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new york kevin

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Posts posted by new york kevin

  1. Hello Sir Adam and knights of his dinar table. LOL.

    This medevil thing has started just outta my trying to be polite as my parents tought me. Oh well, ha ha.

    The questions I have are: Regarding EO# 13303 which allows us to be involved with this investment and others in Iraq soon to be expiring this month; when must our imperial leader,Mr Obama, sign its extension? If he does not would we be ok or not, particularily if we only hold dinar at this time? Whats up with the Security MInistry positions, filled or not? Does al-Maliki have to request the Revaluation report from the CBI before IQD can revalue?

    Thats all for now folks.


    New York Kevin

    • Upvote 2
  2. Mega dittos. WOW. Finally, something interesting and verifiable. What is also great is that democracy is in fact being tested, approved, and used in a reliable way here ( there in Iraq). Encouraging on so many fronts in light of the news that big wigs and guru's are "separating themselves" from things dinar related. More examples like this would be nice. Keep the faith, give the dinar thing over to God, the Lord Jesus Christ, and then take joy in what happens after the storm dies down. Go RVVVVVV.

  3. The idea of florida and possibly panama sounds real nice to me. get me a nice beach location with a satleite t.v. system. personally i ain't going anywhere near somolia unless i can buy some lars rockets and a AK with plenty of ammo first. You know say if I should want to go out fishing one day or swimming.

  4. Keep the faith. Don't let circumstances get you down. Remember faith is believing in that which is unseen. To TFK, brother, being a believer, a Christian, you gotta realize one thing, a tight believer, one that gets blessings from God, is the one that takes God with them where ever they go, unashamidly. God is all up in this thing. What about the crooks and such also getting rich or richer on this when it hits you msy ask? Remember what the bible says about allowing His rain to fall on the just and the unjust alike. Now remember the story about the seed sower. Then remember the one about the three servents who were each given coins from their master, and what happened there. As my brother (or sister) in the Lord I encourage you be hot, yes on fire for God, cuz in God's mind luke warm is not a good thing. Be encouraged ALL.

  5. Folks, we can make it a discrete cruise. In the carribean not the India ocean, so screw any pirates. We could stop by Belieze maybe. The risk of "the powers that be" wanting us dead cuz we be rich now, would be a consideration anywhere one or more of us would meet so of course we would have to have our own security ....... OH CRAP SOMEONE JUST BROKE IN MY HOME ...... sorry it was just my pitbull farting. LOL.

    Anyway, we could rent some Black Water folks or whatever their name is now. When it hits we all will need to be more security minded. Perhaps buy a new home not just because we can, but for security reasons. Buy the ultimate in home alarms. Get personal firearms training. Etc. For those worried about the CIA, NSA, and tthe Podunk Po Po Dept coming at us ... don't you think/believe that we already are up on their radar anyway? Just because we typed the word Iraq in a email, talk about tax havens the IRS won't find? Shoot all our addresses and IP addresses are probably in a file somewhere. Sir Adam is likely on a watch list or something.

    We aren't doing anything illegal, we are responding to what our own President, G.W. that is, told us to do. If we stick together for self preservation purposes, and the old guard powers that be don't want us in the club, then we stepup for our right to exhist. We start our own club. Claim our territory, least they fall. The worst thing anyone can do when faced by a goon is to hide and do nothing while someone kicks you down and pisses on you. Peace and a enjoyable life is not free or without sacrifices. Lessons learned from our Presidents and citizens in uniforms. CaptanRon601 I got your back; I will stand and fight with you. Cruse or not.

    If we do this, the powers that be may just be forced to let us into the club to play as they play. Someone will always hate the change we may bring but ignore them.They aren't any better than us, how can they be if we both have arrived at the same place. Their just jealious. Why? Only because we worked and earned our right to be, they merely inherited theirs. They work too, to keep theirs, we work harder to get ours , keep ours, and get more. They be scared.

  6. Well if you think about it, its a good way to minimize Iraqi's from being alienated by Iraqi's. It could be a sign of increased trust of the GOI, Something the people and GOI both need. More trust between the GOI and the people of Iraq, less trust/need for those who would destroy them from within. Maliki has been reaching out to other factions that were against the new GOI, why not them. In our own country, thats what the north did to the south after our civil war ended.

