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  1. I HOPE.... HOPE...HOPE... (INFINITY) THAT I AM COMPLETELY AND TOTALLY WRONG, BUT I GOOGLED IT, AND IT SAID TRAINING ABOUT PROFITABLE GROWTH. What's the number one item on every company's agenda? Profitable Growth. Every Business Is a Growth Business is your one-stop guide to making profitable growth happen. It's a radical and refreshing source of ideas, inspiration, and common sense, all based on the unparalleled experience and access of Ram Charan and Noel Tichy. Charan and Tichy have worked with some of the world's leading executives—people such as Jack Welch of GE, Eckhard Pfeiffer of Compaq, Larry Bossidy of Allied Signal, John Reed of Citigroup, **** Brown of Cable & Wireless, Alex Trotman and Jacques Nasser of Ford, and the senior management of Coca-Cola—who have transformed their companies into profitable growth machines. Every Business Is a Growth Business is a distillation of what the authors and these unique leaders have learned about profitable growth: If your business isn't growing sustainably and profitably, it's dying. Any business can grow profitably. There is no such thing as a mature business. A company grows because growth is in the corporate mindset, created by the company's leaders. The mindset of growth starts at the top, but it must reach all the way to the bottom. Sustainable growth is profitable and capital-efficient. "Broadening your pond," changing your company's genetic code, developing a growth strategy from the outside in, and other unique ideas. Every Business Is a Growth Business includes inside accounts of how GE Medical, Allied Signal, Compaq, Citibank, Reynolds and Reynolds, Praxair, and GE Capital developed profitable growth strategies. It includes "The Handbook for Growth," a highly practical guide that will be an immense help as you and your team develop your company's profitable growth strategy.
  2. Iceman... they are in NYC and having a burger ... oh man... I personally think I would have a grays papaya, which I have never had...but my dad...raves that the vendor dogs there is nothing like them in the world... ( I am pretty much thinking that means they cannot be good for me ) oh well its my daydream right.... or .... a hot pastrami on rye... with yellow mustard... made in the melting pot people in the midwest have not heard of such a thing... and with my meal... I want the largest Tim Horton's Coffee with Half/Half and One cube of sugar... and a Red Rasberry Jelly donut with powdered sugar... I can have all my cheat day foods in my daydream, calorie free...
  3. CaptSpiffy... I personally think your idea is marvelous... and why not send out a request for some honest to goodness ...goodness... you did it right and respectfully... I so agree with the honesty and get right down to the facts... if more people are stand up kind of guys and gals... they would see the amazing potential of such a notion... bring it to life....
  4. Thanks Rudy, excellent read...
  5. Thank you Rudy! Cant wait to read the next
  6. I am not taking a formal stance however, I felt that the following information regarding spelling might proove to be useful information. In addition, oddly enough Albert Einstein was considered to be a poor student, lacking the ability to attend to task, remain focused and was in fact brilliant! “In trying to determine the characteristics of good spellers, Savant finds evidence that good spellers tend to be highly motivated, highly organized, and attentive to detail. In her survey of 42,000 readers, she found that spelling ability seemed to be correlated more with personality traits and habits than with problem-solving ability and intelligence.” Reference: The Art of Spelling: The Madness and the Method. by Marilyn Vos Savant. W.W. Norton & Co., NY & London, 2000 US$22.95, 205 pages ISBN 0-393-04903-5] Retrieved from online source on September 18, 2010.
  7. Thank you Rudy, another powerful and excellent read, thank you very much... I cannot wait to read the next installment.
  8. btw... there are a couple of other articles there that sparked my curiosity, the first the building of 395,000 new houses, or housing project that will be offered to citizens at a reduced price... Now this is a nice rumor and fact... it screams that the country is progressing. Which each of us can only hope and pray for the ultimate ... recognition and acceptance worldwide for their currency. There is an has been so much negativity... surely you know that negative breeds more negative... Now... please allow me to be the first today to give each of you a big hug, a smile and then I am going to tell you to play nice now get out there and pay it forward... xoxo
  9. FYI, little tidbid... Ali posts articles on his site. Most are actually a pretty good read... so I hope that no one will mind that I add this Happy Friday everyone...may your weekend be safe, happy and blessed... Acceptance of regional and international scenario for the formation of a new Iraqi government granted the presidency and the presidency of the national government and parliament of the Kurds 2010-09-15 09:56:59 15/09/2010 09:56:59 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] نص [+] [-] Text [+] بغداد ( إيبا )- مع تعدد المفاوضات بين الكتل البرلمانية ، وعدم التوصل الى حلول واضحة بشأن تشكيل الحكومة الجديدة حتى الان ، رغم مضي اكثر من ستة اشهر على اجراء الانتخابات ، كشفت مصادر على صلة مقربة من مشاورات الكتل السياسية ، عن وجود سيناريو جديد للخروج من الازمة يحظى بتأييد داخلي وخارجي واسع . BAGHDAD (Iba) - with the multiplicity of negotiations between the parliamentary blocs, and lack of a clear-cut solutions on forming a new government so far, despite the move more than six months after elections, sources linked to close to the deliberations political blocs, the existence of a new scenario to get out of crisis with the support of