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Damage To The Keto Diet On The Body

Mary B

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Damage To The Keto Diet On The Body

On October 7, 2020

The independent… The ketogenic diet, the ketogenic diet, or the keto diet is known as a diet based on a high-fat diet, moderate in protein, and low in carbohydrates.

Where this system was used in medicine in the first place to treat epilepsy cases that are difficult to control in children, because this type of diet forces the body to burn fat instead of carbohydrates, and as is known to every diet has its negative and positive aspects as well as benefits and harms to the body A person or person who follows a specific diet and the keto diet has many disadvantages, which we will discuss in part in this extensive article on the harmful effects of the keto diet on the body.

What are the disadvantages of the keto diet on the body?

Despite the popularity of the keto diet in the world in general and the Arab countries in particular in recent years, which is being promoted as the best diet that a person can follow to lose weight, and there are many positive aspects that can be accessed through the keto diet, but there are some effects The potential negative, including the harms of the ketogenic diet, are as follows:

  • The keto flu
  • Chronic diarrhea
  • Ketoacidosis
  • Reduced muscle mass
  • Increased risk of heart and kidney disease
  • Feeling tired and exhausted constantly
  • Decreased bone density
  • Insomnia and sleep disturbances

According to the American Medical Group Mayo Clinic, which is based in Rochester, Minnesota, USA, it is not recommended to follow the ketogenic diet for people who suffer from the following diseases or problems:

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4 vitamins you need fats to get their nutritional benefits

  •  Time: 2020/10/07
4 vitamins you need fats to get their nutritional benefits
{International: Al Furat News} After the outbreak of the Corona pandemic around the world, everyone has become interested in ways to enhance the body's immunity, whether through nutrition or supplementation, but vitamins have certain methods when consumed in order to ensure that the body gets the maximum benefit from them.

According to the "Times of India" newspaper, there are several vitamins that are fat-soluble, meaning that these vitamins need to take fats in order for the body to absorb their health benefits and are not stored in the liver and tissues.

Vitamin A Vitamin A
plays an important role in the cellular differentiation process, which is responsible for transmitting the image to the brain through eye cells, and stomach cells responsible for digesting food, so it is important to have fats when consuming vitamin A, and if you want to get this vitamin naturally, you should Include egg yolks, cheese and butter in your diet.

Vitamin D
Vitamin D absorbs calcium from the intestine, and calcium is of great importance to the body, as it maintains healthy bones and levels of density, and works to regulate blood pressure and get rid of muscle cramps. In light of the outbreak of the Corona pandemic, many studies have proven that taking vitamin D reduces the chances of infection with the virus. Vitamin D can be obtained naturally through eating fatty fish, milk and exposure to the beneficial sunlight.

Vitamin K:
Vitamin K, 1 K and 2 K    prevent blood clotting, and promote the health of the heart, bones and blood vessels, and it is one of the vitamins that must be taken with fats so that the body gets its full benefit, and the foods that contain this type of vitamin are: parsley, kale, spinach and soybeans And egg yolks.

Vitamin E Vitamin E
protects the human body from several diseases such as cancer, and also protects against blood clots, strokes and heart attacks, and is found naturally in vegetable oils, nuts and sunflower seeds.


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4 vitamins you need fats to get their nutritional benefits

  •  Time: 2020/10/07
4 vitamins you need fats to get their nutritional benefits
{International: Al Furat News} After the outbreak of the Corona pandemic around the world, everyone has become interested in ways to enhance the body's immunity, whether through nutrition or supplementation, but vitamins have certain methods when consumed in order to ensure that the body gets the maximum benefit from them.

According to the "Times of India" newspaper, there are several vitamins that are fat-soluble, meaning that these vitamins need to take fats in order for the body to absorb their health benefits and are not stored in the liver and tissues.

Vitamin A Vitamin A
plays an important role in the cellular differentiation process, which is responsible for transmitting the image to the brain through eye cells, and stomach cells responsible for digesting food, so it is important to have fats when consuming vitamin A, and if you want to get this vitamin naturally, you should Include egg yolks, cheese and butter in your diet.

Vitamin D
Vitamin D absorbs calcium from the intestine, and calcium is of great importance to the body, as it maintains healthy bones and levels of density, and works to regulate blood pressure and get rid of muscle cramps. In light of the outbreak of the Corona pandemic, many studies have proven that taking vitamin D reduces the chances of infection with the virus. Vitamin D can be obtained naturally through eating fatty fish, milk and exposure to the beneficial sunlight.

Vitamin K:
Vitamin K, 1 K and 2 K    prevent blood clotting, and promote the health of the heart, bones and blood vessels, and it is one of the vitamins that must be taken with fats so that the body gets its full benefit, and the foods that contain this type of vitamin are: parsley, kale, spinach and soybeans And egg yolks.

Vitamin E Vitamin E
protects the human body from several diseases such as cancer, and also protects against blood clots, strokes and heart attacks, and is found naturally in vegetable oils, nuts and sunflower seeds.


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Nutritionist: The nutritional value of frozen food is higher than fresh

12:44 - 10/07/2020

The information / Baghdad…
The British newspaper "Daily Mail" confirmed that a recent scientific report revealed that frozen and canned food may contain more nutrients than fresh foods, indicating that frozen food loses a little of its nutritional value, since it is not exposed to damage before use. .
Helen Bond, a nutritionist based in Darbyshire in England, was quoted as saying, “Although in theory, fresh foods should be higher in nutritional value, given that vitamins and minerals are complete (gradually decreasing over time), but perhaps This is not the case after transporting the product to the store and placing it in supermarket shelves for a while, and then wilting after putting it in the refrigerator for a week.
She added, "In fact, many frozen foods contain more nutrients than the fresh product because it is quickly frozen and therefore retains its nutrients."
Canned and frozen food is often seen as having lower nutritional value than fresh food, but this is not always the case.
Although the packaging process that includes sterilizing food with heat in a closed package to kill microbes, can reduce some nutrients that are destroyed by heat, other elements remain stable until the consumer opens the package.
And a study published in the journal Nutrients in 2015 found that people who consumed more than 6 canned foods per week had more than 17 essential nutrients, compared to those who ate fewer canned food per week.

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