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Posts posted by KristiD

  1. On 10/2/2020 at 8:27 PM, Floridian said:

    New email today from the Dept. of Justice.   Sentencing no longer postponed until 2021 due to Covid.

    They have now cancelled it altogether.  I'm really thinking they know something we don't know.  The only reason I can think of for cancelling is because the dinar will revalue and we "victims" will get our money back.  Who knows?  I hope I'm right about this.



    "The sentencing previously scheduled for defendant(s) FRANK BELL, TYSON RHAME, JAMES SHAW on October 5, 2020, 09:00 AM at Richard B. Russell Federal Building and Courthouse, Courtroom 1907, 75 Ted Turner Dr. SW, Atlanta, GA 30303 has been cancelled. VNS will continue to provide you with updated case scheduling and event information. "


    Interesting Floridian.... Can you provide a copy of Friday's email that says it's no longer postponed until 2021, it's cancelled altogether, i.e., permanently?  What you provided only says they cancelled the one scheduled for tomorrow.   Thanks.

    • Thanks 2
  2. I just want to point out that first of all, this is just one guy's opinion.  Pretty much everyone in Iraq knows they are in trouble with the market/street value of IQD decreasing compared to the USD.  In other words, the street rate of the IQD is less than its stated/pegged rate (that is published by the CB).  This one guy thinks that the way to fix that is to adjust the the actual rate (stated/pegged rate set by the CBI) to make it match the market/street rate.  Again this is only this one guy's opinion.


    Second of all, and most importantly, this guy is only a former Minister of Youth and Sports!!!!  He's not even in the government anymore - and he was not even involved finance!  IMO, his opinion isn't worth squat!  

    6 hours ago, yota691 said:

    The former Minister of Youth and Sports, Abdul Hussein Abtan, suggested that the Central Bank would resort to reducing the price of the Iraqi dinar against the US dollar.


    There will always be a huge number of articles that come out.  But first I look and see if it is from a person who has authority to speak on the subject (this guy does not), and then I to look and see if it's just that guy's single opinion.  I only pay attention to someone who is actually involved with making changes to the rate of the IQD - whether directly or even tangentially.  If he/she is, then I'll read the article.  But if he/she's just giving their opinon on what they thinks needs to be done, I pretty much dismiss it.  I only pay attention to articles that first, come from a credible source (who's involved with or connected to the rate change) about action that is actually going to be taken, whether that be a vote, a meeting, or whatever.   One guy's opinion is worthless to me unless that person has some kind of input/impact on the rate change.  jmho

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  3. What the H is happening to people?!   As Wayne Dyer said, "The people you hate are not your enemy.  Your enemy is hate itself."  I can't help thinking that "hate" has become the latest craze and/or addiction.  And that should scare all of us - including people here who seem to love baiting and attacking other members who don't agree with them.   jmho   link



    "Protesters" In Philadelphia Chase Down And Assault Random Citizens For Being "Nazis"

    Just when we thought we had seen peak boredom from America’s misinformed Marxists disguised as some kind of anti-fascist freedom fighters, three new videos out of Philadelphia have surfaced showing that now, more than ever, there's too many art students and unemployed millennials that need to find hobbies.

    The first video shows a group of several people chasing a man through a park.

    "Holy **** you made a bad mistake," one 'protester' says before another, cloaked in a hood of what appears to be a $500 REI jacket, tries to kick the man they're chasing and then falls over. 


    The man then jogs in the other direction and appears to get away from his "bad mistake", whatever it was, scot-free.

    A second video out of Philadelphia shows a man that a mob reportedly chased to his car. And by "mob", we naturally mean a group of what appears to be kids in their early 20s, replete with the full Antifa halloween costume of black hoods and masks. 

    "**** off Nazi scum," the supposed "protesters" can be heard saying. 


    "Get the **** out of here!" someone yells while other mob members kick and dent the person's car repeatedly. When the car drives off, after being dented and damaged, someone throws a rock at its back window.

    A third video shows a different angle of the assault, showing there was a dog in the back of the SUV at the time.

    The group can then be heard whooping and congratulating each other after the person drives away.


  4. Posts

    A week ago today, a callous and heartless criminal attempted to murder two of the heroes that work hard everyday to keep you safe when ride @metrolosangeles.

