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general budget support policies

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Iraq's budget reflects a clear picture of an imbalance in economic structural diversity for oil revenue also reflects the space available for the Government to promote Iraqi reality on all tracks, because the expected income as determined by the budget less than operational investment spending less or more underscores gap depending on real world oil prices.

Despite the urgent need to achieve quantum leaps in all sectors of growth and development and above all the infrastructure and housing add to the need to reduce the negative trade balance big oil exports-outside-compressor to operational budget, which appears most clearly when high world oil prices in recent years and the increase in income of public sector employees not ywasha rapid growth in the agricultural, industrial and service, the Iraqi economy is ready magal inflationary and more affected by the phenomenon of expensive imported, despite all this the direct investment of State or financially supported through the advancement of various sectors for adoption acreage on the limited can be allocated from the budget after depreciation.

Indeed, the budget deficit of problems facing many countries and Governments but processing methods vary depending on the degree of economic progress and the allocation of revenue sources and nature of political systems, undemocratic Governments and irresponsible take wrong kalastgharak easy solutions in internal and external borrowing and print money without the corresponding suitable cover from currency thereby increasing inflation and steal citizens indirectly, either developed industrial Nations specifies certain ratios of deficit to gross cannot be overwritten, and working to bridge the shortfall via methods known as reducing public spending in areas such as education or through maximizing tax return social repercussions of these latkhelo and political effects such as strikes and loss of votes from the affected groups.

As is well known that one good choices that work by the Iraqi Government and that can maximize resources and reduce unemployment and improve infrastructure and achieve the aspirations of people development and progress is attracting investment in various sectors, including oil, providing an appropriate competitive environment and linking strategic management mechanisms of action emanating from the investment targets and study its natural environment and the legal, economic and human resources, these require institutional development and access to administrative burdens and growth potential are absorbed investment process operates efficiently like me might increase GDP, unemployment and reduced pressure drying on almwazntin operational and investment, but it need time spans for years to reach the desired results.

So I need policies and activate additional foregoing mechanisms would contribute in instantaneous and optimizing them budget support and access to annual goals and narrow their arithmetic mean you necessarily laittabk with disabilities realistic, given the possible available under possible input and current income stability expected ...

First, enter second, performance balancing budget time management third mechanism is related to combating corruption and mismanagement and distribution First, enter second, performance balancing budget time management third mechanism is related to combating corruption and mismanagement and distribution.

فالموازنة القائمة على الأداء تضمن كفاءة إستخدام الأموال والإمكانيات في تحقيق الأهداف والحصول على الخدمات ضمن برامج محددة مسبقا, تتم في إطارها الرقابة الكفوءة للوقوف على مدى تحقق الإنجاز على الأرض بمواصفات عالية واقل هدر مالي, فهي لاتنتهي بالمراجعة الحسابية للتأكد من عدم وجود ظواهر فساد مالي وإختلاسات وأن الأوراق والمستندات المقدمة صحيحة في تعبيرها عن المصروفات, وإنما تمتد إلى التأكد من فاعلية استخدام النفقات وتحقيقها لأهداف الإنتاج والخدمات للوحدة الحكومية المعينة وفق المعايير العلمية والجداول الموضوعة وتحليل النتائج والتاكد من سلامة تنفيذ الخطط الوزارية والأعمال التنفيذية من النواحي المالية والفنية والإدارية والقانونية, وحسن تطبيق معايير الجودة الإقتصادية وأيضا الجدوى السياسية بمعنى الآثار التي يتركها المسؤول والوزير أثناء التصدي لمسؤولية الموقع كشعور المواطن بالرضا من الخدمات التي تقدم وإنعكاس ذلك على المزاج الشعبي العام, ودرجة إرتقاء الوسائل الإدارية الخاصة بتنظيم وتهيئة المستندات في الوحدة الوزارية لتكون متاحة وقت الرجوع إليها لإضعاف ثقافة السرية في الوحدات الإدارية وتمكين إعلان النتائج وإخضاعها لمفهوم القياس المرجعي لتجويد الأداء وتحسين المخرجات وبالتالي ترشيد مراحل وعمليات التنفيذ والإنفاق.