    Gotta see the body though. Proof, to further dis-credit their propaganda machine.

  7. Brothers and Sisters:

    When it comes to cashing in and saving money read Adam M free download Cash In Guide. There Adam has stated that he has made many contacts and had many negotiations with others and wants to share this info. Specifically, he has promises from Ali of Dinar trader fame, see page 5 of this download, to cash in dinar for us for $150.00 per million dinar. Quite a savings since banks are rumored to be considering a charge of 1 - 3% per million dinar. At a rv/ri of $1.00 this would be a charge of $10k to $30K per million for the privilage. As far as taxes is concerned there is great info regarding tax plannig, Nevada corporations, Tax Attorneys, CFP - Certified Financial Planners, CPA's and more in the VIP. All with the intention of legally saving money on taxes. As well as setting up Estate planning and post rv/ri investment opportunities. There is a nominal charge for joining the VIP but I feel it is well worth it. It expalins complex matters to those that presently don't have that info. Including referals to tax law firms that Sir Adam has negotiated with where we in the VIP essentially will get a group rate. You may only have to decide whether you can take advantage of VIP's legal possibilities before or after the rv/ri. Personally I must wait to move after the rv/ri cuz I have no extra cash right now. I plan to charge all the costs after the rv/ri, Tax Attorney's, CPA's, CFP (Certified Financial Planners), et al. Then once is all set up, then I will cash in my dinar, tithe by giving the appropriate amount to my church in dinar and let them cash it in and minimise the tax costs via their 503.1 status (or is it 501), pay off the charge card, the house and seek proper investment advice.


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  8. LOL, LOL, LOL.

    Now The Jonald might say that this was something new york kevin would say based on Jarolds reply to what NY replied to a request for "Tax Attorney" info.

    For the record I always mean only good. I also enjoy humor. Some do call me Mr Sarcastic. This one is funny I don't care who you are.

    New York Kevin

  9. I don't know if a poll can be setup on this topic, but how about a post rv/ri cruise Dinar Vets? If done we could cruise the carribean waters, have fun, eat good food, learn how to scuba dve; and if we choose we could attend any number of presentaions on post rv/ri investments in the theater up by the bow. About 4 weeks after the ultimate ping, This would allow those of us who must wait for the rv/ri to hit before we can set up our legal asset protection plans, to do so and then place us in a position to participate or not in said opportunities. Remember to vote.

  10. I don't know if a poll can be setup on this topic, but how about a post rv/ri cruise Dinar Vets? If done we could cruise the carribean waters, have fun, eat good food, learn how to scuba dve; and if we choose we could attend any number of presentaions on post rv/ri investments in the theater up by the bow. About 4 weeks after the ultimate ping, This would allow those of us who must wait for the rv/ri to hit before we can set up our legal asset protection plans, to do so and then place us in a position to participate or not in said opportunities.

    • Upvote 3
  11. No problem. Don't worry abut not forwarding this email. If you do get constipated and fear it will last for 3 months as penality for not forwarding this email take a cocktail of 1 dose of miralax, with a double dose of milk of magnesia and a double dose of benefiber at the same time with water. Then chase this down with a large glass of prune juice. That oughta unclogg anyone that is still alive. Of course if this doesn't kill you via dehydration you can always have the impaction digitally removed. Ewwww sick.


  12. To The Jonald:

    Regardng your arguably basher type response to the above, you are technically correct perhaps, Sir Adam does not have a special relationship for VIP's or others with Ali or Ali's Cash In locations. Quote from Adam's Cash In Guide "Let it be known that I (Adam) do not endorse or guarantee or represent any Dinar Dealer in any way." [pg 5 of my download] . I miss quoted Sir Adam's Cash In Guide v1.3 © that I down loaded a while back for free. But Ali has made "promises" [pg 6 of my download] to Sir Adam that Adam says may help us if he doesn't change his policies, to maximie our revalued IQD investments by reducing our cash in fee's. " I (Adam) have arranged many things for the VIP members ... one of the smallest details, in my opinion, is a guaranteed better cash in rate than you will get anywhere else. Thats right - a better cash in rate." [pg 11 of my download] .