    The outpouring of love and support from our Department, @lacosheriff, the community, and indeed from around the world, has been overwhelming, but also very much appreciated!

    This week #potus45 @realdonaldtrump called both of our deputies to check on their spirits, wish them a speedy recovery and remind them that the #american people are behind them and that the coward that harmed them will be brought to #justice!!

    Here, you can see @lasdtransit Sergeant Frederickson with our #heroine and her husband when the President called her in the ICU. Due to her injuries, Sergeant Frederickson relayed her written responses to #presidenttrump.
    Both of the deputies and their families were very appreciative of the call!

    Please continue to keep these #lawenforcement professionals in your prayers and know that they will be back, keeping you safe, when you #gometro!!!


    Image may contain: 1 person, indoor
    Image may contain: 1 person, indoor
    Image may contain: one or more people and people sitting
    Image may contain: one or more people and people sitting
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  5. Apparently they have never supported any candidate before.


    EPIC! Amish Trump Supporters Hold COW, HORSE, WAGON AND CARRIAGE TRUMP PARADE in Fredericksburg, Ohio 



    You gotta LOVE Trump Supporters!

    The Amish held a Pro-Trump Patriots Parade for President Trump in Fredericksburg, Ohio on Saturday.

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    The parade included cows, horses, wagons and carriages!



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  6. As of September 2018  link

    Trump Administration Accomplishments

    • Almost 4 million jobs created since election.
    • More Americans are now employed than ever recorded before in our history.
    • We have created more than 400,000 manufacturing jobs since my election.
    • Manufacturing jobs growing at the fastest rate in more than THREE DECADES.
    • Economic growth last quarter hit 4.2 percent.
    • New unemployment claims recently hit a 49-year low.
    • Median household income has hit highest level ever recorded.
    • African-American unemployment has recently achieved the lowest rate ever recorded.
    • Hispanic-American unemployment is at the lowest rate ever recorded.
    • Asian-American unemployment recently achieved the lowest rate ever recorded.
    • Women’s unemployment recently reached the lowest rate in 65 years.
    • Youth unemployment has recently hit the lowest rate in nearly half a century.
    • Lowest unemployment rate ever recorded for Americans without a high school diploma.
    • Under my Administration, veterans’ unemployment recently reached its lowest rate in nearly 20 years.
    • Almost 3.9 million Americans have been lifted off food stamps since the election.
    • The Pledge to America’s Workers has resulted in employers committing to train more than 4 million Americans. We are committed to VOCATIONAL education.
    • 95 percent of U.S. manufacturers are optimistic about the future—the highest ever.
    • Retail sales surged last month, up another 6 percent over last year.
    • Signed the biggest package of tax cuts and reforms in history. After tax cuts, over $300 billion poured back in to the U.S. in the first quarter alone.
    • As a result of our tax bill, small businesses will have the lowest top marginal tax rate in more than 80 years.
    • Helped win U.S. bid for the 2028 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles.
    • Helped win U.S.-Mexico-Canada’s united bid for 2026 World Cup.
    • Opened ANWR and approved Keystone XL and Dakota Access Pipelines.
    • Record number of regulations eliminated.
    • Enacted regulatory relief for community banks and credit unions.
    • Obamacare individual mandate penalty GONE.
    • My Administration is providing more affordable healthcare options for Americans through association health plans and short-term duration plans.
    • Last month, the FDA approved more affordable generic drugs than ever before in history. And thanks to our efforts, many drug companies are freezing or reversing planned price increases.
    • We reformed the Medicare program to stop hospitals from overcharging low-income seniors on their drugs—saving seniors hundreds of millions of dollars this year alone.
    • Signed Right-To-Try legislation.
    • Secured $6 billion in NEW funding to fight the opioid epidemic.
    • We have reduced high-dose opioid prescriptions by 16 percent during my first year in office.
    • Signed VA Choice Act and VA Accountability Act, expanded VA telehealth services, walk-in-clinics, and same-day urgent primary and mental health care.
    • Increased our coal exports by 60 percent; U.S. oil production recently reached all-time high.
    • United States is a net natural gas exporter for the first time since 1957.
    • Withdrew the United States from the job-killing Paris Climate Accord.
    • Cancelled the illegal, anti-coal, so-called Clean Power Plan.
    • Secured record $700 billion in military funding; $716 billion next year.
    • NATO allies are spending $69 billion more on defense since 2016.
    • Process has begun to make the Space Force the 6th branch of the Armed Forces.
    • Confirmed more circuit court judges than any other new administration.
    • Confirmed Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch and nominated Judge Brett Kavanaugh.
    • Withdrew from the horrible, one-sided Iran Deal.
    • Moved U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem.
    • Protecting Americans from terrorists with the Travel Ban, upheld by Supreme Court.
    • Issued Executive Order to keep open Guantanamo Bay.
    • Concluded a historic U.S.-Mexico Trade Deal to replace NAFTA. And negotiations with Canada are underway as we speak.
    • Reached a breakthrough agreement with the E.U. to increase U.S. exports.
    • Imposed tariffs on foreign steel and aluminum to protect our national security.
    • Imposed tariffs on China in response to China’s forced technology transfer, intellectual property theft, and their chronically abusive trade practices.
    • Net exports are on track to increase by $59 billion this year.
    • Improved vetting and screening for refugees, and switched focus to overseas resettlement.
    • We have begun BUILDING THE WALL. Republicans want STRONG BORDERS and NO CRIME. Democrats want OPEN BORDERS which equals MASSIVE CRIME.
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  7. On 9/15/2020 at 9:03 AM, Shabibilicious said:

