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  1. Here's some articles of Dinarian interests... -Central Bank of Iraq imposes financial penalties on banks and exchange companies amounting to 43 billion dinars -Iraq Intends To Connect Its Electricity With Kuwait & The Gulf At The End Of The Year & Then With Saudi Arabia. Treat as rumors. Not verified. Your opine. KTFA via Clare: The CBI Imposes Financial Penalties On Banks & Exchange Companies Amounting To 43 Billion Dinars. ARTICLE: The CBI announced on Sunday that fines imposed on banks & non-banking institutions (exchange companies) amounted to more than 43 billion Iraqi Dinars during the past three months. A table of the bank, which Shafaq News Agency reviewed, showed that the fines imposed on banks & financial companies during the past three months, starting from last April until the end of last June, amounted to 43 billion, 465 million, 532 thousand, and 931 Dinars. The table showed that “the fines also included 102 administrative penalties for these banks and non-banking institutions, distributed between warnings, alerts & grace periods.” The table showed that “May witnessed the highest fines on banks & non-financial institutions, as these fines reached 34 billion, 2 million, 141 thousand, & 100 Dinars, with 42 administrative penalties, while June witnessed the lowest fines, reaching 2 billion, 829 million, 157 thousand, and 288 Dinars, with 30 administrative penalties.” The table did not show the names of the banks that were fined and subjected to administrative penalties. The Iraqi Stock Exchange Investors Association had criticised the CBI’s increase in fines on banks, noting that it would affect the profitability of investors in the shares of these banks. Clare: Iraq Intends To Connect Its Electricity With Kuwait & The Gulf At The End Of The Year & Then With Saudi Arabia. PM Mohammed Shia al-Sudani confirmed on Sunday that his government intends to link Iraq’s electricity with Kuwait & the Gulf Interconnection Authority at the end of 2024 & then move to link with Saudi Arabia to diversify energy sources when demand increases during peak times in the country. Al-Sudani said in a speech during the opening of the Iraqi-Turkish electricity linkage project, “The value & importance of this project is that it had been suspended since 2004 & it had been planned since the nineties of the last century & today it has been completed in coordination with the Turkish Ministry of Energy.” He added, “The value of this project is that for the first time we have an international connection with neighboring Turkey & then to the European Union& this is an important & strategic factor for energy at the future level.” Al-Sudani added, “After we were able to connect with the Jordanian side & today with Turkey & hopefully at the end of this year with Kuwait & the Gulf Interconnection Authority, then we will head to complete our important project with Saudi Arabia so that Iraq can complete its communication with the regional energy system in a way that allows for diversity & exchange in various conditions of peak electrical loads.”
  2. Here's some articles of Dinarian interests... -The CBI “Denies” Issuing A Currency -Increase In Sales Of The CBI At The Dollar Auction. -To End The Work Of The UNAMI Mission Comes Based On Political Stability In Iraq. Treat as rumors. Not verified. Your opine. FROM OTHER SOURCES: The CBI “Denies” Issuing A Currency In The Category Of (100) Thousand Dinars. ARTICLE: The CBI denies issuing a new currency in the denomination of (100) thousand Dinars, indicating that the image of the new currency circulated on social networking sites is a “fake” image bearing the image of the late Iraqi architect Zaha Hadid. The bank called on citizens to be careful & not deal with it if some offer it for the purpose of fraud. The CBI confirms that there are no intentions to print a new currency at the present time, stressing that it will take legal measures against violators & promoters of this counterfeit currency. CBI information Office 26 – May – 2024. FROM OTHER SOURCES: Center For Banking Studies Concludes A Course To Prepare Leaders For The Banking Sector. ARTICLE: The Banking Studies Center at the Central Bank of Iraq concluded a training course entitled (Preparing Leaders in the Banking Sector), which was held at the Professional Counselor & Trainer Center in the capital, Baghdad, for the period from 5/19-23/2024, with the participation of a number of employees working in the banking sector. It covered the detailed objectives of the training course program, which was lectured by the expert trainer, Dr. Tawfiq Abdel Ghani, consolidating the: concept & principles of governance, its concepts & importance, the ability to employ & evaluate it, a deep understanding of plans & priorities & the ability to direct various resources & deal with the challenges facing implementation. At the conclusion of the course, certificates of appreciation were distributed, which witnessed great interaction from the participants throughout its days. It is noteworthy that the Center for Banking Studies at the CBI of provided many training courses in various banking fields during the current year, which comes within the center’s annual plan to develop cadres working in the Iraqi banking sector. Economic circles specialized in financial affairs welcomed what was stated in the mutual evaluation report of the Republic of Iraq, regarding Iraq’s role in combating money laundering & the financing of terrorism & that strengthening the financial performance in Iraq represents an important step in harmony with the government’s directions aimed at attracting