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Everything posted by Kuper

  1. Thanks K98nights and Frank!
  2. Thanks 4 all the comments guys even the retarded 1s lol
  3. Well I guess nobody knows then huh
  4. Ok after the dinar Rvs, how soon will we be able to cash in? Will we have to wait for someone else to make up hisher mind up about something, or can we rush to the bank and full our pockets lol.
  5. Maybe O wants our taxes now rather than later?
  6. Watch The Obama Deception on youtube! It will tell you everything!
  7. Seriously youtube, The Obama Deception, just watch it please
  8. Everyone should check out the obama deception on youtube. Under search Type in the obama deception. Its about 2 hours long but I think its worth the watch. Maybe you have heard of it?
  9. Kuper

    Here You go

    I Love You Man!!!
  10. Lol that would just be retarded if they did something like that
  11. They're just gonna prolong the agony aren't they lol.
  12. Haha I like the way u think. Gosh I hope we can have South Dakota steaks tho lol.
  13. Nobody should be upset or angry with Adam in my opinion, he's just having some fun like the rest of us. This is called an investment, it has its ups and downs and risk. I'm having a good time reading the posts and commenting on each others posts. So let's all thank Adam Montana for all of his hard work on his research and his time out of his life to make the posts he makes. Good job Montana and thanks! =)
  14. We're all gonna have a pocket full of cash laughing at the ones that didn't invest in the idq. Like everyone else said, keep the faith and find that light switch. U peeps are great keep up the ******* posts! =)
  15. Well hello! I'm Kuper. Show me the money lol.
  16. The dinar WILL RV, the question is when and how much. ;-)
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