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Hello all, as you can see from my posts i do not post very often but do read the news and chat logs every day from this site (big thank you to all who take thier time to post and find news for us!) Well i just back from a local bar and while out having a smoke a older gentleman asks me for a smoke. I give him one and while having a converstation with him he explains to me he just got home from iraq 3 weeks ago. After a while i asked him if he thinks that the dinar will revalue. He then says to me "they talk about it all the time but i dont see it happening." (he didnt refer if it was our men and woman or the iraqi people who talk about it all the time). But i thought to myself there is way to much going on in iraq for this not to happen. So take it for what its worth, but i see this as a good sign that no matter who it may be that people over there are talking about a revalue! Theres my 2 dinars worth lol

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Hello all, as you can see from my posts i do not post very often but do read the news and chat logs every day from this site (big thank you to all who take thier time to post and find news for us!) Well i just back from a local bar and while out having a smoke a older gentleman asks me for a smoke. I give him one and while having a converstation with him he explains to me he just got home from iraq 3 weeks ago. After a while i asked him if he thinks that the dinar will revalue. He then says to me "they talk about it all the time but i dont see it happening." (he didnt refer if it was our men and woman or the iraqi people who talk about it all the time). But i thought to myself there is way to much going on in iraq for this not to happen. So take it for what its worth, but i see this as a good sign that no matter who it may be that people over there are talking about a revalue! Theres my 2 dinars worth lol

keep up your spirits. i really wouldnt take what he said too seriously because he doesnt know anything just like us. it has to revalue. why wouldnt it. are they supposed to be poor their whole lives while they have all this black gold. it doesnt make sense. it will rv jsut give it time. it cant be that much longer. they just need time fo rtheir government to get in place and everything should fall in place after that. it may not be a smooth ride but will happen over time. again that money cant be worth nothing forever.

Edited by camerascott
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Hello all, as you can see from my posts i do not post very often but do read the news and chat logs every day from this site (big thank you to all who take thier time to post and find news for us!) Well i just back from a local bar and while out having a smoke a older gentleman asks me for a smoke. I give him one and while having a converstation with him he explains to me he just got home from iraq 3 weeks ago. After a while i asked him if he thinks that the dinar will revalue. He then says to me "they talk about it all the time but i dont see it happening." (he didnt refer if it was our men and woman or the iraqi people who talk about it all the time). But i thought to myself there is way to much going on in iraq for this not to happen. So take it for what its worth, but i see this as a good sign that no matter who it may be that people over there are talking about a revalue! Theres my 2 dinars worth lol

Alot of our troops apparently dont think its going to happen....or at least not like we think it is....i have also talked to a couple of troops that returned home, their OPINION is that it will RV, nothing close to a dollar but that we do still have some time yet before they do i do somewhat agree that we might be waiting a little longer then expected because the way things are going its gonna take them awhile just to get a PM selected and put into office but i do think that we should at least see it jump over 50 cents....could be wrong hahaha hope im wrong....but i do think we will be in the midst of fall at the earliest before it RV's......they take too long....period....and the CBI wont change the exchange rate without a govt in place....why would you throw a revalue in the mix without a govt in place to control the masses? too much goin on right now.....

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Hello all, as you can see from my posts i do not post very often but do read the news and chat logs every day from this site (big thank you to all who take thier time to post and find news for us!) Well i just back from a local bar and while out having a smoke a older gentleman asks me for a smoke. I give him one and while having a converstation with him he explains to me he just got home from iraq 3 weeks ago. After a while i asked him if he thinks that the dinar will revalue. He then says to me "they talk about it all the time but i dont see it happening." (he didnt refer if it was our men and woman or the iraqi people who talk about it all the time). But i thought to myself there is way to much going on in iraq for this not to happen. So take it for what its worth, but i see this as a good sign that no matter who it may be that people over there are talking about a revalue! Theres my 2 dinars worth lol

You know what cinnibuns? I agree with you. That a chance meeting occurs and he even mentions what he has heard about a reval is indeed something to consider. That New Orleans would win a super bowl was a miracle too. But they did. :lol: I agree that if the talk is about then the idea has firmly taken hold and must be considered. You are also correct in mentioning the source of his opinions be it the locals or our guys but never the less the conversation is afoot.

Thank you for your information. Very interesting.

Edited by automag
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