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Everything posted by STI4RV

  1. who took the gem out of your donut?
  2. this shot of whiskey is for hoping
  3. movement of the USD
  4. I'm so glad everyone finally got the point of my original post. That place is a cult and if you speak up you get banned. They even delete everyone else's intel when it gets posted. Out of "respect for Steve" that's why it gets posted in rumors come on now. Everyone has a right to an opinion. Instead of naming my first dog okie I may just name him Steve.
  5. I know I went back and re-read the original transcript. Thats my bad and I am man enough to admit it
  6. Your obviously not a member of PD. Everytime SteveI makes a post the double digit pages of responses are all "oh thank you steve" Dont think for a second that because I rarely post here because I keep my mouth shut and dont make some stupid responses like you do just to get my post number up. Get off your high horse "THE JONALD" your comb over is probably worse
  7. Technically it wouldnt even be worth that much. 1 USD=1.3IQD it would be .83 IQD=1 USD
  8. here comes the thank a thon
  9. Not bashing the great JC. But "hurt" is a NIN cover. Thats all Trent Reznor my friend. The two versions are completely different. Mr. Cash does it justice but unfortunatly it was not his originally
  10. You will hear lots of things about lots of time frames. They have always RV'd in april. Tues-Thurs they always RV on the last thursday of the month, so on and so forth. This baby is going to come when M pulls his huge arrogant head out of his ass and gets it together. My advice and I know based on my post amount that i am a nube dont worry about a date or a rate. Its only going to drive you up the wall. Just think about how grand things are post RV. Start planning for different rate amounts such as $ .10 vs $1.00 vs $3.00+ or however you want to break it down. But playing the date/rate game will get you know where fast.
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