notably the lack of legislation real health-related, while complaining citizens of the low and the low level of medical services and the lack of medicine in government hospitals and the lack of control it as well as higher wages Alataba.anthy 2

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Parliament calls for the central government to give a real chance to activate the role of oversight committees in the House of Representatives
History of edits:: 10.8.2014 13:17 • 19 visits readable
{Baghdad} Euphrates News MP for the Liberal block F Bahadeli the central government to give a real chance to activate the role of oversight committees in the House of Representatives.

Said Bahadli told {Euphrates News} a copy of it today that "legislative oversight is through committees, though I did these committees properly, the control will be severe on all state institutions and thus the rampant corruption in these institutions will be reduced." and noted that "if marginalized the decisions of the parliamentary committees, by the central government, these committees will fail in its oversight, which defined under the Constitution, "noting" the necessity of giving a real opportunity for these parliamentary committees, in addition to respect her opinion by the executive government. " and called Bahadeli the executive branch to "cooperate with its counterpart legislature for the advancement of the country and eliminate the rampant corruption in state institutions. " The House of Representatives had voted in the ninth of the month of September on the members of the Standing Committees of Parliament and of the 26 distributed among the political blocs, and postponed a vote on their heads. it is hoped to start Standing Committees in the House of Representatives actual work after the holiday of Eid al-Adha, according to members of the House of Representatives. was the National Alliance has won 17 of the Commission of the sum of these committees, while the rest is distributed to other political blocs. Ended and

Thanks for the article B-Dreamer,


Health insurance would be a very powerful statement and opportunity.

GM moneysoon.  Yes, one more sign they are moving toward building the secondary markets.  If they can just get these economic laws passed, we should see a boom in their economy.

Obeidi: 53 Sunni legislators signed on my inauguration as defense minister


Details Group: political Published on Wednesday, Oct. 08 1 / Okrudolf 2014 11:19 Written by: Muhammad Saleem Hits: 57

22228.jpgBAGHDAD / Center Brief for the network  media  Iraqi ( IMN ) - MP for the coalition forces and the Iraqi Ministry of Defense and the candidate Khaled al-Obeidi, the presence of 53 Sunni legislators signed to his inauguration and the defense minister of 70 deputies.
He said   al-Obeidi's ( IMN ), that "the nomination  Jaber al-Jabri for the position of the defense portfolio came through coordination and relations with some political parties to get this position. "
He added that "Jaber al-Jabri was rejected by the House of Representatives voted on during the session for the position of the defense, so it is not entitled to the nomination again Gabri" 0
And promoted by some political parties that the MP Khalid al-Obeidi is not a Sunni Arab candidate, but the candidate Osama Najafi.
From: Osama Mahdi success of the Open: Faten Hussein

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After the transfer of the operating room to the American ..alokhirh Kuwait, Iraq is demanding again to 5.7 billion dollars

 BAGHDAD - Iraq Press - 7 October / October: It seems that the curtain will drape never on the file of compensation Kuwait despite major tragedies that befell Iraq and its people by the invasion of her in the nineties of the last century, setting aside for the KPC to the highest amount of compensation valued at $ 14.7 billion As a result of the loss of production and sales resulting from damage to the oil fields of Kuwait during the Iraqi invasion in 1990, returned Kuwait to announce in a statement that "Iraq still owes Kuwait for $ 5.7 billion dollars in compensation for Iraqi invasion of her year since 1990-1991." 
He said, Khalid Ahmed equitable, who heads the committee responsible for overseeing the compensation payments said in a statement before the United Nations transfer site Arabian Business "that" the last payment we received from the Iraqi government was in the twenty-fourth of last July for $ 1.9 billion dollars and with this installment remaining amount 5.7 billion dollars of which remain outstanding and we look forward in the future to receive quarterly payments until all compensation is paid in full. " 
 Experts believe that the file is always linked to the Kuwaiti American presence in Iraq and the Arabian Gulf Fbaudh American Joint Operations Command to Kuwait a few days ago returned to the last open files with the thorny Iraq one sentence in the forefront of compensation. Admiral ended 
Adding that "Kuwait emphasizes the need for the continuation of regular deposits to the Compensation Fund as stipulated in UN Security Council Resolution 1956 and in this regard, Kuwait would like to recognize the continued commitment by Iraq, which is the subject of our appreciation and respect."







