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Everything posted by PeaceSign

  1. Hi Shedagal, I don't necessarily take the bible literally. I see it as a metaphor in some places. All I know is that Tolle helps me appreciate the bible even more. Because when he translates it, I innerstand the message. He also don't like the word "new age" i can't remember why. But knowing him somewhat it probably has to do with labels and misidentifying with those. Tolle when he speaks speaks in such a way that i feel better when i turn hip up. He literally is the deepest medicine I MENTALLY have ever had. And ultimately healing the EMOTIONAL parts of me too. I will argue how can we align to God if we do not innerstand (i don't like the word "under"stand) how our own minds work. And he heals that part of me. IMO
  2. “There is no genius without a touch of madness.” ― Seneca “Putting things off is the biggest waste of life: it snatches away each day as it comes, and denies us the present by promising the future. The greatest obstacle to living is expectancy, which hangs upon tomorrow, and loses today. You are arranging what lies in Fortune's control, and abandoning what lies in yours. What are you looking at? To what goal are you straining? The whole future lies in uncertainty: live immediately.” ― Seneca “Anger, if not restrained, is frequently more hurtful to us than the injury that provokes it.” ― Lucius Annaeus Seneca “We suffer more often in imagination than in reality” ― Lucius Annaeus Seneca “If a man knows not to which port he sails, no wind is favorable.” ― Seneca the Younger “It is not the man who has too little, but the man who craves more, that is poor. ” ― Seneca “Begin at once to live, and count each separate day as a separate life.” ― Seneca “If you really want to escape the things that harass you, what you’re needing is not to be in a different place but to be a different person.” ― Lucius Annaeus Seneca “They lose the day in expectation of the night, and the night in fear of the dawn.” ― Seneca “Until we have begun to go without them, we fail to realize how unnecessary many things are. We've been using them not because we needed them but because we had them.” ― Lucius Annaeus Seneca “Associate with people who are likely to improve you.” ― Seneca “He suffers more than necessary, who suffers before it is necessary.” ― Seneca “Most powerful is he who has himself in his own power.” ― Seneca “Timendi causa est nescire - Ignorance is the cause of fear.” ― Lucius Annaeus Seneca “Life is like a play: it's not the length, but the excellence of the acting that matters.” ― Seneca “If you live in harmony with nature you will never be poor; if you live according what others think, you will never be rich.” ― Seneca “We learn not in the school, but in life.” ― Lucius Annaeus Seneca “We should every night call ourselves to an account; What infirmity have I mastered today? What passions opposed? What temptation resisted? What virtue acquired? Our vices will abort of themselves if they be brought every day to the shrift.” ― Lucius Annaeus Seneca “Nothing is more honorable than a grateful heart.” ― Lucius Annaeus Seneca
  3. Hey Shedagal, He quotes Jesus. I have heard him and he explains what jesus was saying. All he is doing is navigating the way our awareness gets attached to beliefs that are not our own. And how to separate emotion from thoughts (mind based) that did not originate from us. His parents were in Germany during hitler he was raised by a dad who was epic stressed and it caused him to be alone with himself, after a lot hard trial when he was 29 he had insight into how his consciousness worked. I can relate to him every time he talks I innerstand what he is saying becuase i have had the same or similar experience. I literally resonate with him. I go to church as a matter of fact we reopened my church, and we go tonight. I am able to appreciate both the bible and echkart tolles words. He comes from a place of facing deep darkness within. I too have faced real darkness (dark night of the soul) which he has an explanation of that. He quotes all kinds of people, he is trying to unite humanity not divide and if you listen to him he sounds like someone who has definitely been there and done that. I do NOT sense BS from Echkart like i do sense the BS with congress. I turn him up when im unbalanced and he soothes my inner core. He explains things in my language and i am grateful to him for that.
  4. I personally do not believe in digital currencies and I also do not believe that countries are going to show you their gold vaults!! I am a fan of Jim Rickards and I like his take on digital currencies, basically most people will not be mining it literally takes a lot of power and you need server space. Not only that its just like the current fiat currency, who is to say that China or any other country has the Gold to back it, and who is to say they are not going to do QE with it. I keep wondering what the official reset is going to look like, I REALLY don't think its digital currencies. The only way to have a true stable medium of exchange is to have it fixed to an actual tangible THING. And history has shown as that that is gold and silver. So as we continue our slide down into the abyss, i believe they will continue to tout digital currency and may even try to enact it, but it will be a failure, ultimately. So hold real things. Land. You can work the land. The land gives to you if you are a steward of it. Fruit trees will give you food. Seeds will give you food, you will be able to help yourself and those around you. Non perishable food for the short and medium and long run. Silver for the medium run (bartering, exchanging) and gold to hold in the long run when everything is dirt cheap you can buy up businesses or hard assets on the cheap. Also the current gold and silver spot prices are based off paper contracts. Not the actual supply.
