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I'm not American, but the world watches America and it's politics, i guess we watch as a friend, as every move America makes effects every country and people. I must say looking in from the outside a year ago watching the elections, many of us looked at Obama as a good talker or more like a wolf in sheeps clothing, i personally see Obama putting America in debt to a point of it's down fall, maybe i'm wrong and maybe it's none of my business, but it will effect not just America, but everyone! My question to my American friends is,

- do you see what i see?

- if you see what i see, is there a way out of this mess?

- is Obama as popular as he was a year ago?

- what next?

Please be kind if you respond, i'd rather hear real people than listen to the news! Educate me!

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I do believe that this does affect those of us in America who have invested in Dinar. With the money from the investment we must prepare for the possibility of financial collapse through the purchase of gold and other precious metals. We need to pay off our houses and remember the pantry. There are other things we need to buy but I will leave that up to each person's conscious.

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I'm not American, but the world watches America and it's politics, i guess we watch as a friend, as every move America makes effects every country and people. I must say looking in from the outside a year ago watching the elections, many of us looked at Obama as a good talker or more like a wolf in sheeps clothing, i personally see Obama putting America in debt to a point of it's down fall, maybe i'm wrong and maybe it's none of my business, but it will effect not just America, but everyone! My question to my American friends is,

- do you see what i see?

- if you see what i see, is there a way out of this mess?

- is Obama as popular as he was a year ago?

- what next?

Please be kind if you respond, i'd rather hear real people than listen to the news! Educate me!

-Just over 50% of us Americans see it.

-We can demand congress vote to impeach the president but that is not likely to happen due to the majority of congress being liberal/democratic

-No, he holds the all-time high record for unpopularity

-We vote in November of this year to oust seated congress men and women and replace them with folks that will hopefully represent Americans interest instead of their own.

-That's the big question. Only God knows.

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Obama is a joke, i never did like him. most of Americans r sleeping or just dont see whats going on in the US. I'm all for Ron Paul, if more ppl would take time to listen to him and do alil more research on him (since he wasnt one of the 2 big ppl that the news was always talking about) no one knew what he really was for. i think ppl r now waking up and seeing how obama really is, but its alil too late now. he already fed the ppl his BS and fell for it. we need a V for Vendetta to happen here.

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I do believe that this does affect those of us in America who have invested in Dinar. With the money from the investment we must prepare for the possibility of financial collapse through the purchase of gold and other precious metals. We need to pay off our houses and remember the pantry. There are other things we need to buy but I will leave that up to each person's conscious.

IMO, even if the dinar RV's tomorrow and we all cash in the next day and by the end of the week pay off all our debts, this won't stop the potential collapse of our dollar. There aren't enough of us holding dinar to make much of a dent in the economic situation of America. Not only that, the recovery rate of such an event is quite a bit longer than I think we have until the dollar crashes.

Yes, precious metals (that have many industrial and economic uses) are good investments. I have been told to stock up on vegetable seeds and have a years supply of food per person per houshold in preparation for a potential GREAT depression. Now I don't take hook, line and sinker like some folks and my recommendation would be to think for yourself and READ/educate yourself and don't listen to rumors.

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it's hard to trust the news networks as they are either left or right with their own agenda, i have a friend who lived in North America and moved to Southern France last year, he tells me that France is a Socialist country and people in North America don't realize how much freedom they have, he said he will kiss the ground when he goes back to North America. Socialism can't be that good!

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Obama is a joke, i never did like him. most of Americans r sleeping or just dont see whats going on in the US. I'm all for Ron Paul, if more ppl would take time to listen to him and do alil more research on him (since he wasnt one of the 2 big ppl that the news was always talking about) no one knew what he really was for. i think ppl r now waking up and seeing how obama really is, but its alil too late now. he already fed the ppl his BS and fell for it. we need a V for Vendetta to happen here.

A large number of TRUE Americans would agree with you; however, we have become complacent and much too many of us think our ONE vote won't change a thing. Most of the media now a days has their own candidate they push and so many believe what they see and hear on TV and radio respectively so they are swayed into the agended belief and cast their vote without thought. Many more just vote their party.

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Silver, corn seeds, tomato seeds, potato, a few chickens to lay eggs. gonna have to buy milk i dont have a big enough backyard to keep a cow. Will work on a meat/cattle ranch if necessary to get my ribeye and porterhouse steaks though.

Ok, i have my own company but still if the dollar crashes we all need to be prepared for that day and hope that it never does.

the earth will still spin and life will go on, but to make certain we have everything we need is necessary.

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Millions of Americans have awoken due in great part to the film, the obama deception and its sequel, the fall of the republic. is the website. Literally millions of people have watched these videos.

I agree with calguy, et al. Preparation is the key word of the day. 5+ million first time gardeners in the USA this last summer. That speaks volumes. As does the number of first time gun owners beginning the day after the election. I still wonder how he got elected, except I have many dear friends that supported him. Some are wavering now though. And both obama and his wife are in free fall here with their popularity.

My sister who is not 'country' at all and lives in the city is getting laying hens this month. She planted a garden too. She told me yesterday that over half her neighbors got chickens last year and put in gardens. This is in a residential neighborhood.

The times they are a changin. Fasten your seatbelts and hold on. It's going to be a wild ride. And remember....

Find joy in the journey.

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Where was this "we need to take back our government" fervor before Obama? Take a look in the mirror people. YOUR COMPLACENCY created this just as much as Barack "OMG" his middle name is HUSSEIN Obama did before he ever took office.


PS to partisan conservatives. The above comment does not defend Obama at all, it only critiques YOU. So don't get it twisted. I am NOT giving Obama support at all! I am just calling most of the posters in this thread HYPOCRATES! Please admit that many of you were asleep at the wheel at least over the last 8 years before Obama took office and you retain some integrity. If not, then you are completely partisan, and are more than likey a bigot who hates Obama because of his skin color, his ethnic name, and still think he is a Muslim

I know of at least one poster who can't tell the difference, but hopefully the rest of you can!

Obama deserves his fair share of blame, but to think he is the root cause is to be ignorant!

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The Anti-Christ as my wife calls him. I believe he is the real head of AL-Queda. Everything he has done, along with Pelosi, Reid, Dodd and Frank has tore down 200 yrs of freedom our forefathers fought and died for.

This quote right here is racist in many ways. Anyone who thinks he is a secret muslim has some serious cultural ignorance based on racial, religious, and ethnic cultures they are not apart of. Anyone who puts emphasis on the his middle name HUSSEIN and automatically thinks that discredits him also fits into that category.

You sir, are a just as much as a religious fundamentalist in the Christian sense as you hate Muslim fundamentalists if you think Obama is the The irony would be funny if it was not so painful.

The last time I checked, Obama did not have any involvement with the Patriot Act of 2001 that has done the most damage to our forefathers' Constitution than anything Obama has done.

Again, this does not defend Obama, just critiques YOU!

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