Exchange Ratesmof-design-f-2-(2)-slice_55.png

EGP.PNGEGP 162.2517 SAR.PNGSAR 309.1457 BHD.PNGBHD 3,077.1883 USD.PNGUSD 1,160.1000 EUR.PNGEUR 1,452.285





This is for Tbomb, we were discussing different sites presenting the US exchange rate of the Dinar at 1160.  This chart is from the Ministry of Finance

Parliamentary security: Panetta's remarks and paper to put pressure on the government to establish American bases in Baghdad



Wednesday 8 October 2014 15:22

And former Defense Secretary Leon Panetta

Alsumaria News / Baghdad 
and described the security and defense committee in Parliament, Wednesday, recent statements by Defense Secretary former Leon Panetta as "leverage" on the Iraqi government to establish military bases in Baghdad , while pointing out that the United States and the international coalition "Itlaaban" on the Iraqis in the fight against the organization " Daash . " said committee member Majid Ghraoui in an interview for "Alsumaria News", that "the international coalition led by the United States, unable to erase the organization Daash of the area during the day, because they have intelligence powerful weapons super evolution as well as the airline is able to identify the target and blow from faraway places. "

He added Ghraoui that "what is spoken of by the former Defense Secretary Leon Panetta when he described the fight Daash not difficult, laughingstock new American, designed to get special privileges and set up a military base in the capital, Baghdad."He Ghraoui that " Washington is currently trying to get special privileges from government of Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi to sign political agreements and security, including the establishment of military bases to impose its control fully to the region. " He Ghraoui that "everyone knows that Daash creature of the US-Israeli par excellence", adding that "America and the International Alliance Itlaaban on the Iraqis in the fight against this terrorist organization . " and noted that former Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, in (October 7, 2014) that fight against the organization "Daash" will be difficult, likely to take this fight 30 years, while blaming it on the decisions of President Barack Obama .

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Special / re-consideration of the enemies of al-Maliki ... Shabibi and Hussein Azri and Sabah al-Saadi first returnees

Baghdad-Iraq Press -8 October / October: judicial source said a high relevance in the Supreme Judicial Council, on Wednesday, said the council is close to ending the files a number of characters that promised the decisions taken against them as "politicized" and based on the continued disagreement with the Prime Minister Former Nuri al-Maliki.



The source revealed for the first time via the / Iraq Presse /, that "the judges in the Council approaching end your file Prime former Central Bank Sinan Cpie after Appeal's judgment seven years and will bring him and his Legal on basing defenses submitted that the case relating to other than with al-Maliki and his refusal to credit the government amount 16 billion dollars extra being outside the law, while the second case it is to resolve the file Hussein Azri and who served the Director of Bank of Iraq for Trade, a nephew of Ahmed Chalabi and had also refused to credit the Iraqi government after meeting with al-Maliki in the bank's headquarters, followed by hours of sending the power to arrest him but he escaped out of Iraq ".



 The source said that "file Azri is almost finished and that the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi does not interfere with the elimination did not touch him under pressure."



The fourth case, which comes close to the Council resolved an issue of MP Sabah al-Saadi and was terminated while resolving your file MP Haidar al-Mulla was refund sources and patches where the restrictions against him prosecuted five cases resulted in the booking movable and immovable property and to prevent him from traveling.



And seeks new Iraqi prime minister Haidar al-Abbadi to correct the mistakes of his predecessor Nuri al-Maliki, most notably the resolutions set many of those close to him in the last days of his rule. Ended

here's another one:   Economic parliamentary: Modify the salary scale after approving the budget retroactively


 Baghdad-Iraq Press -8 October / October: announced the parliamentary Economic Committee, on Wednesday, that the amendment of the new salary scale would be after approving the budget, and retroactive to the first month of the current year, saying they hoped passage of the budget after the holiday. 


