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Everything posted by OrDinarE

  1. Hahahaha that was a good one! (not really) Are you in 7th or 8th grade? And i believe the word you were looking for was orifice genius! You have a nice day too! ;-). (thanks for bringing something substantial to the discussion!) Will never happen. Guarantee it!
  2. bout you get ur head out of your own rear come all of your "lite"?!?! (1st sign an idiot was replying) and "truth" can't be backed by anything but a bunch of village idiots who think that they are smarter than the whole rest of the world including our own government (of whom many don't like the President, but still don't come up with the same type bull@#$ you seem to believe. YOU of ALL people, "mr. Usaok", have it all figured out....but the rest of us are thick headed with our head up our butts?!?!!? GET OVER YOURSELF! YOU ARE NOT THAT SMART (Obviously) or you wouldn't be posting bullcrap on a forum all day like the rest of us buttsniffers! Your the poor excuse of a man and most likely the reason OUR military is dwindling as the worlds greatest! (Probably some idiot E-5 or E-6 who thinks he's been through it all and knows it all) ...puh-leeze! If its of any consolation, I do agree with you on your comment "Do not vote party , vote as a free responsible in dependant American . This is our last chance . You better make the right choice ..."
  3. Balls, can't possibly be serious....let me know how that investigation turns out, will ya! ;-) Without a book to educate myself on, I would argue that the President does not answer to all AMERICANS (certainly and obviously not individually) but does answer to AMERICAN CITIZENS as WHOLE (through votes, petitions, etc.) but DEFINITELY and OBVIOUSLY not to some PO DUNK SHERIFF and certainly not you or me! (I tried to call him, but he didn't answer!) ;-) First of all, I'm definitely not an Obot, I'm actually more conservative than liberal on most things, but I have the upmost respect for my CinC (as I did for Bush when he served, hell I even voted for him the second time), but some of the filth you Obashers spit borders on the same treason you accuse him of. Is that what International Criminal Investigation means.....Silly me, I figured that an "International Criminal Investigation" would be led by some "International" crime just meant that the Po Dunk Sheriff is spewing his garbage internationally....oh ok. The Sheriff is the most powerful law enforcement officer in the country (please site credible references) You may have meant the county, not country....and his stroke is painfully obvious... ;-)
  4. Just for clarification, again I ask - "What International authority has criminal jurisdiction over the USA and what is a po dunk Sheriff to the POTUS!??! "
  5. The only difference now (which I must say is a BIG difference) is that for the 1st time an Official Criminal Investigation has been started by a sitting-elected Sheriff, who has labeled the documents as flat out forgeries. Because it's no longer chat room and blog conspiracy theorist just throwing out accusations, it's a no **** International Criminal Investigation this time, and that's the difference It's no longer the birthers against Obama, it's a Badged Country Sheriff and 17 State Senators and other law makers that are on the band wagon this time. It's no longer a crazy forum post or blog title, this has now hit critical mass, and the **** is about to hit the fan! What International authority has criminal jurisdiction over the USA and what is a po dunk Sheriff to the POTUS!??! Thats like a flea to an elephant! really annoying, but clearly not a threat.
  6. How much truth do you need?!?! Its been proven over and over again. He has nothing to prove to Sheriff idiot and Donald Trump! My main point is that if he made it all the way to the oval office without proving that he was a citizen, then we DO have bigger problems that just him, because that would mean that A. Our government is severely broken, even before he got elected because he went through the same procedure as all other presidential candidates went through. and B. That there are obviously powers greater than him to control and hide such things from the information hungry culture we have today. LOLOL!!! Gamechanger huh, you all have been saying this since he got elected and still.............................nothing. I'm guessing the rest of the government is all in on this conspiracy (Repubs and Dems, FBI, CIA, Dept of Def, etc.) you guys and Sheriff Joe are the smart ones who know better.....yeah, thats it! WTF?!?! I'll remove my blinders when you remove your tin foil hat! Agreed? Thats the bigger problem I was talking about Snot! If this was 'allowed' to happen, then we were already screwed to begin with!
  7. LMAO @ 6 negs in 5 minutes! The Anti-Obama police are quick on the draw! ;-) Gotta love the US of A!!!
  8. I would hope that there are not many that believe this sort of stuff. This country has its priorities so out of whack. If we were to utilize our resources to help each other instead of meandering with misguided pursuits of slander and frivolous accusations, we could be unstoppable and back on top in the world. Just think, if this were remotely true, then Obama is the least of everyones problems. Sheriff Arpaio is a limelight seeking idiot. Just like Donald Trump. Please folks lets focus on the realities of our country. God Bless America!
  9. Definitely NOT trying to be negative, but i was just wondering why would banks, exchanges, traders, et al, sell Dinar if there were even a hint of speculation that Iraq would RV? Why wouldn't the government buy it all up or some whale like Trump or Buffett? With all the positive signs, I would think the streets would be dry by now. Just wondering...
  10. On island investor willing to buy at least 1 mil for the right price... $950 - $1000?!?!
  11. Little feet or little brain?!?! ;-). Thanks....for nothing! Lol...
  12. Anyone know of someone looking to sell in the Hawaii area?
  13. He won....probably will win again....get over it. Adapt and overcome....
  14. Put ur dinar where mouth is....I'll do the same... How's that for easy...
  15. Pics up mic that deepdouche threw...I never voted for Obama, have two jobs, one in the military as an officer, have three degrees, and guarantee I make more money...not a liberal or conservative. Just 100% AMERICAN! I would tell u to ***** my mic, but I'm sure your mouth is already full...of BS. Two post Wonder!!! ;-). U ******.... ********************************removed vulgur language which is against Forum Rules **************************************** **********************Please voice your disagreement without the foul language or you will be put on Mod Review ************************
  16. As a newbie Investor, I am almost inclined to hope that the RV never happens just because I would hate to see such unpatriotic, disrespectful, shameless people get ahold a lot of money which would only exacerbate those traits even more leading to the complete downfall of this great guys have plenty of hate and filth to spit towards our CINC, but rarely any suggestions to help our current's easy to sit back and chastise someone and say he should have done this or that, but I have yet to see one thing OB has done that was not an effort to help this country out....good intentions met with constant opposition will get u very limited results if any....give it a rest...If this offended you then you are most likely one of the reasons this country is in the crapper... I guess McCain and Miss Alaska would have been better?!? If u think that then I have a trillion dinar to sell for a buck! let the hate continue....(drops mic to never return here again)
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