ronscarpa Posted January 14 Report Share Posted January 14 5 min read January 13, 2025 An Upcoming Online Healing Summit With all of the changes and challenges currently taking place in America and around the world, it is important that we not become distracted from God’s agenda. In the midst of global crises, devastating storms, acts of terrorism, apocalyptic fires, historical elections and inaugurations, etc., we must remember that God is working in the unseen realm. Today, I want to remind you of good news regarding His plans and purposes. Part of the coming revival will be a significant increase of signs, wonders and healings. My friend, Ken Malone, was given two dreams on New Year’s night, both of them picturing some of the things on God’s agenda for 2025. In these dreams, he saw anointings and distinctives of past revivals, and was shown that God would combine and release them in the coming revival. One of the outpourings he saw was the great Welsh revival, which was characterized by worship, strong conviction of sin and many conversions. Another was Azusa Street, which, among other things, was a restoration of Pentecost. And still another was the Voice of Healing movement of the late 1940s, 50s, and early 60s, which saw thousands of healings take place as the gifts of the Spirit (listed in 1 Corinthians 12) were restored to the church. Many prophetic voices have declared that we are moving into another season of these gifts, with many healings and miracles being released. I wholeheartedly concur. What is our part in this? When Elijah was told by the Lord it was time for rains to come, ending Israel’s drought, he released declarations and intercession in order to “birth” it (1 Kings 18). When Daniel became aware that it was time for Israel’s restoration, he entered a time of fasting and prayer for it to occur (Daniel 9). Zechariah 10:1 tells us that when we discern it is time for the rain of Holy Spirit to fall, we are to ask for it. The point is that God works in partnership with His people, as we spoke of in Friday’s post. He has blessed us with the privilege of being involved in the fulfillment of His plans. Ezekiel was told to prophesy to the breath of God, Holy Spirit, telling it to blow on the dry bones of Israel (Ezekiel 47). Jesus told us to command His Kingdom authority into earthly situations, and command the release of His will (Matthew 16:18-19). We do all of these things, of course, at His leading, and according to His will. Nevertheless, God wants our involvement. With this in mind, a group of leaders I am associated with have felt we are to release our faith and prayers for the birthing of this prophesied new season of signs and wonders. We are contending for it in the spirit, not trying to “wrestle” it from God or to force His hand, but to move in faith and obedience to “birth” it. Accordingly, we have conducted two healing services at my brother Tim’s church in Ohio (The Oasis Church/Middletown, OH), which were joined through livestream by many churches and thousands of individuals around the country and in other nations. We have received reports of hundreds of healings, including terminal illnesses. We feel we must continue to release our prayers and faith to stoke the flames of this emerging miracle outpouring. Therefore, we will be holding another Healing Summit at Tim’s church in April; we’ll begin announcing the date shortly. However, we have also been led to do a night of prayer for healing by video this upcoming Wednesday night. The same team of leaders that has been present at the Healing Summits in Ohio will be joining Tim by video, to pray for people throughout the nation and nations Wednesday night (1/15) at 7PM Eastern time ( We will all join in praying, releasing words of knowledge, and believing with those joining us for healings and miracles to occur. We will also be praying to birth this fresh season of signs and wonders throughout the Earth. We want to see healings occur, not just through us, but through believers around the world. We are contending for this. If you need a miracle, join us Wednesday night and believe with us for your healing. If you have a family member that needs healing, encourage them to join us. And even if you do not need a miracle yourself, join us in prayer and faith for others. Let’s make this a night in which a wave of the power of God flows throughout America and around the world. Let’s make it a night in which gifts of the spirit are imparted to believers throughout the Earth. We know this has begun; let’s fan the flames. In Ken’s dream, he was in a tent service, much like those in the Voice of Healing movement. Surprisingly, there was no platform, podium, or speaker; all emphasis was on Christ and the Holy Spirit. During worship, Ken was undone by the presence of the Lord, and was told by Holy Spirit that we were waiting for “Mashah.” Ken did not know what this word meant, but upon awakening from the dream, he looked it up and discovered that it was the Hebrew word for “anointing.”