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The Continuation * Dutch Sheets * GiveHIM15 * 6/05/2024 - Revival Mantle


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June 5, 2024


From Dutch


This week Ceci and I will be spending time with our amazing DSM staff for a time of staff enrichment. Since we have employees in 4 different states, we feel it’s important that we spend time together periodically, face to face. While away, I’ve asked 5 of my ministry friends to share with you.


Over the past few years, I’ve shared a number of dreams from our friend Gina Gholston. We felt it was time for you to hear from Gina herself. Today she reminds us how Holy Spirit is blowing on the embers of revival that are beginning to burn once again.



The Continuation


I recently had the honor of speaking at a conference in Evansville, Indiana. That gathering was so filled with the manifested glory of God that I cannot adequately articulate what transpired. There was no doubt that we experienced a true baptism of the fire of God. In the last session, as much as she was able under a heavy anointing, Becca Greenwood spoke of some of the powerful happenings that occurred in the Welsh Revival that took place in the early 1900s. It became obvious during the meeting that God was deliberately reminding us of these past stories in order to provoke us to a realization that, what He has done, He desires to do again, and even greater.


That night, I was reminded of two dreams I’ve had in which God revealed a connection between the Welsh Revival and another outpouring of Holy Spirit that took place in the mountains of Tennessee and North Carolina around the turn of the 20th Century. The two dreams are too long and detailed for me to share in their entirety today, but I have included links from previous posts where Dutch spoke of those dreams. I encourage you to go back and read or listen to the posts of May 31, 2022 and June 2, 2022.


In the dreams, a group of people and I had received a “revival mantle” that carried us from Wales to North Carolina. The first dream ended as the words “To Be Continued” were spelled out on the ground in front of us. Then, the following year, I had the second dream where God instructed us that it was now time to “use that mantle.” In that dream, many were being healed, saved, and renewed by the power of God that worked through us as we “used” that mantle, which represents the power and anointing of God demonstrated by Holy Spirit.



The dreams did not imply that we were to go back and try to duplicate what was done during those past moves, but rather that by honoring what Holy Spirit did then, as well as the obedience of those God used, we can receive and continue on with the same power and anointing.



When I consider the determination of those we read about in previous generations—how they encountered God and became gripped by Him and how that encounter changed the whole focus of their lives—I am provoked in my desire to know Him as they knew Him! I believe there is something deep inside our spiritual nature that identifies with our hunger to know the fullness of God. The seed of that same hunger has been planted inside each of us by our Creator. When the time comes for those seeds to be awakened, we are left with a decision. We must choose either to pursue the fruit of God’s intentions or to allow the seeds to lie dormant, their purpose unrealized.



The time has come, and the Lord is stirring our remembrance. He is awakening us to an awareness of the power that we have inherited as the heirs of salvation. As in the dreams, we are being made aware that we have been given access not only to explore and be in awe of this “mantle” of power, but that God has called us to receive the mantle and carry on with His intended purposes.

Besides the great Welsh revival, the other spiritual movement that God called to our attention in both dreams took place at a location known today as Fields of the Wood near Murphy, North Carolina. That movement started as a small group of men were gripped by Holy Spirit to go deeper in their revelation of Christ and His intentions for the Church. They began to regularly meet to pray and to study the book of Acts. This study stirred in them a definite knowing that, concerning the Scriptures, they had only seen in part, and that revelation stirred in them an insatiable desire to understand and experience all that God wanted to do in and through their lives. Eventually, the number of seekers grew, and they moved the meetings to a schoolhouse just across the state line in Camp Creek, North Carolina. There, over one hundred people received the baptism of the Holy Ghost. Miracles, signs, and wonders began to occur, and word of the outpouring spread like wildfire through the mountains, drawing people from near and far to come and encounter the Lord.


That small group of early pioneers realized that the book of Acts was not a conclusion; it was the continuation of what Jesus began to do and teach. And the power that worked through those who came from that upper room encounter was the demonstration of the expectation of God for all of the Church for all times. That revelation provoked a desire in them to experience that same power for themselves. As heirs first learned of their inheritance, they latched hold of what belonged to them, and a vicious hunger for more of God was awakened. Once the revelation was received, there was no stopping their pursuit! They sought God, and He honored their sincere pursuit with another outpouring of Holy Ghost power. Embers that had lain dormant for many years had now been reignited, and the flames of revival began to spread with undeniable power and demonstration of the Spirit of God.


The reignited flames of that Pentecostal fire set into motion a powerful movement that continued to touch the lives of thousands of people and to release a flood of revival all across America that eventually culminated in a crescendo of the manifested power of God being poured out in an old warehouse at 312 Azusa Street in Los Angeles, California, which eventually impacted the whole world, even to this day.


The fire of God that was encountered on the day of Pentecost continued to grow as generations following became aware and active recipients of their spiritual inheritance. That same fire burned in Wales, in the early 20th century outpouring in Tennessee and North Carolina, and in every other great move of God throughout history. And it is still available for the Church today. The same Holy Spirit who empowered them to use the mantle for their time is the same Spirit in us, empowering us to do the same in our time.


God has determined that “America shall be saved.” He has revealed that the salvation of this nation will come as the result of another great awakening. There is a clarion call echoing from the heart of God to the Church that the time has come for us to carry the mantle of revival so His transforming glory can be manifested once again in our time. And there is a company of awakened heirs who are arising with a determination to receive and reveal the power that has been passed to us. We are provoked with a fervent passion to carry the “mantle” of our spiritual inheritance and not allow it to be dormant and unused. As we humble ourselves to walk with Christ and follow the instruction of Holy Spirit, He will teach us to use the power. And the knowledge of the glory of God will spread as the evidence of His reality is seen in us and passed on through us to those around us…and even to those yet to come. Those who have gone before us received this inheritance and invested it wisely for their time. Now, as the recipients of that inheritance, we must do the same. It’s our time to carry that mantle!


Let’s pray:


Father, it’s not by our might or strength that we don this mantle with which we have been entrusted. We cannot do it on our own, but by Your Spirit, we can become vessels through which You can reveal Your glory. We are wholly devoted to You and to Your righteous cause. By the empowerment of Your Holy Spirit, we will carry and release this amazing anointing. We humble ourselves before You, and we each sincerely say, “All of me for all of You! Finish what You have started. We lift our eyes; Lord, hear our cry. Show us Your glory!” Amen!


Our decree:


We will carry the mantle of our powerful inheritance and see the glory of the Lord revealed in our time and throughout our nation.





Click on the link below to watch the full video.

Today’s post was shared by Gina Gholston and is taken from her book Carry On. You can find out more about her at

Click on the link below to watch the full video.




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