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Posts posted by GregHi

  1. On May 17, 2016 at 2:04 AM, GregHi said:


    Idplzr, I hear ya. I sure hope the Kurds don't, that is my thought as well. I don't think it would bode well for our investment. But weather I like it, or don't like the info that comes from my friend, I try to share it. His Intel is just a small glacé of what the Kurds are talking about or planning that may or may not workout as a whole. 

    I guess it's kind of similar to if the Iraqis had friends in Texas and the Texas friends told their Iraqi friends that Texas was going to suscede becuase we were fed up with the liberal Washington agenda.. Will it happen for real? Time will tell I guess.. But hopefully you see what I mean. 

    • Upvote 5
  2. I spoke to my Kurdish friend tonight. I still don't have an answer as to why we haven't seen Abadi resign as he mentioned he would do or be forced out.. so I am a little reluctant to share his information now. I believe him still, but am left scratching my head.. Who knows, maybe the plan fell apart, I don't know. 

    He did tell me tonight that the Kurds are planning to either hold a vote or make the separation official on October 4th of this year. It is a big day planned in Erbil on that day and my friend was even invited back to celebrate. Treat as rumor especially since the last bit of news he told us hasn't happened or hasn't happened yet.

    • Upvote 2
  3. So as we try to get a clearer picture of what is happening over there, I hope his group is not aligning with the Kurds behind the scenes with what my friend heard a week or 2 ago, to overthrow Abadi. Maybe that is not the plan anymore from the Kurds, who knows. I do know that I hate soap operas and I never thought I would be following one in real life.. Lol can we please RV now?

    • Upvote 1
  4. I have a very close family member who is ***! He has always been there for me, more so than my own father, and would always help me when I needed it, of course I still love him! Him being *** does not change a thing with me! He is a wonderful giving person that I wish I could be more like. I asked him one time point blank when he knew he was ***? He said my entire life I have been attracted to males, I tried to date girls to be "normal" but that didn't do anything for me. It's not a choice for me, my mind is wired wrong. The he said something that made think.. He said, I really want to be straight, but I'm not that way, and why would a man "want to" be *** anyway and put up with what we have to go through.." So yes, I love my uncle regardless of his preference.

    • Upvote 1
  5. Shedagal, it's not really that he didn't  believe it will ever RV, he just knows how corrupt all the politicians are, so he doesn't see how they would increase the value, but he is the first to say, he doesn't know if they will or not, up until the end of last year when he heard they were trying to raise the value. And I can tell you, he has what I consider a massive amount of Dinar in his house in Erbil where his brother lives. Many many times what I have and what most people have I am sure. He was making 15k per month tax free working for the DOD for all those years, so he did pretty good for himself.. ;) He is not holding it anticipating an RV, he's just holding it because people don't trust banks.

    • Upvote 6
  6. 20 minutes ago, Freedomwish said:


    My first three whiskey shots will be in your name at happy hour tonight - it is a wild ride out there, we all just have to wait to see how this thing will play out.:facepalm:

    Thanks dude. :cheesehead:

    Chuck and CaptainBVI, my fourth and fifth whiskey shots will be for ya'll - I'll be in La La land later tonight that perhaps it'll ease my anxiety from all this lol :rocking-chair: 

    Freedomwish, you are speaking my language. Whiskey is my drink of choice. Preferably crown royal black and Coke!! 


    • Upvote 2
  7. Thank you KristiD, Coorslite and others.. I posted this in another forum and feel it is appropriate here as well.