    The divisive tone, fear mongering and us versus them at all cost rhetoric of your own words


    Shabs, I was surprised to read that you feel I'm fear mongering and devisive.  But first, if you didn't see it, please read my reply to you posted two replies above this one.  You entirely missed the point of my original point - I'm not trying to divide us - I'm trying to rally everyone together.  Second, I thought about why you would think I'm trying to cause trouble and I decided you probably were offended by me using the phrase, Trump Derangement Syndrome.  I honestly think most people recognize this as a real thing, but if you're one of the ones who doesn't, let me give you two examples.  They clearly show that people's hatred for Trump quite literally makes them lose control and go crazy, so "derangement triggered by hatred of Trump" is a very accurate description of what happens with them.  




    • Haha 5

    Now with the Supreme Court Justice nomination dominating the news, it's pretty scary to think about what might happen.  I came across an article (see below) that points out that if Trump has problems getting (likely-to-be-nominated) Amy Barrett approved, I'm sure McConnell would cooperate so Trump can put in a temporary Justice who would undoubtedly support Trump resolve the voter tampering the left is surely planning to do.  After all, they've already announced their plan by predicting Trump will win on election day, but later, after all the mail in votes are tallied, then Biden will win.  (There have been a slew of recent articles talking about dems forging ballots for many years - so I have no doubt this is their strategy now.)  The article also points out it will be tough for them to attack Barrett since she's a staunch Christian, one of the country's top Constitution lawyers and she adopted 2 black children from Haiti.  Looks to me like Ginbsberg's death has put Trump into a position where his odds of winning (assuming most of the country votes for him which I think is highly likely) just increased dramatically.  For fellow Trump supporters, this gives should give you great comfort, it sure does for me!!   link
    ******************** excerpt from the article follows*************************************************************************************
    and even though US Senate confirmation is needed for a nominee to be appointed to the Supreme Court, the US Constitution does allow President Trump to make a temporary appointment to fill this vacant seat if Senate Majority Leader McConnell puts the US Senate in recess—which ten previous American Presidents have done with their recess appointments to Supreme Court.
    Whether it be by US Senate confirmation or his making a recess appointment, this report concludes, it remains a certainty that President Trump will have a new ally on the Supreme Court to overwatch the 3 November election to protect it against the plans being made to subvert it by maniacal socialist Democrats
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  9. With everyone's emotions running so high about the elections, I think it's a good time for the candidates to speak for themselves.  Second and third hand information and confidential sources who may have ulterior motives, are not very credible.  Fortunately, both Biden and Trump have hours and hours of audio and video that speak for themselves.  They also both have a record of what they've done - Biden has over 40 years in office and Trump has almost four.  In this thread, I'm asking people to post audio or video from Biden's own mouth and/or documentation on what Biden has accomplished - both good and badThere is another thread for Trump:  link  


    People are also welcome to post audio, video and documented accomplishments from Kamala Harris here, as well.