  5. within two days of trump declaring the covid scare my uncle was laid off form tyson (18 years driving truck) that was fast. they also laid off 61000 hospital employess, they wasted no time the virus is used as the scapegoat for the collapse. and to usher in fascism but we don't need them, we need to trust ourselves and our communities to come together
  6. We are the hope the PEOPLE. NOT GOVERNMENTS NOT CORPORATIONS. dig a hole (screw regs, it will be null and void in an actual collapse) Your local police will be sharing in the same problems, they are our neighbors take care of yourself ergo those around you It is US we have been waiting on
  7. Dont rely on them anymore Starting today turn your attention to self reliance, and spread that hope We are the manufacturers and growers and sewers and healers We do NOT NEED "them" It has always been the peoples energy that these entities harvest. Spread the message of self reliance
  8. gardening supplies all sorts of gardening supplies i think they will shut down traffic eventually under the guise of an oil collapse (to me its evident) so bicycles and spare parts for bicycles
  9. buckets for container gardening, and everything else the cheapes durable buckets are at the dollar tree (the one where everything is under a dollar) they have big buckets for 1.00, i drilled holes in mine for containers. and left some intact but those same buckets at other stores are 4 to 5 bucks.
  10. Its all bogus. It is a planned economic collapse. The road to serfdom...Get the people so desperate that they beg you for morsels. True self reliance is mandatory. Prepare as if you will not have a store to go to. Know your neighbors. Know your community. Start thinking about things you need to grow food. Seeds (not the ferris morris cuz they are gmo to not reproduce) burpee seeds are what i use learn to save seeds canning growing (know the ph level) a little ph detector at lowes or from burpee is like 10 bucks concentrated fertilizers (i use alakan fish guts) jars non perishibles medical supplies (alcohol, iodine, gauze,...) know how to make activated charcoal for filtering and accidental ingestionof poisons collecting rain water (barrels) how to books real tangible assets let those around you know that the economy is failing and to prepare (supply chains are shutting down) as long as the fear porn continues jobs will continue to be lost get copies of the bible (encouragment and peace) chickens for eggs quail for processing (they hatch within 18 days)
  12. Fauci needs to be examined and I don't care who does the calling. EXAMINE EXAMINE EXAMINE...GET OUT OF THE LEFT/RIGHT PARADIGM.
  13. OK. GET YOUR SEEDS NOW. AND TOOLS NOW. CUZ THIS IS A HINT HINT WINK WINK. THEY ARE SHOWING YOU WHAT THE PLAN IS. They won't take your guns away outright they will do it buy shutting down commerce.
  14. Think it will happen here?
  15. I am surprised that he mentioned all that?! How they are using Hegelian Dialect "Problem, Reaction, Solution" I pray they do not get as far as they want to go. I believe that people will wake up sooner than later. It seems many are. I have been battling with this one question? The pastor talking about the families being thrown to the lions who refused to warship the leader at the you think those families should fight?
  16. I hope your right. Listening in to the Sermon.
  17. I keep finding this link in the comment section over at zerohedge. I finally read it! The link at the bottom the lockdownliability.blogspot one is loaded The following is a comment from a zerohedger BREAKING NEWS!!!! STOCK MARKET RACKET, INSIDER TRADING AND RACKETEERING BY GILEAD AND VENROCK EXPOSED!!! MASTERMIND OF THE GILEAD'S REMEDISVIR PANDEMIC STRATEGY AND COVID LOCKDOWN IS ROCKEFELLER FOUNDATION'S JUDITH RODIN! WWW.VENROCK.COM financed Gilead and owns its shares. Venrock = ventures Rockefeller Here is JUDITH RODIN'S COVID PANDEMIC ECONOMIC CRASH SECURITY STATE MASTERPLAN FOR THE 1% ROCKEFELLER BILL GATES GANG A.K.A BIG PIZZA for economic recovery via pandemic induced biometric security state like China! (page 18 onwards) Also NEITHER TRUMP NOR THE MILITARY CLOWNS LIKE Mark Milley are in charge. Our country is now run by EMPRESS OF USA JUDITH RODIN, ARCHITECT AND MASTERMIND of the lockdowns, compulsory mask psyop orders, biometric id via COVID TESTING, IMMUNITY CERTIFICATES and CONTACT TRACER APPS! when she says you have the have the flu whether you like it or not! when she says you have to compulsorily wear a mask 10 years ago as part of a corporate mass psyop pandemic racket scenario do so without question today in the year 2020! She is the one behind getting POLICE to act even more dickish than they already are with ridiculous nonsensical non scientific quarantine orders, mask orders, social distancing orders etc.. Here is Our Empress of the USA who rules over us in the shadow...this is the face behind COVID and the humiliation of Trump. The memes have come true, AMERICA has been subverted by PEAK ESTROGEN / BOTOX and is literally run by the real botox COVID QUEENS of DC! PELOSI, BRIX, RODIN ET AL COVID is a CLEAR STOCK MARKET MEDICAL PANDEMIC RACKET PLANNED BY GATES AND ROCKFELLER FOUNDATIONS 10 YEARS AGO and we can SUE them for it using CIVIL RICO LOCKDOWN LIABILITY! For a CIVIL RICO claim, the burden of proof that must be sustained by a civil plaintiff is less onerous than the burden imposed upon criminal prosecutors! A civil plaintiff need only convince a jury by a preponderance of evidence that the defendant committed the acts of racketeering; whereas, a criminal prosecutor must establish the acts of racketeering beyond the reasonable doubt of the jury!