major investments. To the country, which requires a developed & ideal financial sector that ensures money flows in the right direction. In its general meeting held in the Kingdom of Bahrain, the Middle East and North Africa Financial Action Task Force (MENAFATF) adopted the mutual assessment report for the Republic of Iraq, which reflects its great commitment to applying international standards to combat money laundering & terrorist financing. The report reflects the solid system in Iraq to combat money laundering & terrorist financing. Terrorism & the important efforts undertaken by the state to combat these crimes in accordance with international standards in this regard. Executive Director of the Iraqi Banks Association, Ali Tariq, said: This evaluation did not come out of nowhere, but was preceded by great work & concerted efforts to adopt global performance standards that continued for years& the CBI had the most important role in this matter, by working to invest risks and laying solid foundations. To combat money laundering & terrorist financing. Tariq added that regulating the financial sector in Iraq represents the goal of everyone, in order to create a banking system capable of providing services that rise to global standards & reflect a positive image of Iraq’s financial reality in front of the major international banks, pointing out that Iraq is in dire need of developing its performance, as we have A large, broad and growing business & this requires the presence of a highly organized financial sector. Central Bank of Iraq information Office May 26, 2024. FROM OTHER SOURCES: Increase In Sales Of The CBI At The Dollar Auction. ARTICLE: Sales of the CBI of increased today, Sunday, compared to sales last Thursday, which during its auction for buying & selling USD amounted to 277 million. Today, during its auction for buying and selling the USD, the CBI sold 281 million, 212 thousand & 839 Dollars, which the bank covered at a base exchange rate of 1,310 Dinars, for documentary credits and international settlements for electronic cards, at a price of 1,310 Dinars per Dollar for external transfers & at a price of 1,305 Dinars per Dollar in cash. Most of the bank’s dollar sales went to strengthening balances abroad in the form of (transfers, credits) which amounted to 256 million 72 thousand & 839 Dollars, an increase of 90% over cash sales amounting to 25 million 140 thousand Dollars. FROM OTHER SOURCES: Al-Sudani To Plasschaert: The Request To End The Work Of The UNAMI Mission Comes Based On Political Stability In Iraq. ARTICLE: Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani stressed to the Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations in Iraq, Jeanine-Plasschaert, that the request to end the work of the UNAMI mission comes based on political stability in Iraq. The PM’s Media Office stated in a statement received by Mawazine News, “Al-Sudani received Plasschaert on the occasion of the end of her work duties, and during the meeting, he expressed the government’s appreciation to Plasschaert for her efforts throughout her work in Iraq.” Al-Sudani stated, “The request to end the work of the UNAMI mission comes based on the political & security stability that Iraq is witnessing, & the progress it has achieved in several areas,” noting that “the Iraqi government continues to cooperate with international agencies affiliated with the United Nations, in accordance with the government program.” Its development goals at all levels & fields, especially with the progress achieved in the areas of economic reform and infrastructure reconstruction & the growing capabilities of our various types of armed forces.” For her part, Plasschaert renewed her praise for the important steps & promising initiatives presented by Iraq during the last eighteen months, especially in the areas of service provision, infrastructure reconstruction, investment, plans to mitigate environmental impacts & reduce dependence on imported fuel.
  3. Here's an article of Dinarian interests... CBI fines Iraqi banks over noncompliance. Treat as a rumor. Not verified. Your opine. From Other Sources: More Than 138 Billion Dinars In “Fines” Imposed By The CBI On Banks & Exchange Companies. ARTICLE: The CBI announced on Tuesday that the fines imposed on banks & non-banking institutions (exchange companies) amounted to more than 138 billion Iraqi Dinars during the past three months. A table of the bank, seen by Shafaq News Agency, showed that the fines imposed on banks & financial companies during the past three months, starting from January & until the end of last March, amounted to 138 billion, 377 million, 321 thousand, and 527 Dinars, indicating that “the fines It also included 49 administrative penalties for these banks & non-banking institutions, distributed between warnings, warnings & grace periods. The table showed that “the month of January witnessed the highest fines on banks and non-financial institutions, as these fines reached 98 billion, 277 million, 722 thousand, & 62 Dinars, with administrative penalties amounting to 17 penalties, while the month of March witnessed the lowest fines, amounting to 5 billion & 462.” One million, 451 thousand & 344 Dinars with administrative penalties amounting to 15 penalties.” The Association of Investors in the Iraqi Stock Exchange had criticized, in early June, the CBI’s increase in fines on banks, noting that it would affect the profitability of investors in the shares of these banks. CBI often criticized by the UST for not doing enough to end money laundering & auctions in efforts to stop the illegal USD transfers to Iran & terrorist organizations.
