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    Full endorsement on this opportunity - but it's limited, so get in while you can!

Tuesday Noontime Opinions @ 1:00 PM CDT - 8/02/2022


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Remember, no one really  knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating  their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... :twothumbs:RON 



***  Humble1  Article quote: "Total" company postponed the implementation of its projects until the formation of the new government." ...This is black and white, no ambiguity...obviously something has to change...will that be the past government led by K, or a new CF government, that remains yet to be seen...a seated government represents security and stability what Dr Shabibi said was needed years ago, so to assume things with a rate change can move forward without security and stability is a mistake imo...apparently the CBI is waiting on something, as the EFSL has been in effect now for over a month, with no change...


*** Walkingstick  [via Frank26] Their voices are being heard and their sending their children in to support their prime minister, government and their banks. Somebody caught on. That's the last thing evil needed in Iraq for Iraq to unify itself the way it's doing right now. It's historical. All the citizens of Iraq are fighting for a better life. Will Maliki bring in his militia into the streets and fight against the citizens of Iraq?  No...Sadr can call on such a powerful force and Maliki cannot.




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