    This thread is only to document what the candidates themselves have said or done.  Please respect that other members here are capable of forming their own conclusions about what the candidates said or did, and that they don't need your help.  Please don't hijack this thread by turning it into an argument - there are plenty of other threads where you can do that.  I'm starting this thread to try and limit the escalating divisiveness here, but still have a place where we can post factual information to support our points of view, whether it's positive or negative, about a candidate.  Our country is being torn apart.  People are so angry and full of rage they've lost respect for civility and are even celebrating murder - as if unilaterally declaring someone is a fascist with no evidence other than that they like Trump, makes it okay to kill them.  Please, help me try and rein that craziness in here at DV.  Please just let the facts speak for themselves.  If you don't want to do that, that's fine.  But please don't post here, and instead go post in one of the many, argumentative threads that already exist. 


    However, I do realize people feel very strongly about all this, so I propose that you can express your opinon on whether you think the comment or action is a good thing, by giving it an "upvote".  And since the snowflakes here prevailed and took away our ability to downvote a post, how about we use a "confused face" to mean that you, as the reader, think the comment or action is a bad thing.  That way, you are allowed to civilly and respectfully express your opinon on what was posted, but not start an argument. 


    Again, only post actual videos, audios and documented proof of actions that were taken by Biden or Harris, themselves - with only a BRIEF introduction if you want.



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    • Confused 1
  10. With everyone's emotions running so high about the elections, I think it's a good time for the candidates to speak for themselves.  Second and third hand information and confidential sources who may have ulterior motives, are not very credible.  Fortunately, both Trump and Biden have hours and hours of audio and video that speak for themselves.  They also both have a record of what they've done - Trump has almost four years in office and Biden has over 40.  In this thread, I'm asking people to post audio or video from Trump's own mouth and/or documentation on what Trump has accomplished - both good and badThere is another thread for Biden:  link


    People are also welcome to post audio, video and documented accomplishments from Mike Pence here, as well.


    This thread is only to document what the candidates themselves have said or done.  Please respect that other members here are capable of forming their own conclusions about what the candidates said or did, and that they don't need your help.  Please don't hijack this thread by turning it into an argument - there are plenty of other threads where you can do that.  I'm starting this thread to try and limit the escalating divisiveness here, but still have a place where we can post factual information to support our points of view, whether it's positive or negative, about a candidate.  Our country is being torn apart.  People are so angry and full of rage they've lost respect for civility and are even celebrating murder - as if unilaterally declaring someone is a fascist with no evidence other than that they like Trump, makes it okay to kill them.  Please, help me try and rein that craziness in here at DV.  Please just let the facts speak for themselves.  If you don't want to do that, that's fine.  But please don't post here, and instead go post in one of the many, argumentative threads that already exist. 


    However, I do realize people feel very strongly about all this, so I propose that you can express your opinon on whether you think the comment or action is a good thing, by giving it an "upvote".  And since the snowflakes here prevailed and took away our ability to downvote a post, how about we use a "confused face" to mean that you, as the reader, think the comment or action is a bad thing.  That way, you are allowed to civilly and respectfully express your opinon on what was posted, but not start an argument. 


    Again, only post actual videos, audios and documented proof of actions that were taken by Trump or Pence, themselves - with only a BRIEF introduction if you want.



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  11. @Shabibilicious,  I invite you to reread my post - particularly the second paragraph - and pay attention to the point I was making.  Reread the sentence in RED.  Biden clearly has obvious mental deficiencies.  The majority of both sides know (and many dems openly admit it) that people are NOT voting for Biden because they have confidence in him.  They are voting for him because they don't want Trump.  And fair enough, people can vote for a candidate based on any reason they want.  But, assuming the DNC does NOT substitute in two new candidates in the next few weeks, Kamala will end up as our president almost immediately.  She even slipped this week and called their future adminsitration the "Harris Administration".  Harris is more of a socialist than Bernie Sanders.  And potentially new "Squad" members have already won democratic nominations and may become Congress members in a few months. 