Also called attention to positive time management at State Government and Parliament and various institutions, it is not the value contained in the productive processes, but enter in all political, legislative, administrative and service and individual and community activities so the introduction of this dimension in the study and evaluation of the annual budget will have a material impact, a huge proportion proportional to the magnitude of public sector employees and prevent migration benefits to next time and lack of commitment to pledges and accumulation of problems and complexity into difficult solution, for each Ministry and the Directorate of certification success in this subject reveal the best use of this dimension is important and positive processes and receptivity to expenditures and tasks in administrative units, while production of laws and policy choice and to fulfil the commitments, transactions and delivery of various services in a timely manner.

Here comes the important role of educational institutions, media and political concentration values correct administration of time planning in accordance with the objectives set, and select phases and processes, tools and quantitative and qualitative parameters with multiple detailed stages llmangs and within my knowledge of organization and prioritization and anticipate obstacles and ways to overcome them.

The scourge of corruption and the significant negative impact on the budget of alwadahat and axioms latntzer clarification and demonstrate it needs only to recall, therefore I find it appropriate here request follow up huge funds abroad travelled across the border in previous years taking advantage of the UN Convention against corruption and restoration, and this would deter others from looting and future smuggling attempts of public money, it is necessary here legal loopholes that have prevented or prevent restore people's money.

And come on why efficient exploitation of the annual budget of inefficient administration and State property assets and inventory accumulation and commodity and prevention of damage and the absence of effective adoption of quality standards in contracting and procurement of goods, better specs and the lowest possible prices.

The directing investment in projects is the only guarantor to avoid indiscriminate and overlap and investment activities are similar regardless of circumstance and needs wider spatial area human to new project, the result is a waste of money under limited investment budget compared to the wide gaps in infrastructure and production and service sectors. And administrative accounting can be applied to Ministers of State assets in their responsibilities to maintain and perform necessary maintenance operations, and subjecting new assets upon completion of the project implementation of the cash accounting based on capital expenditures and value-added productivity and services, not that funds are burnt out unaccountable legal and community, where the Minister or the Director shall be responsible for these assets as its responsibility for the funds allocated under the annual budget estimate costs that take time and disappearing with real values taking into account the difference between the actual values of arithmetic values and services under the policies of Government support and services across the public sector produced goods. And statistical studies or activated and distributive mapping to determine accurate due to Government support groups of ration and excluding others and by rising incomes, and allocation of governmental and parliamentary workshop with sufficient authority to disclose who could materially who receives an area of the general budget in social care addresses, review and audit the money you spend with political prisoner and career levels granted to political separated to ascertain potential fraud and forgery, to deliver true only rights of beneficiaries.

It remains to be mentioned in the same context need revision House for salaries and customizations its members and the President and his deputies and the Prime Minister, his deputies and Ministers in the framework of monetization on the occasion of the general budget debate, you must narrow the gap between it and the high salary for people with special-grade, and that justice and fairness require answering the question how to former Deputy budget cost hundreds of thousands of dollars for four years to get retirement life than hundreds of proverbs for tagged retired service exceeding forty years given the years of service in mind? Is this a rational balance and respect for the will of the voters who were reluctant to the selected

And do not have only to dozens or hundreds of sounds?.

AM sorry but i could not get one part of this to translate i have tried everything i knew to do but notta chance so i just left it in there in case someone may know what it is saying


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Iraq's budget reflects a clear picture of an imbalance in economic structural diversity for oil revenue also reflects the space available for the Government to promote Iraqi reality on all tracks, because the expected income as determined by the budget less than operational investment spending less or more underscores gap depending on real world oil prices.

Despite the urgent need to achieve quantum leaps in all sectors of growth and development and above all the infrastructure and housing add to the need to reduce the negative trade balance big oil exports-outside-compressor to operational budget, which appears most clearly when high world oil prices in recent years and the increase in income of public sector employees not ywasha rapid growth in the agricultural, industrial and service, the Iraqi economy is ready magal inflationary and more affected by the phenomenon of expensive imported, despite all this the direct investment of State or financially supported through the advancement of various sectors for adoption acreage on the limited can be allocated from the budget after depreciation.

