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The Original Spike

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Everything posted by The Original Spike

  1. I'll post this under your topic, because it's second-hand and I don't have any extra information. One of my buddies in Tulsa, that works at the American Airlines base, was told from a co-worker that has a brother stationed in Iraq got a call from that brother today. My buddy was told by his friend that the brother had told him when asked about the currency, that there was definitely something going on, but he had no idea what is was. I have been told that the brother in question is a pessimist towards the investment, but does hold a little amount of IDQ for the "just in case senerio". That was all I got, sorry. I asked was there anything else? He had stated that was it, it was all he got. Not worth a whole topic.
  2. It's proposed legislation... it means nothing in the first rounds of the govt voting process until it starts moving, but at least there are things being addressed to moving US issues foward. Some eventually affecting our interest in moving the country and our investment foward.
  3. Thanks Luci. Maybe this thing will get done soon and make us a little bit of a return. I understand, I hold a lot for me, especially when dealing with my own set circumstances as of late, but a very little compared to many of my friends and some of the people they are in touch with and know. I still have faith in this until the passing of June. If nothing happens by then, well, it that faith in this investment will have diminished significantly. I will remain positive until then, we have too many factors that still point to this being a positive risk. If only utilizing reason alone, we should be well on the cusp of seeing the transition of this currency gaining some monetary value. Hang in there.
  4. Thanks Squatch. So I can take a picture with my phone and send it to my profile. How do I cross it over? Is there a templet to frame it in on the site before submitting?
  5. I agree, but the statement at the bottom of this block of topics state most on this site don't hold dinar and are here to just cause trouble. Plus I like the emblem that states you are a confirmed dinar holder, LOL... Yeah, it would really be stupid for people to be on here that don't hold unless they are getting paid to be pumpers for the sellers. I really don't give that term much credence, but I guess one never knows with the idea of advertising on a forum dedicated to a particular product or investment. You are right though.
  6. I was going to add that currency fan to my profile by proving I hold some and the link wouldn't let me in. I don't mind do a photo of some to get that pic attached to my profile stating I hold some of the dinar currency, but if it means I have to join the VIP, I don't have the extra money. So is that the deal?
  7. Ooooo!!! I forgot about Team Toney DT! +1 it's telling me I have run out of my quotas on using the faces and wouldn't let me quote you... >:(P So where's the cage match going to be held? Can you get me a ticket too DT?
  8. ... *sigh* ... ... Yeah, right... I wanna get paid, but "REALLY"???? Okie, Steve, George, Frank, Possum... ect., ect., ect..... Pa Leasssssssse... One of them will eventually be right just from the law of averages, but really??? They aught to not keep letting their mouths write those hot checks that their a$$e$ can't cash... just say'in... I'm just shocked at the complete lack of integrity and self respect the so called GURUs seem to be lacking. Sociapathic attention addicts. Mmmmm... I'll shut up now... but REALLY... LOL!!! I just want the money, money, money, money... and not have to keep cutting through this tuff bull with a dull butter knife...
  9. Instead of reading through all of this drivel, please sum it up... I'm sorry, but until there is definitive evidence, I will not be fooled into getting my hopes to grasp at even a small semblance of truth from this unless "Our" people over there can confirm something is indeed going on. So...??? xe is showing 1165. to 1 US....
  10. Thanks all, was just trying to see if there would be any interest.
  11. Even fractional movement is good movement. Playing on the "pips" on tradeable currency is definitely the way to make money in this economy, as long as you add in how many points have to be made to cover the "juice", your spread in order to pay the broker fees and still make a little before a downturn. Where you would set your parameters before doing another "pick up". I got it... it's gauging the in-between to cover and make a little bit. I'm thinking these new calculations behind the decimal can only mean good things for us and the foward movement of the IDQ moving foward to being a tradeable currency.
  12. All things that make you go hmmmm.... With that spread... if the IDQ were actively traded, most of us could have made our initial investment back in a couple of days by just trading on that one series of spikes over that two week period! Ride that wave, then drop it like it's hot before hitting shore to catch the next one. I sure hope so dinarck....
  13. I've posted this on another persons topic, but I figured I would pose the observation here. When the IDQ finally showed up on the trading boards, although not yet active on the open market, we all knew it do be a good step in the right direction. It eventually got three zeros behind the decimal as opposed to two. What I have been watching over the last couple of days is "true" value being placed on the breakdown of the numbers behind the decimal, it has never done this before now. It has always been a .05, or .00 system. They are getting more precise. It will do this breakdown, hold it for a short bit, then revert back to the .5 system. Example: 11_ _.05 or 11_ _.00, has started to be broken down to say 1165.626. Does anyone else see the oddity to this new attention to detail being placed on the true numerical value being placed on the IDQ? Thoughts?
  14. Yeah, the fluctuations are still happening on xe too, my belief is it is because fluctuations against the dollar. What has me looking a bit more frequently is that up until a couple of days ago, the mathematical format for the IDQ would always show 11_ _.5000, or 11_ _.0000. Over the last couple of days, I have been seeing numerical detail being attached to the numerical value placed on the numbers behind the decimal. In other words, the value is starting to get broken down as opposed to just a .5 value being attached. Example: .6260, .5480. I've seen both of these and a few more for the first time ever on xe. I'm trying not to read to much into it, because it reverts back to the .5 system pretty quickly, but.... it sure seems like they are paying more attention to the currency when breaking its value all the way down...