  18. Light – Dark - Dark - Light I read this book once called the Christ Blueprint and there was this quote that read, “the greatest light casts the darkest shadow. Everything has an opposite. Good / Bad / Bad / Good ...Left / Right / Right / Left Hate / Love / Love / Hate No / Yes / Yes /No I realize that I have been unsettled. I realize that my emotions are entangling with worldly affair and that that has nothing to do with me unless ' I ' hold on to IT. I am able to relax and forgive myself for falling into the most familiar habit I have known which is having to have a choice or make a decision “one way or another”. I have to apologize, because I am choosing FEAR and I don't see it and then I share it!?! I thought I was diametrically opposed to fear. Ha!. That is why FEAR happens is because I am not even aware I am doing it. What a trick of the mind. My awareness gets stuck in a mental box within the mind. I am shining my awareness from source which is my power, on to a moving picture REEL all in my head, AND, to add insult to injury, it seems to be working against me!!! Wim Hof Breathing.... And so I apologize for the fear mongering. To be straight I already knew I had to rely on my own power its just I have been bothered since yesterday after visiting Wal Mart which I recognize is where this energy started and I now know it was the People wearing masks was making me see FEAR. And even though I thought I had passed that test of overcoming fear, it turns out I caught the “fear virus” just by visiting Wal Mart. It has made me think the opposite of fear and where I want to be instead of not be. Like in a beautiful garden, made by my own hand, working with natures bounty, instead of getting money to go spend on food I don't even know from whence it came. It made me think how I would rather grow food for myself and those around me and even the birds. I have started a container garden. That is why I was at Wal Mart yesterday buying those lightweight steel poles for the pea plants to climb (im putting them in the shade hopefully they stay cool enough). I have over 150 of those started, I will put some in containers and the rest along the fence climbing up a net. I have already started container beets. They are an inch and a half now. Tomatos. Carrots. I have 5 grape plants that I put in bigger pots and they are doing wonderful. I have onions and radishes and potatoes too. I have a lot of how to books on gardening over the years so I have plenty of info stored in my head and also a bunch of failings that taught me what not to do. But this year so far is going nicely in the garden. So I am saying this because I am not ALL lost. I just on occasion run amok. But the good news is that I am able to “catch myself” so I know I still have a chance to be an anchor for the stillness of just being and not picking a side just idling in neutral. Having said that, I am still of the world and just want everyone to know, EVERY ONE, we are all beating human hearts, we are all vessels that is called Soul, and that vessel we can fill. The question is with WHAT? I am not even interested in the governments/corporations plan. And not a single person can truly keep up with it!!!! Did you know it is impossible to know? Just reading the tax law and Bills, and Executive orders and arbitrary bullshit after another, that, literally, the “Reading” ALOOOONE take lifetimes to digest. That is a system I do not want to partake in because it robs me of my power. If someone sues me, im going to tell the judge that, “simply stated sir, I did try to keep up but failed because there is volumes and volumes of **** that require volumes and volumes of other **** to interpret IT”. And I literally do not want to waste any more of my power on feeding the beast my energy. So I may hit up Wal mart a few more times, but my ultimate goal is self sufficiency. There is freedom in that. I will not fear an imaginary picture reel in my mind destroying me. As long as I maintain awareness I will be free from the opposing forces. I choose neutrality. Walking with God as much as possible thinking about real strength in finding neutrality and just taking care of myself to be aware of fear and loosen it just by noticing that I am the one that feeds it AND spreading that virus instead. Trusting Gods Will and not my own
  19. Poster doesn't know that. Why is he not talking about Fauci and Gartes and China all tied to the WHO? Why isn't he answering hard questions. Why are people in fear. The fear porn keeps happening and he is going along with it...soooooooooooooooooooooooooo, i can't tell who is fake anymore even the president.
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