    So there you go JONALD. We were both right huh? I miss quoted do to the length of time since I downloaded the Cash In Guide, and also joined the VIP group. You, well thats between God and you. Take care brother. See you on the cruise, if we ever arrange one.

    Carello, its been a really hectic week for me, a couple of 12 hour shifts et al, thats why I speak to this a few days later. Also I no longer wait on every bit and piece of dinar news so I can maintain my sanity. It came to me when I was in near exhaustion; putting a nickel in me .. is that something like dropping a dime on me? Peace, love, and happiness to all.

    Go RV/RI, Go.

  13. As a VIP member you can get in touch with a usa network of attorney's, cfp's (certified financial planners) that can coordinate in setting up trusts, revocable/irrevocabloe living trusts, no one can get your money via a law suit trusts etc; and work with the cfp to invest and grow your money so you don't just spend it to death like bankrupt loto winners. There are Nevada corps to legally minimise taxes, depending on the state income tax laws of your state (if they have any state income taxes) . The feds will get their percentage regardless of the state you live in. Checkout the internet to see if the attorney/cfp you're considering is a part of the "wealth counsel" , a stand alone association of tax attorney's and cfp's as a fyi.There are even off shore accounts, but I haven't gotten off the fence about that one. This should be in the explanation of VIP membership as I recall. You can also hookup with Ali of dinar trader fame, with Adam's blessing ( part of a Adam business relationship), to get a special cashin rate of $150.00/million dinar. Verses what I am hearing the "fee" banks will charge of 1-3% per million; thats a charge of $10k - $30k per million for the priviledge. Download Adam's "Cashin In" its a free download. Also download his "RV Intel" book if thats still available for free; or buy it. Great sources of info there. Don't cash in one dinar until you have all the legal things setup least you give the "fed's" a potential hook to work on you to "redistribute" more of the money YOU earned. Socialism stinks. Capitalism rules and hopefully will rule again. Remember pray for and seek wisdom, do not abdicate to others on matters that effect you and yours. Whoever you hire, they work for you. They should speak to you and not at you. Get the maximum amount of car, house, and property insurance after the rv/ri cuz your friends, family members, and enemies will smell the green you have and try that they will to get a piece. Insurance is a cheap first line/front line hedge of defense against sharks and bottom feeders. When blessed with much, much will be required of you. Tithe, invest, take care of the poor, widows, and orphans. Hope this helps. Lets get Adam to get that post rv/ri cruse going. GO RV.

    • Upvote 2
  14. Finaly a really good article. Not the announcement we all are waiting for, but good none the less. I rated this a 4 out of 5 stars. It gives a realistic economically based explanation of a verifiable economics 101 event that occured inside of Iraq. One more brick to the foundation of a rv/ri. Only God knows when it will go. To many private Iraqi insiders/bankers messing around in the sand box, structuring things for their own benefit.

    Then along come the USA insiders, Chinese insiders, Russian Insiders, French insiders, Kuwaiti insiders, Saudi insiders circling like sharks at a buffetline. Get out of the way and do want needs to be done so all can claim victory. God allows His rain to fall on the just and the unjust alike.

  15. Ya'll may not receive this from me as some have interperted my prior post on okie's line today as a bash. I ment it when i said i enjoyed rumors. Kinda keeps the hopes alive. Rumors, whoever their from, are like poop on a stick. They look good but don't pass the sniff test, if you know what i am saying. I will listen to God, the one true God, the Lord Jesus Christ (thats why I got into this dinar thing anyway), and I will also wait for Adams text and email. Then I will confirm by checking the Forex and CBI websites. Then I will know it has come to pass. Untill then all is pure entertainment, after you study the financial planning info in the VIP section; that stuff is for real.

    Thank you, thank you very much. Ahh huh.