It showed, said committee member Nora Albjara, that "the amendment ladder salaries stopped due to a failure to approve the budget for fiscal 2014," noting that "most ministries did not act amendment to the salaries of employees due to delay of the budget in 2014, especially the Ministries of Industry and Minerals, Agriculture, Construction and Housing Lama and the ministries of oil and Education Higher Roatbhma did not get in only a slight change. "


She Albjara, that "in the event of approval of the budget for fiscal 2014 after the Eid al-Adha holiday, there will be a change in salaries and retroactively from the date of the first of January 2014.


The General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers, confirmed on August 15, 2013, that the new salary scale private state employees serving nominal salary increase for lower grades of 100%, while the most likely to see a similar increase in the salaries of retirees, according to the pension law Aljdid.anthy (1)

badi agrees to release salaries of employees of the security forces in Salah al-Din and the appointment of 4800 volunteers


 BAGHDAD - Iraq Press - October 8 / October: detection of a statement from the Prime Minister's Office, Haider al-Abadi, on Wednesday, said that  "the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces and agreed to the appointment of more than 4,800 volunteers on the owners of the leadership of Police Salahuddin province, and the launch of the salaries of police and army recruits that are older than three months, in addition to achieving the demands that will enhance the security and humanitarian files and provide basic services to the people of Salah al-Din "



The statement continued that "the governor of Salah al-Din, a leading al-Jubouri, met the Prime Minister and Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces to discuss the files concerning the maintenance and in particular the security situation," noting that "the governor of Salahuddin demanded the prime minister with the support and the assignment of the security forces and the sons of the tribes, particularly in the besieged areas Kaldiluaah and country Dujail and Alsgelh and Nibai and Tuz and support her sons militarily and logistically, in addition to the interest in the file displaced and humanitarian assistance and livelihood. " Admiral ended


After the transfer of the operating room to the American ..alokhirh Kuwait, Iraq is demanding again to 5.7 billion dollars

 BAGHDAD - Iraq Press - 7 October / October: It seems that the curtain will drape never on the file of compensation Kuwait despite major tragedies that befell Iraq and its people by the invasion of her in the nineties of the last century, setting aside for the KPC to the highest amount of compensation valued at $ 14.7 billion As a result of the loss of production and sales resulting from damage to the oil fields of Kuwait during the Iraqi invasion in 1990, returned Kuwait to announce in a statement that "Iraq still owes Kuwait for $ 5.7 billion dollars in compensation for Iraqi invasion of her year since 1990-1991." 
He said, Khalid Ahmed equitable, who heads the committee responsible for overseeing the compensation payments said in a statement before the United Nations transfer site Arabian Business "that" the last payment we received from the Iraqi government was in the twenty-fourth of last July for $ 1.9 billion dollars and with this installment remaining amount 5.7 billion dollars of which remain outstanding and we look forward in the future to receive quarterly payments until all compensation is paid in full. " 
 Experts believe that the file is always linked to the Kuwaiti American presence in Iraq and the Arabian Gulf Fbaudh American Joint Operations Command to Kuwait a few days ago returned to the last open files with the thorny Iraq one sentence in the forefront of compensation. Admiral ended 
Adding that "Kuwait emphasizes the need for the continuation of regular deposits to the Compensation Fund as stipulated in UN Security Council Resolution 1956 and in this regard, Kuwait would like to recognize the continued commitment by Iraq, which is the subject of our appreciation and respect."







Exchange Rates

EGP 162.2517 SAR 309.1457 BHD 3,077.1883 USD 1,160.1000 EUR 1,452.285





This is for Tbomb, we were discussing different sites presenting the US exchange rate of the Dinar at 1160.  This chart is from the Ministry of Finance







Minister: Iraq is committed to pay war reparations to Kuwait

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Details Group: political Published on Wednesday, Oct. 08 1 / Okrudolf 2014 11:09 Written by: Muhammad Saleem Hits: 52

BAGHDAD / Center Brief for the Iraqi Media Network  (IMN) -  confirmed the Council of Ministers, that past policies meet its obligations to repay the debt to the State of Kuwait, pointing out there is no need to open the door to dialogue on the subject.

