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  1. When Ali was here on the conference call discussing the new changes based on US Treasury’s encouragement – many thought Ali said it will not happen for a while… April 7, 2011 2:20 is the day the WTO may let Iraq join. Training of Iraq ends on that day. WTO will induct Iraq on April 7th – they are there training Iraq to join them now. World Trade – what do they have to trade? = Oil. We are investors in the IQD for the dividend of the RI-RV representing the GOI who had a trade-able product called oil – right now their currency is worthless so can they join the WTO that have worthless currency? Other worthless currency countries are in the WTO but the WTO is not there training them to be a part – but they are training Iraq…The significance of the WTO going there is big – They CAN join the WTO with the 1170 value of the Dinar – Iraq meets the conditions of the WTO in today’s article but they not a member yet…. The pattern that is so different – they are qualified but the WTO is training – they are looking for Iraq to be perfect… Reuters has rate is what we heard this weekend – that was a rumor– Reuters is just another step – they are hooked up with the CBI so the Iraq stock exchange can be updated. Now this rumor last week said that Reuters had the rate but they DO NOT have the authorization to have the rate at this time. The GOI doesn’t even have the rate or we would have found out. They need it to happen that’s why Maliki told Shabibi to do this in February get this RV done. Oil today is $ 108 and Iran has said they may drop their 3 zeros – now that would be a classic LOP. WTO needs banking system to be in place and then we shall need the GOI to be seated… Guest speaker – Eagle – will speak of banking industry which is the backbone of the planet Eagle states that he wanted to check out the rumor of the UST sending notice to banks of the coming RV down the pike – I went to local BOA and Chase they know I have dinars – the manager of BOA stated that they were NOT supposed to confirm or deny they received this letter from the UST….and then I asked the teller if they would accept it for trade and deposit it n my account- and the teller said they were not ready to accept but will be when they get notification to then they can deposit the equivalent USD in his account….Then I re-spoke with the manager and asked that Chase has received the UST notification of the revaluation of the dinar and she turned pale and she said I am sorry I can’t confirm nor deny it – and not in a position to confirm or deny and right now I can’t accept your dinar until we receive official notification. A teller of that same branch of Chase told me that he could put his dinar there to hold it in a safety deposit box… Chase is a world prime bank. Frank asks do you feel the Iraq banks area ready to communicate with the rest of the world- Eagle says YES Frank asks can they delay the process of the RI=RV based on the banking systems not being ready? Eagle says no they can’t. Franks asks do you believe Maliki pointed at Shabibi in Feb and said you have the green light to raise the value of the currency to improve the economic structure of our country? Eagle says yes I do. Frank says by the banks saying “we can’t talk about that info on Dinar” means they are ready. Eagle said he heard rates of $ 3.86 all the way up to $ 6.19. Frank says he knows it will be an RI of at least $ 3.22. WCinThai – lost faith in Shabibi as he head Delta say that Shabibi announced that the CBI that our program schedule will be coming out this week…Shabibi said our NEXT scheduled program would introduce the lower denoms – but NOT released next week at all… Shabibi is still EF Hutton – our UST is still there as well as Hillarious’s assistants are still there… Dec 15th the UNSC – Iraq was release of the monetary grip of Chapter 7 on that dat3 Iraq was given the permission to raise their currency’s value – Eagle says that their currency to be so low is insanity. What they have right now is more that 100% to back up their dinar at $ 3+ – the potential is there – The WTO is good example – WTO is the key to release this currency. Preparation is taking place by the WTO with Iraq. Therefore on Dec 15h improve the monetary policy to improve it – then Shabibi disappears from Iraq TV and telling everyone we are about to add value to the currency – then March Shabibi was told by Maliki to release him to increase the Dinar – then Shabibi disappeared and they are behind closed doors…are they still improving their systems? We are not sure but id doesn’t take a Genius – UST – CBI = Shabibi aids of Hillarious are doing what Mailiki Ordered Shabibi to do – on March 3rd the new LOI was prepared and then released to IFM on the 18th of March – they have had 30 days to study this – LOI – Letter of Intent to the IMF asked to do something with the currency like increase it or destroy or print it? There are no dinars anywhere on the streets right now at all. On the 18th of April will be the 30 days for the IMF to answer the LOI in the request by Iraq to do SOMETHING to their currency – so we may have to wait but – we need a GOI. Frank says he will not change his stance on that ….– the Kuwait relationship with Iraq is 100% done – the lower denoms we focus on that – they need to be released and that will prove an RI-RV has taken place – 3:00am update on the CBI website showed movement- somebody in Texas that owns the website was making changes – CBI is independent and the GOI must take the rate and activate it – the Arthur’s will not give any blessing to Shabibi to release the rate till we have a GOI. They are holding on to the last faucet of the Chapter 7 to be completed. The IMF and UNSC wants assurance of a Government of Iraq- GOI – then they will move along fast…. But nothing will happen till we see the GOI. Those rumors of appointments of folks cashing out on Tuesday are rumors – they need a GOI – but if this does happen I will eat crow and feathers and all – but again they need a GOI. Shabibi must obey the Arthur’s first – There is a possibility that “O” is going to in May around the 20th – 21st or 22nd to stop the selling of Iraq Dinars – we don’t know that yet.. The WTO will be done training Iraq on the 7th of April… Do they need recognized currency at a higher rate? Its not that big with WTO as other countries are poor currency rates now – but they need to get ready. Do we need the HCL in order for WTO to accept Iraq? T = trade – O = organization. The HCL would be impressive to the WTO to trade their oil – pay attention from may 1st to end of Jun\e USA does not have a budget and have asked for 2 extensions and they will not ask for a 3rd but they are crawling 3 months at a time… GOI needs 3 ministers to be completed almost a year ago. so they say –we can play that game – we need to settle issue of 40 billion dollars and that does not allow our Gov to stand tall and proud – on the 12th parliament will deal with them on the 12th when they return – 8 days On the 12th of April parliament will be dealing with some of these cabinet members – today parliament announced they will go away for a week…These news items come from my team that’s why you do not hear this from other places - See why I do not get excited about the news in Switzerland that a bank paid someone for their Dinar…they are rumors – there is NO GOI working – oh they are working but the WORLD does not see it working… So between April 4th and April 12th there will be nothing happening – we need a completed seated GOI and Allawi and Maliki are arguing on Iraqi TV a lot – and the backgrounds are being checked on two of the candidates. Iraq is taking advantage of the contract holders and are using the excuse to not pay then “cause we do not have a GOI” yet but they keep promising but yet these countries have done their jobs in the last 2-3 years and Iraq is ugly in the business world and the delays of ministers is hurting the contractor – Chapter 7 that says they are free to do what they want to do with currency to Maliki and Shabibi working with UST and are sending out these memos to all banks across the world to prepare them – currency wise Iraq is free – they got the GREEN light especially when the LOI comes back – Shabibi posted 2 weeks ago an article in 2005 that they would improve the currency condition – he reminded them Reuters is good but its not the answer we are looking for – they would NOT have the rate and not even the CBI has it to announce yet. Reuters is well linked up with the CBI now but even they are waiting