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Everything posted by MarchMadnes

  1. You want to listen to a good CC from last night ! Randy from another site probably one of the most level headed out of all the conference calls out there! When ministers are seated this will come to fruition as well he discusses why the RV will be probably over $3+ !! We have heard alot of conference calls and to be honest this guy seems to have integrity, and is honest as most since he even talks about all the rumors which we should not listen to any of them just watch for the ministers to be seated and its game over! This will happen very soon just because the people alone will revolt if they dont get this done very soon! Really when any of you have an hour listen to this call and make your own judgment! Please come back and give your opinion what you thought but do listen to Q&A alot of our questions will be answered there since this man is not about rumors, he states good facts, and good opinions on his part! I look forward to your response after you listen in! God Bless! The Playback if you miss the call will be at. 712 432 1085 access code is 541268#
  2. Sir I would appreciate you not judging me for my opinion as I do not judge yours! We all have our own beliefs and I for one am not closed minded but after what I have learned threw this experience as well you think the govt's of other countries will allow a LOP that would be ludicrous after all our country alone invested into this alone! I would really be in awe of that taking place! Think of the bank the govt alone will make in taxes off of us, now if it LOPs it wont amount to much, think of all the points then come back and tell us why it will LOP which if it holds water I will look further into it but at this juncture you wont see a LOP unless they are playing some serious Texas Hold em with us! Froto may have some good points guys just the judging of opinions is what bothers me! Outside of that a good debate is worth it to me since we have to analyze the hand we been dealt and to this point its a pretty darn good hand for the world! God only knows I want to see all of us prosper in the end!
  3. I repeat myself no LOP will happen unless you have Dong then be concerned! This yes is my belief and it wouldnt make any sense for this to occur but to each his own opinion but I believe from all we have been told and what would cause a LOP this does not fall into that category for this to happen!
  4. Your very welcome Chris and really make your own judgment be so careful of all the intel cause no one has been right to this point what I like about what Randy said is watch for the ministers no rumors no guarantees that is a plus about the information he gives without hype alot easier to believe my friend!
  5. ridding the 3 000s means they will take them off the street there is not the inflation to cause a LOP I stake my life on it! After all the studies we have done it will not happen! You want to listen to a good CC from last night he even talks about this subject! Randy from another site probably one of the most level headed out of all the conference calls out there! When ministers are seated this will come to fruition as well he discusses why the RV will be probably over $3+ !! We have heard alot of conference calls and to be honest this guy seems to have integrity, and is honest as most since he even talks about all the BS rumors which we should not listen to any of them just watch for the ministers to be seated and its game over! This will happen very soon just because the people alone will revolt if they dont get this done very soon! Really when any of you have an hour listen to this call and make your own judgment! God Bless! The Playback if you miss the call will be at. 712 432 1085 access code is 541268#
  6. It means they are only getting rid of the large bills...... like the USD did many years ago. Our 100,000 10,000 1,000 bills were too large to carry and cash. Once this RV's - a 25,000 IQD (worth approx. $80,000) - tough to buy a cheese burger and get change. This is a good sign, IMO.
  7. This article is confusing, as part of it refers to a recent payment to Kuwait -- which clearly didn't happen in 2010 -- but also talks as if it's 2010 where it references "this year/2011" time periods. Maybe the 2010/2011 economy references were lifted from another older IMF article for perspective?
  8. You know Keep your a pain in the ass sometimes but at least your for real no disrespect intended I appreciate your honesty just want to see the big numbers come out on this one which I am sure you do to but at least your a realist
  9. Ok Keep consider there giving there citizens 15000 dinar take away 3 000s that is 15 dinar that would make no sense in a LOP if that is for a whole year I am not sure if I am correct on that but maybe you or someone can elaborate since that wont buy a ton of food for a year!
  10. I think all of us would be happier with a 10 cent RV versus this crazy LOP which to my understanding from all we read there has to be crazy inflation for a LOP to happen so if that be the case they cant LOP and I would be happy to take 10 cents to the bank in that case!
  11. Thanks buddy so there is no way to get out of it I pray that this isnt the case otherwise alot of people will be super pissed being in this for so damn long and this being the final answer! Now you can see why the traders pushed this thing so hard LOL considering this happens we made squat for all the rumors and crap we had to put up with for this! If this does happen I wish I never got in this stupid investment and feel sorry for those of you that endured this crap for 5years and beyond!