The director of the Office of the Prime Minister's Mahdi Keywords ( IMN ) that "Iraq after a year and a half reimbursed all its financial obligations towards the State of Kuwait."


 It is noteworthy that Kuwait announced earlier, that the remaining amounts of the value of compensation for war losses estimated at "5.7" billion dollars.


Ammar Ali Open: Faten Hussein



Russian Oil Company Lukoil to Discuss Expansion in Iraq: Company President

Lukoil CEO Vagit Alekperov will discuss the expansion of the company's operations in Iraq with country's energy minister.

© RIA Novosti.Sergey Guneev
10/08/2014 13:30
Tags: Cooperation , oil export , oil fields , oil , LUKoil , Iraq , Russia

MOSCOW, October 8 (RIA Novosti) - The president of Russian oil company Lukoil , Vagit Alekperov, will visit Iraq on October 13 where he is expected to discuss the expansion of the company's Operations in the country.

"I will be in Baghdad on October 13 to meet the oil minister. I hope, we will continue our talks on the expansion of our operations in Iraq," Alekperov told journalists.

Currently, Lukoil is operating on the West Qurna-2 oil field in Iraq , Which is ranked Among the Largest oil fields in the world.

West Qurna-2 is located 65 kilometers (40 miles) northwest of the city of Basra, southern Iraq, and has reserves of about 13 billion barrels. Lukoil won a tender for the development of the oil field in 2009 and has a 75 percent stake in the project.

Also lukoil has the right to Further Develop and explore the so-called Block 10, Which covers an area of 5,500 square kilometers (2,124 square miles), located 120 kilometers to the west of Basra. In April 2014, the company began a 2D seismic survey at Block 10.

In April, Lukoil considered participating in a joint venture with Russian state-owned exploration and production company Zarubezhneft to develop the giant Nassiriya oil field in southern Iraq and build a refinery.

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The International Monetary Fund lowered its forecast for growth in the Middle East (NOT ONLY IRAQ)
      Wednesday   08   October   2014 | 18:39


APlus.png Aminus.png

International Monetary Fund cut its forecast for economic growth for many countries in the Middle East and attributed this to the impact of political turmoil in addition to the weak global outlook. 
Fund said in the prospectus forecast half-year for the global economy, which issued this week that he is now expected to grow output in the Middle East and North Africa, Afghanistan and Pakistan 2.7 percent this year, down 0.4 percentage points from the previous forecast of the Fund in July. 
Next year is expected to accelerate growth in the region to 3.9 percent, but that at least 0.9 percentage points from the previous forecast of the Fund in July. 
Monetary Fund said that the oil exporters in the Middle East can not hope more than a modest increase in global oil demand, while rising Amadadatr supply of crude oil in North America.Prices for crude measurement global Brent crude to less than $ 91 a barrel on Wednesday registered its lowest level since June June 2012, down more than $ 20 a barrel since last June. 
Thanks to government spending and the private sector, the strong are expected to remain the economies of the Gulf Cooperation Council Author from six countries strong. The IMF said it now expected to check the GCC annual growth averaging about 4.5 percent in 2014 to 2015 with GDP growth of non-oil six percent and GDP growth of oil 0.5 percent. 
Nevertheless, it is expected to reach Growth in oil-exporting countries outside the GCC 0.25 percent only in 2014, due to political shocks in recent deterioration of the security situation in Iraq, Libya and Yemen. 
Fund said it expected to recover growth to three percent in 2015, with the assumption the recovery of oil production in those three countries, but this assumption is "vulnerable to a large degree of uncertainty." 
and added that the economies of many countries imported oil in the Middle East are still facing difficulties because of "deficiencies rooted in economic structures and regional conflicts and the continuation of political and social tensions." 
and continued, "is still growing weaker a lot of help to cope with high unemployment rates, especially among young people and the spread of economic and social disparities widely

10/08/2014 16:24
Cancel allocations hospitality and Alaivadat to avoid budget deficit in 2014




BAGHDAD / obelisk: canceled and the Ministry of Finance, on Wednesday, a number of doors expenditures in the 2014 budget, including allocations and hospitality Alaivadat is necessary to avoid the deficit of $ 45 trillion dinars.

