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Posts posted by Theseus

  1. Regarding the intended future of Palestine, Lloyd George testified:

    Palestine in 1917 was not a nation. The Sykes-Picot was drawn up and an area called Palestine was included in the map but Palestine never manifested into a country. Please do your research. My original post was to the affect that Palestine, although a dream, has never been a nation unto itself. All you have done is thrown out several quotes which one is more apropos to the respondent of my original post. More unbiased research on your part Maggie would serve you well. The Balfour Declaration in 1917 has more to it than meets the eye. What you quoted is only the paragraph to the whole and only a "IMO" from the author of the declaration. The paragraph you see came from a letter and that paragraph was subsequently reprinted in a news paper in London. The history of the declaration is not a statement to the existance of Palestine but to the creation of Palestine as a nation. Palestine did exist as it has since the time of the Romans. As a provincial state within an larger nation. The area which the Ottoman Empire controlled was called Palestine. The United States has 50 states. Canada has provinces. A state has counties have towns. Towns have districts. Palestine was a subdivision of a much larger nation but never a nation unto itself. That was the reason for the Balfour Declaration, to express that Palestine become a nation when the Middle East was split up after the fall of the Ottoman Empire. However World War I broke out and the Sykes-Picot Agreement drew up a map upon it was agreed a country for the Jewish people be called Palestine. Before World War 2 broke out and the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem met with Hitler to get rid of the jewish peoples so that Palestine could come to fruition. Once Hitler lost the war the United Nations was formed and the Sykes-Picot agreement went by the wayside because the GM of Jerusalem was on the side of the Nazis. The United Nations then redrew the area and Jordan, Lebanon and Isreal were formed. Isreal became a nation by way of UN vote in 1957.

    The idea was, and this was the interpretation put upon it at the time, that a Jewish State was not to be set up immediately by the Peace Treaty without reference to the wishes of the majority of the inhabitants. On the other hand, it was contemplated that when the time arrived for according representative institutions to Palestine, if the Jews had meanwhile responded to the opportunity afforded them by the idea of a national home and had become a definite majority of the inhabitants, then PaIestine would thus become a Jewish Commonwealth.

    • Upvote 3
  2. Yeah Davo.  I am very interested to see what happens.    It is a Torah.  Jewish Bible.   They do not like jews, they refer them as pigs.  So, is it the Christian community of Iraq demanding this?  Or the Islamic?  Either, or, does not make sense, unless just for tourism artifacts.   Don't know.   It is just odd that they don't have any Jews in Iraq.   None that I have ever heard of.  Christians have a hard enough time there because of isis and other islmaic gangs and militias.  

    The majority of Christians in Iraq were Assyrian although that is debatable now. Since the fall of Sadam, their Churches and places of worship have been desecrated and destroyed. There are other Christian groups in Iraq but since the Assyrians make up the majority, it is they who we hear about the most. The Quran states quite explicitly that the Jews are the sons of apes and pigs (swine). This is why Muslims refer to Jews as such. Before the fall of the Ottoman Empire, Jews lived all over the Middle East but mainly in the area of Isreal, the land of their home. It was not until after the fall of the Ottoman Empire and the modern day (re)creation of the nation Isreal were the Jews forcefully removed from their homes in most of the parts of the Arabian Peninsula; similar to the Cherokee Indian Trail of Tears Saga in the United States. Another group of outcasts were also removed and their country is Jordan. People call them Palestinians today. Very few Christian Palestinians even live in the Palestinian areas of Isreal or even Isreal for that matter. The number of Christian Palestinians is well below 5% of the overall Palestinian population. More than likely this manuscript was in an Iraqi Museum and was removed during the looting after the fall of Sadam. The book resurfaced and was acquired by Isreal who has been steadfast in their reclamation of all things of historical to the Hebrews. The Torah is not a bible, although most of the world confuses it with a bible because part of it is part of the Christian Bible, otherwise known as the Old Testament.   2 things to note, the term Palestinian to denote a person did not exist until the 20th century and second, Palestine has never been a country in the history of the world. Palestine has always been a state of a nation like Ohio or California is part of the overall United States.

    You do have to realize, no matter your feelings on Sadam's regime, Iraq was mostly a secular state within a dictatorship. Sadam was more concerned with the sunnis and kurds than he was with the christians. Although he and his sons liked to torture those they despised no matter their faith.

    • Upvote 4
  3. As a disabled veteran, I would never give to the Wounded Warriors Project. It is a money making scheme for the execs and very few dollars help the actual veterans. More money has been spent on campaigns to bring in money than has been paid to help vets. While professional solicitors may receive 11% of the money over half goes to paying salaries. I was on another site (the name starts with "free" and ends with dot com; the middle word is what this country is hint: not a democracy) and they were detailing the costs associated with this charity. They used a website that ranked charity exec salaries and this one was up there. I know a lot of vets who would never give to this group and dang blasted I am tired of seeing their commercials over and over.


