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Everything posted by blessedman

  1. I sure wish you are right however IMHO the powers to be would never let that happen. Wouldn't shock me if M was assasinated, if this is true, as was Kennedy and Lincoln for threatening to usurp their power, also fear that Ron Paul will meet his demise for his efforts to end the fed. Rothchild family tentacles are far reaching. I truly believe what Mr Williams was saying as I have heard about the North Slope find before.
  2. Sent an email to my nephew who is an Army surgeon asking if he has heard anything about the RV. Didn't get the response I wanted. He like many others is not plugged into the info we have. The infrastructure being so fractured is why they need the RV. Uncle xxxx, I have heard nothing about this during my time here in Iraq. Judging from the state of the government here I don't foresee the Iraqis being able to revalue the dinar in the near future. The infrastructure here is horribly fractured and it may be decades before they have any sort of international economic credibility. I am sure you are aware of this, but I did a google search on "Iraqi Dinar Scam" and it seems that some people have been overemphasizing the potential of this currency to scam people. I certainly cannot claim to be an expert on these things, but my gut feeling is that this is not a good investment. Good to hear from you. I hope that all is well with you, Aunt xxxxxx, Brian and the rest of the crew. Sorry I could not be of more help. Take care.
  3. As a father of two brave soldiers who both have done 2 tours in both Iraq and Afghanistan part of me feels somewhat conflicted and guillty about the RV. This windfall will go a long way to help them and their families in the future, but one of them doesn't want what he calls the "blood money".
  4. Being a Viet Nam veteran, USMC '64-68 two tours, I have mixed feelings about our involvement in Iraq. Have two sons who have both done two tours in Iraq and Afghanistan, one is infantry and the other is a career Green Beret. I just pray that they will become a free country and that our efforts will not be in vain. I just dont want to want it to be another 'Nam. Hope when we pull out it doesnt turn into a blood bath. Gonna cash in all my dinar soon as RV happens.
  5. J-E-T-S ................Jets Jets Jets
  6. Newbie here, my heart goes out to all who have suffered and endured this endless mental and emotional torture. Hopefully the payoff is real soon.
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