(1) An anointing is coming to the church that will magnify Christ, not human vessels. It will release conviction, deliverance, salvation, pentecostal baptisms of fire, and many signs, wonders, and miracles. Acts 10:38 says God anointed Jesus with the Holy Spirit and power, enabling Him to do good works, healing all that were oppressed by the devil. He wants to do this in our day through us, Christ’s body. Join your faith with ours for this, and join us this upcoming Wednesday night at 7PM as we appeal for it once again. Pray with me: Father, Your Word tells us it is possible to “have not because we ask not” (James 4:2b). Let it not be said of us that we failed to experience a new era of signs, wonders, and miracles simply because we did not ask. We are asking You for this NOW. And we know that just as occurred in the book of Acts, these miracles will awaken many to the truth of the gospel and the reality of Jesus Christ. Bring to the church Your mashah that produces miracles, delivering people oppressed by the devil. We ask for this to occur on Wednesday night, and also that gifts of Your Spirit be released to believers all over the world, enabling them to release signs and wonders. Roll into one the different anointings from past revivals. We believe this is coming, therefore we speak it and act on it. And finally, we continue to pray for protection over our government leaders, and over our nation in general. We are hearing warnings, especially regarding President Elect Trump, that terrorists present in our nation have plans to take his life. We forbid this from succeeding, in the name of Jesus. We pray for a protective hedge around him and those associated with him. We also pray for those suffering such devastating losses in California and the Appalachian region. Our hearts break for them; we ask for Your comfort and supernatural help. All of these things we ask for in the precious name of Yeshua. Amen. Our decree: We decree that God is anointing the church with the Holy Spirit and power, to do good works, and heal those oppressed by the devil. Click on the link below to watch the full video. 5 min read January 13, 2025 An Upcoming Online Healing Summit With all of the changes and challenges currently taking place in America and around the world, it is important that we not become distracted from God’s agenda. In the midst of global crises, devastating storms, acts of terrorism, apocalyptic fires, historical elections and inaugurations, etc., we must remember that God is working in the unseen realm. Today, I want to remind you of good news regarding His plans and purposes. Part of the coming revival will be a significant increase of signs, wonders and healings. My friend, Ken Malone, was given two dreams on New Year’s night, both of them picturing some of the things on God’s agenda for 2025. In these dreams, he saw anointings and distinctives of past revivals, and was shown that God would combine and release them in the coming revival. One of the outpourings he saw was the great Welsh revival, which was characterized by worship, strong conviction of sin and many conversions. Another was Azusa Street, which, among other things, was a restoration of Pentecost. And still another was the Voice of Healing movement of the late 1940s, 50s, and early 60s, which saw thousands of healings take place as the gifts of the Spirit (listed in 1 Corinthians 12) were restored to the church. Many prophetic voices have declared that we are moving into another season of these gifts, with many healings and miracles being released. I wholeheartedly concur. What is our part in this? When Elijah was told by the Lord it was time for rains to come, ending Israel’s drought, he released declarations and intercession in order to “birth” it (1 Kings 18). When Daniel became aware that it was time for Israel’s restoration, he entered a time of fasting and prayer for it to occur (Daniel 9). Zechariah 10:1 tells us that when we discern it is time for the rain of Holy Spirit to fall, we are to ask for it. The point is that God works in partnership with His people, as we spoke of yesterday’s post. He has blessed us with the privilege of being involved in the fulfillment of His plans. Ezekiel was told to prophesy to the breath of God, Holy Spirit, telling it to blow on the dry bones of Israel (Ezekiel 47). Jesus told us to command His Kingdom authority into earthly situations, and command the release of His will (Matthew 16:18-19). We do all of these things, of course, at His leading, and according to His will. Nevertheless, God wants our involvement. With this in mind, a group of leaders I am associated with have felt we are to