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Everything posted by pureau79

  1. Yes, it is a ridiculous scenario. All of this is true, however, the point is not that everyone has a million dollars because we all can see that it is unrealistic but that the people could stimulate the economy far better than the Fed could ever do it. Put the money back to the people in the form of reduced taxes and less regulation and the economy will be stimulated. It is unnecessary regulation and excessive taxes that are driving our economy down. A million dollars in the hands of fools and our streets would be full of fools bodies. There is a reason why there will always be successful and unsuccessful people and it is largely due to the fact that some people cannot handle success. There is a natural bottom to our economy and the Fed cannot do better than the natural rythm of the up turns and down turns. As far as my numbers go I seriously blew a transducer and screwed the pooch on that out of an intensely aggravated disposition due the crap I see and hear coming from Washington... Oops.
  2. Yes, yes. I stand corrected. My new Canadian acquaintance pointed out that I am wound a bit too tightly. I think some of my windings gave out on that one, but the point I'm sure you got is that a trillion dollars is a lot of money and if we doled it out to the people instead of all those businesses the economy would have been stimulated instantly. If my numbers are correct, a million is a thousand thousand, and billion is a thousand million and a trillion is a thousand billion. There had to be a more effective way to stimulate the economy and I think it would have been to just give it to the people. It would be like a Hebrew year of jubilee. Everyone's debt would virtually disappear. I know it's crazy, but so was giving it to mismanaged businesses...
  3. Impeachment was and is a removal tool that was established as a way to deal with "high crimes and misdemeanors". A high crime is self-explainatory, but a misdemeanor is a little muddy in the eyes of the modern American. It is just that: a MIS-demeanor. Now, it doesn't mean a traffic ticket kind of misdemeanor. It means characterizing (or having a demeanor) of recklessness that is damaging to the Office of the Presidency. The founding fathers of this nation thought character was so important that the President and Congressional leaders should be held to the very highest moral standards. No one is perfect, but certain things are and should be impeachable. The problem is that our executive and legislative branches are like the foxes watching over the hen house. President Obama did inherit a bit of a mess, no doubt. GW did some pretty stupid things and he was spending 1.6 billion dollars a day. But don't buy into the lie that O has not made (and is not making) things worse. Congress needs to de-regulate many of the restrictions placed on the business sector and let the economy and jobs market find its own natural bottom. Throwing money at it is not the answer. Some will win and some will lose. O is spending over 4 billion dollars a day and his Democratically controlled Senate has failed to develop a budget in over 800 days. It is a systemic problem in Washington and almost all bureaucrats are mad with power-lust. It isn't just O. It is the way the system has operated, so someone needs to stand up and take control or the America we have known WILL go down the tubes.
  4. Wishwell, Thank you. I take it my little theory resonated with you. It is just too obvious. Our government is pouring trillions into so-called stimulus spending and a measly four hundred million or so would have done wonders. There are those who may be tempted to think giving a million to a foolish person would destroy them ("Wealth gained suddenly will destroy a fool." -- King Solomon), but I say a fool will destroy himself anyway. While the government is so busy with social engineering plans, let them stimulate my economy and I'll show them how the housing market can have one less defaulted mortgage...
  5. ...Just a thought here. Our politicians are so actively trying to wind us up and there's all this BS about stimulus and quantitative easing, what would it have done for the economy if GW and O just gave every man woman and child in America one million dollars instead of spending trillions? Think about it. Let's speak in round numbers for sake of argument. Say there are three hundred fifty million American citizens and another fifty million illegal aliens in this country. Four hundred million people with one million dollars each, that is four hundred million dollars. Don't you think we could have paid off all the consumer debt in America? Wouldn't that immediately strengthen America? Why do you suppose they would never do that? Because they want to keep up enslave to the lender. The borrower is slave to the lender. Plain and simple. If we paid off all consumer debt in this country we wouldn't be easily subjugated.