for the GOI to sit down before they share any information with anyone. Today article from WTO said that Iraq has fulfilled all obligations and can now join – they did not say they have joined yet – and they said that 80-90% of things have been done but not 100% to join the WTO even in the midst of this training… will they let them join on the 7th? Maliki knew very well he was giving freedom – parliament is going on vacation and nothing will happen till they come back – they are now working so fast to get it done. Frank states that they currency is no longer under control of Chapter 7 – The UNSC on Dec 15 gave them permission to do whatever with their currency …24 hours after, on Dec 16th, Maliki turns to Shabibi and says we got the Green light – on the 28th he said “get it done”… The rate of 1170 is a programmed rate – and LOI does not request a program rate – can Iraq join the WTO at 1170 – IMO no because IMF says you can’t manipulate the system. The UNSC on Dec 15th was based on Iraq reform their banking systems and enhanced the IQD rate from the program rate of 1170 and then they were to retrieve the 3 zeros – Frank says they have done all this…. The HCL – let’s see if we can find out anything about that – the Oil that belongs to the citizens, we believe that the WTO wants to make sure that when they trade their oil that the HCL is done – we are not sure if this is a requirement but we desperately have looked but maybe this HCL is the hold up?? But we shall learn a lot on the 7th to see what has been done. Pray for Angelquest/Darline for her healing. Delta will be on the call Thursday. Frank will have a special announcement on Thursday’s call… Warka Bank closing clarification – The Warka Bank closing is the branch on the US Embassy Grounds – its going to close if not already- The Branch staying open in the green zone is branch #
  2. 10:41 AM [Nighthk11] First on the RV- we have had a stream of info that indicates we are looking at the RV- systems have been emplaced to support this move to a global status- 10:42 AM [Nighthk11] this move by the world’s powers to put Iraq in such a position is not without the second part which is political support by way of agreements made and signed by the GOI 10:43 AM [Nighthk11] In other words- the HCL specifically would insure that contracts wre made and people are paid- also that oil is metered and regulated- this is the Kurds portion 10:45 AM [Nighthk11] The ministries are the responsibility of the parliament and GOI- I am of the following opinion- the names for the ministries were done and submitted long ago- the bloc’s would not process Maliki’s name for Min Of Defense because he continued to submit his cronies- Of them all- this ministry is the most important 10:46 AM [Nighthk11] what I believe they have done is prepare the main event which is the RV- emplace all systems for a go- now this will force Maliki to act within the mindset of the parliament and activate the Erbil agreement in which he has been waffling on 10:47 AM [Nighthk11] By Mahdi leaving his post and taking the opposition along aside Allawi- takes most of the power from Maliki- who is now on the runway directly in the spotlight 10:47 AM [Nighthk11] added pressure comes from the fact that the IMF-WB-and WTO only deals with Governments – that are established 10:48 AM [Nighthk11] Being so close to being accepted forces Maliki to address the full government before that date 10:49 AM [Nighthk11] All these institutions and what they can bring is paramount to Iraq’s survival- therefore it is imperative for them to have a complete government in place to reap the benefits 10:50 AM [Nighthk11] Moon’s letter to Maliki insisting that he author a letter to the Kuwaiti Emir cementing the border demarcation lines is in accordance with the agreement made between Maliki and the Emir- But Moon wants it in writing before a full release will be made for Chapter 7 10:52 AM [Nighthk11] Everything here that I can see being done is to spotlight what Iraq’s real problem is- that is Maliki- he either will relent and get on board- or they are setting him up for removal- because the RV at this point will not be stopped 10:53 AM [lgtennis] night if i may also the looming protests on Saturday as well is going to be key 10:53 AM [Nighthk11] now I read