    Note I didn't link the site(s) b/c grandma will bring down her evil wrath in the form of several mouse clicks and edit this post.

    • Upvote 2
  4. *golf clap*


    There, you can take over for me now.

    Any excuse to call the RV.


    Why? Because Iraq is farking OCUPIED and they need to clear up security and infrastructure issues first!

    Iraq isn't EVEN NEAR ready to be on the world stage.

    Shhhh...don't let AM hear ya. After his post today.

  5. That Would Be 'Post Processed' Camel Food ! ;)



    Aka - Okie's Prosperity Packages ! :o


      :D     :D     :D

    Nah that is the by product of processed camel food. Or as the Aussie's call the by product of beer production ... Vegemite (Or as I like to call it: yeast poop). Now that stupid Rio song is in my head! C'mon give me a vegemite sandwich. Think I will run screaming down the street to see if I can dislodge it... that or read a few more Luigi posts.

  6. The other day I had written up a post stating that the Erbil/Baghdad agreement was not even close to the Oil and Gas Law replete with links to the pdf version of the 2007 oil and gas law draft. I deleted it because I remember seeing another post such as the one above and could not find it. The agreement between Erbil and Baghdad is not the oil law that everyone thinks. Whilst this is good news and a box checked off in a long list of items to be checked, the Erbil/Bagdad agreement does not conform to the article in Iraq's Constitution to meet the what is required of the law. While I am not without hope, I have been stating all along a gentle whisper behind the roar of celebration that its great this has been completed but let's get the HCL law passed as soon as possible for the citizens of Iraq, the refugees and all of our sakes. I encourage those to look up the 2007 Oil and Gas Draft which was never passed because of the idiot in charge at the time. 

    • Upvote 1
  7. Man the Kurds have been threatening to autocracy since the days of the Ottaman Empire. The problem with a Kurdistan is that in order to have a Kurdistan then territory in neighboring countries would have to be forfeit. All countries do not like just giving up their land so another competitive country can make a home. If the land is wanted it must be taken. That is the law of the land. Usually this is done through force or contrivance. Kurds will not be happy until they have all of what they deem is their lands. For Iraq this means the loss of some very profitable oil wells. The Kurds were kept in line by Sadam and before Sadam came to power, since the creation of Iraq, by killing them through various means (gas and bullets come to the forefront). You can distrust the Kurds all you want but they seem to have a better head on their shoulders than 99% of the idiot politicians in Baghdad. The Kurds are like no other group who claims their lands were stolen and want it back. I know you are going to bring up the Palistinkians, the difference here is that there is no such thing as a Palestinian until the 20th century. Palestinkians were given land its called Jordan. If the Palestinkians want their land back go fight the King of Jordan for it. Oh wait they did. They lost over 70K trying to over throw Jordan's King. Now they sit in refugee camps in delapitated conditions in Jordan and Lebanon. They aren't allowed out of those camps only for business. So distrust the Kurds all you want, the Kurds in my book deserve more of a country than the Palistinkians who never had a country and were basically thrown out of their real countries.


    If you want to go down the road of who stole which lands, be careful its frought with nails.

  8. dontlop you intentionally left out the part where Malarki blamed the Kurds on ISIS. Malarki is just trying to blame everyone and anything that he can to avert what he has coming. Malarki can play the blame game all he wants but its all full bs malarki on his part. And the fact of the matter, he lost power so his so-caled friends are dwindling now. The only friends he will have his is right hand and left hand because everyone else has had enough of him screwing them.

    • Upvote 1
  9. Deb,


    First there is the HCL holding up the RV. In Iraq they call it the Oil and Gas Law. What was done with the Kurds was the HCA - The Hydro Carbon Agreement. A lot of people, on DV, believed this was the HCL. Quite simply it wasn't but a prelude to the HCL. Now they are working on the HCL. The 2015 Budget will put that agreement with the Kurds. It made it law and no longer an agreement between the Kurds and Baghdad. Also Iraq needs to show stability and passing this budget along with Abadi cleaning house from the Maliki regime corruption goes a long way to show this. However, they could be removing one corrupt official with another that is just my opinion. The budget has a correlation to the RV but will not lead directly to the RV. There are other things in the procession in which leads to the path of the RV but there is about a year to a couple of years before they RV. It all depends on how well they get their act together, how soon they can the items off the list and can they cooperate. So sit back enjoy the ride, laugh with us and when it finally does RV crack open a cold one cause your wait was worth the wait. Half the fun is dreaming what you are going to do once it happens. Half the fun is getting there. Half the fun is day it happens. Half the fun is riding off into the sunset with everything you got with the dinar you exchanged. Yeah I know that equals 200% but hey here's hoping the RV brings a good 200% or more to our investment!