  6. Okay... it would be a very good thing for the dollar to be strong. Unfortunately, it is not headed in that direction. The dollar is being inflated at an astounding rate. Interest rates could skyrocket in the very near future. The value of the dollar is in decline. The only plausible explaination lies in the condition of the world. The vast majority of the world cannot achieve significant prosperity in the foreseeable future. The United Nations (originally the League Of Nations) is not a neutral agency. There is an active push toward one world government and strong economies like ours (and others) are an impediment to the success of the ultimate goal. What is that ultimate goal? It is to bring the entire world under one single government. That will not succeed as long as the American people are free and independent thinkers. The fastest way to subjugate an entire nation is through the financial system. Somewhere near fourty-nine percent of America's citizens are addicted to government welfare programs. They are enslaved to that system and don't even know it. Class warfare and race-baiting are everyday occurrences in government and education programs. Why? To keep us divided. There is confusion in division. The Christian bible teaches that a house divided cannot stand. When the federal government offers something in their right hand, you had better be looking at the left hand. Stupid rich? I assume you would like to make some money from your Dinar purchase. Those rich people that you refer to are not stupid. They are the ones who drive the economy and job market. Their willingness to invest their wealth to develop companies creates jobs. We all need jobs unless we are independently wealthy. Politicians demonize the rich for political gain. Don't fall into that trap.
  7. Nemesis, It is difficult for me to remember that there are many people that do not know about such things. For the "brow beating", I apologize. It is a very passionate subject for me and I lose my ability to contain myself occassionally. I raised my children (seven of them), worked all I could work and studied world events out of a deep sense of patriotism and concern for posterity. You see, the world I leave behind for my children should be better than the world I was born into. Yet, for all our technology and social engineering, the world my grandchildren are set to inherit is on the verge of economic collapse and chaos. I'm not a doom-sayer, nor am I a conspiracy theorist, but it seems that there may actually be a conspiracy to erode personal freedoms to a non-existent state. The push toward multi-culturalism and the citizens of the world mentality will bring us down, because the world has proven that it will not come up to our level. Clearly, anyone can understand there is only free, or slave. The American people are being enslaved, first by their own individual lusts and secondly, by an ever present, ever growing federal government that is regulating jobs into oblivion. It is no wonder that businesses are fleeing CONUS for other countries. Our tax code is broken. Federal spending is out of control. It is difficult for me to remember that anyone, anyone, is naive regarding the national debt. Please forgive my rant and PLEASE educate yourself. There may not be as many things "too far out" of your control as you think. Any thing worth having is worth working for. I think the principals on which America was founded is worth the effort. The present insanity can be turned around, but people must be engaged in the process. My friends call me Furball and I guess I had a really big one in my throat earlier. Again, I apologize.
  8. I understand that speculation drives the market. I also understand the implications of losing our AAA rating. Great Britain held the baton before we slid into the reserve spot. Go back and look at the way the British economy began to fold up due to the loss of their position and then extrapolate that by a factor of many... How much I know about oil isn't the point. By the way, I have spent the last twent-five years in the Petrochemical and Oil refineries. I know that the supply is artificially manipulated based on anticipated demand and I know that the American government has further exacerbated the matter by the senseless regulations that lead to regional formulation requirements. I know enough to hold my own.
  9. It is a stark reality that there is a sub-culture in the world that most people have no concept of. This kid was moving up in the world of cartels and strength through terror. He may have had a twisted up-bringing, but he knew what he was doing (even if most of us have no understanding of it), and he didn't learn it on television or through video games. He learned this by being sent out into a hard and harsh world to survive and probably has more street smarts than any ten of us. It's a hard cold world and there are hard cold people in it...
  10. They probably don't have a clue where their kids learned those things because they are probably too busy to pay attention to their children. There has always been evil in the world, but the tempo began to increase exponentially when our economy started pushing both parents into the work place. Many people feel it is their God given right to find fulfillment in their careers. I don't argue that, but if a couple doesn't have time to be parents or they're too busy keeping up with the Jones' out of a narcissistic sense of self, they're probably not ready for the responsibility of having children. Parenting is a full time job and the worst thing parents can do is shove their children in front of an electronic baby-sitter. Take them out side and play. If folks don't have time, they're either too busy or too selfish. I raised seven children. Children need responsibility and they need to be held accountable (not argued with). Discipline is not engaging in an argument where all control is given to the child. They really don't want to be in control. They just want the comfort of knowing that someone is...