The head of the Finance Committee parliamentary temporary Magda al-Tamimi, in an interview for "obelisk" that "the Minister of Finance Agency Mohammed Sudani told her that the committee for preparation of schedules budget in 2014 is working to reduce the amount of the deficit to the lowest level it's been canceled a number of the doors of the expenses that can be dispensed with such allocations Hospitality and Alaivadat and unnecessary expenses that do not affect the financial and economic march of the country. "

She added that "the Finance Committee have expressed their consent to this procedure as long as it is in the public interest and in order to expedite the submission of the draft budget law and the approval of the Council of Ministers in preparation for submission to the House of Representatives who will vote in the coming sessions."

The delay in approving the budget of the year 2014 because of restored several times by the former House of Representatives did not vote on them, which forced the government to be postponed to the new session of the House of Representatives.

And instructed the Council of Ministers, the end of last September, the Ministry of Finance, to complete figures prudent entitlements from the federal budget projected revenues from the export of oil from the region that are being reviewed by the Council after the Eid al-Adha.

2014-10-08-190907%D8%A8%D8%B1%D9%84%D9%8Ministers of Kurds chanting sworn
19: 09
A source close to the Prime Ministers Kurds sworn they will repeat next Tuesday at a hearing of the House of representatives, to join the next Cabinet, its normal.
The source said that a delegation from the Kurdistan Regional Government will next week hold talks in Baghdad focused on points of contention between the territory and the Federal Government
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125 billion dinars to Baghdad Secretariat of the operating budget

  • Agency eighth day
  • October 8, 2014, 12:38
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Baghdad _ ((eighth day)) Baghdad Secretariat revealed that the Ministry of Finance promised disbursing customized within the operating budget is estimated with 125 billion dinars.   Said Abdul-Hussein Morshedi administrative agent for the secretariat in a press statement that "the delay in approving the budget in 2014 had a negative impact on the project secretariat to address what he called the Ministry of Finance to release the amounts within the operating budget of $ 155 billion dinars."   And between Morshedi "The ministry launched the secretariat of Baghdad earlier 25 billion dinars, and promised that it will launch after the holiday, 125 billion dinars for the completion of projects, the Secretariat, which can not be postponed."

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Obama will meet with leaders of the Pentagon and the chiefs of staff of the armies of 20 countries next week seeking the formation of a ground force against Daash

Wednesday, Oct. 08 1 / Okrudolf 2014 21:48



Complicate President Barack Obama Thursday with a number of military commanders to discuss military operations against al Daash in Iraq and Syria.

According to sources in the Pentagon [Pentagon] that "Obama will meet today with leaders in the Pentagon's Armed Forces to review the course of military strikes against Daash."

For his part, Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Martin Dempsey, said that "a meeting of the chiefs of staff of the armed forces of about 20 countries will meet next week to discuss the prospects for the formation of a ground force to support the aerial bombardments."

It was Dempsey, said in 26 of the last September: "We need to force the American wilderness is not facing Daash organization," adding that "air strikes will not be sufficient to eliminate the Daash in Iraq and Syria."

It is said that the Iraqi government and political blocs as well as the religious authority confirmed "its refusal to send ground troops as part of a foreign international coalition to support Iraq in its war against gangs Daash and terrorists."

The prime minister criticized Haider Abadi earlier in the United States for the lack of coordination with the Iraqi security forces in the implementation of its air strikes on Daash saying, "The only mistake committed by the American forces in attacks on Daash in Iraq is the lack of coordination with Iraqi forces on the ground, Vqguatna going forward , and when they are going to need to be in front of air cover, and this cover is currently unavailable. "

He was the coordinator of the international coalition, retired Gen. George John Allen has visited Iraq last Thursday, accompanied by his deputy Brett McGurk and discuss with Iraqi officials the joint cooperation in the fight against Daash. "

He acknowledged American General after his meetings that "rebuilding the Iraqi army will take time before it becomes able to defeat the terrorists," adding that "the process of planning for the restoration of the connector could take years."