    I relay what my friend says because he brings info that I feel is raw from his primarily Kurdish friends and what they are working on or thinking. I try to reiterate that this is coming from the Kurdish side which may or may not pan out overall but it is what being discussed with that sect. Combine that info along with my friends unique perspective and experience and I feel it's an insight that is worth sharing. Here are personal details about my friend.. He is from Erbil originally, he worked for the DOD as a translator from 2003 to 2010 with the army. Spending most of those 7 years working with a delta force group of 4 in a safe house in tikrit. The 4 delta force and himself were even guarded by about 30 pershmega troops in the middle of a busy area of tikrit. My friend does not come to these forums or read the news that we read. His info is gathered from his friends that he talks to back home. He did say that the pershmega guards the green zone, but maybe that has changed to a more diverse force since he has left and maybe he doesn't know. Sometimes what he shares leaves me scratching my head because it contradicts what we are hearing but I share it anyway because it might end up being right or I find out that the Kurds were intending to do exactly what my friend said they wanted to do. So I guess what I am trying to say is, take his info with a grain of salt. It is coming from one sect and his personal experience from being there for 7 years with the Army, 6 years ago and growing up in Erbil. I feel we are in for a wild ride here soon. We shall wee what happens.

    • Upvote 8
  8. Here is a bit more clarity regarding Abadi resigning that I mentioned last night.. I asked my friends more questions tonight.. Keep in mind my friend is Kurdish and most of his friends over there are Kurdish Parliment members that he talks with.. So a lot of what he hears comes from that side and not Iraq as a whole.. The person he spoke with over the weekend was a Kurdish Parliment member. They told him they have a plan to remove Abadi from office. They have already met with him and told him he needs to resign on his own to save face or they will remove him with force. (Will the Kurds be able to get enough members to go along with forceing him out by vote is yet to be seen). Biden is supposedly aware of this plan. The general that I spoke of replacing Abadi would be a temporary place holder until urgent elections could be held and determine a new PM. I'm sorry if this sounds like bad news but it is what I was told and wanted to relay it to everyone. Hopefully Abadi will implement the reforms fully before this happens but this is what the Kurdish delegation is planning behind the scenes. My friend said its about to get really nasty over there. So there you have it, time will tell and we shall see. As always consider it as rumor! Hopefully it won't happen!


    • Upvote 7
  9. Thanks for bringing over that article DinarThug... Let's see if he actually does resign and if that guy takes his place. To me it sounds a little out there, but I'm just relaying his information of what he is hearing from his friends. Time will tell.

    • Upvote 4
  10. 7 minutes ago, Jaygo said:

    That's pretty huge GregHi.. Adabi resigning???? Seems hard to believe after everything he has done in such a short amount of time. 

    That's what he said Jaygo, I guess we shall see.. I felt the US was backing Ababi, but he is hearing this change is about to happen. We will see how this plays out. Just bringing to the table what I am being told. So far my friend has been eventually correct 100%, we shall see if this comes to fruition. As I always say, take as rumor until it is proven to be fact.. 

    • Upvote 5
  11. One last update and this is a biggie!!

    my friend says that Abadi will resign in the next few days and this person pictured, General Shgati Kanani will replace him.. My neck appears to be on the block again.. Lol as always take as rumor! 



    • Upvote 5
  12. Hey everyone. Just wanted to pass this tidbit along tonight. I spoke with my friend tonight about the protestors entering Parliment, etc. he told me that he spoke to his buddies back home this weekend and that only pershmega troops guard the green zone. The US does not trust the Iraqi army to guard it, so they make sure it's only pershmega troops and US troops around the American Embassy. On Saturday, the Pershmega troops were under specific orders from President Barzani, not to stop anyone that was not perceived to be violent into the green zone. In fact the pershmega let them in and were seen shaking hands with the protesters as they came in. My friend is going to be sending me the video link that he has and I will post the link here when I get it. Anyway, that's it.. Not specifically dinar related, but interesting nonetheless. I will always pass along his Intel when I get it..

    • Upvote 7
  13. Bond lady is basically right! It's going to take more uprising by the people to get these idiots to change.. Where we differ is that all of the GOI is corrupt! Abadi included.. Do you think if he really really wanting change? The PTB are pressuring him to change but he is reluctant, otherwise, why would he keep dragging this out? And now another week? Seriously???? Another point is that only about 20 to 25% of Iraqis are in poverty! The entire masses of civilians are not starving and begging for their next meal.. Don't get me wrong, they want change just as bad as we do because they know all of the GOI is corrupt, but their not on their last breath.. It will take either the US, IMF intervention or the protestors causing real violence or damage and threats for us to see significant change and laws finally passed. I guess we shall see.

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