    I can appreciate that many people strongly dislike Trump.  He has a huge ego and he's not politically correct.  Heck, I never liked him myself, but after he won the presidency, I studied his actions for his first year and a half.  And then I changed my mind about him because of all he's accomplished for the US.  Thinks like, pulling us out of foreign wars, more equality in foreign trade - and also in the UN, bringing back jobs, cleaner air and water than we've had for decades, huge increases in minority employment along with big increases for non-minority employment, pay increases and much better health care for our vets, arresting human traffickers, cracking down on the illegal drug trade, criminal justice reform, securing our borders, deporting criminal illegal immigrants, the historic Israel, UAE and Bahrain peace deal, school choice, whenever there's a problem - he immediately steps up to offer and follow through with help where it's needed.  He acted boldly and swiftly with Covid and saved untold thousands of lives, he geared up domestic production to meet the country's medical needs to combat it in record time, he gets federal funding money to disaster areas in 24-48 hours, and this is just what I can come up with off the top of my head.  Many people don't like the man, but he is the best thing that's happened to the US - maybe ever - if you judge him by his accomplishments.  


    So while the upcoming election is technically about people voting for Trump or against Trump, the ramification of that it really choosing whether the US will remain a capitalist republic, or adopt socialism instead.  TO BE CRYSTAL CLEAR, voting against Trump is advocating to change our capitalist republic into socialism.  How can anyone here - who expects to get wealthy from the RV, think this is a good plan?  Because socialism mandates that all people (except the leaders) share equally - and no wealth is allowed for us average folks.    


    As I said, there's a reason you don't make important decisions when you're angry If people's anger at Trump push them into electing socialist leaders, none of us will be able to keep our new found wealth from the RV.  This is what's at risk if you let your anger dictate your actions in November!!!  And don't to take my word for it.  Listen to what these refugees from socialist countries (Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua, and China) have to say about what's at stake with this election.  link  


    Refugees from socialist countries warn Americans: Don't let it happen here 

    Immigrants who settled in the U.S. say recent political shifts here are starting to remind them of what they left behind

    One of the most memorable moments from the Republican National Convention came when Cuban-born Maximo Alvarez cautioned Americans against creeping socialism.

    “I’ve seen movements like this before,” he warned last month.

    The Florida businessman is hardly alone among those who fled socialist countries. On social media and in interviews with Fox News, other immigrants who settled in the U.S. say that recent political shifts here – including class warfare, riots and language policing, not to mention calls for expansive government programs – are starting to remind them of what they left behind. 


    And they carry the same message as Alvarez, urging Americans not to repeat history.


    “The millionaires, and anyone that was rich, were ‘the enemy of people’ in Venezuela,” Elizabeth Rogliani, a young woman who left Venezuela for America in 2008 and lives in Florida, said of her former country (though she cited a term that President Trump now controversially uses against the media).

    She has been using her TikTok channel to try to tell people about that history.

    Rogliani says she sees a parallel in politicians’ frequent attacks on “millionaires and billionaires.”

    “Division between the classes was something that Hugo Chavez wanted -- to make sure that poorer sectors of society hated anyone that was wealthy,” she said.

    Venezuelan president Hugo Chávez often declared that being rich is bad.

    He defined capitalism as the "kingdom of the egoism of inequality" and socialism as the "kingdom of love, equality, solidarity, peace and true democracy."

    Once, before Chavez became president in 1999, Venezuela was the wealthiest country in South America. Venezuela also has more untapped underground oil than any country in the world, even Saudi Arabia.

    But after Chavez ruled for more than a decade -- enacting strict price controls and seizing private businesses -- the economy collapsed. Last month, after decades of mismanagement, the country’s last oil rig shut down. Millions have now fled amid mass starvation and violence.

    Rogliani said that in America, her biggest fear comes not from any one policy proposal – but from the overall culture.

    “Seeing these riots knocking those statues … it’s so similar,” she said.

    In little-known history, Chavez’s government officially renamed “Columbus Day” to "Indigenous Resistance Day” in 2002.

    “In 2004, the Columbus statue came down in Venezuela. It was torn down by mobs. People had been encouraged by Chavez’s rhetoric,” Rogliani said.


    Venezuelan demonstrators use ropes to topple a Christopher Columbus statue in Caracas, October 12, 2004. REUTERS/Jorge Silva

    Venezuelan demonstrators use ropes to topple a Christopher Columbus statue in Caracas, October 12, 2004. REUTERS/Jorge Silva

    The origins of unrest in the U.S., of course, are very different and unique to this country. Activists have pressed for years to take down statues dedicated to the Confederacy, arguing the country should not be honoring those who fought on the side of slavery. The push has expanded in recent months, however, to target historical figures who had been less controversial but nevertheless were connected to slavery or other institutions. Meanwhile, protests and sometimes-related looting that have hit American cities this summer stemmed from anger over racial injustice and police brutality, following the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis police custody.

