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Everything posted by niko184

  1. One of the sites does, the second does not, and do not know on the third. The sites are: PD, PTR, ?? (it was mentioned, but cant remember rt now) Best Regards, Niko
  2. I think the important factor here is the misdirection for all of us. What i've noticed for the first time is that "intel" from numerous sources from other sites are all lining up with eachother. This doesn't happen. Ofcourse we have had to listen to all of the "gurus" time and time again give us dates and rates and stake thier entire being on it. lol. So, we've been forced to learn that nobody holds the golden ticket stating the info we need. BUT, when all of them are stating information that resides in the same ball park, well sir, that makes me tend sift through the facts a little deeper than usual. In order for Iraq to make this RV/RI successful, it must refrain from predictability. Imagine if Shabs announced a rate and date to the world... Wow, the world would have a feeding frenzy! Our Treasury NEEDS this as bad as most of us want it. Tax revenues and the revaluation of Dinars setting in our vaults will play a tremedous role in helping save our country. It's interesting that these fincen changes come about now.. Ali stated that they were mere suggestions that were given to him via his annual audit. We know that Ali is one of the largest Dinar dealers in the country. It would only make sense that they would target him. But, who's to say that Ali is the only one? Better yet, would you just consider a "suggestion from the U.S. Treasury/Govt. to be just a suggestion? lol, I certainly wouldn't! Everything needs to be doled down in the media on this, including regulations that havent been changed since 2003 I believe. This would raise tremedous flags to the investors of the world. Everyone is watching all of the info bit by bit as it comes forth through out the global economy. "Smoke and mirrors", "cloaks and daggars" or what ever term one would choose to put on it is needed more and more the closer we approach the big day! I've purchased plenty myself. But, to assume we will still make millions after a horrendous 50% tax payout would assume a decent RV! I hope so;) Best regards friend Niko He stopped by three different sites today for calls. I don't think an imposter could full all of the "gurus' Best Regards, Niko
  3. Nice explanation Kramer! Not to mention they would piss every other ME country off. I'm sure that would be a great way to mend the relationship with KU:) Same issue with China right now. The world knows that they are keeping their currency undervalued so that thier exports will remain high. This wont last much longer. The WTO and the rest of the world is ready to crack down on these manipulations. Time to give everyone an even playing field! Well, more even than before;)
  4. Ali is a currency dealer. If he were to even hint about a date it could be construed as insider trading. His business lies in making a spread off of the buy and selling currency. I think that it is very interesting that he chose to impliment these Treasury "suggestions" right now. Do you think he would tell us otherwise? If he was trying to pump more money out of us, I would assume that he would have leaned toward an imminent RV/RI in the not so distant future. I can only imagine the weight that he would be bearing from treasury officials in regards to repurcussions of giving solidified date and rate suggestions. I'm sure he has alot of info that we will never be privy to. That however, is the how things work. I personally am reading into how adiment he was about staying away confirming or agreeing with all of the current intel/hype of an RV/RI very soon. Not to mention it was his choice to enact the new cash in policies? Which brings me to my last point of observation... Why spend so much time going over cash in procedures and locations?? I think we should read between the lines friends. I'm not a guru, nor a pumper. Just a person, like many of you, that observes and analyzes the data given before I make a statement and or move. Best Regards friends Niko
  5. I've never heard a more rational example or argument as to why illegals are are no good for the states. This was absolutely perfect. Qman, I've copied your post and will be emailing it to several friends of mine. You've simplified this so that the dullest of intellects can understand. Great work man! I'm by no means a man of prejudice. I'm first generation American myself. I just firmly believe, that if you choose to live in another country country that you deem better or more opportunistic than yours, YOU ARE UNDER THE OBLIGATION TO ADHERE TO THAT COUNTRy'S LAWS AND REGULATIONS. It seems these days, everyone expects the exact opposite of this. The country should bend over for thier illegaly manifested "rights" and "wants". It's very simple. If you choose to bring your life here, take the steps to become a citizen, begin to learn the language so that you may better communicate and adapt, and try and find a job that is recognized by the IRS. If these measures were even attempted by most of the illegals, our country would save billions on government subsidies and programs for these people that contribute nothing and become more productive not to mention that tax revenues generated. Everyone pitches in. Thats what this boils down too. Nothing more. It's funny how the world knocks the U.S., yet everyone in the world is still beating down her doors to get in. Something to think about. Cheers!
