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Everything posted by ds2

  1. i won the lotto but it was only worth a free ticket. i am still waiting for the big one.
  2. WASHINGTON — After weeks of public outcry and lawsuit threats, the administration bowed to demands Monday and announced that airport full-body scans will now include an array of free outpatient diagnostic services and microbrew selections. TSA Administrator John Pistole said the concession will “retool airport scanners for quick radiology, CAT scans, MRIs, bone densitometry, ultrasounds, and more for weary travelers.” Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said travelers can choose “long or short consultations” with the attending physicians. Travelers can also opt out of consultations “and just take their free scans and beer into secure waiting areas.” Saturday’s 300,000-businessman “Don’t-Touch-My-Junk” March on the National Mall focused public attention on the “inhumanity of airport scanning and pat-downs,” said organizer Jeff Maltby. At the march, Maltby declared: “This administration had better keep its creepy hands off travelers or face something really bad.” The demonstration turned violent when marchers taunted riot-control police and actually attempted to pat down several officers. The officers repulsed the protestors with deep cavity searches. Several protesters fainted, and many Blackberries were crushed in the altercation. On Sunday, Maltby and other organizers won their meeting with the TSA and expressed satisfaction with the compromise. “Things changed fast when you mentioned beer,” Maltby said to Pistole. Prior to the administration’s outpatient decision, some pilot unions and passenger groups had said they would urge their members to boycott the scanners, forcing TSA officers to pat down thousands of additional travelers. “That is a nonissue now,” said Patty Amerine, union president of the Association of Flight Attendants. “They just had to say ‘free mammogram’ and we understood the need for added security.” Senators had assailed the TSA Wednesday over the agency’s new, more invasive airport pat downs that have led to widespread controversy. Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison, R-Texas, told TSA Administrator John Pistole that the huge protest from travelers demanded that TSA soften its procedures. “Can’t we just give them a gift, or you know, something free in exchange for the privacy thing?” Hutchison asked at a hearing before the Senate Commerce Committee. However, Pistole said that the new search techniques were necessary because tests of airport security had repeatedly identified the old pat downs as inadequate. “They’ve been missing all the underwear bombs.” More aggressive searches were required for those passengers who would not go through the scanners. “If you are asking me, am I going to change TSA policies? No,” Pistole told the committee. After a solid lunch, Pistole clarified to the committee, “Well, maybe.” TSA trained doctor finds cancerous lump during airport scan. Sen. Byron Dorgan, D-N.D., asked Pistole whether he had undergone the new pat down himself. Pistole said he and Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, along with other administration officials, had insisted on having the search performed on them before it was unveiled. “It is very, very thorough,” Pistole said. “I spoke in a higher-pitched voice afterward, but the free scans of my lungs quickly removed my doubts.” Napolitano added, “The New Belgium Fat Tire beer really put a smile on my face.” Napolitano explained that jalapeno rice cakes were now available for travelers who opted out of the available microbrews. 88% of business travelers polled said they would not mind spending two or three hours in a security line for the free medical work. “It’s a win-win situation,” said David Peterson, who spends three weeks a month on business travel. “With their new system, they can catch terrorist threats here in the airport as well as any ‘terrorist’ threats to my colon.” Executive traveler Janice Jensen chose a trial ultrasound at Chicago’s O’Hare International Airport and discovered she was pregnant with twins. “The entire line of travelers and security personnel cheered. I couldn’t have been happier,” she said. Health and Human Services secretary Kathleen Sebelius noted that adding physicians to the airport security process will also “reduce some of the pressures engendered by the administration’s recent changes in health care provisions.” Sebelius explained, “Any physicians wandering the streets can now be quickly employed in airport outpatient diagnostics.” “This is unfortunately the world in which we live,” Sen. Lieberman, CT-Independent said. “Now, at least, travelers no longer have to choose between terrorism and cancer.”
  3. we have all heard of being smacked in the face with an ugly stick...will someone please smack this fool in the face with a reality stick already? just sayin'.
  4. yes the spread is where they make money. people forget about that and are confused with the two. there will be a spread and may or may not be a exchange fee.
  5. bash!! jk. he does have a point. if they want him to prove his intel then evryone else who has supposed intel should have to prove theirs also.
  6. Turd King is going to predict RV at $35 rate.
  7. he prob won't know when it happens and neither will his followers. they will be too busy waiting for him to announce it. meanwhile everyone else will be at the bank. what may be even sadder is he isn't the only great dinar prophet out there he is just one of many. not quite as bad as Turd King, but there are many more, (and they know who they are) and most of us know who they are.
  8. why would anyone believe anything the T King says is the real question.
  9. if it is to RV by sunday as T King claims why the need for a conference call sunday?
  10. or when a post gets pulled by the powers that be for no reason and no explanation, other than maybe it said something they don't like or whatever.
  11. aahh the Turd King strikes again! i think i am going to lose my lunch.
  12. power washes the parking lot from oil stains at Quick Trip.
  13. ds2

    "Borders Closed"

    maybe they heard the 3 stooges were coming for a visit (obama, hilary, and biden).
  14. i think aunt esther is giving him a rough time.
  15. and we think some of the gurus are idiots. we have a new winner....... click on pic
  16. how many more times is his source going to be wrong? maybe he needs to get a new source, or maybe he needs to just shut up?
  17. agreed, he nor anyone else knows jack. wonder how many more times we will hear it is done before it actually is done?
  18. that's what i thought we were told it was done. but with iraq who knows anything for sure.
  19. how many times does it need to be one period, has any secret intel, sources, contacts or what ever they want to call it. it is all just opinions or guesses as to when rv wiil happen or what rate will be. and as far as frank goes i think he sips too much of the communal wine in his church.
  20. cdars aren't used by your bigger branch banks such as boa. they are used by your smaller community type banks.
  21. i recall reading that no interest bearing accounts have no limit for protection. i could be wrong. maybe worth checking that option out untill you decide how to invest the money. or the cdars is a good option if you want to deposit it for a longer term. it is like a cd acct but spread over different banks. and like a cd acct you must deposit it for a period of time, say at least 3 months. cdars i imagine would be a good deal if you had a lot of money you wanted to deposit and collect the interest. usually the longer term deposited the more interest % collected. check around i'm sure you will find many options to suit your needs. i checked about the cdars with my bank a while back.
  22. well i will agree he is a well known CURRENCY dealer who sells dinar. and he has thousands of sales to many customers. but ALL dinar holders do not know of him or his cash in plans etc. many especially on some of the forums do but not all dinar holders know of ali. IMO there are a lot of dinar holders who don't visit any forums at all. there are many newcomers that come to the forums who have purchased from other registered currency dealers and when ali is mentioned they ask who is ali? so to say all dinar holders know him is exagerating. there is more to the dinar community than just being a seller. that was the point i was making. he is a big influence in the dinar broker community but not the whole dinar community. so he doens't have a big influence on the rest of the dinar community just the broker community. there are many brokers and currency dealers who also are selling dinar and have thousands of sales also not just ali. so i guess they have a big influence on the dinar broker community as well. so let's just agree to disagree and go RV!
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