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    Full endorsement on this opportunity - but it's limited, so get in while you can!

Thursday Morning Opinions @ 10:10 AM CDT - 3/31/2022


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Remember, no one really  knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... :twothumbs:RON 



*** Kaperoni   The only logical and plausible way that the Iraqi dinar could go up in value would be gradually over time so that the money supply could be reduced simultaneously. A currency's value is never random it is based on a country's wealth and GDP...Iraq's own economists have declared that Iraq's entire net worth including all minerals in the ground (including oil) is only around $16 trillion dollars. Currently, Iraq has over 100 trillion dinar in circulation...The dinar appreciation has been discussed many times in Iraq including in the IMF's Article IV Consultation of 2012.  The imf's specifically talked about allowing the dinar to gradually appreciate over time...


*** Mnt Goat  Article: "ALI ABDUL-AMIR ALLAWI, CONFIRMED, ON SATURDAY, MARCH 26, 2022, THAT THE WHITE PAPER RESTORED BALANCE TO THE IRAQI ECONOMY"  yes, yes, yes, this is exactly the talk we need to hear from the finance minister at this time. It is the White Paper along with pressure from all sides that is going to get us the reinstatement of the dinar back on Forex. :twothumbs:




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