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28 Signs That US Public Schools Are Rapidly Being Turned Into Indoctrination Centers And Prison Camps


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I am not interested in debating this topic but I do think some of you need to do a little research before dismissing this article as

right-wing garbage. So in the interest of truth, below are links to the actual news articles for the first 10 "signs".

Also, I might add, the original article at End Of The American Dream website has links for each of the "signs" that take you to news articles about

the event. So if you doubt the substance presented, simply click on the link to find out where the news came from. You might be surprised.



#3 http://www.huffingto..._n_1124180.html


#5 http://www.nytimes.c...ights.html?_r=2

#6 http://www.dailymail...w-research.html

#7 http://www.dailymail...rrested-23.html


#9 http://www.thesmokin...ool-kiss-657831



i knew there was a good reason to like my granny

nice find

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My question is simple: What are you doing about it? This is not a new problem. Things are really gonna get ugly when this generation is grown up and in charge of making their own rules.

A lot of concerned parents have already taken their children out of public schools. Sadly, so many parents these days depend utterly on the school system for child care. Both parents must work in this day and age...and simply don't have the time, money, and energy to break away from the government "solution". We have all been socially engineered, rather effectively.

Keep beating the drum, Scrum!

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Where do you get all of this stuff - comic books? It is really funny. Can you imagine if some idiot believed this crap? Wow. That wouldn't be funny - it would be very sad. :shakehead:

It's too bad that you don't spend time get a real education, rather than taking false information that is just propoganda that one person puts together, and you believe it. That is the sad part. You are a tool and doing exactly what the propogandist wants you to do - spreading the manure. And you think you are doing a good thing. What a way to live. Sad, sad, sad.

actually, its true. for years there have been articles here in california newspapers and media re such horrific issues.

Where do you get all of this stuff - comic books? It is really funny. Can you imagine if some idiot believed this crap? Wow. That wouldn't be funny - it would be very sad. :shakehead:

It's too bad that you don't spend time get a real education, rather than taking false information that is just propoganda that one person puts together, and you believe it. That is the sad part. You are a tool and doing exactly what the propogandist wants you to do - spreading the manure. And you think you are doing a good thing. What a way to live. Sad, sad, sad.

Actually, I think your the one that needs to take a break. After more than 3600 posts-you should really consider it. Maybe put a side some of that time to volunteer at a public school and find out for yourself what is really going on. And by the way, enjoy the food....

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I'm not sure what is more disgusting, the growing totalitarianism in this country... none of what you've written surprises me because I read about this stuff in the news all the time... or the responses you're getting on this forum for pointing out the obvious. One thing is for sure from reading some of the responses this site for whatever reason is attracting a festering s***hole of liberalism. All anyone needs to do is pull their head out of the sand and look at the worldwide communist... radical Islamic revolution starting right in front of our eyes, or look at s.1867 which is going to turn the USA into the USSA so we will get to live under the same joy the Russians got to live under with Stalin.

Heres something taken right off of ows's web site and it does reflect the mindset of the people who are doing these things to our children in our schools. It is one of the demands not "officially" supported by Ows, but allowed to be put on the site anyway... " Make homeschooling illegal. Religious fanatics use it to feed their children propaganda." I THOUGHT YOU PEOPLE WERE PROTESTING THE 1%... LEAVE OUR CHILDREN ALONE IT IS NONE OF YOUR ******* BUSINESS HOW WE RAISE OUR CHILDREN.

Don't be dissuaded by those who choose to live with their heads in the sand, or worse, are in collussion with this rising evil... I very much appreciate the light you are shining on this darkness... keep it up... and yes this evil makes me angry!!!

Edited by cranster
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Might I ask you what Scrum has to gain from sharing this or any of his info here..? You guys just want to come on and bash him for sharing calling him a kook, nut ect. It's just like Ron Paul. Alex Jones and him live by the same motto maybe you'll understand. “First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.” Your at the Laugh / fight stage right now..

I will assume bashing you mean disagreeing with him. I have never bashed him a lot the stuff he post i don't believe that is my opinion. what he or she gains is the attention of folks to vote for Ron Paul. I am sure he or she is a grass roots supporter. I have no issue with Scrum. He or she claims i caused people not to like his post. Well, i guess if everyone agreed on everything world would be happy, hold hands, sing and dance together. But his post are letting everyone know that con trails are poisoing the air, the NWO is going to place everyone in camps who don't believe in the rhetoric and to stock up on guns and food. Because the NWO is coming after all of us.

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