  4. Here's an article of Dinarian interest... The news just keeps on getting better. CBI to lift restrictions on Iraqi banks. NOTE: These restriction were first put in place by the UST. Treat as a rumor. Not verified. Your opine. FROM OTHER SOURCES: The CBI Is Preparing A Report To Lift The Ban On 28 Iraqi Banks. ARTICLE: The Parliamentary Investment & Development Committee revealed steps by the CBI to lift the ban on 28 banks, while indicating that the private sector will participate with the public sector in many strategic projects. The head of the Parliamentary Investment and Development Committee, Hassan Al-Khafaji, said in a statement followed by “Al-Iqtisad News”: “The committee proposed to the Governor of the Central Bank, Ali Al-Alaq, to support private private banks & involve them in loans,” explaining that “the governor confirmed his support after lifting minor violations against some banks.” . He pointed out that "the governor of the CBI promised to submit a report to the US Treasury to lift the ban on Iraqi banks, which number 28 private banks," expecting "the ban on those banks to be lifted during the coming period."
  5. Here's an article of Dinarian intersts... The CBI Told Me So. Treat as a rumor. Not verified. Your opine. MntGoat: The CBI Told Me So. ARTICLE: The CBI contact…told me that the rate is going to change very soon but not backwards only forwards, meaning to go up in value & not down. I was also told that as an investor we will like the final rate. Again, it was emphasized to me that there would first be an in-country rate (close to USD 1 to IQD 1) during the swap-out in Iraq of the three zero notes & then later a new rate once the dinar is liberated back to the foreign currency exchanges & re-pegged. At this point the in-country rate goes away. There will NEVER be two rates…They wanted to make this point very clear to me that this is the process. When the in-country rate comes out there is little we, as investors, can do to exchange & our turn-out will come later, if we so choose to give up our Dinars.
  6. Inflation rate in Iraq declines in 2023 compared to 2022 Amr Salem November 29, 2023 268 3 min The Central Bank of Iraq. Photo: INA Baghdad ( – The Central Bank of Iraq (CBI) announced on Wednesday that the inflation rate decreased in 2023 compared to 2022. A statement issued by the CBI mentioned that the price stability achieved in the country is good compared to many countries where inflation has reached 30 and 40 percent, the state news agency (INA) reported. Inflation in Iraq reached approximately 3.7 percent in August 2023, compared to 4.4 percent in August 2022, despite the rise in inflation in Iraq’s trading partners, according to the statement. The inflation rate reached 46 percent in Iran and approximately 57 percent in Turkey. This reflects the CBI’s successful policy of achieving price stability and maintaining the inflation rate within acceptable limits. The inflation rate in the United Arab Emirates reached 3.4 percent and 2.4 percent in Saudi Arabia. The Iraqi Ministry of Planning announced last month that the inflation rate remained stable during September. The spokesperson of the Planning Ministry, Abdul Zahra Al-Hindawi, said earlier that the monthly inflation rate in Iraq during September witnessed no changes compared to August, where the inflation rate rose by 0.5 percent. The Central Statistical Organization (CSO) of the Iraqi Planning Ministry recorded an increase of four percent in the annual inflation rate in April 2023, compared to the same period in 2022. In its latest report, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) expected that the annual inflation in Iraq would rise to 6.6 percent in 2023. The IMF explained in its report that the annual inflation in Iraq during 2020 reached 0.6 percent and rose to six percent in 2021. Expectations also indicated that the annual inflation rate in Iraq will decrease in 2024 to 1.6 percent.
