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Everything posted by OrDinarE

  1. Who said I'm PO'd? And what about you, getting all teary-eyed and enamored because she said something that goes along with your 'delusional' views. I don't necessarily agree or disagree with her because I didn't grow up with or go to school with the Obama's so I don't know 'the truth'.... But you all are right....Granny is definiely entitled to her own opinion. I was really asking because i really wanted to know. Even if you agree with her, you really can't argue the biasness of the post....bias is negative based on the perspective you're looking at it from.
  2. Deep - I plused u because you made me smile a little.... (Pluses and negs are so childish...and sometimes fun!)
  3. Are Moderators supposed to be biased as you seem to be? Just asking.
  4. I see you are at it again.....REACHING and EXAGERRATING AS USUAL....You definitely are my amusement for today. Carry on!
  5. My idea was that its childish on both sides...I guess in responding to a pro-conservative power piece, it would seem I was defending one-side but condemning the apologies for the confusion. I recommend you turn to Fox News if you don't think your getting enough of a conservative slant on the happenings in America....despite what some say. Fox is Media too! ;-) For the record, I am both liberal and conservative...for and about all sorts of different things, but I understand that this isn't just MY America and that it has taken and will take all kinds to make and keep the nation great.
  6. Broke - "A truly informed person does not start by saying "the one-sided" and then point fingers when a/the other side is presented, " O_o what?!?! Did you just counter an argument with the argument?!?!? What truth are you talking about?!!? The facts are above. The article is unquestionalbly one-sided. The facts show that he is not as great as the article paints him. Where is the finger pointing? Re-read the posts above and come back and lets discuss...logically.
  7. So YOUR plight is that you THINK that the media is a 'machine for the current regime'...i.e. Democratic controlled?!!? Say whaaa!?!?! That in itself is news to me....(Sorry FOX) So you are caring enough to worry about the millions being receptive and manipulated by the "Democratic controlled media", but self righteous enough to believe that it is YOUR truth (conservatism right?) that is not being propogated to the masses enough? Please correct me if I'm wrong, but there are millions upon millions of Americans who don't fall into your 'Conservative' bucket or in the liberal bucket for that matter. Its obvious what side of 'the fence' you are thing is why the fence? We are all Americans, who obviously love our country, all stuck here together, why further divide? do childish acts beget childish acts even amongst civilized (loosely used) adults? Obviously yes. carry on.
  8. The media is just that, a medium, through which information is transfered. You can 'truely inform' yourself and not be receptive and malleable to everything you see or hear in the media... I learned a loooong time ago that we didn't live in a Utopian society, if you were 'truely informed' of my plight then you wouldn't even ask such rhetorical questions, but its all good. Bipartisanship is completely possible if everyone takes their head out of there own arse, stops thinking 'me', starts thinking 'we', and learn that we all have to sacrifice to keep this country strong....wait, nevermind, that would be Utopia.
  9. O_o .....'cause I can', 'its my perogative', 'I can clap if I feel like it'..... No deal.....Ignorance is the absence of knowledge or the state of being uninformed...but your comments above alone, you have that monopolized. Good luck in life! Send me some links Deep! I'm really interested to see what the plan is. Thanks in advance. Lutie - this is what bothers me 'Romney and Ryan may not be perfect but...' Is there not one soul who can lead this great country!??! It scares me that we have to 'settle' for what we deem the lesser of two evils...that means the system is broke! and broke is not good to any of us....
  10. A truely informed person knows that there are more than one or even two sides......;-) At what point in our country's decline do we get pass the point of childish 'they did it, so I do it' actions while justifying it (joking or not) by saying your bringing "fair and balanced" to the table... not lol.
  11. We shall see...but i honestly believe that they are all cut from the same cloth. Just wondering...Why have we yet to see any detailed plans on how we are going to fix our country's current, deficit, spending, etc....all we hear from both sides is empty rhetoric. If I were applying for a job that I knew had multiple issues that needed addressing, I would go to the interview fully prepared to provide step by step instructions on how I would fix things....all these speeches are just scripted rah, rah to get people riled up. Skip the show....SHOW ME A PLAN... I digress Hope we are not in for more of the same s#@t... What are you clapping for? Its a glorification piece...completely one sided. They did similar ones on Obama before he got elected...and we see how that turned out. Don't be so gullible...Do some research sheeple!
  12. I know you are looking for a savior, like we ALL were in 08, but dig a little deeper and you'll see that he is no different than the rest. Best choice we have?!?! Make your own opinion, but don't pollute others with an OPINION piece trying to GLORIFY a politician who is no different than the rest. Check his record: Ryan voted for the $700 billion bank bailout, the biggest Medicare expansion in U.S. history, a massive highway bill that included the “Bridge to Nowhere” and other big-ticket priorities...In the fall of 2008, Ryan voted for TARP. Later that year, he voted for loans to help rescue the auto industry, making him one of just 32 Republicans to do so — and his vote came after Romney wrote the New York Times op-ed titled “Let Detroit go bankrupt.” There seems to be a lot of desperation to forcibly make the republican candidates seem like the all-america super hero guys, but its a smack in the face to those who really follow politics and know who the candidates really are. Sounds like the same setup Obama was getting when he was running and we see how thats turned out.... Point is...lets stop glorifying flip floppers and them all out and make them do what they were elected to do.
  13. I wouldn't say 'clueless' because most of what Carlos posted is actually true.....scary I know....but I still believe that we are still number one...for how long remains to be seen. The sooner folks 'wake up', the sooner we all can prosper. If not, the elite still prosper and the rest of us fall further and further behind.
  14. No prob Maggie! I'm glad that you are level headed enough to dig a little deeper rather than co-sign ignorance that some people propagate fully here on DV. If more of us did our own research and came up with our own conclusions, there would a lot less divisive posts on here. Stay Awesome! ;-)
  15. I'm sure Deepwater Horizon had nothing to do with that. How dare the President ban drilling when one of "the largest accidental marine oil spill in the history of the petroleum industry" gravely damages our own shores...We don't want to mention that because that would not fit our President Bashing Agenda! Way to help the country out by further dividing us with biased articles! You are whats great to America!!!
  16. Talk about taking something and running with it! SMH! Is there anything that one won't misconstrue to fit there own little private agenda!?!?! And the fact you have people agreeing and cosigning without even reading the article themselves is very telling.... Seems like it gets easier and easier to manipulate people these days.... Really?!?!? As a current member of OUR Military, I can honestly say that this President has no more abused us than any other President! Our country does need saving....from people like you.
  17. Finger slip....meant to plus you rightsonward! My bad.
  18. Please save me the wasted time to look up these openly promoted 'African American' politics.....what are they??? Last I 'researched', the black community was mad at Obami for not doing enough for them. His response was 'I am not the President of Black America, I am the President of America as a whole...'. Show me your facts me the truth. Or forever have your ignorance reflected in your last two posts above... Retarded was not the PC word to use, my apologies, definitely disrespectful to retards and giving you and mr. Buchanan too much credit.
  19. By far the MOST ignorant, biased, self-absolving, piece of garbage I have ever read....yeah, pass this around to show how truly retarded one can be.
  20. No need to fear the negs...they don't hurt! ;-) At the very least it means someones listening...whether they agree or not! ;-)
  21. See!!! ROTFLMAO!!!! (My pluses and minuses give me power!!!) Plus Power!!!
  22. +1 for Neo!!! (Always wanted to do that to see why people think its cool!...its not...but I agree with you!)
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