  15. So would you be interested in reading compiled stories of one persons experience?
  16. At least in the airlines... they actually coined the phrase, "You've been Smurfed"... It didn't happen to those that listened when being told to always stand to the side when opening the lav doors...
  17. There were times while being on the planes that I knew we were done... Where it wasn't, "God, please don't let me die", but instead, "God, please don't let it hurt".
  18. Sorry Yannivia... a woman probably won't appreciate some of the humor. There were lots of shinanigans... I worked the job for flight benefits to stay a part of my children's lives. I also will be giving some flying tips, my experience during 9/11, I was one seat away from being on one of those planes that hit the towers... there are some funny stories, some serious parts and some informative parts. It tells the story of what some men will do and go through to remain a part of their children's lives. The truth isn't always pretty.
  19. One of the stories... Was when I hired on we were split into full-timers and part-timers. In this particular segment, we as part-timers were always handed the short end of the stick. On one particular day, we got a new employee, he was fresh out of the airforce. We had an inbound flight to work at the same time the full-timers decided to take their lunch to avoid the flight. This new guy had already made the guy, that was supposed to be training him angry, so his training in the inbound flight was dropped on us part-timers. The plane was about to hit the gate, and we only had three of us to work the flight. We discussed it and decided we would help out the new rookie. We approached the young guy to give him a heads up. We had decided he was going to dump the lavs, toilet juice, because it happened to be the job that none of the rest of us wanted to do, besides he was the rookie, the lowest on the ladder of seniority. When we approached him, he turned and stated, " there is nothing you can tell me that I don't already know. I have worked for the largest airline in the world, the United States Airforce. I most probably know more than every ground worker here at this airport put together, so don't waist my time explaining anything to me that I already know. You just tell me what to do and then go away. I plan on keeping this job just business and when pertaining to me, suggest you do the same." I thought fine you ass, ok then, "You dump the lavs". What he didn't know and should have humbled himself just a little bit in order to keep things amicable was that each station is like being a player and a fan of a sports team. There are constantly things that we would do to the other teams to try to stress our pranks as fans were better than theirs. Dallas was our biggest rivalry and that happened to be where this plane was coming from. The plane came in as the new guy took the lav cart to dump it. He waited until we dumped the plane and set it up for the later on-load. As we finished the plane and were walking back to the breakroom, he comes driving the lav-cart around to the side of the plane to position it directly under the lav-door that accesses the dump-valves for the toilets. He gets off the tractor used to pull the lav-cart and looks back at us with a sheepish grin, you know the one, it says I beat you idiots out of doing some of my work. What he would have learned had he been more amicable was that Dallas rigged the lav-doors to drop lav juice when the lav-door is opened. The toilet water has blue chemicals in it that will stain your skin blue if it gets on you. His first mistake was to stand directly under that door as he went to push the release button on the door after laughing at us. We all decided to sit outside the breakroom and watch the show. What happened next... the door flew open and a deluge of overly ripe, "blue juice" blew out in that man as he stood directly under that door. They had not only rigged the valve to drop a small amount of juice, but had found a way to rig it all the way open! It hit him like a tidal-wave! As the last little bit blew out, he was still standing directly under the door with his arm still fully extended.... The face shield didn't help one bit. He turned around seeing all of us laughing until tears were forming in our eyes. The guy was the color of a smurf, with bits of toilet-paper all in his hair, on his clothes... he was looking at us and his mouth was moving with nothing coming out, arm still being extended... on closer inspection of his uniform, we saw the cudegra... it was the biggest turd I had ever seen hanging out of his breast pocket... Needless to say, that was his first and last day. The moral of the story, listen to what the people around you have to say before dismissing it first. You may gain some valuable information, or you may not, but it is always better to have the choice to be safe than sorry.
  20. Yep, if ya can't beat the big boys because they fight dirty, tell your story and dish out the dirt! They bought off my doctors, they bought off my law firm, and now I plan on pencil whipping them. I will tell my crazy story of working for them for the past 11 years. I am halfway through my first rough draft and the truth is definitely stranger than fiction. I haven't shopped it yet, bet am confident it will be picked up. Look for a book titled, "Flying the not so friendly skies", Everything you never wanted to know about the airlines and some things you do. I can't wait to get it out. They got me, now it will be their turn. I hope it sounds interesting enough... and if you only knew... Input???
  21. We had to fight and die for the right... other places may have a semblance of it, but may have repercussions for their actions. We are one of the few places that it is an inherent right... for people to spew crap if they want, without suffering great retribution. It had to be earned... from our many brave people in our past and present, that fought and died to afford everyone this right in the US. It has not been a right for most people in most countries and kingdoms throughout history. No rocket science in figuring that out, all you have to do is crack a history book.
  22. touche' ... The freedom provided by the 5th amendment.
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