that he finally signed off on the Erbil agreement which includes the HCL and also the Strategic Agreement with Barzani and Allawi this was the foundation for the new government – there will be no welching allowed on this because without it- there is no government 10:55 AM [Nighthk11] there appears to still be the issue of the minister of Defense to deal with- either Maliki is holding out for last minute concessions or they will approve this position before the inaugural 10:55 AM [Nighthk11] but the pressure is tremendous of the man- because everything is ready and he has no more excuses 10:58 AM [Nighthk11] The release of the ration cards with the 15,000 dinar loaded on them is supposed to become active today – if so then they have activated the budget – the RV is also tied into this – so everything is ready- what excuse does Maliki have now? NONE – he will be seen for what he is the obstacle to progress – he will relent or be removed – Moon does not play games 10:58 AM [lgtennis] and the people will not tolerate it any longer they need to get paid!!! Exactly!! 10:59 AM [Nighthk11] IMO will his procrastination stop anything- NO- they will proceed without him- that should be very clear to him by now- if not it will be made vividly clear 11:00 AM [Nighthk11] It should also be very clear to all that this amount of effort and preparation will not go forward unrewarded 11:02 AM [Nighthk11] Now we have very good info pertaining to an RV happening this week – in line with events that are planned – I am betting that we will see this political mess resolved before WTO- If not, then they will be inducted and pressure will be placed upon them to either get rid of Maliki or have parliament to emplace the final minister so movement can be made 11:02 AM [Nighthk11] whatever they decide – the RV will go on as planned 11:05 AM [Nighthk11] They still have three days to get their political house in order- Maliki has no more excuses- I am not counting him out just yet- but his time is very limited and with the latest moves by Mahdi and Allawi – his effect is limited – where can he go? What can he do now? The man is a survivor – but even they have their day – I believe this is too big even for him to stop 11:07 AM [raviconn] isn’t there another big protest scheduled for the 8th? 11:07 AM [Nighthk11] so all we can do is continue to try to put the news coming out into some kind of picture where we have an idea of what will transpire. For myself, I just cannot see all this being done and all this preparation to be lost on one position or one man who has another agenda 11:08 AM [Nighthk11] the protest will not stop – they will become more intense because the word given has not been carried out – they will continue until it is done 11:10 AM [Nighthk11] Now the US government is due to shut down on 9 Apr- Geithner stated that by May of this year- we will have reached our debt ceiling- meaning that the GDP of the USA will match it’s legal debt- no money 11:11 AM [Divak] Night what is your time frame now that you are thinking? That is scary!! 11:13 AM [Nighthk11] My timeframe on RV remains the same – I can see no reason to change it – too much has been done – I really believe they are setting Maliki up for dismissal or “No Confidence Vote” this is what Allawi has said – they will not give him a day past the 100 days he bragged about 11:14 AM [dmitch] and when is his 100 days over – if I may ask? 11:14 AM [Nighthk11] If the WTO deals with governments – then they better have a full government in place – also they will not be released from final Chapter 7 sanctions until they have the full government seated – something they most dearly want 11:15 AM [Nighthk11] Lady “D”- I believe it is in June – just before the end of month 11:17 AM [Nighthk11] At this time- I can see nothing but absolute tremendous pressure on Maliki – nothing more – he will not win this fight with Mahdi and Allawi – add to that Heshemi and Hakim along with other powerful politicians (Kurds) 11:17 AM [idahoshorty] Night do you think they will give him that much time – till the end of June 11:17 AM [Nawna] this is what confuses me for the gov to be in place or Chapter 7 to be done how can it be before the 7/8 of this month 11:18 AM [Nighthk11] they waited until everything was ready for the RV – then issued him an ultimatum 11:18 AM [Nighthk11] no Shorty- they will not – the Iraqi people nor the world has the luxury of waiting on Maliki any longer 11:19 AM [Nawna] so it is do or die for him then 11:20 AM [Nawna] either do this or you are gone 11:20 AM [Nighthk11] Nawna – everything is done already- Chapter 7 will require Maliki to do as Moon instructed him to do – sign the letter on border demarcation – the payment is already set for the Kuwaiti’s – on the issue of full government – this simply means voting the Minister of Defense, once presented 11:22 AM [Nighthk11] yes – that is my belief – by Mahdi leaving and joining the opposition – support for Maliki is dwindled – by the Kurds striking now – they got what they wanted – Article 140 signed – oil bills being paid for and revenue sharing 11:22 AM [Nighthk11] their threat to withdraw would have collapsed Maliki’s government 11:23 AM [Nawna] got it thank you for explaining that makes since 11:23 AM [Nighthk11] we are talking about one position Minister of Defense – with all that has been done – they most certainly are not going to let that stop world prosperity 11:24 AM [Nighthk11] especially when they know what the problem is and that problem’s excuse for not filling that post is as ridiculous as he is 11:26 AM [Nighthk11] so when I look at Chloe’s post – Okie’s info, among others – it becomes clear that the powers proceeded to get Iraq in position – Maliki is still playing games – and the Iraqi politicians are playing chess with him – they will win this because their goals appear to be in line with the world – get it done already – add to this the populace being promised and who have great expectations of a better life 11:28 AM [Nighthk11] either this is misdirection or true – to me it does not matter – Maliki like us is just a small spoke in the wheel – I am looking for conclusion and RV- 11:28 AM [Cool] so Night do I understand this correctly, they could sign the papers for the borders with Kuwait and vote the Minister of Defense, UN could then place them into Article 8, then they could RV and then be accepted into the WTO, all of this could be done really in one day correct? 11:30 AM [Nighthk11] it is being done now Cool – the transition to Article 8 was begun a week ago when they completed most of the financial arrangements – Moon then notified Maliki about the letter of border demarcation – the security ministers names were submitted- 11:31 AM [Nighthk11] so if you look – all this was being done simultaneously – to reach a point in time when all could be announced – I remain at the point that it will – or what is left to do is of a minor issue 11:32 AM [littlered] will parliament being on break until the 12th hold up the vote on security ministers? 11:32 AM [Nighthk11] By having so much done and ready to commit to world stage- this now highlights Maliki and the GOI to be finished with the gov’t by the time these things were to occur- there is no more time 11:32 AM [Cool] thank you I agree – I believe it will all be announced at one time 11:33 AM [Nighthk11] they are NOT on break – work is still ongoing – just not public 11:33 AM [Nighthk11] if my guess is correct – we may hear that all is settled within the GOI within the next two days 11:34 AM [rayder] wish the guru’s would focus on the announcement of the Ministries and not the RV – they are putting the carriage before the horse 11:34 AM [Nighthk11] that is why I keep saying – when they put the money out – CASH IN and move on – I think all have had their fill of Iraq’s drama 11:35 AM [Nighthk11] this is a “Timed Event” most should be able to see that now 11:35 AM [lgtennis] yes that is very true…it’s all about the “timing” 11:35 AM [rayder] but who set the clock?? 