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MP for mass citizen Abdul-Hussein Abtan: You must delete the zeros early 2013 and postponed to 2014 is incorrect

10/06/2012 - 1:00 pm A member of the Economic Committee MP Abdul Hussein Abtan, the Iraqi market needs to project the deletion of zeros from the Iraqi currency early (2013) to save the country from greater economic inflation, stressing: that the postponement of the project (2014) will hurt the country's economy.

Said Abtan told the independent press (Iba): It is necessary to move from currency zeros that increase of the mass of financial and makes them an easy way to steal and loss to currency more sophisticated, adding: that the project to delete the zeros is a message to the civilized world that Iraq's economy is improving day after day.

He added: that the project to delete the zeros will not lead to the collapse of the currency, but will make it safer from theft and less cash in mass commercialization.

He explained: that inflation is increasing continuously in Iraq because of the increased money supply for the lack of scarcity of goods and higher prices as a result of the closure of border crossings with Syria and stop the import of materials and goods to Iraq

[shredd] i just read this and commented in the forum

[bondLady] sending a message to the civillized world

[shredd] i mean, all the work the cbi has been doing on the banking side alone points me to thinking it can't be delayed

[bondLady] now if the uncivillized world would just get it too

[shredd] BondLady i have a question for you

[shredd] Zobaie reveals that Allawi will attend the national meeting effectively Agencies - MP for the coalition in Iraq Talal Hussein al-Zobaie, that the head of his list of Iyad Allawi will attend the national meeting, noting that the president is able to be pressure on the political blocs in order to show the concessions because it propped from the United States. Zobaie said in a press statement: The head of the Iraqi List, Iyad Allawi will attend effectively to the national meeting because of the advocates of solving problems in Iraq and so does not assume responsibility for the problems that will occur. He added: that President Jalal Talabani, unable to be pressure on the political parties to show concessions because it propped by the United States, expected to reach political leaders to some of the solutions because the nature of the differences is greater than the national meeting so it will communicate to partial solutions complete the the current election cycle. pointing to the existence of problems can not be solved related to the constitution he wrote in a critical stage in Iraq's history, and it serves the interests of some parties.

[shredd] what is the reference to the US?

[shredd] Allawi is attending due to US pressure

[bondLady] no

[bondLady] its basically saying

[bondLady] allawi will go and state his demands in other words throw in a wrench

[bondLady] no one can say its because he didn't show up for it

[bondLady] he will show allright

[shredd] and state his drama

[shredd] walk out

[bondLady] but his demands mostly are unconstitional

[bondLady] talibani has 8 points that can be done

[bondLady] an maliki is saying

[bondLady] if u don't want the crisis to end and you don't want to work for the solution then just don't come so the ones who do want it to end can do something positive instead of constant fighting

[shredd] noting that the president is able to be pressure on the political blocs in order to show the concessions because it propped from the United States.

[shredd] so that line

[shredd] propped from the US refers to the work we have done there

[bondLady] because we support mailikis gov

[shredd] right?

[shredd] our ally

[bondLady] yes basically

[shredd] i see

[shredd] maliki's iraq

[shredd] is his govt

[shredd] ok

[bondLady] he is also the go between iran and iraq

[shredd] yes, ok

[bondLady] because their mostly from the same basic tribe

[bondLady] different countries but still have the same tribes in the other countries

[bondLady] and not just one countries politic's in the middle east just affect just that country

[bondLady] like US, we are all us citizens

[bondLady] we make up many nationalities

[shredd] right

[bondLady] but in the middle east

[bondLady] theres many tribes

[bondLady] and they all belong to each country

[bondLady] so what effects one would effect them all in surrounding countries

[shredd] understood

[shredd] maliki's alliance is strong

[shredd] in ME

[shredd] yes?

[bondLady] yes

[shredd] you're the best!

[bondLady] he's also very popular in iraq to the people

[shredd] i love how you understand the politics!!!