  6. Wow, terrible post... If your going to take the time to post something, please make the mundane effort to have a sensible amount of clarity to get your point accross no matter how pessimistic it may be. Pretty sure he was referring to this article found on the Comrade's Dinner forum: February 18, 2011 By Fred Wilson Leave a Comment Iraq postponed a plan to restructure its financial system to 2013 أعلن مدير وحدة إدارة المشاريع مستشار البنك الدولي ماجد الصوري تأجيل خطة لإعادة هيكلة النظام المالي العراقي إلى عام 2013، بسبب التأخر في توقيع عقود وتأجيل رحلات مسؤولين أجانب إلى العراق بسبب مخاوف أمنية. The Director of the Project Management Unit, World Bank consultant Majid picture postponed a plan to restructure the financial system in Iraq to 2013, because of delays in signing contracts and foreign officials to postpone trips to Iraq because of security concerns. وقال الصوري في تصريح لرويترز: كان مفترضاً إتمام الخطة بحلول تشرين الأول (أكتوبر) من العام الماضي، لكنها أرجئت إلى حزيران (يونيو) عام 2013، بسبب الأوضاع الأمنية في العراق، وتأخر إجراءات توقيع العقود من جانب البنك الدولي والحكومة العراقية. He said the picture in a statement to Reuters: He was supposed to complete the plan by October (October) of last year, but postponed to June (June) in 2013, because of the security situation in Iraq, and the delays in the signing of contracts by the World Bank and the Iraqi government. بليون دولار وكلها لمصلحة الحكومة He pointed out that foreign and domestic debts owed by the Bank of Iraq $ 28 billion, while bank debt of up to one billion dollars of good and all for the benefit of the government Iraq had decided in 2006, restructuring the banking sector to allow direct investment in banks and get rid of the heavy debt incurred major banks owned by the State, after decades of war and economic isolation. وتتمثل الأهداف الرئيسة للبرنامج بإعادة هيكلة أكبر مصرفين عراقيين مملوكين من الدولة، وهما الرشيد و الرافدين، إضافة الى دائرة الرقابة في البنك المركزي وتطوير القطاع المصرفي الخاص. The main objectives of the program re-structuring of the largest Iraqi banks owned by the State, namely, rational, and rivers, in addition to the Audit Department at the Central Bank and the development of the private banking sector. Friday, February 18, 2011 This by no means, infers that the RV has been shut down! Financial systems are modified all of the time. Iraq is busting at the seams with GDP. They can drag their feet all the want on getting the "entire" reform plan completed, but many details such as a RI/RV are imperative and inevitable. The economic crisis there and abroad mandates this, and they are moving at a pace thats never been seen before. With this assumption, you would have to believe that after the GOI is in place, Kuwait has come to agreement with Iraq and the Chapter 7 sancions are lifted, Iraq is going to shuck their ability to enter the WTO?!?!?! Does that even remotely make the slightest bit of rational sense? And what must be in place for a VIP membersip into the World Trade Organiztion?? Only an internationally traded currency. No big deal. Just a simple currency that is traded on the forex. Oh, wait, that would have to mean that Iraq MUST RI/RV or LOP and RV or basically follow any of thier options available to get thier currency internationally accepted. Otherwise, they stay in the dark ages, playing in dirt, dreaming of food, utilities, clean water, etc. Although they've had plenty of time over the years to become adapted to such conditions, doesn't mean they would choose them over an opportunity to free themselves from all of this poverty, chaos and oppression. Everyone is reading far to deep into these articles these days as if secret messages are being passed in code for only the truly enlightened and astute individuals in the world to decipher for themselves. Media will always be influenced if not completely controlled by an underlying authority. We will be informed with the info the government wants us to hear and nothing more. Thus, the reason it has not just been rumors lately that have been debunked. Almost every article hitting the press in Iraq has a counter article stating otherwise. I guess the point that I am getting at is this: There are a million posts on this forum all day everyday. People are trying to stay updated with the latest facts and hearsay about there investment and it's potential, constantly sorting through piles of wasted thoughts from people with not a clue about this investment to begin with. If your going to