  7. Here's another article related to the above...CBI abruptly stops all electronic payments by credit only a vague reason why...CBI may possibly have been compromised or hacked into... Clare: The Central Bank disables all electronic payment cards & a source of the news explains. ARTICLE: An informed source revealed that the CBI suspended most of the electronic payment cards, including the Master Card, due to a regulatory process. The source told a news agency that: “All banks & banks to which cards were issued by electronic payment companies, including {Soj}, Ishtar Gate & Qi Card, are currently suspended according to the decision of the CBI since last Thursday.” He added, “Maybe there are three banks that are still working with their electronic cards, since they are the ones issuing them & they are also awaiting settlement.”
  8. Here's an article from Dinarland... Confirmed: CBI Conforms To IMF Standards. Treat as a rumor. Not verified. Your opine. From Other Sources: Confirmed: CBI Conforms To IMF Standards. ARTICLE: CBI: The cash payments of the Dollar has become disciplined with the procedures of the Electronic Platform, CBI confirmed on Monday, the 24th, which prompted a decline in the price in the markets, because it has been available through the Platform.
  9. Here's an article from Dinarland... Ali Alaq warns not to raid the CBI to cover the Budget. CBI is not Iraq's personal piggy bank. Maliki suggested tapping into CBI resources. Treat as a rumor. Not verified. Your opine. TNT: Tishwash: CBI Governor Warns Of “A Very Dangerous Phenomenon That Threatens Monetary Stability” ARTICLE: Governor of the CBI, Ali Al-Alaq, considered, on Thursday, relying on the central bank to cover the general budget deficit, as “a very dangerous phenomenon that threatens monetary stability” in Iraq.
  10. KTFA: Samson: The Governor of the CBI receives the head of the Iraqi Media Network. Article: His Excellency the Governor of the CBI, Mr. Mustafa Ghaleb Mukhaif, received today, Sunday, the President of the Iraqi Media Network, Dr. Nabil Jassim. And discussed aspects of cooperation between the CBI & the Iraqi Media Network. Clare: Article: WHY? I WOULD IMAGINE BECAUSE THEY ARE GETTING READY FOR THE RELEASE OF A BIG MEDIA CAMPAIGN ABOUT CHANGES COMING FROM THE CBI…. JUST LIKE WS & FRANK TOLD US…IMO. Samson: Article: Extension”: Dissolving Parliament without forming an interim government means that Al-Kazemi & Barham will remain.
  11. Luigi found this article of Dinarian interests... Treat as a rumor. Not varafied. Your opine. KTFA: Samson: Completion Of The Payment Compensation To The State Of Kuwait. The payment of the last remaining installment of the State of Kuwait's compensation amounting to $44 million USD has been completed. Iraq completed the final payment compensation amounts approved. UN compensation Committee of the UN Security Council pursuant to Resolution 687 for the year 1991 with a total of $52 Billion (1) Billion USD for the State of Kuwait. It is hoped that ending the compensation will contribute to removing Iraq from Chapter VII, as well as it's impact on re-integrating the Iraq banking system with the global banking system & benefiting from the financial abundance that will be achieved. CBI Media Office December 21, 2021
  12. Luigi found this article of Dinarian interests... CBI says a rate change of the IQD against the Dollar is coming on Sunday. Treat as a rumor. Not varafied. Your opine. Guru Jeff: ARTICLE: CBI sets a new price for the Dollar starting from Sunday. A bunch of articles have come out where they're talking about physically changing the rate this Sunday. Actually saying the rate which means devaluing the currency. They're telling you in the news that they plan or intend to change the rate, Sunday.
  13. Luigi asks... Can there still be a RV/RI even with Iran influence in the CBI? Corruption still exists...Iran influence still in all levels of GOI. Iran has been draining Iraq of it's wealth ever since the days of Miliki & Alak. Can the US ever remove Iran's stranglehold grip on Iraq? Treat as a rumor. Not varafied. Your opine. 1-16-2020 Intel/Newshound Guru Frank26 ......IMO Trump is insisting to stop the usage of the American dollar through their auctions. Why? To play fair...what is happening is the reason why the auction are about to be shut down. What happens if they shut down the auctions? They have to use their own shut down those auctions President Trump and you force them to raise the value of their currency. You timed this brilliantly. Freaking brilliantly. The CBI had many of their employees arrested today. Four major ones. And one that owned a bank...What was the results? Money was being sent to Iran...what happened the big reason why Donald Trump will stop the auctions...and that alone will force Iraq do do what you and I want them to do with the monetary reform...this will force their hand to do something to maintain the exchange rate that is stable right now by the sale of the American dollar through the auctions...this will force Iraq to lift the three zeros. It will force them to come out with the new small category notes, to have the new exchange rate come out...