  10. Some say the bottom was 40 and others say the bottom is 28. Really at this point it's anyone's guess. Gas has gone down but heating oil/electricity during this winter remains the same  or has gone up. Go figure. A year ago I paid 9 cents a KwH now I pay 11cents KwH. This add 80 bucks to that bill a year ago. So yeah gas has gone down but in other sectors it has yet to send prices spiraling. It will probably be another month or two before the cost to transport goods goes down.

  11. "The US official estimates that prices Sttargeh dramatically, and estimates range between 28 and 112 dollars a barrel by the month of December 2015."

    They could have just said we are going to predict the weather between now and then. The temperature is going to stagger between cold and hot. Really? A range of 28 to 112 is all encompassing. With a range like that how could they ever be wrong?


    I am guessing Sttargeh means stagger.

    • Upvote 1
  12. They better check their math again. If each car costs 5,000,000 and they are going to distribute 10,000 of them then the total is to add 4 zeroes to the end of 5 million giving 50,000,000,000. A million only has six zeroes and a billion has nine zeroes. Thus the real cost is 50 billion (with a "B")  dinars, not 50 million, today's IQD currency. However if they lopped the three zeros off their money, then it would be 50 Million. Hmmm makes you think to that which they are not telling us.


    It could be just an error on the reporter's math cause everyone knows reporters aren't swell at numbers! Then again maybe not.


    Edited because of stupid emoticon gave me a smiley when I didn't want a smiley.

    • Upvote 2
  13. wow   just think  it  might have been worth around 10 billion  if oil was near what it was  !

    Depends on when the sales occurred, Oil was still relatively up May through beginning of August (price was between 80 to 90 per barrel). It took a nosedive after KSA cut prices. When you have commodities, your worst mistake is to look back and say if I could have done this or I should have done that. You take the price as is and make a firm commitment. I doubt the proceeds would have been as high as 10B more like 6B to 7B and that could be stretching the numbers a bit. It all determines when the 42 loads were sold.  

  14. From Bloomberg Iraq Raises Basrah Crude Price for Asia After Saudis Increase

    By Bruce Stanley Jan 11, 2015 8:40 AM CT


    Iraq, OPEC’s second-largest producer, raised the selling price for February shipments to Asia of its main Basrah Light crude by 30 cents a barrel, after the group’s biggest supplier Saudi Arabia boosted its grades to the region.

    Iraq set Basrah Light at a $3.70 per barrel discount to the average of Middle Eastern benchmark Oman and Dubai crudes, the country’s Oil Marketing Co. said in an e-mailed statement. The announcement followed last week’s increase by Saudi Arabia, the biggest producer in the Organization of Exporting Countries, of prices for its main grades to Asia. Iran raised its February prices to Asia two days ago.

    The Basrah Light discount for February, while narrower than the January discount of $4 a barrel, was greater than for any other month since at least August 2003, when Bloomberg began compiling data.

    “It’s in line with the Saudi move,” Robin Mills, head of consulting at Manaar Energy in Dubai, said today in a phone interview. “Saudi Arabia is always the trend-setter, and everyone has to bear that in mind.”

    Oil slid to the lowest level in more than five years last week as analysts said a global supply glut will linger through the first half of 2015. Saudi Arabia on Jan. 5 raised the cost of its oil sales to Asia in February, prompting speculation that the world’s biggest exporter is retreating from using record price discounts to defend market share against North American shale drillers and other non-OPEC producers.

    Iraq Prices

    Iraq cut the price for February sales of Basrah Light to Europe, widening the grade’s discount to Dated Brent to $5.95 a barrel from $4.35 for January. It also reduced the price for sales to North and South America, deepening the discount to the Argus Sour Crude Index, known as ASCI, to $1.05 for February from 40 cents for January.

    Iraq priced Kirkuk crude to Europe at a $4.80 discount to Dated Brent for February, down from $2.90. It left Kirkuk for sale to the U.S. unchanged at a premium of $1.75 to ASCI, according to the statement.

    Oil prices collapsed after OPEC chose to maintain its production target at a Nov. 27 meeting, seeking to defend market share rather than prices. The highest U.S. crude output in at least three decades is contributing to a glut that Qatar estimates at 2 million barrels a day. 

