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Everything posted by duke2b

  1. So , What did you ask them?
  2. Banjo, Banjolatusak, This is America. A man has a right to make money anyway he can. People also have the right to choose to do business with any one they find accountable. Me?, I enjoy this sight and Adam's take on the subject. I do not choose to give him any of my money but I appreciate his views and trust him. There is enough free information on this site and other sites to help one keep an eye on his investment. I Have invested in dinar only what I could afford to lose, I am patient and believe I will get my return before the end of 2010. If it happens in 10 day or 10 months , I will be happy either way.
  3. Enorrste, From my understanding based on what I have read about the meeting with UN on Feb 16, The border issues and the debt owed to Kuwait from the 1990 invasion, still have to be resolved as part of this process. Is it realistic to believe these issues will be resolved by the end of 2010? You had no mention of this in your assessment. Thanks for your hard work
  4. Is this really a joke....? or is Adam trying to tell us something?
  5. So What is going on in the chat room that we have to post all this crap for?
  6. I am not really that informed on the dinar , that is why I come here to read the posts. so that I might learn and then someday I will post something intelligent.
  7. I cant wait for RI ... or RV... I dont care which it is , I will still get a great ROI!
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