ronscarpa Posted March 20, 2024 Report Share Posted March 20, 2024 6 min read March 20, 2024 Introduction There are some people God brings into your life who are integral in helping you accomplish your destiny. Chuck Pierce is one of those individuals in my world. Without his influence, I would not be who I am today. And, Chuck is always there for me - he was quick to say yes when asked to cover a day of GiveHim15. Thanks, Chuck. You’ll be blessed by his post today. Here’s Chuck. ______________________________________________________________________________ The Power of Redemptive Prophecy Blessings to all of you on Give Him 15. I always love the opportunity to be with Dutch Sheets Ministries. Dutch and Ceci are wonderful friends, and we have a very long history, starting in 1990. Dutch and I are as different as night and day, but our gifts synergize when we work together, meaning that there's a greater strength. I love to be a part of what Dutch Sheets Ministries is doing because it causes my gift to be stronger. I received a prophetic word in 1977 that I had both an evil inheritance and a godly inheritance. That's how I see our nation. We've done so many bad things, but we're a nation that the goodness of the Lord has developed within. We are at a critical point in this new historic era that we're living in – an era of war over the voice that will rule. We are living in a very chaotic world, and I see the Lord calling us to stir the winds of God, transform the chaos of our past and present, and gain new access to our future. We have a future, and what is happening right now is a revival of prophecy. The first place we find the word revive used in Scripture is in the life of Jacob (Genesis 45:27). Years earlier, Jacob thought his future had died when his sons brought back Joseph's mantle and said, “Joseph is dead.” When they came back years later and said, “Joseph is alive, and he's ruling Egypt,” that was very hard for Jacob. It was hard for Jacob to accept the truth because his heart was filled with grief and unbelief for the future. In this revival of prophecy, God is removing layers of grief, layers of hope deferred and unbelief, and causing His Word to come alive again. We prophesy according to our faith. Faith will come alive this year, and we will decree! Prophecy is expressing the heart and mind of God in a new way. It's not just about truth; it's about how God feels and thinks about a situation. The Word activates hope and produces a gift of faith in us. Faith will give us strength to turn this battle at the gate of this nation. It will give you the strength to turn the battle you're part of. The real war you're in is a war for your hopes and expectations. Expect God to move for you in a whole new way! There is a door of hope for your future. God gave Israel that promise while they were in Babylonian captivity – captivity was their door of hope. Even in that difficult situation, God made Himself available to them. The same thing is happening with us today. We should see our difficulties as doors of hope into a greater grace and miracle power from God to transform troubles into triumph. Remember that God has an order for recovery, restoration, prosperity, and breakthrough. God has an order for your life, an order for this nation, and for every state. We must find that order and get in that process to see recovery, restoration, prosperity, and breakthrough occur. We are living in the Hebrew decade of the 5780s (which corresponds to the 2020s). The number eighty in Hebrew is represented by the Hebrew letter pey. This letter pey is also a pictorial symbol of “mouth,” “breath,” or “voice.”(1) In the pey decade of this new era, without prophetic utterance from redemptive revelation, we won’t find His order. God has redemptive revelation for every situation. That is what produces vision. Where there is no prophetic utterance from redemptive revelation, people perish. That means they go backward and, eventually, are “no more” in the plan of what God determined for their ultimate destiny. Without the Word creating the boundaries of our life new and fresh during this era, we will stray. In the prophetic realm, we're coming into a power of redemptive prophecy that we have never experienced. There are five levels of prophecy to understand: comfort, encouragement, exhortation (which means tearing down as well as building up because God does not just tear down without having a word to rebuild), directed prophecy, and redemptive prophecy, the highest level. What is redemption? Redemption means ransoming, cutting loose, rescuing, delivering, and preserving someone’s future. Redemption is us enforcing what God paid the price to bring about. We are called to ransom the captives. God’s ultimate desire is to free people. No matter what they've done and no matter what shame they're carrying, His desire is to see them free. Even when we miss the mark, that doesn't change God's heart to free a people or a person and set them back on His path. Redemption means that when something has been lost, you can buy it back. Even if it’s no longer there, a price has been paid to get it back in place in a new way. Redemption requires a deliverer/redeemer, someone stronger and in a better position to levy freedom for someone else. We are coming into a place in our nation to ask, “What is God’s redemptive plan?” When we prophesy His plan, it will enter the atmosphere and begin to manifest. When we prophesy redemption, we suddenly get positioned at the gate of access for our future and are ready to go through that door of hope and enter a better place. Redemption is like taking a yoke off someone. Shame is probably the worst yoke we find. At the Fall, man and woman immediately knew shame and tried to cover it. But God already had Plan B: redemption for them. When we make mistakes, He has a plan B, C, D, E, and so on, but we must take the opportunity to get in that plan for redemption. God has given us the ability to repurchase, avenge, rectify, and restore. In doing that, we'll forget our shame. Remember that repentance is a privilege; it's not shame-oriented. Repentance says, “Oh my, I see clearly! I'm going to change my mind and go down a different path.” When you see that, you start prophesying by faith that you can get on and stay on that path and see a manifestation of God's ultimate will in the earth. We prophesy and move according to faith. See, revelation is a great blessing for us because it uncovers what the enemy has tried to cover over. Redemptive prophecy uncovers the path for our future. Ask the Lord to stir up that gift of prophecy within you. We're not all prophets; we do not all stand in that office, but we all prophesy. Let Holy Spirit in you stir up prophecy. See the best and prophesy the best. Prophesy for this nation that it will find and uncover the path of redemption so we can walk into the future with hope. God is ready to activate the gift of faith in His people in a new way so His plan of redemption can operate in their lives. Pray with me: Father, thank You for the power of redemptive prophecy and how You are reviving it in Your people! Let the prophetic utterance rise up out of us that is necessary for this season, all that must be decreed for the fullness of Your redemptive purposes to come to pass. Thank You that, as we open our mouths in this “Pey” decade and prophesy from a place of faith, we can see this nation shift into its destiny according to Your original intent; thank You. We can see the same thing happen in our individual lives as we move through each door of opportunity that You set before us. Open our eyes to those doors and our spirits to Your voice so we will know what to speak and when to speak it to move into our promise of victory. Father, we ask You right now to stir up Holy Spirit, stir up the anointing that is in us, and cause the gift of prophecy to come alive and activate the faith within us to redeem what's been lost. Our decree: We decree that we are God’s remnant people who move in the power of faith, hope, and expectation produced by His Word. We are a people who rise up in redemptive prophecy and agree with Him over our future and the future of our nation! ***************************** Click on the link below to watch the full video. ---------------------------------------------------------------- James Strong, The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1990), ref. no. 6310. 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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