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Everything posted by Brazen

  1. Brazen

    My Take

    I cannot believe that you posted this bitcoin nonsense AGAIN for like the 40th time. You are desperate. Desperate because your victims can see that you are out matched by people much smarter than yourself. You have been shown to be wrong but you cannot drop the lie. You need your victims to believe that you know what you are talking about so you repeate the lie over and over hoping that people will believe it. It's sad to see you exposed but at the same time its good that people get to see first hand the workings of someone with an agenda Lol......what? Is this a new one for your victims? You are unreal......your dinar pumping becomes ineffective once you have been exposed. Your boss is going to get mad at you.
  2. Brazen

    My Take

    Wow...there it is in black and white Dontlop. Proof that you are wrong. Of course that won't stop you. You need your victims convinced of the fairytale so that they can buy some dinar from your boss. So you will spout off the lie some more just like you already did. You are pretty transparent. I guess you aren't use to this much resistance to your dinar pumping huh? So...on to the bitcoin irrelevance some more? What a joke. Typical of dinar delusion though.
  3. Brazen

    My Take

    Please show us where the CBI revalued the Swiss dinar Dontlop. You are lying and hoping as long as you say the lie enough that your victims will believe your pump.
  4. Brazen

    My Take

    That's seems pretty logical Keepem.....I am not sure Dontlop will understand it.
  5. Brazen

    My Take

    Demonitized by who? Saddam? Yeah only the currency with his face on it had value huh? still have failed to show how the swiss dinar RVed. Instead you just keep yapping that it did while everyone proves you wrong. Maybe you can jump back on the Bitcoin bandwagon and go on and on with long winded post about that for a while since you have failed at convincing anyone of the swiss dinar RV.
  6. Brazen

    My Take

    No they cannot exist. Not with real currencies. Especially hyperinflated ones.
  7. Brazen

    My Take

    I am at a loss here. Again with the IQD payment service? Unreal. You have seriously lost it. Thanks for the laugh.
  8. Brazen

    My Take

    You just don't give up on embarrassing yourself do you? So one day the swiss dinar is worth one amount and the next day its worth the same amount and you say it "RVed" huh? Ok if you say so.
  9. Brazen

    My Take

    Hahahaha....please Darin don't join Dontlop in the grasping at straws game. You are smarter than this. The bitcoin is irrelevant to the topic at hand. Call it what you want but it cannot be used to justify a "RV" in Iraq.
  10. Brazen

    My Take

    Don't tell me you are in the delusioned crowd that thinks the RD hold up is all a conspiracy to hide the RV. I figured you were smarter than that Darin. I think the RD would be a done deal by now if the GOI hadn't gotten in the way. They basically said it can wait which it can. They can go forever in a hyperiflated state. Somehow the hold up means they are going to RV by 1000s of percent? I think not. Its fun to see objects in the clouds but they are just clouds. And yes if you are not careful a RD can fail. Look throughout history for proof of that. But that cant be why they are waiting for the right time. must be that they are going to "RV". LOL
  11. Brazen

    My Take

    Really? Its a real currency? Please show me any institution that recognizes it? Its a fad not a currency. We have already been through this.
  12. Brazen

    My Take

    Yeah they may hold the dinar exchange rate stable but what about security? What about political stability? Those things are just as important and you have to agree that they are seriously lacking in those areas. Plus it matters not. Just because they haven't RD doesn't mean that they can RV by any significant amount.
  13. Brazen

    My Take

    "Since people say that RVs don't exist, maybe from here on out I should use the statement "quickly appreciating value of a currency." Would that suffice? A quickly appreciating value of a currency has proven to exist.. Even in recent times, currencies have been known to quickly appreciate. (even in HUGE %s that are more than we could dream to happen in the terms of IQD)." Please explain Darin....and the BIT-C doesn't count seeing how it isn't a real currency.
  14. Brazen

    My Take

    Darin you know what I mean when I say there is no such thing as a RV. Its the fantasy overnight thousands of percent RV I speak of. Sure I understand currencies see slight appreciation daily that are called RVs. The Kuwaiti dinar never revalued and I don't care how Dontlop would like to spin it. Sure some were desperate and sold their KD at a low rate but what about the billions that didn't get sold at a low rate? Were those "RVed" too or just the KD that found its way to the black market? Its irrelevant what people thought it was worth at the time. All that matters is what its real value was and that never changed. Like I said I could sell my car for pennies on the dollar because I was on the run and desperate but that doesn't mean that cars just RVed. Then there is the Swiss dinar that Dontlop is pumping as a RV. about a stretch....How can something be worth one amount one day and the next day be worth the same amount and then be called a massive RV? Hahaha....O it wasn't recognized by Saddam. Please
  15. Brazen

    My Take

    Who are you going to sell them to? Another speculator? Ali? He will gladly sell them to another speculator. The CBI doesn't want them. As a matter of fact they are dumping as much as they can to dreamers worldwide. I could careless what anyone does with their dinar. Some on this site however are bound and determined to hype up the impossible to keep their bosses selling as much dinar as possible.
  16. Brazen

    My Take

    You ask why Iraq hasn't RDed yet? Well I ask why Iraq hasn't RVed yet? A redenomination (which is a real thing) takes years of planning and economic, political, monetary, and security stability to ensure its success. Plus whats the hurry? Iraq can function just fine with the dinar in a hyperinflated state. It has done it for 10 years. Now a RV on the other hand (which is not a real thing) could be done anytime by the CBI just declaring suddenly that the dinar is now worth whatever they say. (which is fantasy). So you tell me.....whats the hold up?
  17. Brazen

    My Take

    Yup......There is no doubt he has an agenda of some kind. In my opinion he is paid by one of the dinar dealers to pump this nonsense on this site. No one could come up with this much misinformation unless they were desperate to keep dinar hype alive. What is sad is that he has free reign in the main forums since the "negative" "naysayers" are locked down here.
  18. Brazen

    My Take

    Hey Dontlop.....if I was on the run and needed money and I sold you my car for 1000 dollars when it is worth 50,000 dollars does that mean that all cars on earth just RVed? Or would it be just the cars in the US?
  19. Brazen

    My Take

    Plus the swiss dinar was going for the same rate on the street that the CPA officially put on it during the war so where is the massive overnight RV? Nowhere but Dontlops head.
  20. Brazen

    My Take

    Nope. Never happened. Nice try at the spin though.
  21. Brazen

    My Take

    Neither Kuwait nor the swiss dinar RVed. It isn't that complicated. Grasping at straws a little Dontlop?
  22. Brazen

    My Take

    Lol.....this is classic. Kuwait issued a new currency because Saddam stole the plates to the original Kuwaiti dinar. They had to create a new currency and void the old so Saddam couldnt profit into the future. A little reading is all it takes. O thanks for a long winded pointless post again Dontlop.
  23. Brazen

    My Take

    Yeah....I deny that the market rate was 10 cents. Show me. Maybe some Kuwaitis sold theirs for 30 cents. Maybe 80 cents. Who cares anyway. It's irrelevant to the topic at hand. Show is a RV Dontlop.
  24. Brazen

    My Take

    Still waiting Dontlop....or you gonna stick with your new market rate theory? Haha
  25. Brazen

    My Take

    Hahaha....not intelligent enough to understand the RV that you cannot show? You are correct......I can't understand the delusional mind. Bow out now before even the GO RVers begin to lose faith in their hype master.
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