release our faith and prayers for the birthing of this prophesied new season of signs and wonders. We are contending for it in the spirit, not trying to “wrestle” it from God or to force His hand, but to move in faith and obedience to “birth” it. Accordingly, we have conducted two healing services at my brother Tim’s church in Ohio (The Oasis Church/Middletown, OH), which were joined through livestream by many churches and thousands of individuals around the country and in other nations. We have received reports of hundreds of healings, including terminal illnesses. We feel we must continue to release our prayers and faith to stoke the flames of this emerging miracle outpouring. Therefore, we will be holding another Healing Summit at Tim’s church in April; we’ll begin announcing the date shortly. However, we have also been led to do a night of prayer for healing by video this upcoming Wednesday night. The same team of leaders that has been present at the Healing Summits in Ohio will be joining Tim by video, to pray for people throughout the nation and nations Wednesday night (1/15) at 7PM Eastern time ( We will all join in praying, releasing words of knowledge, and believing with those joining us for healings and miracles to occur. We will also be praying to birth this fresh season of signs and wonders throughout the Earth. We want to see healings occur, not just through us, but through believers around the world. We are contending for this. If you need a miracle, join us Wednesday night and believe with us for your healing. If you have a family member that needs healing, encourage them to join us. And even if you do not need a miracle yourself, join us in prayer and faith for others. Let’s make this a night in which a wave of the power of God flows throughout America and around the world. Let’s make it a night in which gifts of the spirit are imparted to believers throughout the Earth. We know this has begun; let’s fan the flames. In Ken’s dream, he was in a tent service, much like those in the Voice of Healing movement. Surprisingly, there was no platform, podium, or speaker; all emphasis was on Christ and the Holy Spirit. During worship, Ken was undone by the presence of the Lord, and was told by Holy Spirit that we were waiting for “Mashah.” Ken did not know what this word meant, but upon awakening from the dream, he looked it up and discovered that it was the Hebrew word for “anointing.”(1) An anointing is coming to the church that will magnify Christ, not human vessels. It will release conviction, deliverance, salvation, pentecostal baptisms of fire, and many signs, wonders, and miracles. Acts 10:38 says God anointed Jesus with the Holy Spirit and power, enabling Him to do good works, healing all that were oppressed by the devil. He wants to do this in our day through us, Christ’s body. Join your faith with ours for this, and join us this upcoming Wednesday night at 7PM as we appeal for it once again. Pray with me: Father, Your Word tells us it is possible to “have not because we ask not” (James 4:2b). Let it not be said of us that we failed to experience a new era of signs, wonders, and miracles simply because we did not ask. We are asking You for this NOW. And we know that just as occurred in the book of Acts, these miracles will awaken many to the truth of the gospel and the reality of Jesus Christ. Bring to the church Your mashah that produces miracles, delivering people oppressed by the devil. We ask for this to occur on Wednesday night, and also that gifts of Your Spirit be released to believers all over the world, enabling them to release signs and wonders. Roll into one the different anointings from past revivals. We believe this is coming, therefore we speak it and act on it. And finally, we continue to pray for protection over our government leaders, and over our nation in general. We are hearing warnings, especially regarding President Elect Trump, that terrorists present in our nation have plans to take his life. We forbid this from succeeding, in the name of Jesus. We pray for a protective hedge around him and those associated with him. We also pray for those suffering such devastating losses in California and the Appalachian region. Our hearts break for them; we ask for Your comfort and supernatural help. All of these things we ask for in the precious name of Yeshua. Amen. Our decree: We decree that God is anointing the church with the Holy Spirit and power, to do good works, and heal those oppressed by the devil. ******************************* Click on the link below to watch the full video. -------------------------------------------------------------- James Strong, The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1990), ref. no. 4871. 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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