11:37 AM [Nighthk11] TONY BLAIR and those who put him in place – Bilderburg Group- Trilateral Commission – enlightened ones who run this planet Rayder 11:37 AM [Nighthk11] they have released what they were told and what they want us to know 11:39 AM [Nighthk11] when they sent teams into Iraq and basically redid the grid for their IT systems – it is because they needed up-to-date systems of financial equipment capable of administering on a global scale – their computer systems are much like the oil systems 40 years or so 11:40 AM [Nighthk11] this amount of time and effort was not done to let one man or a bunch of arguing fools waste it 11:41 AM [Cool] no way will they let this fail, it will happen not just for Iraq, but for the whole world – this plan will be completed 11:41 AM [Nighthk11] now that they are ready to go – it puts pressure right back on the GOI to get their house in order quick – I am betting they will go right up to the last minute before announcing the last position – but it appears to be timed 11:42 AM [Divak] and that has to be like in the next 2 days or less? 11:43 AM [idahoshorty] do you think they will devalue the dollar before RV? Could that be their plan? 11:43 AM [Nighthk11] Folks – I have no problem with being wrong – but that is my opinion that they are releasing what they want us to know about the GOI because it takes away from what they are really doing as far as progress on the RV – keeps down speculation 11:44 AM [Nighthk11] No Shorty – consider that the dinar is backed by the dollar and now possibly the Euro – so it will take some time before that can happen 11:44 AM [lgtennis] key words “what they want us to know” exactly!!! 11:44 AM [idahoshorty] thank you Night 11:45 AM [lgtennis] more goes on then we know 11:45 AM [Nighthk11] they will wait for the dust to settle and if that is their plan it will be gradual 11:45 AM [lgtennis] like them taking a break from Parliament 11:45 AM [rayder] Nighthk11 speculation – that shouldn’t be a problem should it? There are only so many dinars that can be bought from my understanding – hence they don’t care?? 11:45 AM [lgtennis] i knew that was bogus again 11:45 AM [Nighthk11] Not them Rayder – the powers 11:46 AM [Nighthk11] as I understand- the dinar has dried up from CBI – what is being bought is recirculated – but it’s ok we got ours and we are ready 11:50 AM [Nighthk11] You know – the telling sign was in Dec when they were released from Chapter 7 for trade – the reason was because they were supposed to revalue – they did not – because they were NOT READY with the systems required – then they asked for US help in getting into the WTO – people were sent to Iraq to review the necessary guides for them to be included – it was discovered they were not ready – then Maliki gave his speech of 100 days – turned around and asked for help – they converged on Iraq with professionals 11:50 AM [Cool] I have believed for a long time that there was a date set for this to happen a long time ago, and that all the countries had to have things lined up and ready and that it would not happen until that time got here. We just didn’t know the time. I truly believe that now all is lining up and it is about to happen ANYTIME. 11:52 AM [Nighthk11] they rebuilt the IT systems – got parliament to instill laws of a regulatory nature for trade commerce – protection of investment – info coming out indicates they are ready – yet we still get stalling news about the GOI – it’s old folks – but what other excuse can they give – when they find something else that is required and not yet ready? 11:53 AM [Nighthk11] either the GOI or there is something else that is required that we are unaware of – but everything is now pointing to direct activation – the tone has changed from expectation to a real event 11:56 AM [Nighthk11] now all I am looking for is the dinar to be seen on the FOREX – I am sure there is some truth in the actions of the GOI and parliament and how it interacts with this RV – but I also feel that the actions in prep have reached a point where it cannot be stopped – so we will see 11:58 AM [Nighthk11] I believe that the budget of the US plays a part as well as the Kuwaiti issue and the WTO – all I can see with this mess is that we are really in the conclusion phase and waiting to get paid 11:59 AM [Nighthk11] so we wait and let it unfold- I do not see Maliki at this point having the power to stop anything associated with the RV- I see it as purely a financial matter whose significance is so great no one man or person will be able to stop it 12:01 PM [Nighthk11] this is not a matter of simply taking out the good stuff that comes with “Intel” or “Rumors” and discounting the negative – it is simply too huge an undertaking to allow for failure at this point – thanks- BBL all take care 12:01 PM [idahoshorty] thank you Night for your wisdom and sharing with us wooooohoooo thank you 12:01 PM [tea] thank you to Chloe for her earlier chat, to Nighthk11 for adding his analysis and commentary, to the members for their questions and to Unlcon and dmitch for copying and posting! Thank you all so much. Comments