  12. If it would LOP lets say my question is anyone that has notes that are 500 , 250 or less will be safe of this 3 000s BS is that correct or not? If so I would recommend anyone to jump on those denoms as fast as possible to cover your tail! JMHO!
  13. LOL isnt that Blano a pumper from what many believe? not sure just past reading I think that is what people say!
  14. Randy keep any updates here will keep post open this is looking good to what alot of friends and family members believe will happen! God Willing this crazy ride for all of us will end today! Thanks!
  15. Everyone get out enjoy your life this weekend maybe check in one or two times a day so you know what is going on, just dont sit here like some of us do but are obligated for family and friends to keep a close eye out which is trying on our minds but we do! In any case enjoy yourself I am sure Adam or other sites your with will give you a green light when this happens! This is going to happen when we dont know exactly but if I had to say a possible (no later then Monday)! We arent always correct but the signs look good for us to believe it will!
  16. +50 for that I am sick of the negative bottom line is why get in this investment if your going to beat people up or cry that it didnt happen! Yes I agree some people are shitty about this at times and pump people but every factual thing going on tells me some of these guys arent as off as some may believe! It is close this is an exciting time to be a part of this! Now I like Easy Riders posts he doesnt BS so for him to throw this out must mean something! Thanks Easy for this!
  17. I bet my friend been threw those parts really love Red Wood Forest that is such a trip how huge those trees are! Hey if you dont want your investment we know many that would love to put it to good use! This is awesome to here things not that all is true but atleast we are close that is a given my friend! If your not positive about your investment now how can you be positive after it happens?
  18. I am so fired up not only what we can do for our self interest but for our families as well!
  19. I just wish we all could get along and enjoy what is about to happen! God willing this coming week we are all in better spirits!
  20. how is the Cali sun were here in Louisiana about to move to Florida beginning of Summer! I can imagine the beach is beautiful out there Easyrider to take the kids! By the way I have to say this my friend alot of people tend to bash PTR mods those guys are super nice people just sad that people do this! Keep the faith this weekend will be interesting everyone! God Bless MM
  21. I agree to many signs for this to stop may be a few days or a week at tops but this is done take it to the bank! NO PUMPER here just an average American who could use this and tied in all the facts not rumors but you see this is about to happen dont think our budget doesnt have something to do with why Gates was there I am sure it was and they will never tell us that either! God Bless enjoy your investment the time is near!
  22. Yea but there was an honest mistake behind the accidental banning please post the whole story and not half of it! I really dont believe these people are paid they seem 100% sincere and they do state that the intel isnt always correct! You can see these men and women are not bad people! I wish we wouldnt judge others which in essence none of us have a right except for god! Its to bad people do not state the full facts about PTR they are good people whether they are right or wrong from any intel they receive! They give a hoot about the group! The only 2 sites I am on is DV and PTR and of late people here bash the hell out of one another! To me that is insane no matter what its best we rethink and look in the mirror before we speak out against others! I dont agree with everything stated over there but one thing I can say they dont bash each other on the site, and that lady wasnt banned it was as if she was silenced due to a mistake which was fixed immediatly after the CC!
  23. Maybe what will force this to move faster is everyone stops buying dinar! Who knows could be an idea to get it out there LOL yet we have no control! They have a plan I am sure someone knows when date time RV rate! So til then smile and be blessed knowing a time will come that everyone in will prosper to some magnitude!
  24. relax it could happen any time word has which a lot of people do not want to believe but by 9:00 am est tomorrow morning either way I am not fully sold on it but if it happens I wont care they were right 1 out of 1000 and people will forgive most of them because we all will be rich! Yet relax and if it happens super if not just have to move on and wait for the real deal to take place cause I believe a lot of smoke is going on and some things have been done that we just do not know as of yet! This will be an interesting 24 hours from here on out! God willing its over for all of us!
  25. Ya I agree which I warned many about scams and the LLC thing costing like $2500 was BS plus whomever put that together may see some serious jail time! I guess it cost you like $300 max to do an LLC yourself and these guys ripped them off something fierce! Everyone needs to know bigtime SCAM alert post RV we need to protect the innocent as much as possible! These guys will take from the little old lady who just got a little fortune threw this thing and not think twice about it! To many Bernie Madoffs will be out and about just licking there chops to take your money as this ship comes in for all of us!
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