    Some protests continue to be peaceful, while cities such as Chicago, Portland and Seattle have dealt with more violent outbreaks for months.

    Rogliani cautioned, however, that such unrest can be exploited. Chavez encouraged such thinking, Rogliani said, because he saw angry mobs as a powerful tool. 


    Several Latin American countries have seen an exodus of people fleeing to escape socialism. Nicaragua is one.

    “What we see now has all the same characteristics as I saw there … violence, looting, damaging private property,” Roberto Bendana, a Nicaraguan immigrant in Texas, told Fox News of the recent violence in the U.S.

    Bendana left Nicaragua after revolutionary socialists took power in 1981 and confiscated his father’s coffee farm.

    “Even the flags! The protesters here in the U.S. are using the red and black flags,” Bendana said, noting Nicaraguan socialist revolutionaries used the same colors.


    Sandinista supporters of Nicaragua's President Daniel Ortega attend an event marking the 30th anniversary of the Sandinista revolution in Juan Pablo II square in Managua July 19, 2009. REUTERS/Oswaldo Rivas (NICARAGUA POLITICS ANNIVERSARY) - GM1E57K04L001

    Sandinista supporters of Nicaragua's President Daniel Ortega attend an event marking the 30th anniversary of the Sandinista revolution in Juan Pablo II square in Managua July 19, 2009. REUTERS/Oswaldo Rivas (NICARAGUA POLITICS ANNIVERSARY) - GM1E57K04L001


    Anti-fascist protesters hold flags on the Christian Science Plaza, Saturday, July 11, 2020, in Boston. (AP Photo/Michael Dwyer)

    Anti-fascist protesters hold flags on the Christian Science Plaza, Saturday, July 11, 2020, in Boston. (AP Photo/Michael Dwyer)


    More than a million Cubans have fled to the U.S. since Fidel Castro came to power in 1959. Among them was Maximo Alvarez.

    “I heard the promises of Fidel Castro and I can never forget all those who grew up around me … who suffered and starved and died because they believed those empty promises,” he said in his GOP convention speech in August.

    “You can still hear the sounds of those broken promises. It is the sound of waves in the ocean carrying families clinging to pieces of wood. It is the sound of tears hitting the paper of an application to become an American citizen,” he added.

    “My dad, who only had a sixth-grade education, told me – don’t lose this place,” Alvarez said of America. “My family is done abandoning what we rightfully earned.”


    Alvarez, despite coming from poverty, founded Sunshine Gasoline and became a millionaire. Alvarez noted that Joe Biden proposes “trillions in new taxes.”

    For his part, Biden maintains the proposed tax hikes would largely hit those making over $400,000. He told ABC last month the “very wealthy should pay a fair share,” along with corporations.

    And the former vice president has rejected long-running efforts by the Trump campaign to tag him as aligned with socialists. 

    “Do I look like a radical socialist with a soft spot for rioters? Really?" Biden quipped last month, stressing he wants to keep the country safe from looting as well as “bad cops.”

    Dating back to the primary, Biden had tensions with Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., a democratic socialist, over his plans for “Medicare-for-All” and other policies. But the democratic socialist wing’s influence over Democratic Party policies will be closely watched in the months and years ahead.


    Lily Tang Williams, an immigrant from China who lives in New Hampshire, personally experienced Chairman Mao’s economic policies and “Cultural Revolution.”

    She says she sees parallels with the unrest in American cities today.

    “The riots, looters, destruction of properties, it’s so familiar. It's scary to me because I went through that,” she said. “The people who attack small businesses in cities -- you see them take private property, and they say, ‘we deserve this. This is reparations.’ And it’s just – this is the Marxist way. It’s an excuse at the barrel of a gun.”

    Recently, protesters in D.C. accosted people at a restaurant and demanded they raise their fist in support of their cause; those who declined were harassed. 

    Tang Williams took aim at the “silence is violence” concept. 

    “You cannot even keep silence. You have to publicly agree with them. It’s fundamentally not American,” she said. “The tactics they use are very Marxist and communist. They did this in China. Everybody had to be PC.”

