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    Tampa Bay

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  1. I ordered more dinar at my local 5/3 rd last week Friday. They said it could take 2 to 3 weeks to get my dinar in. I was surprised usually only takes 2-3 days. Tampa Bay area here.
  2. gmb


    Nothing like a good verbal b* * * h slap to bring it back into perspective.....thanks I needed that!
  3. لقد أصبح في عداد المألوف وكنشاط إقتصادي طبيعي ، مسألة تحويل مليارات الدولارات الى خارج العراق عن طريق بنوك القطاع الخاص تحت بند صفقات تجارية ، والقسم الأكبر لم يُعاد الى العراق بصورة إستيرادات تحتاجها السوق العراقية ، بل تحول قسم منها الى عقارات وشركات والقسم الآخر بقيَ كأرصدة نقدية في البنوك الخارجية ، وحدث هذا كلّه في ظل إنعدام الرقابة المالية الصارمة بصورة متعمَّدة قبل ستة أعوام ، وإستمرّت ليومنا هذا من دون وضع محددات وضوابط ( تشريعات ) ، تكفل منع سيل المليارات الى الخارج وتوجيهها نحو التنمية . It has become among the fashionable and as an economic activity a natural question of the transfer of billions of dollars out of Iraq by private sector banks under the trade deals, and the bulk has not returned to Iraq in imports is needed by the Iraqi market, but turning part of them to the real estate companies and the other part remained balances reviews in foreign banks, and all this happened in the absence of strict financial control deliberately six years ago, and continued to this day without setting the parameters and controls (legislation), to prevent the sale of billions of dollars abroad, and directed towards development. إنّ إستيرادات القطاع الخاص للأعوام الخمسة المنصرمة 2006 – 2010 وحسب التصريحات الرسمية بلغت 180 مليار دولار ! Imports that the private sector for the past five years 2006 - 2010, according to official statements amounted to $ 180 billion! صحيح ومن الممكن القول ، بسبب الحصار الإقتصادي القاسي ، الذي جعل الناس تبيع كل ما تملك ، من أجل الحصول على لقمة العيش ، وبعد سقوط نظام البعث التعسفي ، إندفع العراقيون بعد ارتفاع قدرتهم الشرائية ، لإقتناء ما يحتاجونه في بيوتهم ويعوِّضون ما باعوه في السنين السابقة ، لكن سؤالي هو- كم هي حصة التكنولوجيا المستورَدة من الخارج من تلك المليارات ؟ True it is possible to say, because of the economic blockade harsh, which made people sell every thing you own, in order to obtain a living, and after the fall of the Baathist regime of arbitrary, rushed the Iraqis after the rise in their purchasing power to acquire what they need in their homes and make up for what they sold in previous years, But my question is - how much is the share of imported technology from abroad of those billions? .. .. الجواب صفر ، لاشيء من هذا القبيل ! The answer is zero, nothing like that! فلوطُبّقت سياسة إقتصادية ناجعة تحد من عمليات إغراق السوق الداخلية ، عن طريق رفع وزيادة التعريفة الگمرگية وإعادة تأهيل مصانع القطاع العام والقطاع الزراعي من خلال التخصيصات المالية الكافية ، لأصبح بالإمكان تخصيص الجزء الأكبر من المبالغ المتسربة الى الخارج نحو سَد العجز الحاصل في الموازنات السنوية ، وهو ( المرض المزمن ) الذي لم تعد الحكومة قادرة على التخلص منه والذي سيكون بمقدار 25 مليار دولارفي موازنة 2011 ، لكن نجد تخصيصات وزارة الصناعة للعام 2010 هي 72 مليون دولار ، وهذا المبلغ يكفي لتأهيل عُشر المصانع العائدة لوزارة الصناعة ، لذا فأن هذا التعثر في تطوير قطاعي الصناعة والزراعة ، لم يكن عفوياً أو نابع عن عدم خبرة ، وإنما يمثل سياسة متعمّدة من قبل بعض أحزاب السلطة لحماية طبقة التجار الطفيليين ، الذين يمثلون الواجهة لها ورعاية أموالها وتشغيلها في النشاط التجاري ، وبعض التجار المستقلون برؤوس أموالهم يدفعون الأتاوات لبعض المتنفذين في السلطة من أجل إستمرار نشاطهم التجاري التخريبي . Vleutbakt economic policy effective limit the dumping of the internal market, by raising the tariff increase Alگmrگip and rehabilitation of public sector companies and the agricultural sector through the financial allocations sufficient, for it was possible to allocate the bulk of the money leaks out to fill the shortfall in the annual budgets, which is ( chronic disease), which the government no longer able to get rid of it, which will be by 25 billion Dolarvi balance of 2011, but we find the allocations of the Ministry of Industry for the year 2010 is $ 72 million, and this amount is enough to qualify tenth factories belonging to the Ministry of Industry, therefore, the stalemate in the development of industry and agriculture, it was not spontaneous or stems from lack of experience, but a deliberate policy by some parties in power to protect the merchant class parasites, who make up the interface and sponsorship funds and operated in a commercial activity, and some traders are independent heads of their money paying royalties to some influential people in power in order to continue sabotage their business. إنّ آخِر الإتفاقيات التجارية المبرمة ، كانت مع الجانب التركي والتي تنص على رفع التبادل التجاري بين البلدين الى 18 مليار دولار ، لكن ماذا سيصدر العراق الى تركيا !! The last trade agreements, concluded with the Turkish side, which provides for lifting of trade exchange between the two countries to $ 18 billion, but what will be Iraq to Turkey!! ... ... لاشيء إطلاقاً ، يعني مزيداً من صفقات إغراق السوق الداخلية وتوسع وإنتعاش التجار الطفيليين . Nothing at all, means more deals flooding the domestic market and the expansion and recovery of parasites merchants. أما بصدد العملة النقدية وحذف ثلاثة أصفار من الدينار العراقي ، فقد نشرتُ بتارخ 9/8/2010 على موقعَي الحوار المتمدن وصوت العراق مقالة بعنوان [ إزالة الأصفار ورفع القدرة الشرائية للدينار العراقي ] وبينت رأيي في حينه ، لكن الذي أريد توضيحه إضافة الى حذف الأصفار الثلاثة هو التالي:- In connection with the currency and deleting three zeros from Iraqi dinar, has been published and DVDs 8.9.2010 on my site civilized dialogue and the voice of Iraq, an article entitled [Remove zeros and raise the purchasing power of the Iraqi dinar] have shown my opinion at the time, but I want to clarify in addition to the deletion of three zeros is the following: - أولاً- يجب الغاء القيمة الإسمية الحالية للدينار العراقي ( 1500 دينار = 1$ ) التي وضعها الحاكم المدني بريمر، وإعادة القيمة الإسمية السابقة (1دينار= 3,1 $ ) ، سيما ونحن نعلم أن الإحتياطي النقدي الإستراتيجي المباشر للعملة العراقية قد بلغ 50 مليار دولار ، عدا الإحتياطي غير المباشر الذي وضحته في مقالتي الآنفة الذكر . First - you must cancel the nominal current of the Iraqi dinar (1500 dinars = $ 1) developed by L. Paul Bremer III, and re-Face value: the former (1 dinar = 3.1 U.S. dollars), especially as we know that the cash reserves of strategic direct Iraqi currency had reached $ 50 billion , except the reserve is the direct and Danh in my article mentioned above. ثانياً – يجب الآّ يتعدى عدد أنواع البنكنوت الورقية للدينار السبعة أوراق ، وهي من فئآت ( ربع دينار ، نصف دينار، دينار ، خمسة دنانير ، عشرة دنانير ، خمسة وعشرون دينار- وهذه الأخيرة يقتصر تداولها بين البنوك فقط - ) وهذه القاعدة هي السائدة في البلدان المتقدمة . II - must not exceed the number of types of notes and paper-based JD seven papers, one of the categories (quarter of a dinar, half a dinar, dinars, five dinars, ten dinars, twenty-five dinars - the latter only be traded between banks only) - This rule is prevailing in the countries developed. إنّ زيادة انواع البكنوت يؤدي بالنتيجة الى ترهل تلك العملة وفقدانها لندرتها وإصابتها بالتضخم . The increase in types of Baknot lead to slouch a result of such currency and the loss of her rare and inflation. عند تحقيق الشرطين المذكورَين ، سيرتفع الطلب على الدينار العراقي في الأسواق الخارجية كعملة نادرة وبالتالي ستتعزز قوته الشرائية . When you achieve the conditions mentioned, will increase the demand for the Iraqi dinar as the currency in foreign markets are rare and therefore its purchasing power will be enhanced.
  4. Doc I noticed on CBI site this morning they are now posting SDR rates as well.....I never noticed it before and would appreciate your input on it. Have you seen it before??
  5. gmb

