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The Assassination Attempt on President Trump * Dutch Sheets * GiveHIM15 * 7/15/2024


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July 15, 2024


The Assassination Attempt on President Trump 


As we all now know, a 20-year-old man fired several shots at President Trump during his rally Saturday evening in Pennsylvania, nicking his ear, killing a man who covered his family, and critically wounding two others. This was the first assassination attempt of its kind on a president or presidential candidate since 1981. While the agents on site are being praised by many, obvious and inconceivable breakdowns in Trump’s protection planning are being spoken of, including the fact that the Secret Service detail was terribly undermanned. Investigations will surely follow.


Like so many in our nation, the trauma of watching the attempt live left it indelibly imprinted in my mind. I have since watched it replayed dozens of times—I didn’t leave my spot in front of the TV for the next eight hours. I rarely watch Trump’s rallies; I’m very busy and know his positions on the main issues. But for some reason, I was drawn to watch this one. Because of this, I, along with thousands of others were praying immediately.


Trump is aware of the supernatural protection he experienced. In a statement on Truth Social, he thanked people for their prayers and said, “It was God alone who prevented the unthinkable from happening.” Trump displayed his warrior heart as he stood up from the stage floor with a bloody face, shaking his fist and shouting, “Fight!” He reinforced it in the Truth Social post, stating, “We will FEAR NOT, but instead remain resilient in our faith and defiant in the face of wickedness.” He also voiced his love and prayers for those who were wounded and condolences regarding the man who was killed. If Trump ever questioned God’s hand and destiny on him, he should now be fully assured of it!


Melania also released sincere thank you’s, offered condolences, and made an eloquent appeal: “Let us not forget that differing opinions, policy, and political games are inferior to love…ascend above the hate, the vitriol, and the simple-minded ideas that ignite violence.”(1)


Since the shooting, there have been hundreds of hours of commentary, thousands of comments from pastors yesterday offering comfort, and millions of prayers lifted to the Lord for peace and healing. What I want to do today is thank you for your prayers and ask you to continue.


There is zero doubt in my mind that prayer is why Trump is alive today. Zero. Many had premonitions and warnings from Holy Spirit, myself included, regarding an assassination attempt against Trump, and thousands of people have been praying for his protection. No one group can take credit for this supernatural protection - please don’t fall prey to a proud spirit that wants to take credit, as I have heard some do! What is needed now is deeper humility over America’s sin and rebellion, not pride. God has heard every prayer offered in faith and humility for Trump’s and other leaders’ protection. Your appeal is as important as that of any leader or group of leaders.


I also have zero doubt that satan and his pawns plan more unrest and violence. The shaking spoken of by prophets and prophetic intercessors has, without doubt, begun and will continue for a season. Violence, chaos in the Democratic party, exposure of dishonesty, and corruption in our government and media have all gone to new levels, and will continue to do so. Remember that God is not causing this evil! Lamentations 3:22-23 (KJV) tells us, “It is of the Lord’s mercies that we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.” God’s mercy will keep the shaking from destroying America, AND He will use it to awaken and clean up our nation.


Continue to appeal, and be vigilant with your prayers!


Prophets have said the chaos and unrest in America will continue into the spring or summer of 2025. And then it will take several years to fully restore our nation to health and wholeness. I concur. Our sins have been grievous, and the swamp is very, very deep. But it is very important to realize that the turnaround has already begun! Discipline is proof of love! (Hebrews 12:5-11). Don’t confuse the surgeon’s incision with the disease’s destruction. America’s healing process has begun; prayer and humility are the reasons!!


Do not stop! The prayers and decrees of the Ekklesia are bringing the Kingdom authority and will of God to America, just as Jesus said in Matthew 6:10! The great wisdom of God is being manifested to principalities and powers through His Ekklesia, as He declared in Ephesians 3:10. The Ekklesia Jesus promised He would build is arising (Matthew 16:18-19). You are part of this spiritual army, this spiritual government. You’re one of Christ’s ambassadors here on earth. Your decree matters; your appeal moves God’s heart.


He has found a willing people in the day of His power; like the dew of the morning, we cover the earth (Psalm 110:3). Like David’s mighty men, we can run through a troop and leap over a wall (Psalm 18:29). We are those Isaiah saw who mount up with wings like eagles, run without growing weary, walk without fainting (Isaiah 40:31). And like the early church in Acts, we will turn our world “upside down” (Acts 17:6).


In my book Intercessory Prayer, I share the following story:


“John Killinger tells about an interesting method used in the past to break a wild steed by harnessing it to a burro. The powerful steed would take off across the range, twisting and bucking, causing the burro to be wildly tossed about. What a sight! The steed would run away, pulling the burro alongside, and they would drop out of sight—sometimes for days. Then, one day, they would return with the proud little burro in charge. The steed had worn himself out, fighting the presence of the burro. When he became too tired to fight anymore, the burro assumed the leader position. And that’s the way it is many times with prayer. Victory goes to the persistent, not to the angry; to the dedicated, not to those who can demonstrate great emotion and energy. We need committed, determined, systematic prayer, not once in a while fireworks.”(2)


That’s what we’re doing, and what we shall continue to do.


Pray with me:


Father, we thank You for protecting Donald Trump from this assassination attempt. We pray for the recovery of those who were wounded and for comfort to the family of the hero who lost his life. We pray that You would continue to protect Presidents Trump and Biden and their families. We also pray this for our leaders in Congress and on the Supreme Court. (Take a few minutes and pray for leaders in your state: governors, legislators, judges, mayors, etc.)


Use this experience to draw President Trump closer to You, Father. I have always believed that at some point, he would have a profound encounter with You, that You would fill him with Your Spirit and bring him into a close relationship with You. Let this be that time. In the coming days and years, may the White House become a place where You are welcomed, loved, worshiped, and honored daily. May the fragrance of worship and intercession arise from those grounds. Let this be part of the healing for our great land.


And we will never stop asking for and declaring that revival is coming to our nation: a Third Great Awakening. You are coming to redeem and reform America. We will return to the God of our fathers and mothers, and we will accomplish Your purposes for us.


America shall be saved!


Our decree:


We decree that we, the Ekklesia, will not weaken in our praying; we will grow stronger, more persistent, and more effective.



Click on the link below to watch the full video.







  1. Melania Trump's Response to Donald Trump's assassination attempt

  2. Craig Brian Larson, Illustrations for Preaching and Teaching (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books, 1993), p. 177, adapted.

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