make a statement, no matter how irrational or pessimistic it may be, at least show us the respect of forming a clear, complete thought so that we may assess and determine whether or not we concurr or disagree with your observation. Pretty simple request to everyone I would hope... Then again, maybe this only makes sense to me Best Regards to all... Except those that I just described:) Negativity invokes negativity. One can disagree without being aborrently negative. I don't know anybody that invests their time and money in anything shrouded with this! If you do feel this way, simply get out of this endeavor and forget about it, or hold your breath until you have something useful to contribute to those that are sitting in this boat with you. That Guy
  7. Amazing... People amaze me how they sometimes cannot see the forest through the trees. Always makes me smile when people proclaim they know someone that works in Iraq or at a major bank, so they should have instant credibility.LOL!! How we all TRY and think about one minor factor. The Iraqi Dinar, being RV'd based on nothing more than it's country's asset base, has to increase!! Simple, simple, simple logic!! If they choose to enlist a new dinar, we will have an opportunity to exchange. You honestly think that switching currencies at the last minute to avoid payout to numerous dinar holders throughout the world would be kosher with the WTO, UN and everyone else?? Countries produce new currencies all of the time. There will be a window for exchange if this happens. That is like the U.S. telling the world that we are printing a new currency, and that everyone outside the border is screwed. Guess that erases our debts with everyone right?? WRONG!!!!! Iraq is doing everything they can at the moment to act right and get all sanctions lifted in order to move forward in the world economy. An RV would be the best thing to happen to them. It's not as if they are paying out more money from thier pockets if it does RV. This is what they want and need. An RV makes thier debts shrink in comparison to the current amount of Dinar that is in thier possession. Oil is oil, and GDP is GDP! We will not be left out in the cold with the dinar investmet that we possess. Even if they lop the dinar, it still has to eventually increase in value. Economics 101! They are setting on one of the top three oil reservoirs in the WORLD!! Does someone think that the gdp this eventually produces won't have a positive affect on the Dinar????? Oil is sold in comodities.. Futures contracts will determine what it is going to sell for long before it is ever pulled from the ground. Thus, giving ample basis for in-country asset base to RV off of. Like I stated earlier, amazing... I'm not here to bash, It's something to consider. And please, for many of you out there, do not use some lame excuse for instant credibility.. If anything, come up with a better one. I've worked in banks and have several business degrees... I'll be the first to tell you, I have NO inside info on Iraq, nor does it make me an expert on the Dinar!! Everything I just stated is nothing more than pure basic logic assuming you have any comprehension the simplest of economics. Best Regards. P.S. If this rebuttal bothers someone, I'm glad you wasted your time to read it;)
  8. Not going indepth here. For a stimulus package to be created, the funding has to stem from the local/domestic economy.. In this case, the "tourist" took his money back and left the economy. From every package we've witnessed, our monetary system has been further diluted by the new creation of un-backed monies, whereas, this example has just squared up the town's current liability via illegal usage of anothers assets. OR You can just look at it as what the hell, someone came out of this with the same amount of money with the same value that they walked into this package with? Even though I'm speaking of the tourist, we all know this never happens for any parties involved! At least someone leaves this scenario no worse off than before.
  9. Yes, this is another safe feature installed on the new dinar. If you look up the new currency online, you will find pictures and description regarding these anti-counterfeit features. Here is a link for you to review: My link. Hope this helps. I apologize, misread your post. A typical dinar like any other currency should be uniform. If they are all different, you should definately have them checked.
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