    “Free speech, and free thoughts and ideas -- that's what makes America great. We don't have to agree with each other all the time, but we should be able to have a civil discussion,” she said.

    "I have friends who attended Republican National Convention. They got harassed, just walking out. Thank goodness they were not harmed ... But it is scary,” she said.

    On the same night, protesters similarly harassed Sen. Rand Paul and his wife, Kelley Paul, who called it the “most terrifying moment” of her life.

    Tang Williams claimed that some Americans were falling for socialism only because they haven’t lived through it.

    “People here are allowed to peacefully protest. The protesters do not appreciate the freedom they have in this country. … They have not suffered from hunger, real poverty,” she said.


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  12. HIMSELF???  Serious question to any and all never-Trumpers here, do you honestly think Biden is competent to be President of the most powerful nation in the world?  And don't even think of trying to excuse this by saying he mis-spoke.  Nobody every mis-speaks there own full name - unless their brain is failing!  People are right to say this is elder abuse, but it's shocking that millions of people think this pitiful, failing old man is in any way capable of being President of anything.  Or do you think lying Kamala, who's more of a socialist than socialist Bernie Sanders, will be a good President of your country?  


    This is exactly why people have always said, don't make important decisions when you're angry.  Millions of people are so caught up in Trump Derangement Syndrome that they're literally advocating to change our capitalist republic into socialism.  How can anyone here - who expects to get wealthy from the RV, think this is a good plan?  Because the basic tenant of socialism is that everyone (except the leaders) shares everything equally, so ordinary people don't get to be rich!  All the peoples' wealth is taken from them and given to freeloaders, slackers and criminals. while the leaders plunder the country's riches.  Then in a few decades, after they've stolen everything and the country goes broke, average people no longer even have food and water and resort to eating their pets (and worse) to stay alive.  Think I'm kidding?  Check it out yourself:   link  




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  13. On 9/9/2020 at 6:41 PM, caddieman said:

    Tell that to the 180,000+ families who lost love ones. ( so far) I can’t tell you how many times I was attacked on here by saying covid was much worse than the common flu. Now Trump knew that in February but was telling all his supporters that it was just like the common flu....guess what he LIED



    You cannot infer Trump - or any person for that matter, "LIED" becasue he "played down" a threat.  They are NOT the same thing!!!  We all downplay things to protect the people we care about - particularly when we don't have definitive information about how bad things really are.  If we get  hurt, we tell our loved one it's not that bad, even when we know it might be, to protect them from worrying.  We downplay things to our children to protect them from being afraid, even when we ourselves are afraid.  A good leader should do that to protect his people from panicking as well.  And that is what Trump did - and that's all that he did.  Even your source, not-a-Trump-fan, Bob Woodward never said Trump "lied".  If he felt he could justify saying that, he surely would have.  You hurt your own credibility when you draw conclusions that are not substantiated.


    Furthermore, recall that, back in January, NO ONE (other than God and the Chinese scientists who used Fauci's illegal funding to research gain-of-function disease (basically means it crosses species) in the lab in Wuhan) had any idea of how dangerous Covid was.  In fact, I believe we still don't have accurate inforamtion about that even now in September.  But for sure in January, there was too little information to know much of anything about it.  Trump only thought "maybe it was five times worse than the flu" but he certainily didn't know that this was a fact.  Even today it's not known how much worse Covid is than the flu.  You can't logically say someone lied about knowing facts that were unknown at the time.  Back then there were only rumors and unsubstantiated reports mostly from China - who we now know, was lying through their teeth.  At least Trump took action and assumed a worst case scenario of how bad the threat could be, and shut down China travel.  


    As much as you'll hate hearing this, a nurse of 27 years says on CNN, no less (to the chagrin of the interviewer), that Trump's response to Covid was the greatest achievement of his presidency.  She was there on the front lines and I even think the majority of the country concurs that Trump handled the Covid crises well.  There are some polls that even validate that.