Indeed, the budget deficit of problems facing many countries and Governments but processing methods vary depending on the degree of economic progress and the allocation of revenue sources and nature of political systems, undemocratic Governments and irresponsible take wrong kalastgharak easy solutions in internal and external borrowing and print money without the corresponding suitable cover from currency thereby increasing inflation and steal citizens indirectly, either developed industrial Nations specifies certain ratios of deficit to gross cannot be overwritten, and working to bridge the shortfall via methods known as reducing public spending in areas such as education or through maximizing tax return social repercussions of these latkhelo and political effects such as strikes and loss of votes from the affected groups.

As is well known that one good choices that work by the Iraqi Government and that can maximize resources and reduce unemployment and improve infrastructure and achieve the aspirations of people development and progress is attracting investment in various sectors, including oil, providing an appropriate competitive environment and linking strategic management mechanisms of action emanating from the investment targets and study its natural environment and the legal, economic and human resources, these require institutional development and access to administrative burdens and growth potential are absorbed investment process operates efficiently like me might increase GDP, unemployment and reduced pressure drying on almwazntin operational and investment, but it need time spans for years to reach the desired results.

So I need policies and activate additional foregoing mechanisms would contribute in instantaneous and optimizing them budget support and access to annual goals and narrow their arithmetic mean you necessarily laittabk with disabilities realistic, given the possible available under possible input and current income stability expected ...

First, enter second, performance balancing budget time management third mechanism is related to combating corruption and mismanagement and distribution First, enter second, performance balancing budget time management third mechanism is related to combating corruption and mismanagement and distribution.

فالموازنة القائمة على الأداء تضمن كفاءة إستخدام الأموال والإمكانيات في تحقيق الأهداف والحصول على الخدمات ضمن برامج محددة مسبقا, تتم في إطارها الرقابة الكفوءة للوقوف على مدى تحقق الإنجاز على الأرض بمواصفات عالية واقل هدر مالي, فهي لاتنتهي بالمراجعة الحسابية للتأكد من عدم وجود ظواهر فساد مالي وإختلاسات وأن الأوراق والمستندات المقدمة صحيحة في تعبيرها عن المصروفات, وإنما تمتد إلى التأكد من فاعلية استخدام النفقات وتحقيقها لأهداف الإنتاج والخدمات للوحدة الحكومية المعينة وفق المعايير العلمية والجداول الموضوعة وتحليل النتائج والتاكد من سلامة تنفيذ الخطط الوزارية والأعمال التنفيذية من النواحي المالية والفنية والإدارية والقانونية, وحسن تطبيق معايير الجودة الإقتصادية وأيضا الجدوى السياسية بمعنى الآثار التي يتركها المسؤول والوزير أثناء التصدي لمسؤولية الموقع كشعور المواطن بالرضا من الخدمات التي تقدم وإنعكاس ذلك على المزاج الشعبي العام, ودرجة إرتقاء الوسائل الإدارية الخاصة بتنظيم وتهيئة المستندات في الوحدة الوزارية لتكون متاحة وقت الرجوع إليها لإضعاف ثقافة السرية في الوحدات الإدارية وتمكين إعلان النتائج وإخضاعها لمفهوم القياس المرجعي لتجويد الأداء وتحسين المخرجات وبالتالي ترشيد مراحل وعمليات التنفيذ والإنفاق.

Also called attention to positive time management at State Government and Parliament and various institutions, it is not the value contained in the productive processes, but enter in all political, legislative, administrative and service and individual and community activities so the introduction of this dimension in the study and evaluation of the annual budget will have a material impact, a huge proportion proportional to the magnitude of public sector employees and prevent migration benefits to next time and lack of commitment to pledges and accumulation of problems and complexity into difficult solution, for each Ministry and the Directorate of certification success in this subject reveal the best use of this dimension is important and positive processes and receptivity to expenditures and tasks in administrative units, while production of laws and policy choice and to fulfil the commitments, transactions and delivery of various services in a timely manner.