  16. Hey. That sounds great. Really great. Opinionated but great. A nice twist on the same old same old. Didn't Mister Oilman say at one point in the recent past that he wasn't going to post any more? Didn't like the bashers; hated always being wrong. Yet here he is. When dinar does hit I will apologise to him and beg him toallow me to buy him a steak; but .... Ya'll got it wrong anyway. I got the number one source, as yet unmentioned source, of whom I asked when the dinar will post. He gave me an answer that no one on earth can rebuke. I was told, after much research and investigation, from both known and secreative sources, that our in for all in investment and speculation will rv/ri in June of this year guaranteed. without a doubt. Why? How do you know? His answer was ... cuz thats when your subscription to VIP runs out and you know you may not be able to affrord to renew it at that time. This is true and amazing spock like logic . Almost as good as all the high faluting fiction writers who have predicted everythin dinar related including the second coming only to miss the mark yet again. It will revalue/ri when it does. But hey I enjoy reading rumors like Mr Oilman's. It gives a minute bit of hope in a otherwise frustrating field.

    I will be very happy when it happens cuz then I will be able to bless others out of the overflow.


    New York Kevin

    • Upvote 2
  17. Wow this is fantastic news. While I have not read all the comments so far: the visa cards indeed will be a boom to the local iraqi economy giving people instant access to their revalued dinar, all the while starting the removal of the over abundance of IQD paper from the local economy. Further directing the country into a modern national and international banking system; like from the start. Something that must be done. Something that will only shore up the realistic value of the revalued dinar. Also starting the worldwide flow of cash into the Iraqi economy, from the outside. These steps will lead to the next step, by acting as the catalyst to pull the excess of IQD paper off of the world monetary market further reducing to much paper chasing a finite amount of value; gold, oil, etc. Allowing those of us who are choosing NOT to run down to the local commercial bank, or Ali's nearest cashing in center asap, to possibly gain a few more bones for our dinar when we cash our lot in. My father in-law might not care, but I do. Besides I will have to run around to the VIP suggested Estate Planning Attorney, Tax Attorney, Financial Planner, and CPA to set up everything so I can keep and maintain my money. Then its retirement and the mission field for me.

    Kowabunga dudes and dudettes. As always understated, and always infered, thank you Adam M. How is that post R.V. cruise idea going?

    Peace, love, happiness.

    new york kevin

    • Upvote 1
  18. Hey there fellow dinar folks. As it relates to God, the triune God, Christianity, The Lord Jesus Christ, remember your church history, remember the character of the God we serve. He the Father comes to give life, and life is in His Son. He who has the Son, has life, he who does not have the Son does not have life. 1 John 5:11-12 . For the bread of life is He who comes down from heaven and gives life to the world

    John 6: 33.

    It is the devil who comes to kill, steal, and destroy. God comes to give life, everlasting life, and to give it abundantly. I myself got into this investment as the father of my son's friend, with whom we went to church with, told me about it. I researched it on the net. Gathered my info, presented it to my co-president, my wife, and we prayed about it. As I believe a couple should when it comes to large priced ticket items. She said God said she should listen to what I had said about the dinar. I told her I had a peace about it. Very similar to when I chose to buy Chrysler stock back during the Carter administration when they almost went bankrupt then. I made some bucks on that investment. It came to help us out later, very much so. This coupled with all the info I found we bought in . We bought in with the vision that it very well may take 15 years max (prayerfully). Of course we also prayed that it wouldn't take 15 years. We are now about half way there. What info I do know about any investment is to only invest what you are willing to loose. Especially investments that all professionals are saying NO to.

    Now my flesh is impatient because I am having a tuff time with financial matters. We are making it but have never have any extras for the kids, repairs on the house, emergencies, etc. There was the death via murder of my sister a few years prior. But I know enough not to blame God for these and similar things. Yes, I still have my peace with this investment. Yes I want it to rv now. This will be a blessing when it rv's. Just remember one thing we are on an appointment with God on this. God doesn't arrive late for appointments no matter how late or impatient we think it may be, God ALWAYS arrives on time. When He delivers on this investment we will all love Him more, and have a deeper understanding of our relationship with Him. And we will understand that much more about His voice and how he speaks to us.

    Peace, Love and Happiness

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