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  1. lol at nobody believing your pump. your going to have to try harder than that man
  2. i know what you mean! its been about 6 months that i have been invested and when i first got in i was SOOO close to buying 1 million dinar on reserve, on the account of the gurus giving us their guarantees that it would happen within the next week which they found out from all their so called intel from higher ups in iraq. thankfully i restrained myself and now see how over the top and rediculous some of the gurus get. bottom line for the new investors out there, dont expect it to happen anytime soon, and dont buy dinar because of some "intel" you read on an internet forum. all you know about these people is what they tell you.
  3. im assuming you mean tithing as it pertains to christianity? 10 percent of everything goes to the church
  4. isnt okie the guy who said dinar was trading 1 for 1 on the "streets" of iraq??
  5. I tried to ask this in chat but didnt really get an answer. I was reading Adams cash in guide and he states that his VIP group "will get a higher cash in rate, PERIOD. This even beats Ali's rates, because I'm able to reduce the spread that you WILL pay when you cash in at any bank or with any Dinar Dealer." Ali states that he is only charging 150 dollars per million and no spread besides what the CBI is charging How is it possible that Adam can beat Ali's rate when Ali is matching the CBI's buy rate? I know he is pooling everyones investment together for more leverage when dealing with the banks but Adam also states in his guide that the CBI sets the rate so how can he get a better rate than that?
  6. could you please explain how they would be broke if they came out at a low RV and not if they came out high? thanks!
  7. If someone like you were running i would actually vote.
  8. were thinking along the same lines! maybe i can get my hands on one of these! apparently there are only 8 of these that are legal to own in the US would probly cost about a grand per minute firing this thing
  9. Ok i read up a bit on the whole infinite banking strategy and i think i get the gist of it. Thanks for the link. I have a question though, when we cash in after the RV is there someway to transfer it to one of these life insurance things and not have to pay the 35% tax that everyone is talking about?
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