  15. That rabbit just keeps going down doesn't it. And they just keep chasing after it. They just keep holding up the budget by wanting to adjust the oil price. Set the price lower(28 bbp is good) to what it is now, set the budget on that number and when the oil rises in price you will look like a genius. Is there an Arabic word for genius? This reminds me of the bugs bunny cartoon that the dog chases bugs and when he captures him wants to hug him and love him and call him George. 


    Just remember if you dig a hole deep enough eventually you come out the other side. 

  16. DL I think they had a HCA a hydro carbon agreement. I may be wrong, but it was to take place on the 01 Jan 2015. I still think that we are in a good position, no matter what those gurus say or think. There has just been to much positive movement and things being pushed through.

    Actually the Erbil Agreement with Baghdad kicks in full gear today. This is the agreement that took place in October/November that almost everyone was overjoyed when they claimed the HCL law had been passed and I touted that this agreement was not the HCL law but a prelude to it. The HCL law is agreement that every citizen of Iraq gets money from the proceeds of the sale of oil. What has transpired thus far is an agreement with the Kurds for them to get 17% of the proceeds from the sale of oil. This was something the Kurds fought with Maliki and Maliki kept putting off. This also allows the Kurds to sell the oil without approval from Baghdad provide they give 83% to Baghdad.


    The HCL law while Iraq now has a better chance to begin the discussions and eventual passage of such legislation, has not even come to their legislative body for even a single reading. In order for the HCL law to even be negotiated on the issue with the Kurds had to be resolved. Today the 17% has been resolved. Just like everyone else I am excited that the movement has been moving and gaining ground since the removal of Maliki, however, don't be too eager to hear the fat lady singing before she has even warmed up her voice. As I have said before and I will say again, the Erbil Agreement between Baghdad and the Kurds is a prelude to the HCL Law but is in no shape or form the actual HCL Law. That will be passed when these numskulls pass it.

  17. It makes me nervous that a couple of y'all took a shot at the medical explanation of a hangin'....either you work for CSI or it's gettin' spooooooky round here!!!   :wacko:   :unsure: 


    Personally I wouldn't mind seeing him die of lead would make good target practice!!!  ;) 

    What are you gonna do with the lead after he's been thoroughly poisoned? Rope is cheaper and has many more versatilities after the deed has been done. Recycle and reuse!

  18. thanks for this post , yota !    { have any of you folks been to a place  where they  tell you , " it is  more costly to do a credit card  payment  than cash " ?  seems  the  process , of  using the plastic , and having service charges  tacked on plus,   all the hassle  of  telecommunication  problems ...  looks as though  what  they are now doing  is --- take  the plastic off the  markets , put  currency back in ,,,,,  get  the  demand up  for dinar ,  { or so  it  looks this way }  if they are  pulling dollars out of service ,  this would  be  a way too get  the need of  dinar  out  there !  

    I went to a Chinese restaurant where I live that once they saw I had enough cash to cover the transaction they wouldn't take my credit card. (I have a front pocket wallet with a cash clip.) When I go back if I have cash, I remove it from my wallet before going in.

  19. Or until the price of oil falls another 20% and the budget gets held up again. 


    When the budget is passed and there substantial concrete evidence it was, then and only then will I believe the budget reached its destination. They keep chasing the rabbit and keep giving us false hopes. Cry wolf 1 too many times and no one believes you when you actually do see the wolf. 


    Let's hope they send the budget and gets passed before January. Just because its sent doesn't mean its passed. There could be another 12 weeks of discussion on the passage of the budget. God only knows and god willing. Or should I make that Allah? LOL

  20. However, LGD, if the IQD was $2 when oil was $55 a barrel, what was the state of the IQD, falling or rising? Could it be that then the IQD was inflated or deflated at that snapshot into the IQD? It could have been any number of scenarios why the Sadam IQD was at such and such number. We can't just look on the graph and say oh look at 55 a barrel IQD was at 2 bucks without considering other economic factors at that point in time. Economics may be a scam but fortunes are made and lost on that scam.

    • Upvote 1
  21. Sweet !!!  I saw a report that the most resent U.S. Congress 113th pass less legislation than any other in U.S. history.  I wish Abadi was Kenyan .... then maybe he could run for President?!?!

    This is excellent. More legislation means more rules and less control you have and less businesses can grow. More government means less growth means less jobs. Less jobs means smaller economy and less money in everyone's pocket. More rules less control you have over your own life meaning less freedoms and rights you have. The President can only offer legislation to Congress and the president cannot control how and when Congress passes legislation. The Founder's actually designed our three branch institution this very specific way. The fall of Rome was not on the government but on the people who became increasingly apathetic to the government.  


    If everyone got what they wanted then no one would get anything.

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