    Caddie, you hate Trump so much that you will argue anything to try and justify your position.  I  have a sister who is like that; she will argue anything, no matter how outlandish it is, to try to prove she's right.  If that's your goal, feel free to stop reading now.  But if you, and others are interested in learning important information, you should know that, 2 weeks ago the CDC, yes the CDC, recently admitted than only 6% of the Covid deaths died from Covid aloneThe other 94% had 2.6 additional comorbidities (hearth disease, diabetes, overweight).  And 70% of those who died were over 65 years old, and almost 90% were over 55.  See for yourself here and click on "4. Comorbidities" in the "List of Topics" section.  And I don't know if your news sources have reported the ongoing problem of falsely inflated covid cases, but there are many, many people who  obviously have died from a different cause, that have been, and still are, being labeled as Covid deaths.  Familes fight weeks to get motorcycle accident deaths, and numerous other instances where the cause of death was clearly something else, that are instead classified as Covid, reversed.  The truth is, we really don't know how deadly Covid is because we are not dealing with accurate numbers.  Apparently hospitals get thousands of dollars for every Covid death they report, so of course they label as many deaths as they possibly can as Covid deaths and the statistics are hugely skewed to the negative.


    Even more concerning, doctors are now questioning the Covid testing, claiming it's not testing properly or accurately.  The tests are set to be so sensitive that they are measuring just the tiniest amount of coronavirus, when what they should be measuring is how much coronavirus each person has in their body.  Consequently, many people who test positive don't even have it at all, and up to 90% of all reported positives, if the tests were conducted under normal sensitivity standards, would really be negative.  And these 90% of positively tested people pose no risk to others.  link


    These two pieces of new information should shock and scare everyone.  This is another con just like the major democratic cities are letting rioters and looters plunder their towns and beat up and kill their citizens on the obviously false assumption that it will create change and magically establish equality and respect between all people.  This time, they have been, and still are, conning us about the coronavirus.  I'm not saying Covid isn't real.  My best friend's young niece got it and recovered, but still deals with serious secondary syptoms including no sense of taste.  Covid is real, it's not a hoax.  But the medical community is hiding the truth about it and manipulating the information to increase its threat.  I think their goal is to sell expense therapeutics and a vaccine (that probably won't work since they've never been able to devlelop a coronavirus vaccine) that will likely carry some kind of tech to track us, along with the deep state swamp (which includes Dems and Republicans) who have illegally used their positions to steal and garner favors, and don't want to be caught.  Trump, who is NOT a crooked member of the deep state and made his own money legally, is trying to drain the swamp of these crooks like he promised from Day 1.  This is why they hate him and have lied and committed numerous crimes to try and get him out.  


    Caddie I get that you're angry people died.  But the vast majority of those people were near the end of their lives.  True, covid may have pushed them over the edge a little earlier, but something else could, and likely would, have done that soon.  Trump did better than anyone else would have done by taking the very drastic step of halting travel and slowing the spread to buy us some time to find out more about the disease.  Directing your anger at him when he made the best decision possible at the time, doesn't make him a murderer.  But if you need to blame someone for Covid, blame China and/or even Fauci because he illegaly gave China millions to work on gain-of-function in diseases that was internationally prohibited.  China could have at least shared info early so the rest of the world could better mitigate deaths, but didn't.  Sadly, the harsh truth is that life isn't fair, it never has been and probably never will be.  Accidents and bad things happen.  Good people die tragically and unnecessarily far too often, while bad people often get to skate away damage free.  Raging at injustice won't change this.  Or you could also direct your anger at the leaders of New York, New Jersey, Michigan..... those governors and leaders who did the opposite of the Trump administration's guidelines which were to NOT to put Covid positive people in retirement homes.  New York's deaths are so high because almost half of them are from retirement homes - and that's despite the government's attempt to under-report the real numbers.  You could join with the people who are trying to hold those leaders responsible for their loved ones' deaths from instituting clearly dangerous protocols that put our precious old people at risk and directly caused thousands of deaths.  Search a little and I'm sure you can find a group of these justifiably angry and upset people to join up with do try and hold these shameful leaders accountable for all the deaths they caused.  Letting your anger fester and cloud your thinking so much that you can't even ojectively look at the facts, does not serve you or anyone else.  But you can choose to let it motivate you to do something constructive to produce tangible, benificial change.  The world needs that far more than it needs more anger right now.  And you may want to consider how your anger affects those around you (and I'm not just talking about those of us here at DV), too.  But it's your life and you can live it however you want.    In any event, all the best to you and yours.  


    And all the very best to our wonderful and much loved USA!





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