internal and external scale. وقال مصدر اشترط عدم ذكر اسمه لوكالة الصحافة المستقلة ( إيبا ) ان هذا السيناريو يحظى بقبول اقليمي وعربي ودولي وبموافقة القائمة العراقية ويستند على دعم مرشح الائتلاف الوطني العراقي عادل عبد المهدي بوصفه مرشح الائتلاف الوطني بعيدا عن التحالف الوطني مع الاقرار بحق العراقية الدستوري والانتخابي مع عدم اغفال اهمية وحجم كتلة دولة القانون . The source said on condition of anonymity, told the independent press (Iba) that this scenario is acceptable to a regional, Arab and international, with the consent of the Iraqi National List is based on the support, the candidate of the Iraqi National Adel Abdul-Mahdi as the candidate of the National Coalition away from the National Alliance to recognize the right of the Iraqi constitutional and electoral without forgetting the importance and size of the cluster rule of law. واوضح المصدر ان السيناريو الجديد يتضمن حصول العراقية على منصب رئيس الجمهورية مقابل ان يكون منصب رئيس الوزراء من الائتلاف الوطني العراقي وستكون رئاسة البرلمان للتحالف الكردستاني,. The source said the scenario in the new Iraq for the post of President of the Republic to be against the post of prime minister of the Iraqi National Coalition and the chairmanship of the parliament of the Kurdistan Alliance,. واضاف كما تضمن المشروع المقترح ان يكون هناك نائبا واحدا لرئيس الجمهورية يكون من ائتلاف دولة القانون ، على ان يكون هناك ثلاثة نواب لرئيس الوزراء من العراقية ، ودولة القانون، والتحالف الكردستاني. He also included a proposed project that there will be one Vice-President is a coalition of state law, that there would be three deputy prime ministers of Iraq and the rule of law, the Kurdistan Alliance. اما بالنسبة للوزارات السيادية فاشار المصدر الى ان وزيري الدفاع والداخلية سيكونان من المستقلين على ان يرشح الائتلاف الوطني الاول ، فيما ترشح العراقية الثاني ، وستكون الخارجية حسب هذا السيناريو من حصة العراقية فيما يحتفظ الائتلاف الوطني بوزارة المالية وتكون وزارة النفط من حصة الاكراد. As for the ministries of sovereignty, the official pointed to the source that the interior and defense ministers will be among the independents to run for the National Coalition I, nominates the Iraqi II, will be foreign According to this scenario the share of Iraq while remaining the National Coalition Ministry of Finance and the ministry of oil from the share of the Kurds. وبحسب هذا المقترح ستحصل العراقية ايضا على 9 وزارات تعويضا عن تنازلها عن منصب رئيس الوزراء باعتباره استحقاقها الانتخابي، وبما يتناسب مع حجمها في البرلمان. According to this proposal will also 9 Iraqi ministries as compensation for waiving the post of prime minister as the election due, in proportion with its size in parliament. اما بقية الوزارات فستكون هناك 7 وزارات لدولة القانون ، و4 للائتلاف الوطني، و4 للتحالف الكردي، و2 لجبهة التوافق،و1 لوحدة العراق، ووزارة واحدة لكل من الحزب الشيوعي،والمسيحيين،والايزيديين، و2 وزارة للمستقلين . The rest of the ministries, there will be 7 and the ministries of law of the state, and 4 of the National Coalition, and 4 of the Kurdish Alliance, and 2 of the Accordance Front, 1 for the unity of Iraq, the Ministry and one for each of the Communist Party, Christians, Yazidis, and 2 and the Ministry of independents. واشار المصدر الى انه من المقرر ان يطرح هذا السيناريو في الجولة الجديدة من المفاوضات بين العراقية والائتلاف الوطني العراقي على ان يطرح على الكتل الاخرى لاحقا. The source pointed out that due to present this scenario in the new round of negotiations between the Iraqi and the Iraqi National Coalition to be put to other blocs later. وكانت العراقية قد اعلنت عن عودة المفاوضات بينها وبين الائتلاف الوطني نمشيرة الى ان الائتلاف لم يقدم حتى الان اي مشروع مكتوب حول ادارة الدولة.(النهاية)/ ز/.. The Iraqi has announced the resumption of negotiations between them and the National Coalition Nmsheerp that the coalition has not yet provided any written project on the management of the state. (End) / g / .. PS... I have no clue on how to do a link.. so************** (that was a wing ding guess)
  10. Ok.... since I consider myself to be a dedicated and proficient lurker, but cant figure out how to change that little thing... Many of us have been here for a long time, and much to the risk of being smashed, bashed and called all kinds of ca-ca... I would hope, and pray that in some way we might use this opportunity to draw close to each other as a group of people who all stand to benefit from a once in a lifetime opportunity, and while we could draw near to each other, like friends and family can and often do, I am only ashamed because the atmosphere in here has progressed sadly in a direction that I would not consider befitting of any one of us. We are all in this together, for the entire duration. I dont speculate, and I am here to glean and grow from this experience. I hope that no-one takes offense to my words, but instead considers how powerful in fact the words you carry are, you can in fact use the words to build up or to destroy. I wont make any speculations, or even attempt an educated guess regarding the rv. Special days are in fact exactly what they imply... I in fact will be celebrating my 29th birthday.... Again..(well ok... a few times again). on November 1st... its a day, I hope my loved ones and friends might treasure as well... take a minute and celebrate each moment. The RV is going to happen, go watch the sunrise, or the sunset, go dance in your yard in the rain, call someone special and tell them you value them. This world is sorely lacking in humanity, kindness, love and generosity. Take maybe just a minute and reflect on what you want people to remember you for. Always. "Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away"
  11. Happy Birthday Bigfoot! I hope that your day is blessed, and that you are surrounded by those you love and make lasting memories. "Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away!"
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