[bondLady] poll showed 77% of the people support him and think he's doing the best he can

[bondLady] ty

[shredd] another question

[shredd] back to the article you copied above...

[bondLady] yes go for it

[shredd] what are your thoughts around the back and forth on the 000 plan

[bondLady] that i've already said many many times, recycled arts means they are working on it, communicating

[bondLady] i still feel the same

[DogzNova] early 2013 for the removal of the three zeros

[shredd] DogzNova yes

[shredd] i am thinkin the same

[shredd] so does bondlady

[shredd] i really think 2013 is the year for the NID

[shredd] removing the 000 for the budget

[bondLady] yes

[shredd] replacing the trashed dinar in these next two months

[bondLady] i had just said that before you came in

[bondLady] even talked about the budget aspect of it

[shredd] what i don't believe

[shredd] is when everyone is saying "they are just trying to confuse throw us off"

[shredd] when all it is

[shredd] is folks can't figure out the crazy swings in news

[shredd] even some of the "good ones" are saying this

[shredd] but so glad that you don't BondLady

[shredd] gives you credability

[bondLady] ive said many times theres no smoke and mirrors which i've grown to hate that line

[bondLady] there hasn't been any smoke in a few years just got to know how and what your reading

[shredd] and you don't say this is our month or this is our quarter or this is our year....ty so much for staying solid and not selling out to some back stage deal

[shredd] yes!!

[bondLady] you bet

[shredd] seriously

[shredd] i am really happy to be here

[shredd] and with you .... no bs

[bondLady] were happy you are too shredders

[shredd] no predictions

[bondLady] nope

[shredd] no statements like "this is Iraqs coming out party"

[bondLady] but i do try to show a road map from the past to the future

[bondLady] and sometimes those maps we have to follow are years old

[bondLady] but if you throw that map out because it never happened yet

[bondLady] then you throw out what you knew was going to happen

[shredd] that actually makes sense!!!

[bondLady] just can't put a timex on iraqs wrist when they go by a sundial

[shredd] right

[bondLady] well i did say the coming out party per the london convention

[bondLady] and i did because thats true

[bondLady] it was

[bondLady] letting europe know iraqs ready to do buisness with the world

[shredd] well, you didn't in the context i meant.... others say it implying rv

[bondLady] and get their suggestions as to what would make it easier for the world to come in and invest

[bondLady] so it really was

[shredd] correct, it was a roadshow

[shredd] a selling of their potential and progress

[bondLady] but it wasn't there currency coming out party like many spinned it

[shredd] right

[shredd] that's my point

[bondLady] i tried to make sure everyone realized that

[shredd] and i appreciate and respect you for that

[bondLady] thats whats bad when you have many listening to many and not just staying the course

[DogzNova] quite the big puzzle being put together here

[DogzNova] lots of pieces..

[shredd] BondLady a great article about the infrastructure bill

[shredd] saying next week

[bondLady] yeppers

[bondLady] loved it

[bondLady] and their saying its not goning to be put up for bargaining

[shredd] Jawad Albzona: during the next parliamentary week will pass the law without any infrastructure requirements Date: 06/10/2012 14:14:18 Saturday Baghdad (news) .. Declared independent MP in the / National Alliance / Jawad Albzona, that during the week Parliamentary next pass a bill infrastructure without any conditions, including the pressure to approve the proposed amnesty law with him. said Albzona in a statement (of the Agency news) on Saturday: The reason disable approval set of laws in the House of Representatives, is the political quota system and compatibility between the blocs, noting: that many of the laws when approving serve interested party, and others trying to pass on the expense to pass another law to their advantage, and thus became the laws are subject to outbidding political. added independent MP in the National: There signs to the approval of a lot of political blocs, including the Kurdistan Alliance to vote on the infrastructure without the pressure to pass a general amnesty and without any conditions, during the week Parliamentary next, which begins next Tuesday, noting that the State of Law coalition refuses to pass the infrastructure with the general amnesty so that disruption of law first. witnessing the House of Representatives, differences between the political blocs within the list per set important laws, Kagherar general amnesty and the formation of the election commission new and the Federal Court, infrastructure and parties law, and that certain laws deferred from the previous parliamentary session.