  3. Frank26 Post: KTF Missions 12/19/10 (Iraq Govt. News for Sunday) December 19, 2010 By Fred Wilson Leave a Comment How about if I show an article that may assure You of a GOI for tomorrow. I promise ……………You have NOT seen it. M took from the people for 9 months BUT………….He stole from A. If A says …………..I’m sorry I would ask him why do You apologize to HIM?!!! IMO……………To start the GOI……………….Tomorrow. Happy Birthday tomorrow ……………Iraq. Please enjoy Family…….My present to You: Good morning! I recieved this straight out of Iraq an hour ago It is big as A Is congratulating all and is Ready! Copy?/Ping3 Sir NE/ Sent from xxxxxxxxGod Bless! Begin forwarded message: From: MediaOffice Date: December 19, 2010 7:57:47 AM CST To: Subject: Dr. Ayad Allawi Speech On 19 Dec 2010 Reply-To: بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم يا أبناء الشعب العراقي الكريم السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته يمر العراق الآن بمرحلة غاية في الأهمية من تأريخه الحديث، فبلدنا الحبيب ما زال يواجه ضعفاً على الأصعدة الأمنية والاقتصادية والاجتماعية والسياسية، والمؤسسات ما زالت تشتكي الوهن الشديد. لقد استغرقت العملية السياسية وقتا طويلا وشابتها أحداثٌ مؤسفة وإنحرافات قبل الانتخابات وأثنائها وبعدها، بالإضافة إلى التدخل الأجنبي السلبي الذي نعرفه جميعا. وعلى الرغم من كل هذا علينا ان نوجه الاهتمام لقضايا شعبنا الاساسية. لقد حصلت العراقية بسبب برنامجها على تأييد الملايين من شعبنا الصابر في مختلف أنحاء البلاد، وبمقاعد أكثر من أية كتلة أخرى شاركت في الانتخابات. وعلى الرغم من هذا وبعد أن تصدت لنا قوى اقليمية وكذلك المحكمة الاتحادية برأيها التعسفي ورغبة الكثير من أعضاء العراقية للمشاركة في خدمة الشعب ومن أجل سلامة شعب العراق ووحدته وتحقيق التقدم الوطني والسلم الاهلي، وهو ما كان وسيظل دائما أهم أولوياتنا، فقد اخترنا نحن في كتلة العراقية التنازل عن حقنا الدستوري والانتخابي في تشكيل الحكومة الجديدة، شرط أن يتم احترام الاتفاقيات السياسية التي تم التوصل إليها في العاشر من تشرين وفق مبادرة الأخ مسعود البارزاني الايجابية وفي مقدمة ذلك اعتماد مباديء الشراكة الوطنية الفعلية في ادارة الحكم وتحقيق المصالحة الوطنية الحقيقية وبناء الدولة، واحتراماً لآمال ملايين العراقيين الذين صوتوا لصالحنا والذين لن ننسى أبدا أصواتهم التي شرفونا بمنحنا إياها وائتمنونا عليها. نحن في كتلة العراقية سنقوم بدورنا الفعال والمنتج والمتعاون وفي إطار النوايا الحسنة وتدعيم أواصر الثقة طالما وجدنا صدى لهذه الروح من شركائنا في العملية السياسية، التزاماً بالاتفاقيات التي تم اعتمادها وسنقوم بهذا في مواقع المسؤلية كافة، والتي سيضطلع بها أعضاؤنا بما يتوافق مع حقوقنا الانتخابية، وسوف نقوم بدورنا في قيادة مجلس النواب الجديد، بيت الشعب ومعقل آمالهم، لتمرير التشريعات والاصلاحات اللازمة والرقابة المسؤولة على السلطة التنفيذية لتحسين حياة جميع العراقيين. وسنقوم بدورنا في قيادة المجلس الوطني للسياسات العليا كما تم إقراره وإقرار هيكليته وصلاحياته ليكون رائداً في دوره، وفقا لاتفاقية الشراكة الوطنية الحقيقية في قيادة السلطة السياسية. علماً ان هذا المجلس لا يهدف إلى إضعاف أو تقويض السلطات التنفيذية والتشريعية والقضائية ولكن الى تقويتها عن طريق القيام بدور ضامن لدفع البرامج والاصلاحات المتفق عليها في مجال السياسات العليا والعمل على تحقيق التوافق السياسي وكمؤسسة مهمة لممارسة الشراكة الوطنية الحقيقية. أخواتي وأخواني الاعزاء، لم ولن يكن هدف كتلة العراقية هو الحصول على مناصبٍ لأعضائها، فجميعهم من القادة الوطنيين الأكفاء، حيث سعت الكتلة دوماً إلى تحقيق المشروع الوطني في العراق وتحقيق آمال العراقيين. ومن هذا المنطلق، نود أن نهنيء الأخ جلال طالباني لانتخابه رئيسا للجمهورية والأخ أسامة النجيفي على انتخابه رئيسا لمجلس النواب والأخ نوري المالكي لاختياره من قبل السيد رئيس الجمهورية لتشكيل الحكومة الجديدة بصفته رئيسا للوزراء آملين لحكومته كل النجاح. ونود أيضا أن نشكر كل السياسيين الذين دعموا بجهد وموضوعية هذا العمل. إن العقبات التي نواجهها اليوم هي كبيرة وخطيرة، ولعل أفضل الطرق للتغلب على هذه العقبات هو العمل معا بصورة بناءة لتحقيق الأهداف المرجوة وأن نذلل الصعاب ونطوي سجل الخلاف والاختلاف بصورة سلمية ومحترمة وفي إطار الديمقراطية الحقة وبناء المستقبل المشرق واللائق. عاش العراق والرحمة لشهدائنا والعزة لشعبنا والسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته Bissmilah Arrahman Arrahim, Fellow Iraqis, Assalaamu alaikum wa rahmat