Here comes the important role of educational institutions, media and political concentration values correct administration of time planning in accordance with the objectives set, and select phases and processes, tools and quantitative and qualitative parameters with multiple detailed stages llmangs and within my knowledge of organization and prioritization and anticipate obstacles and ways to overcome them.

The scourge of corruption and the significant negative impact on the budget of alwadahat and axioms latntzer clarification and demonstrate it needs only to recall, therefore I find it appropriate here request follow up huge funds abroad travelled across the border in previous years taking advantage of the UN Convention against corruption and restoration, and this would deter others from looting and future smuggling attempts of public money, it is necessary here legal loopholes that have prevented or prevent restore people's money.

And come on why efficient exploitation of the annual budget of inefficient administration and State property assets and inventory accumulation and commodity and prevention of damage and the absence of effective adoption of quality standards in contracting and procurement of goods, better specs and the lowest possible prices.

The directing investment in projects is the only guarantor to avoid indiscriminate and overlap and investment activities are similar regardless of circumstance and needs wider spatial area human to new project, the result is a waste of money under limited investment budget compared to the wide gaps in infrastructure and production and service sectors. And administrative accounting can be applied to Ministers of State assets in their responsibilities to maintain and perform necessary maintenance operations, and subjecting new assets upon completion of the project implementation of the cash accounting based on capital expenditures and value-added productivity and services, not that funds are burnt out unaccountable legal and community, where the Minister or the Director shall be responsible for these assets as its responsibility for the funds allocated under the annual budget estimate costs that take time and disappearing with real values taking into account the difference between the actual values of arithmetic values and services under the policies of Government support and services across the public sector produced goods. And statistical studies or activated and distributive mapping to determine accurate due to Government support groups of ration and excluding others and by rising incomes, and allocation of governmental and parliamentary workshop with sufficient authority to disclose who could materially who receives an area of the general budget in social care addresses, review and audit the money you spend with political prisoner and career levels granted to political separated to ascertain potential fraud and forgery, to deliver true only rights of beneficiaries.

It remains to be mentioned in the same context need revision House for salaries and customizations its members and the President and his deputies and the Prime Minister, his deputies and Ministers in the framework of monetization on the occasion of the general budget debate, you must narrow the gap between it and the high salary for people with special-grade, and that justice and fairness require answering the question how to former Deputy budget cost hundreds of thousands of dollars for four years to get retirement life than hundreds of proverbs for tagged retired service exceeding forty years given the years of service in mind? Is this a rational balance and respect for the will of the voters who were reluctant to the selected

And do not have only to dozens or hundreds of sounds?.

AM sorry but i could not get one part of this to translate i have tried everything i knew to do but notta chance so i just left it in there in case someone may know what it is saying


I translated most of what you could not !!! Hope it helps

Valmoisnp based on performance to ensure the efficient use of funds and resources in achieving the goals and access to services within specific programs in advance, in which the control is efficient to determine the extent of achievement of achievement on the ground High-quality and less wastage of financial, They are endless auditing to make sure there are no phenomena of corruption and financial embezzlement and that the papers and documents submitted in the correct expression of expenses, But extends to ensuring the effective use of expenditures and achievement of the objectives of production and services to the governmental unit designated in accordance with scientific criteria and schedules set and analyze the results and make sure the integrity of the ministerial implementation of plans and operational work in financial, technical, administrative and legal And proper application of quality standards and economic feasibility also political in the sense the impact of the official and the minister while addressing the responsibility of the site as a feeling of citizen satisfaction with services provided and the reflection on the popular mood-General, And the degree of upgrade the management tools for organizing and creating documents in the unity cabinet to be available at the time referenced to weaken the culture of secrecy in the administrative units and enable the announcement of the results and subject them to the concept of benchmarking to improve performance and improve the output and thus rationalize the stages and processes of implementation and expenditure.

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