  14. Luigi asks... Guru Jeff says a mouthful but can he back it up. Has anyone seen any CBI news articles to support Jeff's claims? Treat as a rumor. Not varafied. Your opine. 12-4-2019 Newshound Guru Jeff Document "The Exchange Rate of Foreign Currency in Economic Feasibility Studies 12/4/2019". Quote: "3. Estimate the amended exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar to be used in technical and economical feasibility studies and for (1.134) dollar per dinar. This price should be approved for 3 years until re-appreciation by the competent authorities."
  15. Luigi found this critical bit of intel of Dinarian interests... Sleep tight, sleep easy, tonight. The Goat is in negotiation with CBI in our best interests. Treat as a Goat (TerryK) rumor. Not varafied. Your opine. 11-27-2019 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat We now approach January, again. Is Iraq going to be ready? We know that the demonstrators want the HCL payments promised them. Remember this was delayed from September 2018 until January 2019 and then the RV did not happen and so no HCL payments happened...Some say the CBI is still moving ahead with the “project to delete the zeros”. I agree but right now at a snail’s pace. They are waiting for the demonstrators to settle down. EVEN THEN, I AM TOLD BY MY CBI CONTACT THST NOTHING IS GOING TO HAPPEN UNTIL AT LEAST THE 2020 BUDGET IS OPENED. It contains the HCL money something the citizens are demanding...
  16. Luigi asks... Could this be the new exchange rate after RV? Is this a CBI typo? Inquiring minds want to know. Treat as a rumor. Not varafied. Your opine. 12-2019 Newshound Guru G-Lin Article: "Preparation for the conference to launch electronic travel cards " Article quote: "The establishment of the Conference of the launch of electronic travel cards issuance of electronic cards for Iraqi citizens to motivate them to use these cards during the payment period expenses (purchases - hotels - ... Buy the dollar at 1,200 dinars. ...This bank will settle the cards abroad by selling them dollars at a price. Aqh sell the currency, the dollar against the sale of citizens at the price of 1.200 dinars through purchases of cards." This sounds like the price in country will be 1,200 dinars per dollar. And abroad it will be 1.200 dinars per dollar. I'm not sure if it is a typo or they are telling us the rate. wow...This is the CBI site btw... I think this is pretty much what a rv will look like. Very little change in country and only us abroad will feel it. It sounds like this conference coming up next month will be a huge educational tool for the peeps.
  17. Luigi says... MntGoat has got our backs. She continually receives new CBI updates. It's all done. Just awaiting on GOI. Not varified. Your opine. Go RV. 11-26-2018 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat The CBI has said many times they “fully” intend to keep the citizens informed of the status of the project to delete the zeros. They are doing just that. They seem to give period updates on the project. Just recently we received their latest update which said they are ready to do it and there is nothing more for the CBI to do. They are waiting on the GOI...
  18. Luigi says... CBI removed from UN sanctions does not mean Iraq is removed from C8. 8 June 218 Frank26.... Dr.Dinar: Central bank of Iraq taken off sanctions list today by UN woohoo!!! But I can’t post links so go to UN site and read it! Don961: From DrDinar …Security Council Committee on Iraq Removes Entity from its Sanctions List... On 7 June 2018, the Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1518 (2003) approved the withdrawal of the following entity from the list of persons and entities subject to the asset freeze provided for in paragraphs 19 and 23 of Security Council Resolution 1483 (2003) , adopted under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations. Entities and other groups IQe.001 Name: CENTRAL BANK OF Iraq Other known name (s):na Previously known as: nd Address : Rashid Street, Baghdad, Iraq Join Date: 21 Nov 2003 Other Information: Activity: Central Bank (Issuing Bank and Controller of the Banking System) The names of persons and entities removed from the Sanctions List by decision of the Committee are published in the “Press Releases” section of the Committee’s website at: sc / suborg / en / sanctions / 1518 / press-releases. To access the updated version of the List of Persons and Entities Subject to Sanctions, Member States are invited to regularly visit the Committee’s website at: / en / penalties / 1518 / materials . The Sanctions List is available in HTML, PDF and XML formats. The UN Sanctions Sanctions Checklist is also updated whenever changes are made to the Committee’s List. An updated version can be found at: .
