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Everything posted by Sanssouci

  1. Precisely. Joseph Goebbels used the word "propaganda" in every pronouncement of his by virtue of the fact that each one came from the Ministry of Propaganda and Public Enlightenment. The German people knew they were being propagandized, because Goebbels made absolutely no mistake about it. Shabibi said it only once, and caught himself mid-use. This classifies his use of the word as a Freudian slip. Dr. Shabibi: But of course this requires not only the central bank activity, this requires because I mean its something you have to make a lot of propagand(a) uhhhh a lot of uh uh uh uhh advertisement campaign and all these things. And you have of course to go probably some a campaign to to to uhh educate a lot of people on these things. Thanks for your input, Agent Doctor Robbins.
  2. Right, it's the Great Lakes, and nothing more. But, I do believe I saw an image of Dr. Shabibi on my toast this morning.
  3. I didn't set out to see anyone banned. But if I am attacked, or ridiculed, I will certainly respond in kind.
  4. Apparently, not much else gets LOPsters jazzed.
  5. I'm not hating. I simply called that one as I saw it. It's the same MO that Keepmwlknfny employs, and annoys most of the membership here.
  6. I think I have some left over from my last trip to Europe.
  7. Well, speaking only for myself, I am content to call out these paid disinformation agents within DV. This is the only web forum in which I say anything about the Iraqi dinar.
  8. I work pro bono, Agent BigFrankD, because my heart is bigger than yours. If Dave were actually posting here out of the goodness of his blessed heart, he would not be seen defending the western banking system, which has been defrauding all of us for decades. That alone exposes DaveD, BigFrankD, and others as the despicable shills they are.
  9. That's a predictable mechanism for diffusion of any and all criticism. They are paid agents of disinformation. That's my opinion of them. If they are convinced they are making no money from the investment, then their incentive for being here 24-7 has to be coming from elsewhere. Right, and yet they assume we optimists are all just pie-eyed children in search of Santa Claus. The dumbest excuse I have heard is the charitable one where they simply want to expose fraud. If that were really the case, they would not be here defending the western banking system which is being laid bare as we speak. I like that. If the claw fits, wear it.
  10. I believe I have been called much, much worse in this section, and the main perpetrator knows who he is. You're right on, Rightson. LOPster is not offensive in any way whatsoever. The LOPsters are simply beside themselves at not having come up with a better term for we optimists than "dreamer." Oh, God forbid someone actually pursue a dream. Mr. Montana's post in another LOP Talk thread today basically said it all. Every LOPster should read it, and that means all five of you and your slavish followers. LOPsburg. This is just too easy.
  11. Agent DaveD, are you alleging that Executive Order 13303 does not exist? DinarVets@LOP Talk: Home of the Whopper.
  12. Add this and the Strauss-Kahn affair, as well as over 300 banker resignations, to the emerging Libor scandal, and the picture of a fast sinking ship begins to materialize. Meanwhile, the LOPsters continue to insist that the CBI's financials are unassailable because of IMF oversight. Thanks for posting.
  13. Agreed. I really don't mind reading them, as dry and boring some of them can be. There is no other way to confront them when they are confined to this space. Well, my point was that the only thing, or so it seems, that does get them jazzed is the so-called RD vs. RV "debate," which is rather monochromatic, if you ask me.
  14. It must really suck to be marginalized this way. But, left to roam, they simply invade every other section with their negativity masquerading as "realism."
  15. Well, "RD vs. RV" does get rather tiresome. My apologies for not realizing what gets LOPsters totally jazzed.
  16. Well put, Jax. I am of the considered opinion that some of the LOPsters are paid agents of disinformation. You will find them in every forum of any size or importance.
  17. "Soon" strikes me as a great stalling tactic. Just like "I wasn't sleeping. I was only resting my eyes."
  18. You're getting off topic. What's hilarious is that those whose last wish in all the world is to be labeled the dreaded "conspiracy theorist" insist that because a person believes in one conspiracy theory, it is by default that that person believes in every conspiracy theory. Dinarck tried this tack with me, and made himself to look absolutely ridiculous.
  19. Ah, Agent WorkerBee. Sanssouci and Sanssouci2 are not unique unto themselves. And I have explained on numerous occasions why I maintain two accounts. If that is true, and it is revealed, there will be a fresh jail cell waiting for them.
  20. Obviously, you don't know the definition of smug: Having or showing an excessive pride in oneself or one's achievements. It's an honest assessment. If you consider it bashing, perhaps it is a case of having difficulty with the truth. If they are the latter, the normal human response would be to sell, get out, and never look back. The fact that they still hang around here, preaching their dubious gospel, suggests the former. I have purchased all the dinars that I care to hold. Personally, I don't appreciate the value of their "charitable" efforts.
  21. It's nice how you qualify smug self-satisfaction and arrogance as "class." It is my considered opinion that most LOPsters here are paid agents of disinformation. I cannot prove it, because such a thing is not provable. It makes absolutely no sense to be invested in a venture in which one truly does not believe.
  22. Just as problem LOPsters are confined to LOP Talk, it is within the power of the moderators to keep RVers out of this section. Why they do not do this is anyone's guess. Until told to do otherwise by an administrator, I will go wherever on the forum I please.
  23. How many is "many?" How few is "few?" How soon is "soon?"
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