  11. I am incredulous at the ridiculousness of your post. How can you NOT understand the vast implications? This is not a casual matter like choosing not to pay on a department store credit card. We would lose the reserve currency status that we presently enjoy. All oil transactions in the world are made in USD. We would immediately join the world in paying seven to ten dollars per gallon for gasoline. Our cargo and freight transportation industry would virtually implode. Our cities would be in chaos nearly instantly. The greatest majority of people could not afford to get to work every day. Public transportation is not geared to handle the millions upon millions of people who travel into our cities daily. What do you mean would it make sense? NO. NO. NO. In fact, that is one of the dumbest suggestions I've ever heard.
  12. Doesn't it make sense that "US downgrade" refers to The United States losing its Triple A credit rating and ultimately the reserve currency status?
  13. The problem is not the kid. He is a symptom of a much greater problem. How do we deal with cold blooded killers? If he is guilty and has confessed, hang him by the neck until he is dead, dead, dead. Put it on the 5:00 news for the world to see. Every man woman or child involved in the cold blooded murder of others should be dealt with in the same way. Excuses should not be made for them. It does not matter how their mother or father abused them. It does not matter that they were poor and selling dope just to survive. It DOES matter that at some point they crossed the line and made a decision to take the life of another. Try them. Convict them. Execute them. Do it in public. Publicize each and every hanging and plant roses around the hanging tree until the message gets through to those who would be killers. My children know my heart in this matter. I am not a callous person, but there is a limit to how far a person should be allowed to go. Muslims kill their children. Jews used to observe public stonings (and I don't mean with reefer), and Judge Roy Bean had EVERYONE'S attention.
  14. I thought for a long time that a balanced budget amendment makes all the sense in the world... until about ten minutes ago. That's when I heard Judge Andrew Napolitano say that a balanced budget amendment would open the door for Federal judges to determine the legitimacy of any proposed budget. I read a forum header here on DV where someone said something about throwing up in their shorts. I thought it was one of the stupidest things I'd ever read... until now. Now I know how that person must have been feeling. I just might throw up in my shorts now because of the ridiculous position America is in due to self serving politicians and unaware citizens. This is really, really sad, and stupid, and senseless, and needless, and foolish. God help us. Save us from ourselves. We have met the enemy and he is us...
  15. They are not the same thing. An RV obviously is a revaluation. RI would mean a reinstatement to its former value. My personal opinion about logic and feasibility is that an RV would be a more practical approach. The general concensus seems to be a managed float over time. There is much hallabaloo as of late over the possibility of and RD (redenomination). No one knows...
  16. Well if that was an effort at humor, I'll have to take your word for it and apologize for being wrapped a bit to tightly. It's just that I'm sick of hearing people put America down. With all of our inherent problems, we Americans are almost singlehandedly responsible for the world enjoying fantastic prosperity. Yes. Other nations have made fabulous contributions, but America used to be EXCEPTIONAL and I'm damned proud to be an American. So to you and your humor, I offer my apologies. To those who want to criticize America... BITE ME.
  17. I would be very satisfied with the .86 rate... Your assessments have always been very insightful and refreshingly well thought out. Thanks for all you do Doc31.
