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The launch of a new index in the Tokyo Stock Exchange index ranks companies based on the efficiency of capitalism


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The launch of a new index in the Tokyo Stock Exchange and «Nikki» fall 2%


Date Published: Tuesday, January 7th, 2014

Tokyo (dpa Reuters) - was launched on the Tokyo Stock Exchange yesterday, the new index includes 400 shares of companies traded in the stock market. The new index ranks companies based on the efficiency of capitalism. Now the index level of 11728.1 points, while the standard level of thousands of his 10 points, was calculated based on the share prices of listed companies until August 30 of last year. Carries the name of the new index «good. Me. Indicus X Nikkei 400» and developed by each of the «Japan Xschnj Group», for the management of the stock exchange and the Foundation «Nikki» economic news.

The index ended trading yesterday at 11641.85 points, which is slightly less than the level of its launch, according to the news agency reported «Kyodo» Japanese. The «Kyodo» that the new index focuses on return on equity and Afadil between 400 shares of a company registered in the Tokyo Stock Exchange, including chip companies and firms listed in the index of emerging companies Jasdaq.


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