    Chat with Ali

    Really great information thanks for the post!
  6. Just hoping Maliki has had a lot of time in advance to think about his cabinet....past posts indicate this will be done in record time...but is probably not easy. Has anything been easy in Iraq?
  7. gmb

    CNBC Live

    Thanks for the post! I will tune in for sure.
  8. Who owns the Federal Reserve? The Federal Reserve System is not "owned" by anyone and is not a private, profit-making institution. Instead, it is an independent entity within the government, having both public purposes and private aspects. As the nation's central bank, the Federal Reserve derives its authority from the U.S. Congress. It is considered an independent central bank because its decisions do not have to be ratified by the President or anyone else in the executive or legislative branch of government, it does not receive funding appropriated by Congress, and the terms of the members of the Board of Governors span multiple presidential and congressional terms. However, the Federal Reserve is subject to oversight by Congress, which periodically reviews its activities and can alter its responsibilities by statute. Also, the Federal Reserve must work within the framework of the overall objectives of economic and financial policy established by the government. Therefore, the Federal Reserve can be more accurately described as "independent within the government." The twelve regional Federal Reserve Banks, which were established by Congress as the operating arms of the nation's central banking system, are organized much like private corporations--possibly leading to some confusion about "ownership." For example, the Reserve Banks issue shares of stock to member banks. However, owning Reserve Bank stock is quite different from owning stock in a private company. The Reserve Banks are not operated for profit, and ownership of a certain amount of stock is, by law, a condition of membership in the System. The stock may not be sold, traded, or pledged as security for a loan; dividends are, by law, 6 percent per year. Not putting your post down at all i totally agree with the train of thought until you responded about the Fed. I heard there was an issue on this on the site and I figured well...I visit the CBI site every day check the rate and not for one second did I even check out our site. It is pretty interesting read with so much information it can boggle the mind. Let the bashing begin!
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