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Everything posted by remmy

  1. If I am not mistaken, the fiscal year is about to end with the Federal Government and its numerous agencies. I have many customers (people who work for government or are contractors) who have said that many agencies and its contractors who do work on bases for the government must "justify their spending" in order to justify "funding" for the next year. For example if the agency or branch of government records using less funds the previous year (which should be good news to all taxpayers) then the funding for the next year will be less than the previous year. This is not so good for the agency or branch of government therefore they must always "use up" what is left of their funds to justify funding for the next year. This is why I also believe that the government will never shrink as their philosophical view of money and funding is vastly different than that of the taxpayer or "private sector" business. As in the case of the "ammo purchase" this is a two-fer deal, exhaust monies for the sake of justifying spending and stocking their supplies for WHATEVER reasons and those can be many left to the imaginations of individuals! Just what I think!
  2. Dear Fellow Christians, I am writing once again not to promote harm to the Gospel nor have I ever intended to do harm. I have never personally met a christian whom I thought intentionally tried to do harm to the Gospel. In other words I am not looking down on others and in many respects I feel that I am less than nothing (nothing to do with self-esteem). My reasoning for writing on this particular subject matter is because I am becoming increasingly aware of mine own sin in regards to this subject and am in no way pointing my finger at anyone but to encourage others to consider this: if this can not be understood, then I challenge you to take this before the Lord and to ask Him: Is this person lying or is he speaking the Truth? I am a dinar holder, I purchased about a year ago and I have periodically checked on the status through this year and on two occasions I have found myself in the trap of checking everyday for a period of a few weeks 5 and 6 times a day. I am recognizing that there is something there to be said of my position. I have been noticing the rhetoric of God being in this and that, and really what I am hearing is the hope of the people who hold these dinars for what it is going to DO FOR THEM. Thats right, I am guilty of it too and this is causing a conflict within me, so much so that it has stirred in my spirit and brought about cause to write this. If it is Gods Will that this should happen, it will ONLY be for His Glory and not yours or mine. I am appealing to those who have an ear to hear and may the Holy Spirit breathe His Divine Life, Wisdom, and Understanding in this matter. I am posting this sermon that I came across a couple of years ago, admittedly I "heard" it then but since then the Lord has brought me through much since. I decided to listen to it a couple of nights ago with a pair of headphones and no children around and no interruptions! I encourage you to do the same only if you dare to listen to this. I am warning you that this will probably challenge what you now believe or what you think of yourself and please take heed the warning of "self righteousness" for I know of the terrible consequences thereof firsthand. Judging from the timeline that I researched on this particular sermon I estimated it to be sometime in the 1960's. I also believe the Voice of Truth was all over this sermon and a pleading by the Holy Spirit for the children of God to "Awake" In conclusion to all being said, I am not advocating that you "DO" something about this but if there is an acknowledgement and recognition of this, taking that position that is the position the Lord can move in and operate freely without you getting into the middle of it by "doing" something. By understanding this about yourself and yet not being able to "do" anything about this, it is a painful place to be but I can assure you of this that Truth is. born out of suffering and THAT is where Resurrection Life comes in. It is for this very reason the Christ was sent to do the "doing" because we do not possess the capacity to "do" that is pleasing to the Father. Again I caution you one last time, the audio is approximately 50 mins but just listen and be honest with yourself and the Lord. The time is drawing nigh. Your brother in the Lord
  3. Mr. Ref, I think you missed the intended point, the op is merely illustrating with the figures that has been presented! Who cares about the $4.00 Rv, it could be $1.00 Rv and you can still do the math. Chicken breast per pound at $1.00 Rv would equal $2467.05. An intelligent iraqi surely could see this if they are looking at it like "we" are hmmm. Kind of makes me wonder then who knows what in this world? Anyhow I dont think the op is making a prediction on the Rv but just for illustrative purposes.
  4. is a good one. I would also check out your local coin shops and beware of the premiums on bullion. IMO I would not buy the "collectible" coins meaning, coins that exceed their value in weight substantially. This is a good site because they list the premium you pay to purchase and they also list the "buy back" price for the day (not meaning you will get that if you decide to cash in a few years) but good reference and will allow you to see what seems to be in higher demand and what coins most people want. Good luck you in your endeavors.
  5. Dear Dinar Followers, I am writing this post not to badger anyone but to help illuminate what IS happening I believe to ALL of us. If you dont believe in THE Higher Power, stop reading this post now...............................................What I am going to say will OFFEND many but this post is meant for the ones whose ears are open and to the discerning Spirit. I believed initially upon making this investment that I was making a good decision (a smart one), indeed it may be a smart decision. What I have noticed that has happened to me over the last couple of weeks is that I have experienced nothing but a death that has come over me (not motivated to do much, hope in this thing taking off, putting off of my life for this, reading all of these articles, gathering all of this info and "intel"). In other words this whole thing has consumed me literally and I have SOLD the Lord out for this stupid thing. I have given up the trust in HIM to provide for me and to sustain me and placed all of my hope in the Iraqi Dinar. I am ashamed of myself, I am ashamed that I have entered into such an investment with the Seed of Ishmaael and turned from our Lord, I am no different than Peter who denied Christ. I was humbled this morning by a friend of mine whom I have known for quite some time now and have fellowshipped with for years now. It was told of me what I have been doing without me telling them what was going on and I KNOW it was the Lord trying to tell me something, He was grieving. I am in no way telling anyone "you need to change" no not that all because that is not the Lord, what is the Lord is to acknowledge what we have all done and to take it before him. If your Spirit is hearing this, He will not condemn you. His mercy and grace abounds even more. My Spirit has been pierced as of this morning, I now see what I have done and the price to be paid is if you continue to hang on by every word of these men who claim "intel", the enemy will drag you further away from the Lord and there will be nothing but Death from this. I say these things out of a love for men and I know if you are going through this as well, you have been taken "hostage" by the enemy. I am not saying go out and sell your dinars, nor am I saying go out and buy more, what I am saying from the spiritual side of things look at what this thing is doing to all of us. Confusion, chaos, misinformation from THAT country of all places. I did not see this in the early stages because of my blindness of greed. We as a nation have entered into an agreement with Ishmaael and so we will get the fruit of what we have sown. I am not preaching fire and brimstone, just the Truth of what was revealed to me today, I seek no Glory, no accolades, no recognition of me and I just want to serve Him as I am allowed. Do not try to change "YOU" He will do that. Being in recognition and bringing it before him and to just lay this whole Iraqi Dinar thing down and fix your eyes upon HIM. If there is only one individual out there who "hears" this, then this is just for you. May the windows of your hearts be opened and enlightened and may your spiritual eyes and ears "see" and "hear". I will not revisit this posting nor do I want to, Glory be to the Father and please forgive me Father, in your sons name Jesus Christ whom has made me whole and whose grace abounds evermore as I live and "see" more of myself and how counter to you I REALLY am. Your Brother in Christ
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