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Posts posted by MyLadiesDaddy

  1. 1 hour ago, Shedagal said:

    A case before the Supreme Court claiming Congress broke the law by not allowing time for votes to be verified.  It is believed that the Brunsons won the case, but the results have not been released.

    Congress broke the law when they abdicated their DUTY to being the only ones allowed to print currency. They gave that Authority to a PRIVATE BANK known as the Federal Reserve. 

    How, and IF, we ever come back from that only God knows. 



    1 hour ago, bigwave said:

    I have read that the case might already has been decided and is waiting for just after the election and swear in.


    So important for Trump to stay healthy.

    From your lips to God's ears, my friend. 



    41 minutes ago, Longtimelurker said:

    The Brunson Brothers have had multiple cases in the recent past. Something Biblical about these brothers, they play trumpets 🎺 

    Careful, careful. You're getting dangerously close to a former belief I recently had.

    And to clarify one thing, you keep saying, "it's Biblical", in that we TOTALLY AGREE. Just not in the same way. 

    But theirs zero doubt that we are living in Biblical times. 

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  2. 6 minutes ago, bigwave said:


    I am keeping my fingers crossed on theis one

    Don't get me wrong  it would be the greatest victory for America 🇺🇸 in history. So I'll hope for a miracle with you. 


    P.S. I've been thinking about this Biden thing and realized that they'll most likely let him pardon everyone now rather than later  simply because everyone knows that Biden seriously might not make it to January. If That's the case they'll use Biden to pardon practically every single demonic possessed liberal. 

  3. 8 minutes ago, bigwave said:

    I am so super busy now but when I have more time I could get mopre info for you. Loy and his brothers are attacking....

    Sorry my friend, but we haven't been operating under the Constitution for more than 100 years and the Supreme Court knows this. Anyone bringing a case for the Constitution is wasting their time. And I seriously doubt that the Supreme Court would even take the case. America is operating under Admiralty Law. Hence the gold trim on the flag. 


    I say flag because it's NOT the American flag, it's called the Admiralty Flag. Under which you have ABSOLUTELY ZERO CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS. 

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  4. 2 hours ago, NMP2017 said:


    yep it be true! Not up to running for re-election but is still up to running the country! AND endorses Harris! 🤣




    I said last Friday that they would either kill him or make him resign by this next weekend. The only reason for him to still living is so he can pardon his entire family AND HIMSELF.  Which he could do right away  but most President’s only give pardons out on their last day in office. 


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