[bondLady] its to vote for it because its the right thing to do for iraq and the people

[shredd] yes the right thing to do

[bondLady] but don't try to drag the amnesty law or any other law into it to try to achieve what others want, at the risk of losing this law

[bondLady] the peole will be watching this and who fights it

[bondLady] and when that happens

[bondLady] they hold grudges for 100's of years

[shredd] so, infrastructure and amnesty law

[shredd] get those done

[shredd] seems hcl is close too

[bondLady] its all close to happening

[shredd] Daini likely to pass a general amnesty and legal infrastructure in one batch BAGHDAD - babysit - suggested the Iraqi List MP Nahida Daini to be voted on a general amnesty and legal infrastructure in a single batch, stressing that most of the laws passed by consensus through a political deal since the beginning of the formation of the government until now. The Daini told news public opinion (and babysit): "The law of infrastructure which is supported by state law and the amnesty law which is supported by the Sadrist bloc and Iraq will not be voted upon only that be together at once," arguing that the amnesty will not pass unless There is an equivalent law convince the other party to vote on it. " Daini added that "since the beginning of the formation of the government, so far, most of the laws passed by consensus through a political deal."

[bondLady] everything this 9 years has waited for

[bondLady] article 140, hcl ,ch 7 and monetary change

[bondLady] what messed the whole thing up from happening for over 2 years

[bondLady] was even trying to make the goi a power sharing gov

[bondLady] clearly they don't and won't share

[shredd] saw that great majority govt article

[bondLady] yes

[bondLady] and if the national conference fails then it should move to majority gov

[bondLady] many want to pass laws

[bondLady] but the quota system stops that

[bondLady] blocs who want stuff so they hold out and shoot down important stuff for there own selfish greedy wants

[bondLady] that would stop that

[bondLady] out of 100% voting

[shredd] so, if natl conf fails, majority govt

[bondLady] 51 % would be a majority vote

[shredd] faster progress

[bondLady] ending in passing many many laws by majority

[bondLady] so much faster

[shredd] yes

[shredd] true democracy

[bondLady] kick laws out back to back everyday

[bondLady] instead of well we can't get along on this one, throw it to the bottom for another 5 years

[shredd] so majority of who attends?

[shredd] and no quorums

[bondLady] yep shredd, if they don't show up for quorum too bad they lost there chance to have a voice per the law being voted on

[shredd] thats what i was thinking....bring it on

[bondLady] yup

[bondLady] thats the way i've been seeing it happen for 2 years

[bondLady] is why i kept saying majority was the only way i could see them moving forward

[bondLady] power sharing was such bs in the 1st place

[bondLady] now 50 years down the road

[grashopa] so....the 2/3 would apply to the attending members, not the full membership ??

[bondLady] and a new set of generations

[bondLady] yes you bet

[bondLady] but now heck no

[bondLady] was not a good thing the US came up with, power sharing

[reohomespa] BondLady -- power sharing with a bunch of fighting for no reason is a ticket for disaster anyway

[bondLady] they obviously don't know the middle east as well as they acted like they did

[bondLady] so true reo

[shredd] i wonder if infrastructure law being passed will trigger movement

[bondLady] if they would just do whats best for the people and the country

[bondLady] but they can't

[bondLady] greed and power and selfishness drives them

[bondLady] almost to the point, the mind set they have, you can almost make allowances for their behavior

[bondLady] they were raised this way generation after generation for 1000's of years

[bondLady] new blood and new iraq will change that once these guys have all died off

[bondLady] so until that time comes

[bondLady] they need just one leader

[bondLady] and one 2nd in command

[bondLady] on down the line or iraq just can't grow

[shredd] so true

[bondLady] they have already said next elections will not be this power sharing stuff

[shredd] a new era for iraq after these elections

[bondLady] hope so

[bondLady] thank you

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