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Nick Drake (RIP) - Introduction


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Magnificent ...One of his best ( even though it's hard to tell  which one of his songs is the most stunning of all and which is not...for me at least)


UK John Cale  (fmr. member of Lou Reed's Velvet Underground...He has rec'd various albums including one w Terry Riley) - piano, celeste, organ





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Perfect ending of a stunning album ( 53 years old...Unbelievable...)  by an unique Artist who left us way too early ..


He was only 26 when he left this plane...


I'm sure that after a certain  period of time in the other (spiritual) dimension ( I read that's about 50 years on average...)...He will then re-incarnate ...I'd personally rather not as I'd want to remain in the spiritual dimension forever and ever.......but still have to ascertain ( by reading various material on said matter) if our own will has any say  in regard to this  or we are simply forced to return here which ( I dread...) it'd seem to be the case....Gettin' back here with another name, another look and zero memory of prior lives....start all over again: school, work, usual life issues etc...Hmmmm


I know..... since prior lifetimes are deleted, one could just say "who cares then" ...But since I kinda know / have notion of this already....It bothers me big time ( I do realize it's only my problem....)



Sorry for the tirade, folks....Just sharing my thoughts on this extremely critical issue....





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