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    Art and design, sustainable, off grid and green building design, organic farming, raw food diet, natural health remedies, traveling

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  1. I can only imagine the whiplash Randallin has experienced............. . If he was sincere and not Pumping..... He trusted information from someone he knew, and risked his "online reputation" by sharing it with those he felt would be as excited as he was. Granted, he dove in head first into water he knew was full of "sharks"......but I can also see where he felt somewhat safe knowing that everyone on this site that own Dinar are risk takers and he was sharing in the Rumors section. We all read "rumors" because we are hungry for information and contact with others that have also "risked" to invest in Dinar. He must have known that many on DinarVets also get a comforting ego boost from bashing others. So, when the hungry "neg" sharks attacked like he was "chum", it was a doubly painful to wait longer to share his own "bank' story. He must feel he cannot trust his own judgement... I just pray he is reading this and realizes many of us have experienced the same "fault" of trusting and acting on impulse and he should feel no shame for sharing a rumor in the rumor section! My prayers are with you Randallin, and I look forward to celebrating with you soon....'
  2. However this plays out, 6 pm today , 2013..... or, how it painful it is to say, we Dinarians are boiled in a "lopster" stew .... I am extremely grateful for the people whom have endured "sandbox" duty. and for those that will continue to do so by "private" means for years to come. I am especially grateful for those whom paid the ultimate price for Iraqi freedom. Without the sandbox time, we would not even be rating Brovo11 or Okie.... I pray that when the RV happens, all of us that are benefitting from this cause, remember those that are recovering mentally and physically from the time spent there by sharing the wealth. Blessings to all Dinarians, and may our wildest "guru" dreams come true SOOOON!
  3. .... Considering I have "lurked" on this site and many others to learn from others what their opinions are for over a year, and referred to as a " VIP+ Newbie" on Dinar vets, I am thankful you shared with us (me ) what your friend shared with you. I feel so strongly that what you shared and believed to be true is an important contribution on our journey to financial liberation, I felt compelled to attempt my first post......I do not care if I have numorous "negs" in reaction to my opinion. Even if I did, I do not believe I shall be lurking on this site or any other for very much longer ......other than to check up on how others are doing as prayers are answered and abundance is distributed ..... I am also thankful that Adam has provided a format for us to share this type of information, and that is why I always check the posted rumors after checking the VIP area for reported news. "Rumors " gives me, and as I can tell many others, reassurance that I am not alone in feeling anxious, confused, and just a bit reactionary about our risky investment. I know that everything I read on all of the sites is hearsay, especially the rumor sections, but when all of the rumors and information have similar information, I feel like I can trust there is a nugget of truth to what I have read. Therfore, I can joyfully pour a glass of wine and virtually share the commonality and a toast with other Dinarians the Red Bull Vodkas and beers. Most importantly though this site, share laughter, tears and cheers with my Dinarian "family". (my biological family think I have lost my mind when I try to discuss my investment). Alas, as in any large family, you are bound to have your percentage of the " Neg relative". ((((You know the type, they get an emotional charge out of telling you that the ten pounds you put on this year is really showing)))).... So, when they get irrate and slam others for sharing joyful RV rumor information, (not pumping their personal pockets drival), but from your friend, they are operating as "Emotional Vampires". This type of person is to be pitied, for they will never find happiness on the trail they choose to take. They feed off of making others feel bad, therefore boosting their own low self esteem. This type of person will always search for the negative in any situation and find an ego boost by sharing how smart they feel by pointing it out. The more of an audience they have, the more they feel powerful and right. It is very sad that our current culture is feasting on a steady diet of this type of behavior via multiple types of media outlets. The excessive amount of attention payed to those that behave poorly and that create havoc on reality programs, "gossip" shows/publications and slamming others publicly is creating a distorted reality of what is important . Multiple generations now consider this type of warped behavior normal, and care more about fb/ tweet than having an intimate relationships. I am sure the boards will be full of their emotional sucking sounds as they complain about this or that all the while collecting more money than we could have ever dreamed of having with so little invested.
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