Launched the international coalition of more than 270 sites raid on an al Daash in Iraq since last August eighth and last until yesterday, the coalition has expanded the scope of military operations to include Syria also in the twenty-second of September Almadi.anthy

An intimate relationship between Abadi and Barzani .. After solving the crisis the export of oil and the salaries of the staff of the region!


MP for the Kurdistan Alliance Ribawar Taha, said that "the Kurdistan Regional Government will provide the Baghdad government figures oil exports abroad, while pointing out that the salaries of employees of the province will be launched stalled after that."

Taha said in an interview, said that "the Baghdad government of Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, demanded that the Kurdistan Regional Government in the presence of ministers and Kurds to the House of Representatives for the oath and direct their jobs," noting that "the cabinet will be sworn in after the holiday."

Taha added, that "Baghdad has also called for providing figures oil exports to outside the region," adding that "the Kurdistan Regional Government agreed to it and do not have any objection."

Taha said, "The salaries of the staff of the province will be launched after the oath by the Minister and provide the numbers of Baghdad's oil exports."

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Arab banking summit - an American in New York 10/07/2014 21:14:00

Oman / Nina / Union of Arab Banks hold summit Arab Banking Dialogue - American cooperation with international destinations on 14 and 15 October in New York about the current topic: correspondent banks and in the headquarters of the Bank of New York. 

The Secretary-General of the Federation and Sam Fattouh that the summit is gaining importance through international attention and Arab, and broad participation, and the nature and importance of the issues at hand, indicating that it will see wide participation by decision makers banking and financial Arab Research in banking relationships Arab - American, especially in my sanctions and anti-money laundering , and explain their position and point of view of many of the issues and the files in question. 

He Fattouh in a press statement issued by the Union, which Beirut-based today to post a number of officials at the International Monetary Fund and the Ministry of the Treasury, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Federal Reserve Bank in the work of American Summit. 

He pointed out that the summit will discuss the launch of a serious dialogue between the Arab banking sector and the banking sector American addresses important topics including the future of correspondent banks in the regulatory environment variable and the changing role of correspondent banks, and building relationships between Arab banks in the Arab world and its banks messaging in the United States within the program effectively to combat money laundering and terrorist financing. / End

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Infallible discuss with Abdul-Mahdi Initiative presidency Laws and activate the stalled projects, including the Federal Court 2014-Oct-09-5435bca77116d.jpgInfallible discuss with Abdul-Mahdi Initiative presidency Laws and activate the stalled projects, including the Federal Court

Salah Karam




October 9, 2014 1:37


Readers Number:19




BAGHDAD / news agency Buratha / The President of the Republic Fuad Masum, Wednesday, visited the Oil Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi in his Baghdad office of congratulation on the occasion of Eid al-Adha and discuss the general situation in the country and some of the projects they intend presidency presented, including the project of the Federal Court and other important projects were inoperative previously

At the outset of the meeting, the price of oil Osbr the important role of the president in the political process at this time that the country is going through, and discussed the general situation in Iraq and the challenges facing the views were quite consistent in unifying the work in all fields that serve the Iraqi people.

After the meeting, the President of the Republic Fuad Masum, a press statement with the minister in which he said that "the visit comes on the occasion of Eid and this is my first visit to congratulate the festival, and we discussed a lot of things and perspectives consistent because it stems from the sincerity of Iraq.".

Oil Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi, from his part, said, "We meet from time to time and listen to the views of the wise and prudent to sovereignty, as we dealt with some of his visit to New York, as well as some of the projects they intend presidency presented, including the project of the Federal Court and other important projects were inoperative previously and see it is very important to take its course and the presidential initiative in the activation of these laws will have a significant impact on the activation of the political process in Iraq, "

Edited by TBomb
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