  19. Luigi found these articles of interests... It appears CBI is making a big & final push to call in as much of the high denom notes as possible in Iraq. CBI stated on numerous occations...the note count on the streets must come down prior to an RV. This could mean we are close to the end of the end. The ride may be over. Treat this as a rumor. Not varified. Your opine. 30 Jan 2018 Phil Oberholzer... These may be back up machines they have because they’re counting so many notes. Another thought, may be they don’t need them because they won’t be counting near as many notes. Or maybe these are just old and worn out….Speculating here…. Mike Moderator Ditto Phil, these guys have a ton of notes out their and counting them using anything other than a machine would be a huge job. — Stay grounded… 30 Jan 2018 Kaperoni... Central Bank of Iraq (CBI) News > From CBI – Public auction for the sale of (counting and sorting machines and packets currency) Kaperoni Moderator January 29, 2018 Announces the Central Bank of Iraq / Baghdad to conduct a public auction for the sale of ((counting, sorting and packages currency)) under sales law rent No. machines (21) for the year 2013. It calls wishing to subscribe to public auction attendees to the Central Bank of Iraq building / Rasheed Street on Sunday, a brief summary of 2018 / 2/18 at ten in the morning according to the following conditions:
  20. Luigi says... More CBI Corruption...Is Out Of Control. Our RV is going down the toilet at the rate of $1 Billion a day. Treat this article as a rumor. Unable to verify. Your opine. 21 Nov 2017 Central Bank of Iraq (CBI) News An international investigation team reveals to Ebadi the rampant corruption in the dollar auctions of the Iraqi Central Bank Dozens of Iraqi officials are involved in waste and theft of $ 1 billion a day … 20/11/2017 – 13:47 CBI News/Economy / Iraq An international investigation team reveals to Ebadi the rampant corruption in the dollar auctions of the Iraqi Central Bank A source close to Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi said on Monday that the international team investigating corruption files in Iraq, Abadi told the involvement of dozens of Iraqi officials to waste public money and stolen through the dollar auctions of the Central Bank of Iraq. According to the source, “the investigations revealed that Iraq is wasting large amounts of money, sometimes amounting to one billion dollars per day, because of the difference between the dinar exchange rate between the auction and the black market.”
  21. Luigi says... More CBI Corruption...Is Out Of Control. Our RV is going down the toilet at the rate of $1 Billion a day. Treat this article as a rumor. Unable to verify. Your opine. 21 Nov 2017 Central Bank of Iraq (CBI) News An international investigation team reveals to Ebadi the rampant corruption in the dollar auctions of the Iraqi Central Bank Dozens of Iraqi officials are involved in waste and theft of $ 1 billion a day … 20/11/2017 – 13:47 CBI News/Economy / Iraq An international investigation team reveals to Ebadi the rampant corruption in the dollar auctions of the Iraqi Central Bank A source close to Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi said on Monday that the international team investigating corruption files in Iraq, Abadi told the involvement of dozens of Iraqi officials to waste public money and stolen through the dollar auctions of the Central Bank of Iraq. According to the source, “the investigations revealed that Iraq is wasting large amounts of money, sometimes amounting to one billion dollars per day, because of the difference between the dinar exchange rate between the auction and the black market.”
  22. Luigi says... According to some guru...the CBI law is now Gazette. Treat as a rumor until varified by multiple sources. Not varified. Your opine. 11-19-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru xxxx... Article: "AMENDMENTS TO THE LAW OF THE CENTRAL BANK OF IRAQ ISSUED ORDER NO. (56) POSTED IN GAZETTE" that Iraq is moving to another chapter in is monetary policy the old policies of the CBI needed to be updated to fit (coincide with) the new monetary direction. This is all this amendment is doing and was a necessity. Is is very significant as we can see them lining up once again for the new monetary reforms, which will eventually lead to the reinstatement of the currency.
  23. Luigi found this article of Dinarian interests...Could this have any impact on the RV exchange rate? Not verified. Your opine. xyz: A source at the Central Bank: The video that showed the fund for the receipt of Iraqi funds fabricated An official source in the Iraqi Central Bank said on Saturday that the video showing the receipt of Iraqi funds is "fabricated", pointing out that this aims to disrupt the government's successes in crossing the difficult financial crisis with the support of the Central Bank.... "the bank receives The dinar of the foreign printing house with containers containing figures and symbols and not written on the currency or the name of the central bank beneficiary. " xyz: The World Bank calls on the Iraqi government to create jobs to restore confidence with its citizens ...
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