ullah wa barakaatuh, Iraq is at a very important moment in its history. Our beloved country is weak economically, socially and politically; and its institutions are extremely feeble. The political process has taken a long time, and has suffered from some unfortunate events and irregularities before, during, and since the elections, as well as from negative foreign interferences which are well-known to all of you. Yet despite all this, we have to focus our attention on the main concerns of our people. Because of its program, the Iraqiyya has received the support of millions of our enduring people all across the country; winning more seats than any other list in the elections. Despite this, and after being faced with regional powers and the arbitrary ruling of the Federal Court, as a lot of the Iraqiyya members wish to serve our people, for the safety and unity of the Iraqi people, and to achieve national progress and peace, which is now and always our first priority, we as Iraqiyya have chosen to forego our constitutional and electoral right to form the next government, provided that the political agreements reached on the tenth of November as per the initiative of Mr. Masoud are respected. At the forefront of this agreement comes the adoption of the principles of true national partnership in governance, achieving national reconciliation, and building the state. This comes as a sign of respect for the aspirations of the millions of Iraqis who have voted for Iraqiyya, and who entrusted and honored us with their voices that we will never forget. As Iraqiyya, we will play our role actively, productively and cooperatively, and in a spirit of good faith and trust-building, as long as we find that this spirit is echoed and reciprocated by our partners in the political process. We will be committed to the reached agreements and we will do this through all the positions of authority to be filled by our members in line with our electoral rights. We will play our part in leading the new Council of Representatives, the house of the people and flagship of their hope, to enact the necessary legislations and reforms and exercise responsible monitoring of the Executive Authority to improve the life of all Iraqis. We will play our part in leading the National Council for Higher Policies, as is established and according to its approved structure and competence, to perform its pioneering role in accordance with an agreement for true national partnership in the leadership of the political authority. The aim of this Council is not to weaken or undermine the Executive, Legislative or Judiciary Authorities, but rather to strengthen them by playing the role of a guarantor to push the agreed upon programs and reforms in areas of higher policies; working to achieve political agreement; and as a vital institution to exercise true national partnership. Dear Brethren, The Iraqiyya List is not, and never has been, about obtaining positions for its members, all of whom are patriotic and capable. It has always sought to achieve the national unity project in Iraq and fulfilling the main hopes and aspirations of Iraqis. In this spirit we would like to congratulate Mr. Jalal Al-Talabani on being elected President of the Republic, Mr. Usama Al-Nujaifi on being elected President of the Council of Representatives, and Mr. Nouri Al-Maliki on his nomination by the President of the Republic to form the next government as Prime Minister, wishing his government all success. We would also like to thank all the political figures that objectively supported this task. The big problems we face today are huge and perilous. The best way to overcome these is to work together productively to achieve the goals upon which we can all agree, overcome the difficulties and let go of disagreements and conflicts peacefully, respectfully and in the spirit of true democracy to build a future that is prosperous and decent. Long live the Iraqi people and may Allah have mercy on the souls of our martyrs, and grant grace to our people. Assalaamu alaikum ————————————————————————————— القائمة العراقية موقع جريدة بغداد موقع أياد علاوي For the Arabic language website please visit: To visit the site of Baghdad newspaper: KTF, Frank…………… Aloha…..
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