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984 Iraqis were killed in November


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984 Iraqis were killed in November

By Mohammed al-Salehi

Azzaman, December 12, 2013


The death toll due to the extraordinary bloodshed afflicting Iraq since the start of 2013 is rising and at least 984 Iraqis were killed in November.

“Official statistics reveal that there were at least 984 martyrs who lost their life due to daily violent actions that took place last month,” a government statement said.

The statement said at least 888 of those killed in November were innocent civilians. It put the number of police officers and army personnel killed due to violence at 96.

The statement gave no figures about the number of Iraqis who were injured as a result of the upsurge in violence.

Iraq faces a deepening security crisis following relative calm in the past few years.

The country has seen a resurgence of al-Qaeda and its affiliate groups who have been mounting deadly attacks through car and suicide bombings.

The campaign started early this year but last month’s figure of dead Iraqis is the highest since September in which 880 were reported killed.

November’s casualty figure brings the number who have been killed this year to more than 6,500.


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To put things in perspective... in 2010 there were close to 15,000 homicides in the US.


Imagine if we had civil unrest.  It would be 10x that.  


Don't sweat the issues where there are millions of people and hundreds are dead per month.  Not to take the deaths lightly but to keep perspective.


Iraq can only work forward as they've been in the bottom.  Just say'n

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