  18. I beg to differ with you on this one point... The people running the country are not stupid. They know exactly what they have been up to. It, unfortunately, falls squarely upon the shoulders of the voters and the non-voters. Now for a diatribe not directed at you (but if the shoe fits, wear it): Most Americans are extremely lazy when it comes to the fulfillment of their civic responsibilities. Most Americans have been content to accept whatever the benevolent, all powerful and wise government officials bless them with. It sickens me to hear one say "my vote doesn't count anyway." Bah! That is stupid, lazy and even cowardly. My Congressional representatives at the state and federal level may not know my face when they see it, but they damn sure know my name. I take the time to try and compensate for the lazy and narcissistic Americans who are so busy keeping up with the Jones' that they won't take time to educate themselves about the issues. It p1$$e$ me off to the inth degree to hear someone say "I vote a straight party line ticket." Those Republicans just want to take away my government assistance check. Those "RICH" people don't need all that money to reinvest in the economy and create businesses that provide us with jobs. Why should I do the best job I can do? The owner of this company doesn't give a damn about me. Otherwise he would have recognized that I can run this company better than the managers. Bull crap! That's why this country is in the shape it's in. Have you seen the so-called "reality" shows that people are watching (following closely) and keeping up with the trash that's on them?
  19. I generally reserve the power of plus and minus for the exceptional and exceptionally ridiculous respectively. I will, however, return the kindness and give you a +1. I will not engage you in a civil (or otherwise) debate over the merits of Israel as our very close (if not closest) ally. I told you, you seem to be looking for an argument and my knoweledge of our relationship with Israel transcends T1t for tat types of dialogue. I will not quote scripture either in chapter or verse and the bible is not my only point of reference. I know that I know and that is the basis of my original premise. If you do not know, a debate will not change your mind.
  20. Does that "certain humiliy" include bragging about it? Seems to me that an humble person or nation wouldn't need to toot their own horn. Bragging simply isn't on the top one hundred list of endearing qualities... I suppose you aren't included in the number of very humbled (and ill) persons crossing the border for medical care either, are you? Yep. I can see how you may feel as you do. Good. I won't have to worry about you being one of those no driving Canadian snow birds coming to South Texas for the winter. Let's see... If you don't know and fully understand our ties to Israel, I'd sooner herd cats into a bucket of water. You don't really want a list. What you want is a ridiculous argument about Israel, and I for one will not give it to you because your post regarding Israel says it all. Nope. Not me. Someone else can debate this one. I don't think your opinion would change one iota even if I provided you with a book. OH YEAH! That's it! The Book... The Book of all books.
  21. Sarcasm duly noted and filed for future reference... Careful there big fella... He's still the POTUS and dumb ^$$ is still VPOTUS. We don't need to go there. Ever.
  22. Weeell... Yes and No. Yes they are mostly autonomous and yet they need a great deal of cooperation from GOI. Imagine CBI arbitrarily "pushing the button" or to the contrary, "pulling the pin" on the deal, saying to heck with M and A and the whole lot of the GOI. There would be chaos in the streets either way unless the government is fully engaged. The GOI definitely has a supporting (if not leading) role in any such RD/RV/RI or whatever. Their system is modeled after the central banks of the world. Our central bank (a.k.a. "Federal Reserve") doesn't exactly make sweeping change without a complicit and consenting Congress. They are largely autonomous but Congress sets the law(s) that allows the Fed to operate as such. We got the point the first time it was written. It is inflammatory and needs to be left alone. Again, we got it...
  23. Because the USD is the reserve currency and the stability of the world economy would be rocked pretty hard by a failure to meet our obligations. We are not Greece and the implications of our economy failing has the entire world nervous. That said, however, we can meet our obligations but the Washingtonians don't want to jeopardize their honey holes... They're playing politics to advance us closer to a single world government. Oh yeah. I said it. Why else would an American President, Treasury Secretary, former Speaker of the House and a Senate Majority Leader AND the Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank be actively engaged in the stupidity of inflating our money while every other sane individual in the entire world understands that it has a destabilizing effect economically? WHY? No one has really proven the U.S. Is holding IQD. That story has been fabricated and propagated by a bunch of morons who also said the RV would be at seven or eight dollars. The only ones making this about Dinar is us. Think about it. If IQD RV'd this morning at five dollars and the USD collapses next month, what will you have? We need to be praying, writing Congress and doing rain dances if that's what it takes to hold all this together.
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